Nightwatch (Spiderman x oc)

By rosebudbloom

416 18 1

Dorothy never asked for superpowers, but that didn't stop her and her partner from saving Queens from time to... More

~~~Chapter 1~~~
~~~Chapter 2~~~
~~~Chapter 4~~~
~~~Chapter 5~~~
~~~Chapter 6~~~
~~~Chapter 7~~~
~~~Chapter 8~~~
~~~Chapter 9~~~
~~~Chapter 10~~~
~~~Chapter 11~~~
~~~Chapter 12~~~
~~~Chapter 13~~~
~~~ Chapter 14~~~
~~~ Chapter 15~~~
~~~Chapter 16~~~
~~~Chapter 17~~~

~~~Chapter 3~~~

41 2 1
By rosebudbloom

I looked at Steve as he ran and once he was out of sight I ran to my partner and got under the crate with him. Quickly I dropped my sword and punched upward. Using the limited super strength i had I tried to help my partner not get crushed. Spiderman looked at me confused for a second as I tried to lift it a bit.

"I thought you were against me?" he asked, panting.

"At the moment yeah, but i still want my partner when i'm not." I grunted out "You're my favorite person Spidey."

He looked at me and chuckled "Awe, I'm your Favowite person?" he asked in a baby voice and I rolled my eyes.

"Not now! I can't hold it much longer, go out there and web it or something please." I told him and he nodded before hesitantly letting go adding more weight to what I was holding.

Slowly I felt the weight leave bit by bit as more webs covered the metal crate. Eventually it got lifted about an inch off my hands and I heard Spiderman grunt loudly. Taking the opportunity I ran out quickly grabbing my sword. I turned once I was out and put my sword at my hip. Spidey turned and saw that I was out and let go of the webs causing the crate to come crashing down. Once he was on the ground I sprinted to him and he raised his fist. I didn't take out my sword, I just kept running. Once I was with him and I tackled him in a hug. Rather than falling, my partner just spun me around while chuckling.

"I guess I am your favorite." he said as he carefully pulled some webs out of my hair "Sorry about your hair."

It was my turn to laugh as I pulled back from him, hands on his shoulders "Don't get crushed." I told him. "Now where were we? Oh right."

With that I punched him in the face then sprinted off while yelling "I'll heal that later I promise!" Soon after I looked up and saw Spiderman swinging above me. When he landed however his eyes went from me to the air. I turned in confusion and looked up to see mr.lang gigantic.

"Holy Shit!" My partner yelled

"Haha! That's on my team!" I cheered before drawing my sword and attacking spidey. "Didn't know he could be big though."

I kept fighting him for a few minutes before he ran off to go and catch one of his guys. I then saw the panther guy land next to me causing me to yelp out. He looked at me kind of confused and turned to see what I was looking at. A bus was flying towards us. As he was distracted I sprinted away trying to stay out of harm's way as long as I could. It was harder than I wanted it to be however. Steve was right about the fact that most of Iron man's team wouldn't try to hurt me, but that didn't mean I couldn't accidentally be stepped on by Mr.Lang. As I was running Bucky's voice caught my attention.

"Princess hurry up!" he shouted and I ran towards him.

I never made it however since Spidey swung by and webbed my hips causing me to fly though the air with him. Thinking fast I climbed up the web until I was holding onto his hand. My partner looked down at me, kinda confused and I just winked and blew him a kiss before using my sword to cut the web. As I fell Spidey watched me until I landed in a messy somersault. After I rolled I landed on my butt with my legs out in front of me like a five year old. I couldn't help but laugh at myself before standing up. Once to my feet I looked forward and saw Clint fighting the panther guy. I snuck up behind them and used my magic to stop the panther's arm before he could scratch my team mate.

"How long could you do that?" hawkeye asked me as he saw the stopped hand

"Don't ask-." I said before shouting in surprise because I was suddenly shot at.

My grip fell from the panther as I got distracted causing him to attack Clint then he turned to me. My eyes widened in fear as his claws came out. I drew my sword and tried to block the best I could, but I was on the ground on my back. The panther knocked my sword out of my hand then glances down at me. Eventually he scratched my face and my arm.

"Shit!" I shouted in pain then kicked him in the stomach.

Lucky for me the man didn't come back to attack more rather he just ran to our leaders. I watched from the ground as I felt the blood drip down across my skin. Clint ran over to me and helped me sit up as we watched a building crumble from behind Scott. I closed my eyes knowing our leaders were over there then I felt someone pick me up and ran. As I was carried I slowly opened my eyes and it was Hawkeye who took me to a safer location. I nodded to him before beginning to heal my arm. Before I could make much progress however, someone landed in front of me causing me to jump.

I had no more weapons available so I lifted my hand and used my magic to stop them. When I finally looked to see who they were I saw it was Spiderman. I rolled my eyes and released my grip allowing him to run over to him as I went back to fixing my arm up. Even with all his going on I knew if it was just us around he wouldn't hurt me. As I told him earlier, he's my favorite person, and I'm pretty sure I'm his. We are best friends and partners, I had nothing to worry about. I did however feel his eyes burning into my skin as my green magic covered my inflicted area. Occasionally I would look up at my partner who was watching me closely making sure all was well with me.

"Um, don't you have something else to be doing right now?" I asked half jokingly.

I felt him touch my arm once it was healed and he sighed. My breathing hitched as I saw what he was doing next. Spidey lifted his mask to just over his nose and kissed my forehead. His cheeks were dusted pink after his action and he just looked at me. I smiled at him and bit my bottom lip as he cleared his throat before putting his mask back down. The boy then nodded to me and went back to fighting Scott. I felt a blush on my cheeks and giggled a little bit. I couldn't shake my smile as I healed my cheek and turned to watch Spidey who was off to fight the now giant ant-man.

I watched from afar with a smile as I heard their dorky conversation for a while until I saw Spidey get hit and fly across the airport landing hard. At that I stopped caring about healing myself and ran to him. I narrowly avoided getting hit by the falling giant and the bullets from his teammate as I got to him.

"Stay down!" I heard Tony say as I got close.

When I was almost there I saw the pale skin of his cheek and quickly covered my eyes "Spidey! I'm not looking!" I shouted and heard what sounded like a jet firing up. "Please don't hurt me, My partner came first. I'm here to heal him."

"Let her Mr.Stark she won't hurt me." Spidey replied "My mask is down night your good."

When I moved my hands to see a hurt Spiderman and a concerned Tony stark. I ran to my partner and used all my strength to carefully rip his suit near his side to give me access to his injury. As I did this I heard mr.Stark sigh. He came closer to us as I placed my hands on his newly exposed skin. As I concentrated , green sparkles transfered from my hands onto his skin. Much to my surprise they spread all through his torso.

"Spidey, Why did you keep going." I started to scold him "You're so hurt."

"Like you're not." The boy replied turning his head to look at me "Seriously Nightwatch you're being a hypocrite, you didn't even finish fixing your cheek, now it's gonna scar."

We shared a laugh before Tony interrupted us "You guys don't know who the other is?"

"No sir." i replied as I focused back on Spiderman's injuries "That doesn't make us weaker, He's my partner and i'm his. We protect each other first."

"I'm trusting you little miss Nightwatch." the man said before flying away.

Spidey and I sat in silence as I fixed him up. Once he was all healed I smiled down at him calmly. Everything was finally alright in that moment, but it was ruined when my arm was grabbed roughly from behind. Looking over my shoulder I saw an american soldier dragging me away. Spider Man tried to stop them but he got held back by the uncolored ironman. I started to cry and scream as I was dragged away and cuffed. Eventually they threw me into the back of a van along with Clint, Sam, Wanda and Scott. When they saw me they all glared at the soldiers.

"She's just a kid, let her go." Clint commanded as the soldier struggled with my mask.

Eventually he followed the end to my hair and ripped out the hair tie. The man then aggressively removed my mask and threw it outside of the van. I looked at the piece of fabric and panicked. On the ground it looked so insignificant, just sparkly navy blue fabric with two holes in it and currently spiderwebs covering one half. The man looked at me irritatedly as he tried to get some of the web that got on him off his hand. Ignoring the adults of my team's pleas of just leaving me be, the man shoved me into the van directly into Scott. The doors then slammed shut and I began to sob. The adults all looked at me before Scott Somehow jumped his handcuffs and pulled me into a hug.

"Hey, calm down." He whispered "You'll be fine."


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