Transmigration: Face slap th...

Por Chil_lexx

345K 8.8K 666

What do you do when you find out your Aunt is your father's mistress? Your lovely sweet cousin is actually yo... Más

Author's note
Arc 1
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.2
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.3
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.4
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.5
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.6
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.7
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.8
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.9
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.10
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.11
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.13
Arc 2
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.2
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.3
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.4
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.5
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.6
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.7
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.8
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.9
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.10
Arc 3
Coffee to go - 3.2
Coffee to go - 3.3
Coffee to go - 3.4
Coffee to go- 3.5
Coffee to go- 3.6
Coffee to go- 3.7
Coffee to go- 3.8
Coffee to go- 3.9
Coffee to go- 3.10
Coffee to go- 3.11
Coffee to go- 3.12
Coffee to go- 3.13
Coffee to go- 3.14
Coffee to go- 3.15
Coffee to go- 3.16
Coffee to go- 3.17
Coffee to go- 3.18
Coffee to go- 3.19
Coffee to go- 3.20
Coffee to go- 3.21
Arc 4
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.2
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.3
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.4
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.5
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.6
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.7
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.8
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.9
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.10
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4. 11
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.12
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.13
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.14
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.15
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.16
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.17
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.18
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.19
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.20
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.21
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.22
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.23
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.24
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.25
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.26
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.27
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4. 28
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.29
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.30
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.31
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.32
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.33
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.34
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.35
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.36
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.37
Arc 5
Z'Nation; A Tale of Rotton Flesh- 5.2
Z'Nation; A Tale of Rotten Flesh- 5.3
Dun Dun Dun

My Overbearing Ceo- 1.12

7.6K 186 7
Por Chil_lexx

Cheng Bi Yu harshly tugs back her hand out of his hold. Cheng Bi Yu removes her handkerchief from her purse wiping off her hand.

Cheng Bi Yu then sits up in her chair in an imposing manner,  "It seems Mr. Wang is forgetting we have no relations and what relation we had is already broken. Did Mr.Wang also forget the woman before you is getting married in a week's time?"

Wang Ying Pei blurted out, "I know but-" Cheng Bi Yu then interrupts the male lead, "There are no buts Mr. Wang. I will soon be a married woman so I implore that you suppress your unwanted feelings."

She further adds, "As said earlier I only came for the free coffee. Look the coffee is finished-" Cheng Bi Yu points out tilting the empty foam cup.

As Cheng Bi Yu gets up to grab her jacket and purse to leave her movements are disturbed as Wang Ying Pei grabs her elbow. Cheng Bi Yu
glared at the daring Wang Ying Pei's elbow on her wrist, "Why are you leaving so soon?" He ridiculously asked.

Cheng Bi Yu looked at Wang Ying Pei bewildered 'This man is truly too much'

"Mr. Wang it's clear that the coffee which was the sole purpose I came has finished so I should do away with it and leave-" Cheng Bi Yu roughly tugged her elbow out of his hold "Goodbye Mr. Wang have a happy life!" She walks off.

[[Female lead's heart blackened 99%]]

Cheng Bi Yu  wrinkled her brows at the sudden notification, "How was 4% added? Was she watching Wang Ying Pei and I the whole time?-"

[[Yes Host]]

"So tell me what kind of death did this world's female lead plan for me?"

[[For Host to be hit by a car]]

Cheng Bi Yu nods "Okay I'll play her little  game. Just tell me when the hired man approaches,"

Cheng Bi Yu continues to walk on the sidewalk when she hears Lee Chao Xing's annoying voice coming from behind she hooks their arm, "Big sister let's go-" the red light signaled and they began to walk Lee Chao Xing had used her left hand to secretly signal the waiting hired driver.

Lee Chao Xing heel bottom had gotten stuck into a pot hole as she had planned. The female lead grabs onto her elder sister's light green shirt sleeve distracting her "Big sister my foot is stuck please help me-" she acted pitiful as if her foot was actually stuck.

"Ok-" Cheng Bi Yu nodded pretending to help her at the corner she noticed the driver. The black caped goon had stepped on the gas pedal dashing  towards them at full speed.

Cheng Bi Yu went to move but Lee Chao Xing grabs onto her shirt  "Big sister help me!-"

"Let go! I said let go!" Cheng Bi Yu tried to fling off the female lead's  hand but Lee Chao Xing stubbornly latched on tighter the evil glint in her eyes couldn't be hidden.

Cheng Bi Yu huffs frustrated, " Tsk.... you won't let go? I'll make you!-" Cheng Bi Yu flung off  Lee Chao Xing  with great force sending her lunging which resulted in her shirt being torn. Cheng Bi Yu backs up quickly nearing  the sidewalk.

"No!" Lee Chao Xing screams the car had hit her full force sending her lunging a few feet away. As expected the driver of the vehicle in a panic drove away.

A crowd had gathered around the limp Lee Chao Xing at this time. Lee  Chao Xing was in excruciating pain one of her legs had snapped the bone was visible. Cheng Bi Yu hurriedly rushed through the crowd.

Cheng Bi Yu drops to the ground before Lee Chao Xing her eyes welding, "Someone please call an ambulance!-" she shouted to the crowd.

"Chao Xing please be okay! Big sister is sorry! Big sister was too late to save you! Please forgive sister!-" Cheng Bi Yu pitifully bit her lips drying blood tears falling down her face.

Everyone around felt pity for the weeping girl and many instantly wanted to comfort her. Lee Chao Xing who tasted her own blood, was long forgotten as everyone focused on her elder sister, Lee Chang Ying.

Her eyes reddened as she raged inside. Even at a time like this when she laid limp on the floor, it was Lee Chang Ying, Lee Chang Ying was all they only cared about.

She wanted so badly to attack Lee Chang Ying but she was in too much pain.

The ambulance had arrived sooner than expected and Lee Chao Xing was rushed to the hospital.

Cheng Bi Yu called Fang Wen Yan to pick her up. Fang Wen Yan on arrival quickly exits his car and rushes to Cheng Bi Yu pulling her into a tight hug. He then pulls away looking at her worriedly "Are you okay? You're not hurt anywhere are you baby?-" Fang Wen Yan turns her examining her body.

Cheng Bi Yu gave him a warm smile "I'm fine just a little shaken up from earlier-" Fang Wen Yan nods "Okay. Let's get you home-" he wraps his hand around her waist leading her to the car.

The news of Lee Chao Xing accident had spread like wildfire by tomorrow morning and was the headline for many tabloids. The entire Lee family along with Fang Wen Yan had visited Lee Chao Xing.

Lee Chao Xing looked sickly pale hooked up to all those machines what's even worst is that both her legs had be amputated due to the fact that they could not be saved.

Lee Chao Xing looked pitiful and this time she wasn't acting. "Daddy look at me! I've been crippled! I can't live like this! I want to die! I just want to die!" Lee Chao Xing bawled.

Her tears stung. Lee Ran Long, Master Lee grabbed ahold of his daughter "Xing'er what are you saying child? What are you saying?!" Lee Ran Long  was also having a mental breakdown seeing his daughter in this state "You must live Xing'er! You must live!-"

The female lead threw off her father and sneered "Why should I live huh? Who will marry me a cripple! Am I suppose to live with my father till I die huh! Just leave me alone you incompetent old man!-" Lee Chao Xing's face swelled as she fumed.

Lee Chao Xing then points to Cheng Bi Yu,  "You wrench! You're the reason I've become a useless person. I hate you! I hate you! I wish you would just die already!-"

Cheng Bi Yu goes behind Fang Wen Yan holding his arm acting like a scared kitten though she was the exact opposite.

"What are you saying sister?-" Cheng Bi Yu exclaims her eyes moist as if she was about to cry. Witnessing this Fang Wen Yan narrows his eyes at Lee Chao Xing he then coldly said "I think Ms. Lee Chao Xing should think first before she spurts nonsense-"

Cheng Bi Yu wickedly smirked, 'You're not the only one who knows to act'

Cheng Bi Yu then suggests, "I think Lee Chao Xing and I need some time alone to take...."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Fang Wen Yan clear eyes glare at Lee  Chao Xing.

Cheng Bi Yu rubs his arm in assurance "Don't worry I'll be fine we'll just be talking-"

Fang Wen Yan kisses her forehead,  "I'll be right outside call out if anything happens-" with that the three left the room leaving only Cheng Bi Yu and her favorite female lead, Lee Chao Xing.

Cheng Bi Yu smirks, "So my dear sister are you sad that someone beat you at your own game or the fact that the fate you intended for me was reversed?-"

"You did this to me you wrench!-" Lee Chao Xing shouts.

Cheng Bi Yu evilly laughs, "Hahahaha!
You didn't actually think you were holding the reins in this game, did you? I'm always one step ahead of you. You were never the master you were always the puppet Lee Chao Xing . And did you really think I would willingly go anywhere with you?......."

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