Transmigration: Face slap th...

By Chil_lexx

345K 8.8K 666

What do you do when you find out your Aunt is your father's mistress? Your lovely sweet cousin is actually yo... More

Author's note
Arc 1
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.2
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.3
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.4
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.5
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.6
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.7
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.8
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.9
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.10
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.11
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.12
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.13
Arc 2
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.2
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.3
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.4
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.5
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.6
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.8
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.9
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.10
Arc 3
Coffee to go - 3.2
Coffee to go - 3.3
Coffee to go - 3.4
Coffee to go- 3.5
Coffee to go- 3.6
Coffee to go- 3.7
Coffee to go- 3.8
Coffee to go- 3.9
Coffee to go- 3.10
Coffee to go- 3.11
Coffee to go- 3.12
Coffee to go- 3.13
Coffee to go- 3.14
Coffee to go- 3.15
Coffee to go- 3.16
Coffee to go- 3.17
Coffee to go- 3.18
Coffee to go- 3.19
Coffee to go- 3.20
Coffee to go- 3.21
Arc 4
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.2
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.3
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.4
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.5
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.6
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.7
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.8
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.9
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.10
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4. 11
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.12
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.13
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.14
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.15
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.16
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.17
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.18
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.19
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.20
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.21
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.22
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.23
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.24
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.25
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.26
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.27
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4. 28
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.29
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.30
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.31
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.32
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.33
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.34
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.35
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.36
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.37
Arc 5
Z'Nation; A Tale of Rotton Flesh- 5.2
Z'Nation; A Tale of Rotten Flesh- 5.3
Dun Dun Dun

The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.7

6.4K 144 17
By Chil_lexx

Cheng Bi Yu laid on her bed the fresh faced beauty drifting in and out of sleep. Cheng Bi Yu felt a sudden presence behind but remind uneven slowly breathing, her eyes however popped open feeling the bed shift behind her a arm wrapped around her waist, "It's only me..." a hot breath  fanned against her ear.

"Your Highness!-" Cheng Bi Yu gasps.

Li Zi Hao pressed his face against her neck, "-Please don't call me your Highness," his grip on her waist became tighter, "Call me by my name this once-" he said in a pleading voice.

"Zi Hao..." her delicate voice reached his ear. The male lead snuggles against her back, "I won't do anything. Just let me hold you like you-"

"Un." Cheng Bi Yu closed her heavy eyelids soon she no longer drifted in and out of sleep but rather felt safe in Li Zi Hao's arms.

The roaster crowed signaling the rise of a new day. Cheng Bi Yu shifted opening her eyes she found that Li Zi Hao no longer laid beside.

Cheng Bi Yu  gets out of bed she yarned stretching her tired limbs,"-Zi Hao..." she called out walking across  the room she slides open her room door, "Zi Hao?-" she called out.

Cheng Bi Yu  was greeted by a very esthetic Ah Lam, "It's good Miss is up. Ah Lam will prepare breakfast right away-" the girl's feet were all fired up.

"Wait!-" Ah Lam stopped in her tracks, "Have you seen Zi Hao?-" Cheng Bi Yu asked. The girl froze blinking dumbfounded her brain seem to not be comprehending Cheng Bi Yu's words.

"-Ke,ke," Cheng Bi Yu awkwardly clears her throat, "-His Highness, have you seen his Highness?-"

"Oh..." Ah Lam face flushed red in embarrassment knowing her master was intimately calling His Highness's name.

Collecting herself she lifted her head informing, "His Highness returned to his courtyard at the break of dawn. His Highness was keen on not waking Miss..."

"Oh-" Cheng Bi Yu mouthed couldn't  help the pout forming on her lips.

Ah Lam jeered, "Don't be sad Miss. His Highness will surely visit Miss later.." not hearing another peep from Cheng Bi Yu, Ah Lam sets off to the kitchen.

Ah Kum had returned from the lake with buckles of water, "Miss is awake!-" she beamed a dazing smile displayed on her lips.

Ah Kum placed the buckets to the side drying her wet palms in her green  robe she asked,  "Is Miss ready for her bath?.."


After getting dressed Cheng Bi Yu decided on not going outside. She sat in a lime green robe doing embroidery, "Ah!-" she pricked her finger.

"Miss your finger!-" Ah Kum who also practiced embroidery paused worriedly eyeing Cheng Bi Yu.

"It's okay," Cheng Bi Yu brought her thumb to her lips licking the blood, "See as good as normal..." Cheng Bi Yu proudly held up her finished handkerchief, "How does it look? Isn't it good right?-"

"Miss's skills are excellent!-" Ah Kum praised the round faced girl sourly looked down at hers, "However my skills are......questionable-"

"It's not so bad..." Cheng Bi Yu looked at the disastrous needle work; they were big and incoherent as for the flower she tried to embroidered was mere scribbles, "-With more practice in the future this Miss thinks you'll surely improve-"

"Really?!-" Ah Kum looked up her eyes bright like a child waiting for the approval of a parent.

"Absolutely!-" Cheng Bi Yu gave a warm smile, "Help me put this away..." she handed over the handkerchief.

Ah Lam came in sprinting catching the two females off guard,"Look Miss! His Highness sent over some delicacies-" she beamed bringing forth the box she places it before Cheng Bi Yu.

Cheng Bi Yu slender fingers opened the box her eyes suspicious eyed the chocolate treats catching this Ah Lam's face filled with excitement plundered, "What's wrong Miss?-"

"Ah Lam. Are you sure this was sent by the Crown Prince?-" her voice dripped suspicion.

Ah Lam vigorously nods, "Yes! His Highness's personal guard had delivered the box on His Highness's instructions..." Cheng Bi Yu's hand still.

Ah Kum spoke up, "Does Miss think it's poisoned-" Ah Kum instinctively took one bringing it to her lips for tasting. The girl's eyes widened causing concern, "Ah Kum!-" they shouted.

"It's so tasty!-" the silent girl blurted out a wide smile spreading across her face. They both sighed in relief.

Ah Lam scolded the irresponsible girl, "Ah Kum! What were you thinking? What if it was really poisoned!-" Ah Kum coward from the harsh scolding.

"Ah Lam. Don't scold her too much." Cheng Bi Yu picked up a chocolate bringing it to her lips, "It's sweet!-" she then took up another,  "Try one..."

Ah Lam rushed, "This is a gift from His Highness to Miss. This one doesn't  dare to have one-" she side eyed her sister.

"Even if this Miss insists?-" Ah Lam went silent.

"Come on have one..." Cheng Bi Yu insisted waving the one in her hand.

Cheng Bi Yu's hand stood midair for awhile till the reluctant girl took it from her hand. Ah Lam brought the chocolate to her mouth her eyes sparkled as the crunchy chocolate tickled her taste buds.

The three sat enjoyably eating the sweet treat by the time they finished chatting it was noon.

Stretching her legs outside Cheng Bi Yu peered up at the sky. "What does Miss what to do now? -" Ah Lam came up beside her.

Cheng Bi Yu smirks, "This Miss feels like causing trouble-" she smacked her fan against her palm.

"Eh?-" both girls eyed her confused.

"This Miss feels like visiting Royal sister...." Cheng Bi Yu pushed ahead, "Quickly fall in line-" a smile dazzled her lips as she stood admiring Bao Hui Qing's Peacock Palace. The female lead truly had the best things.

"Let's carry on, " she fanned herself.

Bao Hui Qing sat in her room beautifully playing the zither her delicate fingers rhythmically strung a melodic tune.

"Royal Sister-" Cheng Bi Yu's sickly sweet voice reached her ear. Bao Hui Qing's hand halts resting above the strings, "-Greetings to Royal sister. Hui Qing heard that royal sister recovered well,"

Cheng Bi Yu snorts,"It must be because of royal sister's good wishes-" Cheng Bi Yu flicks her fan her lips curled, "Chen Guangzhou is feeling quite lively since recovery," she clicks her tongue, "And for what business did Chen Guangzhou visit Royal Sister simply to collect a small debt-"

Cheng Bi Yu turned to everyone else present and ordered, "You all leave. Chen Guangzhou has matters to discuss with Royal sister..." Bao Hui Qing face turned meek.

The female lead stands to her feet then in a bold manner she slowly circled Bao Chen Guangzhou she spoke,"Since sister claimed into His Highness's bed sister has become quite bold with her actions. Why else would you brazenly barge into my courtyard?-"

Cheng Bi Yu snorts, "-Royal Sister had also become very bold—bold enough to frame my servant for a crime. Well that's not the only thing sister is bold with apparently sister was also the one who orchestrated the attack on my carriage on my way to the palace..."

Bao Hui Qing was calm though her involvement in both plans were stated out loud. "-How could Royal Sister make such an accusation don't you know making claims like this will not sit well-"

Cheng Bi Yu laughs, "Chen Guangzhou is quite aware of the backlash and is prepared to face the consequences of such actions, are you?-"

Bao Hui Qing laughs, "Don't be silly sister, has the weight of your position gotten to your head? Do remember that Hui Qing is the Crown Prince's favored Consort. No one will believe my muddled head tomboy younger sister. You are merely trash beneath my feet with no strong backers like me...."

Cheng Bi Yu smirks, "Tsk. You are indeed bold but are you smart? Chen Guangzhou has an ultimatum, kneel before my servant and confess your crimes or else-"

Bao Hui Qing smirks and confidently mocked, "Sister has surly fallen on her head! How could you think me, Bao Hui Qing, His Highness's Noble Consort would kneel before such a lowly wench. Hahahaha! Royal sister is truly amusing!-" her mocking laugher echoed throughout the room.

"Simply apologize for your crimes and you'll not face the sever consequences..." Cheng Bi Yu deadpanned.

Bao Hui Qing laughed even louder, "Hahahaha!-" she stops catching her breath her eyes dangerously narrowed, "Sister should know her place. Leave my courtyard!-"

Bao Hui Qing seeing that Bao Chen Guangzhou stubbornly stayed reluctant to leave she huffed, "Fine! This consort will leave!-" the female lead dramatically flung her arms in the air she goes to exit.

Cheng Bi Yu grins, "Chen Guangzhou wouldn't advice royal sister to do that. Unless royal sister wants to still live?-"

Hearing this sentence Bao Hui Qing paused her movements the female lead grits her teeth, "Chen Guangzhou! How dare you threaten me you lowly slut!-"

Cheng Bi Yu continued ignoring  the raging female lead, "-Chen Guangzhou has became royal father's important person and this one wonders what would happen if the Empress found out you lied. What the Empress hates most is being lied to....Chen Guangzhou was given a slap on the wrist but you..." she pointed, "-But you who had caused such a scene..."

Bao Hui Qing rushed confidently, "Mother won't believe you!-"

Cheng Bi Yu's lips curved, "Chen Guangzhou thinks royal sister misunderstood-" Cheng Bi Yu slaps her fan closed, "Chen Guangzhou could careless whether the Empress believes or not. The Empress wouldn't dare touch Chen Guangzhou with His Majesty's backing...."

Cheng Bi Yu clicks her tongue, "Just give in to my request...."

Bao Hui Qing angrily points, "Chen Guangzhou you!-" she balled her fist, "-Just wait till I tell His Highness. You'll surely be punished!-"

"-Hehe!" Cheng Bi Yu smirks circling Bao Hui Qing, "Does Chen Guangzhou look afraid-" her eyes slanted her cold voice chilled the room, "-It's best sister gives in while Chen Guangzhou is being generous. This generosity won't come again-"

Bao Hui Qing stood rigid her angry face a crimson red, "-What will it be sister?-" Cheng Bi Yu's voice tickled her ear.

Bao Hui Qing bit down on her lip.

"Hmmm-" Cheng Bi Yu hummed impatiently tapping her nails.

"Humph!-" This Li Chen Guangzhou wasn't the same pushover tomboy from before Bao Hui Qing could tell she'd have to tread lightly in the future.

Bao Hui Qing drops her head in defeat balling her fist she said through gritted "Hui Qing is ready to admit her wrongs-"

Cheng Bi Yu cheers clapping her hands, "Good, Very Good! Ah Kum quickly come in-" Ah Kum was nervous entering the room the girl gasps in shock almost tripping over her feet when Noble Consort Bao had fallen to her knees before her.

"-This Noble Consort is sorry for her crimes against you, please forgive this Consort for her wrongs..." Ah Kum gawked the girl her numb she was left speechless.

Cheng Bi Yu's voice rang out, "-Well does Ah kum accept Noble Consort Bao's apology?" If it was up to her she'd make the girl reject the weak excuse of apology with hidden meanings.

"Ah Kum accepts Consort Bao's apology please don't kneel any longer your knees will hurt-" Ah Kum kindly offered her hand but before she could help they were harshly slapped away.

Bao Hui Qing's servants both reappeared.

Cheng Bi Yu knew the two insolent girls were ease dropping and was patiently waiting for them to re-enter.

The green robed girls rushed forward helping Bao Hui Qing off her knees eyeing her weirdly

Bao Hui Qing snaps at them "-What are you two wenches looking at hurry and take me outside insolent girls!"

The two hurriedly headed towards the door, "Wait!-" The halted their movements their necks snapped in Bao Chen Guangzhou, "-You two come and kneel Noble Consort is not crumpled she can exit by herself just fine-"

They gawked at Bao Chen Guangzhou as if she had grown too heads but Cheng Bi Yu ignores them and gestures,  "-Come and quickly kneel this concubine has other businesses to attend to by noon...."

Ni Ku Yang puffs her chest and arrogantly taunts coming closer, "Why should this highly servant kneel for a unfavored country bumpkin huh is this a joke!-" Chen Bi Yu's hand connected with Ni Ku Yang's face causing a whiplash effect.

The smart mouth girl fell to the ground quivering Ni Ku Yang slowly lifted her head coming face to face with the unfavored concubine's fierce stare.

"It seems the servants of this courtyard have no manners and respect for their Masters," her eyes darkened her voice dripping ice, "-
Ni Ku Yang you have quite a sharp tongue be careful not to utter another insolent word or it'll be cut off!-" she barked.

Cheng Bi Yu sneers, "-Apologize to Ah Kum for helping your Master in scheming against her now!-" at this point Ni Ku Ya had already fallen to her knees.

"This s-servant is sorry, p-please forgive t-this insolent one's w-wrongs, A-ah kum-" The both recited  quivering.

Cheng Bi Yu roars agitated, "Who told you foul mouth servants to address her by her name huh?! Address her as 'virtuous' servant which was assigned by me!"

They both looked to Bao Hui Qing pleading with their eyes. Bao Hui Qing snorted, "-Don't you think this is enough sister? They have apologized there is no need to take this humiliation further.."

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