Sting :||: Michael Clifford

Από Break__your__halo

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"Mikey, you're awake." I say as I walk into his hospital room. I sit down on the bed and begin to talk. "I wa... Περισσότερα

Character Playlists
I might need to give it up
Don't react when I tell you
My half truths are not amused
I'm through with all the time I've wasted
The aftermath might make you sick
Taking its toll can last forever
This is my one shot at redemption
I know that you're hurt
Remember everything will be alright
Keep telling yourself that you've been playing nice
I disagree with all of the reasons you're mad at me
You showed up just in time
It all seems so unclear
Soft and slow, watch the minutes go
Because time will always win
Sorry for what I've become
I'll forget, but I'll never forgive you
Tough for you to witness, but it was for me too
I keep telling myself I can take you from this God-forsaken place
I missed you more than I thought I would
I can hardly breathe
You put me in harm's way
Couldn't tell what would happen next
Is there a shortcut to stay happy?
I miss the memories replaying in my head
Now suddenly you're asking for it back
I don't really care how bad it hurts
In a war that can't be won
I just want the life we had
So love me now or let me go
Why don't you believe me?
Things are looking up but I'm making myself drown
I called your bluff
Realised I'm less important

Don't put ideas in my head

25 3 3
Από Break__your__halo

Carly's POV

I've been at this school for a few months and I haven't made a single friend. The whole school hates me. Ever since I told Madison about what happened to me, people have done nothing but stare at me and every time I try and have a conversation I try to have with someone, I just get ignored. I'm slowly pushing down my personality that I have and only being quiet. I never talk in class anymore and I'm starting to skip meals. I've never felt more alone than I do right now and I came here to not be alone. I sit in my room doing homework when I hear a knock on the door. 

"Come in." I say. I turn and face the door and see that it's my grandma. 

"Someone's at the door for you." 

"For me?" 

"Yes honey." I stand up and follower her down the stairs. I walk to the door and open it. I see Michael standing there. His cast is off now and his hair is a different color and I notice his mom's car is parked out front, but it looks like he's the one who drove it here. I walk outside and shut the door behind me. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I cross my arms over my body. 

"You need to come home."

"Michael I-"

"No I'm speaking this time. We got into a car crash and nothing is the same anymore, but that doesn't mean you have to up and leave everyone behind, even me. I'll call it off with Rose if you want me to. I wanna make things right with you and even if I can't remember what we had, it still doesn't mean we can't try and fix this."

"I want you to be happy and if that means that you're with Rose and I'm here alone, then so be it. I can't go back knowing-"

"I would be a lot a lot happier knowing that you were back home. Calum's not doing well and I-"

"What's wrong with Calum?" 

"The day you left, he shoved me against a locker and he's just acting more violent than he's ever been before. He's lashing out on a bunch of people, including our teachers. He misses you and so does everyone else."

"I can't go back. I can't do that to-"

"I know that you can't do this to yourself, but do it for Calum." He turns and walks away. I feel so guilty I never should have left. What the hell was I thinking? I walk back into the house and run up to my room. I grab my phone and call my mom. It rings twice before she answers. 

"Hi honey, how have you been?"

"I need to come home. This was a mistake mom." I start crying really hard. I've been holding everything back ever since I got here. 

"Just breathe and tell me everything." I take in a deep breath and tell her everything. I tell her about the way I've been getting treated at school, the way I've been feeling, how Michael showed up, all of it. When I get off the phone with her I feel all the pain that I've been pushing down. I hear a knock on my door and I try to stop crying, but I can't. I feel arms wrap around me and I breakdown. 

"It hurts so much." I say in between sobs. 

"I know honey, but one day, the pain will stop and you'll get to feel okay again."

"Can you tell me that's soon because I don't know how much more I can take."

"I can't tell you when it'll get better or how to make it hurt less, I can only reassure you that it'll go away. Pain doesn't last forever you know?"

"It feels like it does. It feel like no matter how much air I'm taking in, it's not enough and there's this heavy feeling in my chest that just isn't going away and I don't know what to do anymore." 

"We aren't sure how much that boy meant to you, but I do know how much your grandpa means to me. When we were younger, we hated each other, but as time went on-"

"You know I love your stories grandma, but I don't think this is-"

"I'm getting to the good part dear. Anyways, as time went on, we grew to love each other. I couldn't imagine my world without him, but I know soon I will. I'm going to fell unimaginable pain when he passes, almost like the pain you're feeling now."

"I wouldn't want anyone to feel this way. In a way, it kinda feels like my life isn't even mine anymore and I don't want anyone to feel like that."

"Everyone experiences pain like this. It just happens sooner to others." 

"I think I just need to be with my friends right now." She nods her head and walks out of my room. I quickly pack up everything and wait for my mom to come and get me. 

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