Beyond The Glowing Whirlpool

By AmyLeahAugust

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Stacie's whole life is overturned, when she is noticed for her skills in archeology and gets pulled into a wo... More

Chapter 1: PILOT
Chapter 2: THE QUEST
Chapter 4: ATLANTIS
Chapter 5: SATTERANS
Chapter 7: THE SHARD
Chapter 8: A CUP OF LATTE
Chapter 15: THE RESEARCH
Chapter 17: PLANET THARS
Chapter 21: A ROGUE ARROW
Chapter 23: IVAR'S LAMENT
Chapter 24: RECOVERY
Chapter 35: JUST BREATHE
Chapter 45: CAPTIVE
Chapter 48: THE ANTIDOTE
Chapter 49: FAREWELL
Chapter 51: HOME AT LAST
Chapter 56: EARTH
Chapter 57: THE PHONE CALL
Chapter 58: THE ICY TREAT
Chapter 59: HOMECOMING
Chapter 60: SATTERA
Chapter 64: IN THE GARDEN
Chapter 69: LEONE
Chapter 70: EPILOGUE


61 4 36
By AmyLeahAugust

Ivar and Stacie settled for the night at the foot of the slope. As Ivar was checking the perimeter around them, he discovered a small stream nearby with clean water. They were able to clean up a bit after that fall, and Stacie to thoroughly brush her teeth and freshen up her mouth thanks to the portable hygiene necessities she had in her backpack. And boy did it feel good to get rid of that lingering foul aftertaste of her nausea. For which she was still very embarrassed that Ivar had to witness, even though he didn't seem like he was bothered by it at all. When in reality, he actually was really glad that was the only side effect she suffered and nothing worse happened to her because it was quite the tumble they took.

-Here you go. - Ivar offered her his nutrition snacks when she was done setting up her sleeping bag. - Since you threw up earlier, you must be famished. Those pallets will replenish you. They are most rich in nutrients, specifically made for soldiers in deployment, to keep them sustained and healthy.

-Thank you. - She took one. - Heh, you know, it's my first time trying something Satteran, food-wise. - She said as she took a bite of it.

-Well, I can't say it's something impressive, as those pallets are pretty much tasteless, but they do the job they were made for. - He replied.

-Yeah, I can tell... - Agreed Stacie, crunching down the snack that was neither sweet nor savory. Just pretty much tasted like a dry crouton without any seasoning. - Well, we actually have something similar too, though they are nearly not as sustainable as yours.

-I wish I had something tastier to offer you. Still, you better have a few to regain your strength. I'm going to set up a campfire. - He said and started clearing up space for it.

After he got a nice blaze going, Ivar sat on one of the large rocks by the fire, took off his outer coat, and started examining the cut on his arm. The wound was pretty big but not too deep. He rinsed it with water, then tried to wrap a piece of band-aid around it, struggling with it using one hand and his mouth.

-Let me help you with that. - Said Stacie, taking over the band-aid. - Trust me, this clumsy little weak earthling is capable of at least that much. - She added smilingly when he looked up at her with a slightly surprised expression.

-Is that so? - He teasingly cocked his head at her surrendering the piece of cloth. - You can absolutely guarantee I will not wake up with a missing arm tomorrow?

-I make no promises. - She playfully returned as she took out a few additional things from her first aid kit.

-Now I'm worried. - He replied with a chuckle, turning sideways so that his injured arm faced Stacie.

-I don't blame you. - She started working on his cut. - Normally, this kind of wound needs stitches, but unfortunately, it is something I can't do for you. I'll try my best to replicate it with those butterfly-closures instead. - She showed him the pack.

-I trust you. - He replied.

Using a piece of the cotton gauze slightly soaked with water, she properly cleaned and dried the wound. The gentle touch of her cool fingers felt really nice on his sensitive around the cut, skin. After she thoroughly dried it off, she carefully spritzed it a couple of times with antiseptic spray and a sudden burning sting made him flinch, tightening his muscles. Suddenly, he felt a very soft, cooling sensation that soothed the pain in an instant and felt so pleasant, it gave him a rush of goosebumps. Stunned, he turned to find Stacie's face so close to his arm, gently blowing on the wound. Awe-struck, he stared at her focused face and slightly perked up lips while her cool breath chased the pain away, making his heartbeat quicken. After disinfecting the wound, she applied some ointment on it, stitched it up with adhesive butterfly-strips, and bandaged it up, tightly wrapping the gauze around it.

-There, all done. - She smiled sweetly at him - I'm pretty sure you'll live.

Completely enchanted, Ivar gazed at her for a moment then suddenly, as if his body was moving on its own, he drew her towards himself wrapping his hand around the back of her head and pressed his lips against hers. He kissed her deeply, nostalgically and so greedily that she felt such a rush of adrenaline, it gave her vertigo. Ivar slowly pulled away from her gazing into her bewildered eyes and smiled.

-That's a thank you for saving my life. - He teased, gently stroking her chin. - Now get some rest, my clumsy little earthling girl. You must be drained from everything that happened and a very long day awaits us tomorrow. - He gave her lips one more sweet smooch unable to resist it, pretty amused by her stupefied expression. How he loved those reactions of hers.

"What... Just happened?..." Very dazed with her head still spinning, Stacie stared off into the darkness wide awake inside her sleeping bag. Her heart was pounding so hard she thought it might jump out! She knew Ivar was unpredictable, but to that extent?... She still could not believe he actually kissed her just now, no matter how many times she replayed it in her head. And that loving gaze in his eyes, and that comforting hug earlier... Was that really Ivar? Was it all real? Is this some fantastical and very surrealistic dream? "If it is... Don't wake me up..." Thought Stacie, having an extremely difficult time containing her overjoyed glee. "How in the world does he expect me to sleep now after that?!..." She was overcome by the hurricane of butterflies with exploding fireworks within her. "Ivar stole my first kiss... I can't believe he actually STOLE my first real kiss..." She turned away hiding her dopey grin from him, as she was thinking about it, her face burning from the overwhelming swell of emotions.

She wanted to laugh, cry, and dance all at the same time. And, if it wasn't for Ivar laying on the top of his sleeping bag almost right next to her, she'd be squealing and jumping around like a smitten teenage girl, who lost her head. She just could not get over the fact that her first actual kiss, was with the man she's in love with! The real kiss, not whatever Frank did to her back then. That was an assault. It was beyond disgusting. She did not even want to remember it. Ivar's kiss, however, was just heavenly. In an instant, it erased any doubts she had about what she truly means to him. All of this was just as much new to Stacie, as it was to Ivar. Just like him, she never was in a relationship before. She was too wrapped up in her studies, trying to pull her life together after her mother left, to think about relationships. Then after graduating, she was too busy building a career for herself, traveling around from one archaeological site to another, and soon after, she was brought on board of P.O. project. So there really was no chance for it. And she was glad because she met Ivar. The most amazing man in all of the universe. Quite literally...

"Is she asleep?" Wondered Ivar, glancing at snugly wrapped up inside her sleeping bag, Stacie. And his wondering was confirmed by her sudden turn over to face him. Despite her excitement over the kiss, the exhaustion took its toll and Stacie gradually drifted into a sound, blissful slumber, while fantasizing about him.

-Good. - He whispered lifting himself up a bit, reached out, and gently stroked her hair. - Poor girl. She needs all the rest she can get. I can't even imagine how terrifying it must have been for you, rolling down that slope. - Suddenly, her mouth curved into a subconscious smile, catching him off guard. - Heh, It looks like it didn't stop you from having pleasant dreams. I am glad. - He chuckled and leaning over, planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

Ivar laid back down on his sleeping bag his hands under his head, stared at the stars peering through a small opening above the trees, thinking about everything that happened that day. He replayed Stacie's stunned reaction to his kiss in his mind, making him grin over it again as he remembered the sweet sensation. Oh, how he craved those lips for such a long time now! And just as he imagined, they were soft, luscious, and absolutely delightful! It was the most wonderful thing he has ever experienced so far, and he was resenting himself, for denying himself this pleasure the entire time. He remembered every single moment she was right next to him, and how torturous it was forcing himself to keep his distance. Why did he do it? Everything he thought was a good reason at that time, seemed very petty and foolish, now that he thought about it again, and more clearly. He really didn't have to put the two of them, through all that misery. He could have been enjoying this euphoria, much sooner.

"Well, everything is going to be very different from now on..." Ivar turned to his side facing Stacie and just laid there gazing at her with a smile. "My mother was right. The bonds we form, can not be broken. I tried. But, one thing I realized while I was trying... Is how empty my life is, without this girl in it. I thought it was empty before when I lost my father and Kai... And I thought I could live with it like I have been all this time... But this really is very different. It's a different kind of emptiness. It was as if I was denying a part of myself, by rejecting her. I realize it now, why I was so smitten by her from the moment I laid my eyes on her... She is what I need all along. My cure... My other half..."

His thoughts swirled in his head, filled with anxious anticipation of what the morning will bring. And he could hardly wait for it... He couldn't wait to gaze into her blue eyes very differently, now. To tell her just how much he loves her. To ask her, if she feels the same about him as well... From now on, he will make sure that enchanting, sweet smile of hers, never disappears from her beautiful face. He couldn't wait to share his life with her. Ivar watched Stacie peacefully sleeping in her blankets, completely oblivious to what was going on inside of him. As the minutes ticked by drifting into the night, the air around them started to get filled with a light mist that slowly grew thicker and thicker. Completely immersed in his own world, Ivar didn't think anything of it. After all, there's nothing strange about a midnight fog, in some humid parts of tropical places. Suddenly, he felt really drowsy, and several minutes later, he fell asleep.

When Ivar opened his eyes, the sun was already starting to rise, hovering just above the horizon, painting the sky with warm, golden hues, and the cheerful chirping of the birds echoed everywhere. The air felt a bit chilly and was saturated with moisture from last night's fog. Feeling a bit groggy, he sat up and suddenly felt a light spin in his head.

"Wow, I never slept so deeply before..." he thought, as he rubbed his face with his hand. "I must have been more tired then I realized. Oh well, we better start getting ready. Aries and the rest should be here soon."

-Stacie... - He turned to wake her, but she wasn't in her sleeping bag.

"Hmm? She's up already? Strange... I didn't hear her get up." Still feeling slightly dazed, he got up and started to look around for her.

He went over to the creek thinking that she might be washing up, but she wasn't there either. That puzzled him. Where else could she have possibly gone in the middle of the jungle?

"What if she decided to do a little exploring, and got lost somewhere?!" Suddenly stung him and getting worried, he started searching for her all around that area, calling out her name.

After about a good half an hour of frantically scrambling about, he stopped and realized that he wasn't sensing anything at all, besides few fluttering birds and some small crawlies. It was far too quiet and even a bit eerie.

"What... Happened... While I was asleep...?! Where is she?!" Rang through his mind with alarm, feeling a sudden cold chill creeping down his spine as a terrible feeling engulfed his senses.

Ivar returned to their camp and studied her sleeping bag a bit more closely. This time, looking at it again, something about it seemed off. Suddenly he noticed some kind of dirty, but very faint footprint at the corner of her blanket, that eluded his attention the first time.

-It can't be... - His blood went cold in his veins, as a dreadful realization, dawned upon him.

She was... taken?! Snatched?! From right under his nose! How could this have happened? How could he have let this happen?! How is it, that he didn't sense, hear, feel anything or anyone all through the night?!

-Who dared...?! - He slowly bent over, picked up her blanket, and stared at the print as everything around him suddenly darkened.

Infuriated, he squeezed that corner of the blanket in his fist and looked down to the ground to see if there was anything else and noticed several more footprints leading further away into the jungle. He rushed that way following those tracks in the desperate hope it isn't too late. The tracks lead him pretty deep into the forest and suddenly ended. He frantically searched for more, but there was not even a trace of them left anywhere! Suddenly, he noticed something sparkly tangled up in one of the bushes and went over to take a closer look. It was thin, silver bracelet, torn, and snagged in the tangle of the branches. He knew that bracelet. He's seen it many times before on Stacie's delicate little wrist. It was the bracelet, that she always wore. He picked it up feeling as if the world around him started to spin and his vision went dark.

"No..." echoed through his rattled mind. "No! No! No! This can't be... No! It must be a dream! A nightmare!"

-NO! - Completely distraught he gripped his hair and clenched it in his fists so hard, it actually hurt.

This wasn't a dream. She really was missing. Gone. Taken by someone and dragged off to who knows where! Her, the weakest of them all! The most delicate, and fragile, probably frightened out of her mind and desperately calling out for him, to come and save her! Who dared touch her?! Why did he let his guard down?! Why did he let himself, fall asleep?! He slept through the night and didn't wake up even once... He never sleeps so deeply! How is it that he did this time? It's like he was completely knocked out! He started to think back trying to remember how it happened. He wasn't all that tired. And after that kiss, he felt even more alert than normal! How did he manage to suddenly fall asleep? Wait a minute... a fog! There was some strange fog in the air!

-It must have been that fog! - Suddenly he realized. - Idiot... I'm such a fool! - He gripped his hair again feeling like he was about to go insane.

Frantic, hopeless, and devastated he stared off before him not knowing what to do. His heart was slamming hard against his chest, echoing with cold agony. The idea of her being taken by someone, tortured or enslaved made him shudder with the kind of horror, never in his life, he felt before. His worst fears have come true. He's lost her... Lost her... glanced at her bracelet again and was overcome with such rage that his hand started to shake. He clinched the thin, silver chain into his fist, and suddenly whip-lashed kicking a nearby tree with his foot so hard, that it snapped in half like a twig and loudly fumbled to the ground.

-AAARRRRRRRRGGGG!!! - He let out a penetrating scream that echoed far into the distance rattling some birds that scrambled at the sound of it, and froze on a spot, staring into the depth of the jungle, completely paralyzed.

After packing up their camp, the rest of the group carefully descended down that slippery slope using trees and branches to hold onto. Finally, they reached the bottom and found Ivar's and Stacie's camping spot.

-Where are they? - Said Alice, looking around with confusion.

-They have got to be somewhere around here. - Replied Kylus - Most of their belongings are still here.

-Ivar, where are you?! - Damaris called out to him over her communication com, but there was no answer.

-Ivar, can you hear me? - Aries tried to reach him too. - We made it down and found your camping spot, but no one's here. Where are you? - No reply. - Ivar answer me!... - He was starting to sound worried.

-What the heck is going on? - Remarked Tony. - Where could they have gone?

-Alright, we have to find them. Kylus, scan this area for their life signs. - Commanded Aries.

-I'm on it, sire. - Replied Kylus, already ahead of him. The entire team stared at him in anxious suspense. - There! - He suddenly shouted looking at his radar. - I see one life sign, way over there!

-Only one?! - Said, captain Arthur.

-Yes... - Replied Kylus, giving him a concerned and perplexed look.

-Where's the other?

-Not in the area, that's for sure... - Said Kylus with a chilling feeling seeping deep down.

-Who is it? - Asked Melinda. - Is it Stacie or Ivar?

-I-I can not know. All the primary life signs appear the same on my radar. - He replied, too afraid to assume anything.

-There's only one way to find out. - Snapped Aries, rushing in that direction, not wasting any time and the team followed him.

-It's Lord Ivar! - Suddenly shouted Kylus, pointing.

They all rushed over to him and found him frozen in one spot with a blank, and very frightening expression. He was so still, it appeared as though time itself had stopped around him. He didn't blink or move a single muscle. It even felt like his heart had stopped beating as well. His fists were clenched, his eyes pitch black. And his face was very pale.

-Ivar? Ivar! - Aries called out, approaching him, but he didn't respond. - Ivar! - He slightly shook his shoulder, and he emptily glanced up at Aries. - Ivar, what's the matter? What happened to you? Where's Miss Maclay? - He asked, looking straight at him.

-Gone. - He quietly muttered, dropping his gaze.

-GONE?! - Almost an entire team screamed at once - What do you mean gone? Gone where?

-I don't know. - He replied in monotone.

Alarmed, Aries looked at his friend's withdrawn expression, then grabbed him by his shoulders.

-Ivar, snap out of it! - He jolted him pretty hard.

Suddenly Ivar's eyes turned back to its normal purple shade, and he blinked at Aries.

-Now, tell us what happened?!

-I don't know what happened! - Responded Ivar hopelessly, sounding like he's about to break down. - I fell asleep! I... I suddenly started to feel very drowsy last night, and fell asleep! When I woke up, she was gone! What happened to her, or who took her, I have no idea...

-Oh no... - Gasped Alice with horror, covering her mouth. - Stacie...

-Right before you fell asleep... - Asked professor Torrent. - ...Did you sense or smell anything strange in the air?

-Fog... There was some sort of thick fog... - He replied.

-Fog?! - Exclaimed Melinda - We didn't see no fog...

-Just as I feared. - He suddenly remarked. - Sire, I am going to test a sample of dew by their camp with my mini-lab device. I smelled something oddly familiar in the air, as soon as we made it down, and it concerned me.

-Now that you mention, professor... - Replied Aries. - I sensed it in the air as well but dismissed it! Do what you must, professor.

Professor Torrent quickly rushed back to the foot of the slope and pretty soon returned with his mini lab gadget looking very troubled.

-Sire, just as I feared, there are traces of midnight mist in the dew.

-What?! - Shocked, he rushed to look at the device.

-It can't be! - Exclaimed Damaris in disbelief, looking at it as well.

-Blast it! - Grumbled Aries with fury.

-But... how?! - Remarked Damaris, eyes wide.

-What's a midnight mist?! - Asked captain Worriedly.

-It's an essence extract from a certain, very strong medicinal herb, that grows in some parts of our planet. It can cloud our senses and put us into a deep sleep for several hours. - Replied Kylus.

-It's a strong sedative mostly used for cryogenic-suspension. - Added professor Torrent. - Even as much as inhaling its vapors can knock us out. The disturbing question is, what was it doing here, on this planet? And whoever it was, how could they have possibly got their hands on it?

-What do you mean? Didn't you just say it is something that grows all over your planet? - Remarked Melinda.

-The weed by itself is harmless. - Replied professor. - It's a specific prosses of extracting the essence that makes it so potent. And it can be done only by highly clarified scientists. The purified essence of midnight mist is extremely valuable and kept under tight security on Sattera, so it's impossible to acquire it for just anyone. Especially none Satteran.

-Oh my!... Wow... - Gasped Alice and Melinda at the same time. - So then how?!... What the heck is going on here?

-It's a setup! That's what's going on. - Suddenly growled Ivar, throwing a frightening glare at them.

-What do you mean, Ivar?! - Stunned, asked Aries.

-Come on, it's not hard to work it out! - He snapped. - A midnight mist? On this remote planet? That suspicious signal of yours we were following, it was planted to lure us in. And we walked right into it. If you look at your radar, Kylus, I'm convinced you'll find it gone now.

-He's right! Your highness! - Gasped Kylus. - We were so distracted I didn't even notice!

-Whoever it was, they were after Stacie all along. I told you all she should have stayed behind. Did everyone forget so quickly, she was being stalked?! Am I the only one who has been concerned with that issue the entire time?! - He nearly shouted.

It got very silent as Ivar's words pierced everyone with a ghastly realization. Suddenly it all made sense. They all realized how carefully and meticulously this set up was actually planned, to work so flawlessly. The unexpected appearance of a mysterious signal on a planet which, just so happens to be on the way of Satteran ship's patrol routine. Whoever it was, they didn't hunt Stacie simply to sell her off to the female slave traders. They must've somehow found out about her abilities and knowledge. They must have known that Satterans won't be able to resist checking out something that resembles Ancients technology and that they would be bringing Stacie along too. But what was even more unsettling, is that the presence of midnight mist made Aries realize that Sattera might actually have a hand in this! He knew that not all Satterans were too happy with the way his father ran things, and they would gladly see him dethroned and have his closest relative, who's also of the royal bloodline, take his place instead.

"Is this all really connected to our political struggles, or is it something else entirely?" Thought Aries. "It is far too early to assume that man's involvement in Miss Maclay's disappearance."

-I don't know how and I don't care what resources and methods we use, but we HAVE to find her! - Growled Ivar, who was getting angrier and angrier, by the minute.

-Yes, we do! - Agreed Aries. - But we need a plan. First, we need to determine where she might be.

-And how are we going to do that? - Asked Melinda. - We don't even know who took her...

-Let's look at what we know so far. - He replied. - If this was a setup, then they were planning to release the drug and sedate us all as soon as we reached their bait, the signal transmitter. But we unexpectedly got separated, and Miss Maclay along with Ivar ended up down here alone, presenting them with an opportunity to execute their plan much earlier. If the drug is merely inhaled, we fall asleep right away but it takes at least a few hours for it to take a full effect and neutralize our senses completely. And it only lasts for about two hours, before we regain them, so they had a very small window to take Miss Maclay. If it was injected straight into our blood, then that would be a whole other story.

-That's why they were so sloppy and didn't bother covering up their tracks. - Said Ivar darkly.

-Indeed. Which also means, it hasn't been that long since they took her, and there are only two ways out of this place; the stargate or their spaceship. It is a good ten hours to reach the stargate, and we have one of our patrol ships in the orbit, near here. - Replied Aries.

-Which means, if they left by the spaceship, then our patrol ship would be able to spot them or to find traces of speed travel even if they were concealed by cloaking shield. - Added Kylus. - And if we leave as soon as we can, I will be able to tell if someone used the stargate recently before the echo waves disappear, and I would also be able to determine to whom they belong.

-Exactly. We need to retrieve our shuttle, in order to contact our patrol ship in orbit. - Said Aries.

-But our shuttle is an hour away! - Said Alice.

-I will go and fetch it alone. - Replied Kylus. - I can move much faster on my own and bring it here within half that time.

-Alright, Kylus, you go get the shuttle, and the rest we need to gather all Ivar's and miss Maclay's belongings. - Said, Aries.

They all went back to Ivar's and Stacie's camping spot and gather their things while they wait, but Ivar wouldn't budge. He stood in his spot, fumbling with Stacie's bracelet in his hand, his mind somewhere far away. Aries and Damaris stayed with him.

-Ivar, are you alright? - Damaris came up to him, feeling very worried about him. - Oh no, your arm! It's wounded! - Suddenly she noticed a bandage, which was pretty soiled by now. - Let me change it for you!

-Do not touch it! - Snapped Ivar, moving away from her.

Startled, she looked at him with a shock. It's the first time he's snapped at her.

"Poor Ivar. I can only imagine what he must be going through right now." Aries sympathetically placed his hand on Ivar's shoulder.

-I was right next to her, Aries... - Ivar quietly said, his voice cracked.

-Do not torture yourself Ivar. - Replied Aries - This wasn't...

-My fault? - Ivar glanced up at Aries with a dark expression - Do you honestly think I could not have prevented this? I let my guard down. And now... She's... - He sighed, unable to finish the sentence.

-It was the works of midnight mist Ivar. What could have you possibly done against it? You know the effect that drug has on us. - Said Damaris.

-I don't know, something... Anything! If only I would have realized what that fog was... I made a promise I'd protect her... And I let her slip right through my fingers. Some warrior I am.

-We will find her, Ivar. - Said Aries, trying to reassure him. - We will do everything in our power, to find her, I promise you that.

Damaris silently watched Ivar grieve over the loss of Stacie, feeling helpless, dreadful, and for some odd reason, guilty even. She remembered how her sister reproached her about exposing Stacie on Zhalia at that festival and she somehow couldn't help but feel like she partly and unknowingly contributed to this disaster, by doing so. No matter how much she disliked that earthling woman, she never intended for something like this to happen to her. And she definitely did not want to see Ivar so distressed, feeling guilty over something that wasn't his fault.

When Kylus returned with the shuttle, they found out from their patrol ship in orbit, that there were no traces of anyone leaving the planet. And to save on time, the patrol ship also scanned the stargate and to their great relief, it appeared that no one used it in the past twenty-four hours as well. This meant that Stacie and her abductors must still be somewhere on this planet, hiding. The patrol ship was also able to do a quick sweep of the entire planet, to see if they can find anything, but they couldn't. Whoever they were, they must be using some kind of powerful cloaking shields, so that even Satteran radars couldn't pick up on it. There was only one last hope remaining, the map finder orb. But it was back in Atlantis.

After securing the stargate with a group of Ivar's men from that patrol ship and the ship guarding the planet to make sure no one leaves or enters it, the team boarded up their shuttle and set their course back to the Atlantis. They will regroup, prepare and fetch the orb, and return the next day to continue searching for Stacie. Hoping that nothing will happen to her within that time. But Aries reassured it shouldn't since they need her alive for the information and unscathed if they are planning to make a profit by trading her off. Even though thanks to that, they had some time on their side, they should still move fast.

There was great distress in the Atlantis, when the news of Stacie's disappearance spread among the crew. After selecting a few more of his man for the search, Ivar went to his quarters, to prepare himself. He changed out of his soiled clothes, washed up, and geared up fastening his energy bow gauntlet to his arm with a look on his face as if he was about to go to war.

"If you value your life, you will grab your weapon and meet me at the training court..." Suddenly his harsh words to Stacie flashed through his head followed by everything else he said to her that time, giving him a rush of unpleasant twisting in his gut. "How could have I allowed myself to treat her like that?" He flinched. "If only I wasn't held back by my own stupid timidness... If I hadn't kept my distance... Perhaps none of this would have happened. I could have sensed the danger in time, and prevented it..."

Ivar stood motionlessly, staring out the window of his room, impatiently waiting for the morning, silent and grim. He took out her bracelet and looked at it one more time. The little, clear stones sparkled in the moonlight like tiny droplets of tears. He remembered seeing it wrapped around her thin wrist, when she would lift her hand to tuck a ran away strand of hair, or when she would scribble something in her journal. It would always peek out from under the cuff of her sleeve, and sparkle, like those crystal clear eyes of hers. The bracelet looked very delicate laying on his large palm, just like her. And broken... just like everything inside him.

"I will find you, my sweet girl!" He brought the bracelet to his lips and kissed it. "I promise you, I will not rest, until I find you, and those who dared to take you away from me!"

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