~~~Chapter 7~~~

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After I told them the story, Black Widow complimented my bravery while Spidey just looked away sadly. I don't understand why he was upset, maybe because I didn't talk about the shit show that was the first time we fought together. I'm not sure. Either way he seemed deep in thought after my story and it was kinda concerning. As I focused on my partner, silence fell in the kitchen. It lingered for a bit until Blakc Widow stood and put her mug in the sink before saying a quick goodbye. I waved to her then began to clean up both mine and Spidey's dishes. When I finished he was still sitting there staring at the counter.

"Hey." I said gently as I walked to him "You ok?"

He flinched when my hand touched him but eventually made eye contact with me "Yeah, yeah." he replied sounding unsure of himself "I guess I just, I didn't realise how close you and Jaret were. No wonder you miss him so much."

I sighed and leaned against the counter before replying "Yeah, we shared everything with each other. After he died all I did was patrol, I didn't go to school or band until a full week passed. Honestly the only person i felt like i could talk to during that whole time was...you." Spidey visably shook when the last word past my lips causing me to become nervous and try to lighten the mood "Honestly I was so bummed out that i blocked out most of my feelings, Its kinda stupid but i even forgot that I had a crush on someone." I giggled to myself then glanced at him so see if he cracked a smile yet. Not quite. "You know, I didn't remember it til I saw you. You look alot like him, you guys act the same too. Except you're a bit less skittish."

"I-i look like the guy you have a crush on?" Spidey stuttered out causing me to laugh a little.

"Yeah, but brown hair and brown eyes make up most of the human population." I replied then nudged him "Damn you and your dominant genetics, getting my hopes up that I might know you."

That made him laugh a little. I smiled back then once again there was silence. This time a comfortable kind. Glancing over to him, I scanned his body up and down until I noticed some bruises on his arm. Without saying a word I reached out and began to heal it. Spidey glanced at me for a second before nodding. It was nice that he no longer questioned when I went to help him. After the bruises were healed he mumbled a thanks then stood and stretched. Then I got an Idea.

"Hey Spidey~." i started in a singing tone "Could i maybe play with your web shooters?"

The boy laughed and pushed me away with my face "nope." He then started walking to his bed room and I chased after him complaining.

"But why not!" I shouted at him as I got close enough to grab his arm "Pretty please."

Spidey stood in thought for a minute before turning and moving back to his room while saying no again. That didn't stop me. I kept begging Please over and over again. Even after he went into his room I stood outside banging on the door saying please. I could hear my partner laughing on the other side of the door so I continued with more power. Eventually Though my hand started to hurt so I had to think of a different idea.

"I'll teach you how to toss my flag!" I shouted at the door then after a moment I got a response.

"Are you being serious?" he asked then flung the door open "Because I could seriously show you up. I have a friend on the flag team and she taught me some cool tricks."

I raised an eyebrow at him and smirked "Oh so you think I'm better than me?"

"I definitely am." the boy said cockily while stepping closer to me. "Meet in the first floor gym in ten minutes and I'll prove it."

"Oh Imma kick you ass." I said with a smile before turning to go to my room and change.

Once in my room I quickly stripped out of what I was wearing and put on a pair of black leggings I had found along with a sports bra. Digging around I tried to find a loose fitting T-shirt but whoever got my clothes bought mostly small shirts when I actually wear a medium. Oh well I'll just ask Spidey for one of his. With a shrug I tied on my mask then walked out the door while throwing my hair into a high ponytail. Once it was up I knocked on the door for a second before putting a hand over my eyes and opening the door.

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