「 Girls' Frontline 」Nikolay's...

By Dualpen

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After several years of living off his survival skills and scavenger instincts to come around trouble, weather... More

Attention all readers, new and old, before you read!
Ch. 1: Keep it Going
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: First contract
Chapter 6: New faces on sight
Chapter 7: Fallen falcons
Chapter 8: Hunt
Chapter 9: Liberation
Chapter 10: Frozen Journey
Chapter 12: Cry of the eyass
Chapter 13: Old time jabs
Chapter 14: New year, new life
Chapter 15: Settling down
Chapter 16: A calm day
Chapter 17: Preparations for the play
Chapter 18: Starring the puppeteer
Chapter 19: Start of the red show
Chapter 20: Introduction
Chapter 21: Crux
Chapter 22: Denouement
Chapter 23: Good morning
Chapter 24: Daily life continues
Chapter 25: Springs notice
Chapter 26: A timely arrival
Chapter 27: Getting back on track
Chapter 28: Old but gold
Chapter 29: Lockdown shenanigans
Chapter 30: Talkful day
Chapter 31: A hint of distrust
Chapter 32: New thinking
Chapter 33: Paperwork
Chapter 34: Bitter memories
Chapter 35: Working day
Chapter 36: Cloudy
Chapter 37: Recruting
Chapter 38: Little tour
Chapter 39: Arrival
Chapter 40: Release

Chapter 11: Snowy Relaxation

300 14 11
By Dualpen

R1s: Hmmm... Ficken meinen Kopf (Fuck my head)... Agh... I ended up wasted didn't I?...

R1s looked around the dark room lited just by the Christmas tree, her sisters pissed drunk all over the floor and furniture. The same fate to all the others, Sveta slept hugging Alyona who seemed to try to get her off in her dreams. Alisa had her head resting against the bunch of cards on the table, sleeping beside her R2s and R3s. R4, R3, and R2 were sleeping almost on top of each other, all of them resting their bodies comfy against the rug they all were on. Raisa seemed to be the only one sleeping normally on the sofa with Anna. R1s looked at all the scenes with a little smile on her face she didn't even notice.

R1s: I guess it isn't that bad if they all had fun... Heh... I think this is the first time I see those three sleeping like that... *She thought to herself looking at the trio on top of the rug* Agh... This "homemade potato juice" isn't doing good to my systems...

R1s kept looking around and then got up from the bunch of blankets she was resting on. She approached the table and took one of those now cold snacks and leftovers and munched on them for a bit while looking around and analyzing all again.

R1s: Where is that Nikolay?... Huh, Mr.Kilm and Nadya aren't here also...

R1s took candy with her and went upstairs searching for the missing people. As she explored the rooms with the candy slowly melting inside her mouth. She arrived at the conclusion that everyone was inside the house except Nikolay, as she found all remaining members comfortably sleeping in beds or better places than just the floor or furniture.

R1s: So he must be awake... And probably outside

She calmly and elegantly as she always is even when head hurt and dazzled walked up to the windows and looked for the only person awake now, and the only interesting person to talk honestly she thought. Well, we have to remark that her interest-o-meter broke the roof with Nikolay. Well, who wouldn't she thought as her eyes kept gliding through the dark night outside. He spent resources on saving her family, and he even adopted one of them per say, he acted weirdly yet softly for her usual sight. Everything just was off for her, she wasn't in her common habitat and it really made her stick her nose a bit deeper.

R1s: Oh yeah... He's outside...

She stared at Nikolay playing alone with some firework sticks enjoying himself with the various lights they could produce, and he just squatted there outside, playing with a pack of them near a bucket of water, just in case. R1s still had that smile on her, she didn't notice it at all but she was feeling happy in this new environment. It was... Something new from the harsh and strict treatments they all received. As a being made for war and service only she never could really experience things like this, and her emotional core got the best out of her, discovering new things she didn't think she could enjoy or even try out one day.

She then before exiting to go up and check on Nikolay took another candy with her, got her beret and jacket and went outside, closed the door behind her and with the lollipop still in its envelope approached Nikolay and squatted beside him as he looked up and stared at her, he had his mask off and you could see his quite happy and relaxed face giving her a little smile as she accommodated herself.

Nikolay: Huh... Thought I would be the only one being awake tonight

R1s: Hmm... Well, you were wrong, enjoying yourself sir?

Nikolay: Like a damn child with a newly bought set of Lego, it's been a really long while since I touched this type of fireworks, I used to love them

R1s: Hmm

R1s quietly looked at how Nikolay hold the stick of gunpowder slowly burning and shining red, making a quite small but rather funny light that slowly faded into just a burnt stick.

Nikolay: *Sigh* That one was the last red one...

R1s: Don't you like the yellow ones?

She said calmly picking one up from the bag and lighting it, which rapidly started sparkling like a little star.

Nikolay: Yellow is already a pretty used color, something red but not to red like these ones are just perfect

R1s: Mhh you're not wrong *chuckling*

Nikolay: Loosen quite a bit huh?

R1s: HmHm... *Staring at her stick*

Silence invaded them as they quietly enjoyed the cracking and sparkles of the stick, making a little show in the dark of the night. Slow breezes passing by them, the snow slowly melting beside them because of the warmth, the pale blue moon shining upon their peaceful silence. It was all so calm and new, even enjoyable she thought.

As her stick slowly died out R1s put the burnt stick away and took the wrapper of the lollipop putting it in her mouth before speaking.

R1s: Hey... Nikolay could we talk?... About anything really, just, talk

Nikolay chuckled as low tone okay came from his mouth and he got up taking with him the pack of firework sticks, he took the bucket of water on the other hand, and with R1s by his side they went up to the porch. Nikolay left the bucket near the door, the fireworks near the window, and himself he sat on the bench with a clear view of the hangars. R1s sat beside him looked were Nikolay was looking.

Nikolay: So... Did you enjoy yourself?

R1s: I... Yes, it was fun

Nikolay: I see you like sugary things huh?

R1s: ... I... Well... Yes... I guess we don't eat this type of thing pretty much never...

Nikolay: Hmm there's always a first time for everything I guess, you mind if I smoke?

R1s: Oh no, go ahead it's not like the officers didn't smoke at my face, I'm used to it

Before Nikolay lighted the cigarette he had in his mouth, he stopped on his tracks after hearing that and glanced at her before asking.

Nikolay: Want one?

R1s: Oh no, no I don't like smoking, I dislike it really

Nikolay: Then I won't smoke

R1s looked at him how he put away the lighter and left the cigarette in his mouth back into its box, storing both things after in a pocket.

R1s: Why...?

Nikolay: If you dislike smoking you should have told me earlier, I know how it feels when nobody takes your opinion into consideration and just do the thing, so you wanted to talk right?

R1s stared at him as he glanced at her for a moment with a smile and then looked back at the hangars, R1s had her mouth slightly open as her lips didn't quite touch between them. She wanted to say something but she couldn't articulate it with words. She gulped and sucked on her lollipop for a bit before answering.

R1s: Yeah... I wanted to thank you for what have you done really, it's been really helpful that you could help my sisters and repair them for basically nothing...

Nikolay: Well I'm taking one of your sisters with me, is that really nothing?

R1s: It's not nothing... But... Compared for what you could have asked, for what could you pick as a reward, for what you did without R3s asking you, you used a lot of resources and time to help just a group of lost dolls

Nikolay: Pffft, yeah a lot of resources, it's not a lot actually, also don't forget to take R3s after holidays are over

R1s: What?... *R1s looked at him*

Nikolay: You seriously think I would take R3s with me? Come on, all that was just so you all would cooperate with me easily as I had one of you in my power

R1s: You... You won't adopt her?

Nikolay: Nah... Raisa isn't quite fond of the idea by the way, so it just takes me some problems from my plate, you all wanted to be together why would I take one of you then and ruin the moment? I have enough already, G&K, fighting SF, taking care of my five girls *Sigh* it's already a lot, I need to make plans with Persica, I need to check on my base which is still being built, I will need to find personnel, buy equipment, manage everything... It's been a while since I have done so much stuff, never thought I would be a commander again you know? It's already enough stuff for me to be managing so being a dick ain't in my plans at least for now

R1s: Huh... So you're with G&K now...

Nikolay: Yeah, well, semi-griffin boy, I'm not really fond of them, they are dicks, not gonna lie, at least the higher-ups I met for now

R1s: I see... That's nice to hear I guess... So we all will be free together finally huh?...

Nikolay: *Chuckling* I guess you all will be yeah

R1s: That's... Nice to hear

Nikolay: That's nice to hear indeed, so what will you all do after you get total liberty?

R1s: ...

Silence became the melody of this conversation after that question, they just sat there R1s looking at the hangars, a confused yet calm face drawn on her. Nikolay also kept silent for a while before sighting and getting up.

Nikolay: Guess you don't wanna answer, don't worry, well I'm gonna hit the sack, try to catch some z's also yeah?

Nikolay patted her shoulder, smiled at her and got up and seconds after entered the house, as the door closed R1s blinked and looked down at her feet.

Her dirty boots reflected by the clean and shiny pinewood of the porch, she just stared down still with the same face she had before.

R1s: ... What will we do now...

Soon after she brought her hands up and hold her head by both, her elbows resting on her legs.

R1s: What the fuck will we do with our lives...


Sveta: Ghmmm... Somethings fluffy...

Sveta slowly opened her eyes to realize she has slept with her face against Alyona's breasts and her arms her tightly wrapped around her.

Sveta: ... Slowly...

Sveta started sliding out from there but soon realized Alyona also was awake, her cold eyes staring at the doll that tried to escape.

Alyona: Good morning...

Sveta: ... I swear it wasn't my fault

Alyona: Stop bullshitting around and let me get up

Sveta in a swift and quick move rolled away from her completely letting Alyona free, who afterward being released sat down and scratched her neck a bit and sighed before looking around.

The morning light entered by the foggy windows, stained by the cold air outside. Everyone else was here, laying around on furniture or anywhere else, sleeping deeply letting her know that in fact what she was thinking upon awakening was true.

Alyona: Even the german sisters got wasted...

Sveta: Hmmm... Well it was fun

Sveta now laid near Alyona. Alyona looked at her and sighed before letting her body fall and so both laid face up looking at the ceiling of the room decorated with some Christmas stickers such as Christmas trees, stars, jingle bells, and many others. That just made the plain white ceiling more enjoyable to watch.

Alyona: Yeah it was fun, and we still got the new year party left

Sveta: Oh boi, champagne and grapes

Alyona: Hmhm...

Sveta: Yeah...

Alyona: ... Can I ask something?

Sveta: Go ahead I guess

Alyona: Why do you always use me as a teddy bear to sleep?

Sveta: ... Should we get some breakfast?

Alyona: ... Don't dodge the question

Sveta: Aight I'm gonna wake them up so we can all eat

Alyona: ... *sigh* I will go check the kitchen then

And so both of them got up from the carpet and started doing their own thing. As Alyona entered the kitchen Sveta poked Alisa slightly until she wakes up.

Alisa: Hmmm... Whaaaaaaaaaa ya want...

Alisa turned her head without lifting it and looked at her sister, a card, specifically an Ace of hearts glued to her cheek.

Sveta: Morning, help me out and go wake up the ones sleeping upstairs

Alisa: Hmmmm

Sveta: We can open the gifts later~

Alisa: ... Okay! give me just a moment then

Sveta left her be and went up to Raisa and Anna on the couch to wake them up. As for Alisa, she sat down took off the cards that glued to her skin while sleeping, and quickly afterward got up from her chair, stretched up looking around to see who was missing.

Alisa: Hmm okay, so Nikolay, Lyuda, Anatoly, R1, R5, R6... Huh, who else *looking around* R1s... Ehhh Klim... And Nadya! Okay let's check then~

And so Alisa swiftly went upstairs to wake them all up. As Alisa reached the second floor she looked around and first went inside Lyuda's bedroom. As the door was slowly opened Alisa peeked inside and her sight hovered over the dim room.

R1, R5, and R6, all three were sleeping on Lyuda's bed as for herself she was sleeping beside them on a chair some beer cans all over the place and plates stacked on the dresser.

Alisa: Seems like they had fun

Alisa opened the door on its entirety and approached Lyuda still head first on a deep slumber. Alisa started poking her as Sveta did previously with her.

Lyuda: 5 more minutes...

Alisa: Auntie~ Auntie~ Wake up~

Lyuda: Hmmm *Opens her eyes* morning Alisa

Alisa: Morning morning~ Can you wake up those sleeping beauties?

Lyuda: In a moment... *Yawn* Don't worry

Alisa: Thank you~

Alisa almost left but turned around quickly after realizing something.

Alisa: Hey Lyuda, you know where the others are?

Lyuda: Hmm who?

Alisa: Klim, Anatoly, R1s, Nikolay, and Nadya

Lyuda: Hmm Klim and Anatoly are away from what I remember they wanted to leave early in the morning to go pick up some things for new years eve, about R1s she was downstairs the last time I checked...

Alisa: She isn't there

Lyuda: Then she is probably awake already

Alisa: Hmm I see, and Nikolay or Nadya?

Lyuda: Hmmm they got themselves the room at the end of the corridor I think

Alisa: Okay thank you

Lyuda: No *Yawn* problem...

Alisa now quickly left, hopping through the corridor until she reached the end of it, turned 90 degrees towards the left, and knocked on the door.

Alisa: Chief I'm coming in

Nikolay: Oh Alisa don't, I will get out in a moment okay?

Nikolay quickly answered as Alisa turned the knob to open the door, stoping on her tracks the instant she heard his voice.

Alisa: Oh okay then, is Nadya in there?

Nikolay: Hmhm she's with me

Alisa: Ah well don't worry then, just wanted to wake you up already

Nikolay: Okay we will group up with you all in a while

Alisa: Okay then~

Nikolay sat on the sofa sighting as he heard Alisa go back downstairs.

Nadya: Hmm... Why so much noise every morning?...

Nadya looked at Nikolay, who looked at her back, semi-covered by a thin blanket with her shirt unbuttoned a bit annoyed yet warm stare coming from here directly into Nikolay's eyes.

Nikolay: Sorry, did you sleep well?

Nadya: Hmmm kinda, you left in the middle of the night, that wasn't fun

Nikolay: Sorry I couldn't sleep more, also get yourself changed already we have breakfast to eat

Nadya groaned again before getting off the sofa and putting the blanket away, she then stood up and went up to take her skirt and jacket, she first adjusted her panties and put on the skirt quickly after buttoning her shirt back and putting on the jacket on top of it. Nikolay rubbed his face before getting up from the sofa he was sitting and put his trench coat back on.

Nadya: Hmmm your hair is a mess again

Nikolay: It always is...

Nadya: *Sigh* Come here

Nadya approached him and lowered his head starting to brush his hair with her hand gently pacifying those rebellious black locks of his.

Nadya: You should care about yourself a bit more...

Nikolay: Mhhh... It's not like my bad looks can improve just with that

Nadya: They wouldn't be bad looks if you cared about yourself a bit more every day

Nikolay: Don't you think that sounds a bit selfish?

Nadya: But its the reality

Nikolay just let her do his hair, a little sigh of relief escaping his mouth. As Nadya finished she raised his head tall and looked at him.

Nadya: Hmm maybe you should go for a hair cut

Nikolay: Hmm probably

Nadya: Well let's go they are probably waiting for us

Nikolay: Oh wait a sec

Nadya raised an eyebrow as she looked at Nikolay, who approached her again and with one hand moved a lock of hair that covered her face, behind her ear, and smiled at her.

Nikolay: You have better looks with your beautiful face exposed

Nadya: *Sigh* Don't try and smooth talk me now

Nadya turned around and got out the room, Nikolay exhaled looking up the ceiling still with a smile drawn in his face.

Nikolay: That's my tsun...

Nikolay quickly after followed her down to the kitchen, along the way passing by the living room, where R1, R2, R3, and R6 were having a peaceful chat with Alyona, Raisa, and Anna.

Nikolay: Good morning ladies, slept well?

R3 and R6 laughed and nodded after as for R1 she just nodded with a little smile across her face.

Anna: Slept like in a cloud, Raisa is too comfy

Raisa: Hmhm, we slept well enough how about you two? The ice queen seemed a bit annoyed

Nikolay: Morning mood, she will be back to her seriousness in a while *He then after looked at the German sisters* Enjoyed the party you four?

R2: It was a great change of ambient to me, so yes I enjoyed it

R1: It was really nice I have to admit...

Nikolay: Glad to hear that, you all are invited to stay for New year eve if you feel like so

R3: We will see we first need to discuss things with everyone

Nikolay: I see, I see, well I'm going to go and help in the kitchen, enjoy your chatter

As Nikolay left the girls kept their semi-circle of chairs around the table and continued their conversation calmly.

Anna: So as I was answering yes I do work at a company, I'm the CEO actually, my partner works in another affiliated company of ours

R3: Ohhh that sounds cool, really cool, so you were saying its a company revolving around...?

R1: Do you listen? I sometimes wonder... *sigh* She said she is in charge of a textiles company, military and civilian equally you said right?

R3: There wasn't any need on calling me dumb in front of everyone... *She muttered*

Anna: Hmhm correct, my partner works as an administrator of a transport company, in the naval department specifically

Raisa: Hmmm really good catch heh?

Anna: Ahh shut up Raisa

Alyona: Hmmm so how long have you been together, the last time we heard about you having a boyfriend was when we even weren't created or at least for what I remember about what Nikolay said...

Anna: Hmm we actually know us for a long while but we started dating officially around May two years ago... Yeah May 12

R6: Awww that sounds nice

Anna: Hmhm it is, he's really lively and lovely, his hobbies aren't the greatest but still is interesting in some ways

Raisa: Hmhm... So what about that little story of yours?

Anna: Oh yeah that, so listen I and he were planning a vacation with his family for sum--

As she wanted to continue Nikolay called Raisa from the kitchen, who sighed in response and left the chatter walking towards the kitchen, stopping beside the door to it, with her head tilted a bit inwards of it.

Raisa: What's the matter Kolya?

Nikolay: I will be away for some days, I need to check on the base, assist a meeting, and continue the plans, can you manage everything here alone?

Raisa: *Sigh* I can, and they aren't stupid, we all know how to take care of ourselves just be careful you suicidal cunt

Nikolay: Hmmm, what a temper early in the morning *Chuckle* Don't worry I will be careful

Raisa: Hmmm hey need help with that Lyuda?

Lyuda: Oh yeah if you would be so kind

Raisa: I gotta ya

Raisa walked up to her and helped her prepare breakfast for everyone, Nikolay by his side finished preparing supplies and adjusted his trenchcoat before slinging the backpack to his shoulder and looking around.

Nikolay: Well I will be back for Christmas eve, take care of the girls Lyuda

Lyuda: Don't worry mister I'm always busy

Nikolay: Okay I know its a bit ugly to leave just after Christmas and not stay to chat and help but come on

Lyuda: Go already geez

Nikolay: Okay miss I lost a fucking antimaterial rifle after getting drunk

Lyuda: I found it afterward!

She yelled as Nikolay exited the kitchen and walked up to the door opening it and adjusting his mask as his body moved out of the door.

Nikolay: Now... Maybe I could drive or Helen maybe is available...

R1s: You going somewhere?

Nikolay: Oh R1s you still here?

R1s: Oh... Well I just wanted to take my mind of something and relax

Nikolay: Ah that's good I suppose, and yes I was heading off to check on my base and see how is the building progressing

R1s: Huh, that sounds interesting, may I come?

Nikolay tilted his head slightly and hummed a bit surprised at the request that R1s made.

Nikolay: Ehm... Are you sure? It may take longer than usual to get there and I'm pretty sure your sisters would worry about where the hell did you go

R1s: I can talk about it to them, and nonetheless I don't have much to do until Christmas eve rolls around do I?

Nikolay: Well... If you want, just go and let them know I will get a bit more supplies for you then

R1s: That's nice, thank you, I will go now and let them know

Nikolay: Sure...

Said Nikolay letting R1s pass, and as she entered the house he started walking to the jeep and packing the things into the trunk.

Nikolay: Maybe I should warn her that we might need to camp... *Sigh* Most importantly why the hell does she wanna come with me?

He whispered to himself as he suddenly noticed a stare over his shoulder.

R1s: Quite sudden isn't it?

Nikolay quickly turned around and inhaled a big dosage of air after seeing R1s face.

Nikolay: Did someone teach you it's quite rude to scare people like that?

Nadya: Says the one living like a rich vagabond and scaring the shit out of everyone with his unexpected appearances and suicidal entrances

Nikolay: Nadya? Okay, what is happening now?

Nadya: Ah I also don't have anything to do so I will just have a camping trip with you both

She said giving a little glance to R1s who still looked at Nikolay, who clearly understood Nadya's intention on guarding him in this little journey, showing quite clearly Nadya doesn't trust R1s one bit, maybe it's the fact that they would be alone for maybe quite probably days or its the fact that Nikolay won't be giving attention to anything other than his work while on G&K territory.

Nikolay: Okay... Can you two go and get some supplies for yourselves then while I finish packing all this up?

R1s: Sure thing

Nadya: Sounds like a plan

Both dolls quickly left Nikolay releasing a quite heavy sigh yet soft of relief.

Nikolay: I can't have a normal business trip can't I?

He raised his hand to rub his face but quickly realized he was wearing the mask.

Nikolay: ... I need coffee... I hope Alex has a coffee machine somewhere in that site


Alisa: Hmm quite a lot of people

Lyuda: Yeah, I think I haven't made so much breakfast in my life, to be honest

Alisa: Yeah and we are missing some... Actually, where are Nikolay and the other two?

Lyuda: I think they already left like minutes ago to have that business trip

Alisa: Hmm I see

She said taking the spoon of cereal into her mouth as she kept on holding the bowl with the other hand.

Lyuda: Shouldn't you eat at the table and not by the kitchen's door while standing beside me?

Alisa: In which space of the table? *She said sipping some milk from the bowl*

Lyuda: *Looking at the full table* Good point...

As they all finished their breakfast Lyuda and Anna left the dolls for a while as both went out to have a cig and chat for a bit, leaving the German sisters and Russian sisters alone in the living room.

Alisa: We should do something

Sveta: Like what? We are literally... Eh, one, two, three, four... twelve people

Alisa: Wow did you just use all your cognitive power to count how many people are in the same room out loud?

Sveta: Says the tacti-cool girl

Alisa: At least I have some style you plain big marble statue

Sveta: ... Listen here you littl--

Raisa: You are making this awkward for the other's girls~

Raisa said rolling her eyes and grabbing her cup of tea.

R1: I'm kinda enjoying it to be honest...

R2: Me too...

R1 and R2: Hell yeah *High five*

R3: That's kinda rude girls...

R2s: Well they are 1 and 2 after all

R1 and R2: What do you mean by that you punk?

R6: Point has been proven

Alisa suddenly stopped looking at the new war that was being waged and seemed to have been enlightened by something.

Alisa: I know! Let's go and have some snow games outside!

Alyona: Oh like a snowball fight?

Sveta: Hey that sounds dope, I'm in

R2: I don't like the cold... *Muttering*

R1: Mhhh...

Raisa: I wanna refuse too

R5: Aww come one don't be like that girls

Alisa's smug smile appeared as she expected something like this from the grumpy ones.

Alisa: And who gets more points in every game gets to have the comfy beds upstairs

All three slowly turned their view towards Alisa who smugly overlooked them as her eyes clearly displayed the shining light of a trickster.

R1: Mahhhh why not...

R2: I can handle the cold for a while I guess...

Raisa: I hope I don't get Sveta in my team...

Sveta: HEY

Alisa: It's official then! So we are twelve, three teams of four then, let's have a snowball fight, a sculpture contest, and a race, the winning team gets to have the comfy beds for themselves!

Alyona: Yey~

R4: So we start picking teams now?

Alisa: The faster the better I guess

In a matter of minutes, the teams were done, in team one we had: Alisa, R4, R3, and Alyona. On team two we had: Sveta, R5, R6, and R2s. And finally on team three teaming up was: Raisa, R1, R2, and R3s.

Alisa: Okay, all teams have been organized?

R1: Affirmative

She said quite energetically compared to before they mentioned a prize.

Alisa: Let's go to the nearby plain then!

And the group exited the house not before getting ready to spent quite a good amount of time outside on the snow, all marched out of the state being gazed by the two women who were having a peaceful smoking relaxation time before being interrupted by the sigh of a hole military squad getting out of the house perimeters.

Lyuda: ...

Anna: ...

Lyuda looked at Anna, Anna looked at Lyuda and then at her cig.

Anna: Did you give me weed?

Lyuda: ... If I had some I wouldn't be so depressed

Anna: Same...

They both put the cig back between their lips ignoring what just happened.

Alisa: Okay, now let's set the rules

All nodded and Alisa continued her speech imitating the figure of a general that had Patton on his name.

Alisa: Let's start with the snowball fight, 3 minutes to build up and arsenal or defense after the 3 minutes are up we are all allowed to start attacking and trying to get the other teams out of the play, the last team standing gets five points, you eliminate a member of the opposing teams by shooting snow at them, everyone has one live, easy right?

Everyone nodded. And so Alisa smiled and yelled.

Alisa: Then let's start!

The three teams run off and started doing their own thing, Alisa's team quickly choose a location to settle in and while Alisa made Snowballs, R3, R4 made a fort from the snow Alyona was digging as well as adding some of their own to smooth the thing. Meanwhile, Sveta's team did the same but all of them started to dig up snow and make their fort instead of distributing everything and as for Raisa's team, they used some of their seconds to get to a tree that they wanted to use as natural cover, starting to build their fort using the also the tree as R3s produced snowballs for them. As two minutes passed team one had already built a quite decent arsenal of snowballs and so focused their final minute on improving their snow fort to defend all of them. As for team two, they already finished the fort that will protect them from both sides and so they decided to start building up their arsenal, as for team three they made a triangle-shaped wall using the tree as a base and achieved to make it tall enough to hide them almost in their entirety.

Finally, as the final minute ticked Alisa screamed "Time up!" and total silence was made as everyone got behind cover and threw warning shots at any rival they had on their sights at that moment. The first volley didn't hit anyone as some missed or just hit the walls of their forts and now this became a game of trenches.

Alisa: Okay, what should we do to win? We need something to get them out of their positions...

Alyona: Maybe we can bait them?

R3: Hmm

R4: Maybe we should wait a bit to try and see what they are planning?


Sveta: This is world war one all over again, but without artillery... Artillery...

R2s: What is it?

Sveta: Do we have a rubber band or something?

R2s: Are you seriously planning to make an artillery piece to shoot snowballs?

Sveta: Hey if it works...

R5: I have a rubber band

Sveta: Perfect! Now we need something to act as the base

R6: Mhhh... We don't have sticks...

Sveta: Fuck... Let's bombard Alisa ourselves then

R5: Got it, boss


Alisa: I don't see anything... Did they die already?...

R3: Don't see anything either... Wait, movement at team two base

Alisa: Give me some snowball-- Wait! They are shooting at us!

Several balls started falling from above some of them failing miserably to hit them but some falling close to them.

Alisa: Fuck we are getting Frenched!

R4: Frenched?!

Alisa: Bombed till submission!

She replied as she hugged the wall of snow they made to get some cover as everyone else did the same.


Sveta: I need more balls! *She said throwing the last one and taking cover*

R5: On it

R2s: I'm out as well!

R6: Nothing happening on team three let's proceed!

And as she said that a snowball hit her right in the head, as Raisa emerged from a trench she dug to them flanking them without them noticing a single bit as they could never know if they were at their base from the unorthodox design of their wall.

Before they could react another snowball hit R5 face who dropped hers.

Sveta: No! R5!

As Sveta tried to make a snowball to counterattack back she quickly got shoot as the other's and in another second Raisa ruthlessly finished off R6 with another snowball into the cheek, defeating the whole team by herself.

Raisa: I win

She said ducking behind cover before getting discovered by team one.

Sveta rubbed the snow off her face quite annoyed and sighed.

Sveta: You won this battle but not the war

Team two recovered from the surprise attack and got up raising their hand signaling they were defeated so they don't get shot again by team one mistakenly.

R3: Hey, hey! Team two is out!

Alisa: What?!

Alyona peeked and had a glance at their position and how they started walking out of the battlefield to not get shot, noticing how Raisa peeked form their former position and preparing to throw a snowball at them.

Alyona: Duck!

The three of them took cover and dodge a snowball that probably would hit one of them if not for the quick movement of getting behind cover.

Alisa: Fuck, they bomb rushed them...

R3: But she is alone in there now...

Alyona: Should we bombard her?

Alisa: Do it, I will get a snowball and rush her trench

R4: God's speed soldier


Raisa: Now... I need more ammo and hold till the others flank them

She thought while making a snowball quickly with her hands, smoothing it out and pilling it with the others. But that got interrupted as she heard someone running towards her and suddenly snowballs started hitting her position, as she peeked out from a corner and saw Alisa running with a single snowball in her hand towards her totally focused on getting her out of the game.

Raisa: Fuck...

Raisa took one snowball and got out of cover and prepared to throw the ball against Alisa. Alisa stopped on her tracks and quickly aimed as time slowed down for her, as both shoot, the balls traveled through the air towards their objective, and as both tried to dodge the incoming projectiles, the snowballs hit their marks, taking Raisa and Alisa off the game quite dramatically.

As both dolls fell to the ground they quickly got up and put their hands in the air to indicate they are out of the game.

R2: Fuck Raisa died...

R1: Don't wait then! Shoot at the others they are out of cover now!

R3s: You all just want the beds don't you?

R1 and R2: Of course we do!

R3s: *Sigh*


Alyona: Let's not waste time and rush to the next position while we can!

R3: Gotcha

R4 and R3 picked up some snowballs and started running towards team's two snow fort to get a distance advantage on team three but as they started running out of their defenses team three did the same, but not with the objective to change positions but to eliminate the other team finally.

As expected all of them stopped in their tracks and tried to get some cover as snowballs flew across the battlefield. In this quick exchange of firepower team, two lost Alyona and R4 while team three lost R3s. Leaving the situation to a 2v1 as the final players jumped behind the cover of the snow forts.

R3: Fuck... *Making a snowball* This didn't go as planned...

In a matter of seconds, she could hear running, knowing that her doom was coming near and this was the last stand against team three, R3 stood up and got out of cover with a snowball in each hand and aimed at R1 and R2 running towards her, as they exchanged snowballs and the four projectiles flew across the battlefield, time froze and unfroze as they hit their mark, 3 hit, 1 missed, R3 was hit by two as for her own she only managed to hit R2 making R1 the last one standing, meaning team three won the match.



Both high fived as everyone gathered around them and cleared the snow from their faces.

Alisa: *Sigh* So, team three 5 points, team two 1 point and finally team one 3 points

Raisa: Yeahhh, what now?

Alisa: Well first the sculpture competition and then the snow race

R2: I'm ready to win

Sveta: Ain't that a bit of overconfidence

R1: Says the leader who got blitzkrieged by one player

Sveta: Oh I'm gonna kick your asses now

Alisa: Eh... Well about the sculpture competition, we need to pick a subject to build

Alyona: Hmmm I can't come up with anything

R6: How about a snowman?

R3: Isn't that too simple?

R6: It can be simple if you want it to be

R3: Fair point, I vote for that then

Alisa: Anyone got any other idea?

She said looking around for some solid seconds and seeing that nobody said anything she sighed.

Alisa: Guess a snowman it is... Well, we have about 10 minutes to built the best snowman we can, and the points will be given by the judge--... Fuck we don't have judges

Sveta suddenly had a devilish smile drawn on her face as she looked at Alisa and said.

Sveta: I think I know two perfect judges

Alisa looked at her for some time before realizing what she meant and the same smile drew on her face.

Alisa: Oh yeah you are right~

Anna and Lyuda suddenly shivered as they started a new cigarette.

Anna: Damn is kinda cold isn't it?

Lyuda: I don't know if it was the cold or my guts, to be honest

Anna: Yeah...

Lyuda: *Sigh* Anyway how's that going with your fiancé sis?

Anna: Oh now that you mention it we had to cut the vacations short, work got really hard all of a sudden, it's not even funny

Lyuda: Heh, meh

Anna: Are you serious? You are the one who fucking goes around the world selling shit illegally and smokes a pack of cigs in a week, and you are the one saying, job is hard, meh?

Lyuda: First of all, it's two packs, second it's fucking hard to fly a plane around the world and expect a good journey with all the shit around, thirdly dfuck you mean by serious, what's that shit? Something I'm too fucking free to understand?

Anna: Oh fuck off will ya

Lyuda: I would much rather have Hugh Jackman fuck me then finger myself *She said with a smug smile as she puffed her cig*

Anna: Why are you like this...

Lyuda: *Exhaling the smoke* Oh nooo, look at me I'm the older sister so I must make mom proud and have a successful career as a chemist in Volgograd, be married and have two kids named Vadim and Irina

Anna: Yeah mom is so proud of you

Lyuda: Hell yeah~

Anna: *Sigh* Also you know father is angry at you for not visiting right?

Lyuda: Oh no, he angy because his daughter Lyuda hasn't finished her career and doesn't visit him because he's an old fuck

Anna: So you still angry at them?

Lyuda: I would only apologies to mommy if she wasn't dead *She said shrugging it off*

Anna: Pffft nice humor Lyuda, where did you find it?

Lyuda: In your closet, you poor choice of fashion

Anna: Says the one walking around like a fucking guerrilla

Lyuda: Touché

Sveta: Hey Aunt!

Lyuda and Anna turned their head around to look at the voice who yelled at them and stared at the two dolls that were approaching them.

Lyuda: Need something girls?

Alisa: You two mind helping us out?

Anna: With what? *She said extinguishing the cigarette*

Sveta: We need some judges for a snow sculpture contest

Lyuda: Sounds fun, what's the trick

Sveta: Give me more points

Alisa: Give me more points

Sveta looked at Alisa who looked at her back, both with squinted eyes of betrayal.

Alisa: You wanted to cheat?

Sveta: No, no, you also wanted to cheat?

Lyuda: Hey, hey, cheating bad unga bunga, stop it girls

Anna: Why do you treat them like that?

Lyuda: They are just millennials but with a firing module installed on them

Sveta and Alisa: Hey!

Lyuda: Wha? *Puffing and exhaling the smoke* It's the truth, just face it

Anna: ... Anyway... We can be the judges yeah, but without cheats

Sveta: Hoo

Alisa: *Sigh* Okay then...

Lyuda: So what's the rating?

Alisa: Up to five points, being the least points 1

Lyuda: Sounds like a plan then

Lyuda got up and extinguished her half-done cigarette.

Lyuda: I feel like a teacher when they made the starts of the class thing not gonna lie

Anna: Yeah but the teacher didn't smoke in front of the students

Lyuda: Because those old hags weren't as rad as me


As the four reached the place where everyone was building their snowman Sveta and Alisa went up to their teams and started helping out with the building as for Anna and Lyuda they stood somewhat near the teams and analyzed what the hell where they building.

Lyuda: They all look horrible to be honest

Anna: Hey!

Lyuda: What I'm the mutherfricking judge, I shall judge their builds

Anna: Have in mind they have fucking emotions, this is like when a child says "is my drawing good?"

Lyuda: Mah, fuck that mate

Anna: *Sigh*

As the minutes passed Alisa finally shouted time up and everyone stopped building, Lyuda and Anna walked up to the nearest snowman and looked at it, this snowman being from team 2.

Lyuda: ... Two points

Anna: Four point-- What?

Lyuda: Two points

Anna: ... How? It's well done a normal plain snowman

Lyuda: And they were four people with 10 minutes on their hand to building something that wasn't just "Plain" two points

Anna: *Sigh* I still give you four points

Lyuda: Next~

As they walked up to the next one, being built by team 3 Lyuda stopped on her tracks and looked at the build with a deadpanned face.

Lyuda: What the fuck is this

Anna: I... Have to agree... Kinda? *She said tilting her head*

The snowman was quite cubic and looked like it will melt away any second now although it was a solid -2 degrees outside. Making it worst the sticks the used as hands where somewhat broken and the pebbles used to resemble the eyes were totally different from one another.

Lyuda: He looks retarded not gonna lie

Anna: ... Not to that extent of bad Lyuda

Lyuda: One point

Anna: I will give it three

Lyuda: Next

And so they finally walked up to the final one, being built by team 1, Lyuda stod in front of the snowman and analyzed it, it was a plain normal snowman except for the fact that it had a lot of sticks as hair resembling an afro haircut and his face was widely decorated with pebbles.

Lyuda: Why does it remind me of Bob Ross?

Anna: It kind does resemble him to be honest...

Lyuda: Huh, I will give it three

Anna: I will give it four points

Lyuda: So can we go now?

Alisa nodded and Lyuda smiled at Anna and patted her back.

Lyuda: Let's go inside and have a beer before my tits freeze

Anna: *Sigh* Why not

And so both of them left the group alone who gathered in a deformed circle and looked at Alisa.

Alisa: So... Team 1 has a total of ten points, meanwhile Team 2 has seven points and as for Team 3 has a total of nine points... AHA, WE ARE AHEAD!

Sveta: Fuck, what about the race?

Alisa: Five points, anyone can win now

R4: That doesn't put me on ease

R2: Me neither, knowing my snowman was called retarded...

Alisa: Well before we go and get some equipment who will be racing?

R6: What do you mean?

Alisa: Well only one member of the team can race, it's quite obvious we don't have the means to pull a team race of 12 people, so who's racing in each team?

Team three suddenly looked at one of their members and just at one.

R3s: Why are you all looking at me?

Raisa, R1, and R2 kept looking at her and all gave a step forward approaching her slightly. R3s gave a step back a bit scared.

R3s: Hello?... Do you hear me?

R2 rushed towards her and grabbed her by the shoulders looking directly into her eyes.

R2: You need to win

R3s: ...

Alisa: ... Aha... Who wants to race?

Said Alisa to her team receiving a collective hmm from them until R4 raised her hand.

R4: I wanna try

Alisa: Anyone against that choice?

Not a single word.

Alisa: Okay guess R4 is racing against R3s and...?

Alisa said looking at team two, which was doing a perfect circle between their members and apparently discussing the nuclear holocaust by the looks of it from the outside.

Alisa: ... Guess it's their final stand...

Suddenly they broke formation and Sveta stepped up.

Sveta: I will be racing

Alisa: Okay so Sveta against R4 and R3s, good, let's go and find a suiting terrain and grab the needed equipment

R4: Hope we win...


Anna: So what about you sis?

Lyuda: What about me?

Anna: When you gonna find a partner?

Lyuda: I don't know, one day I guess *Opens the beer bottle* Ah this sound does put a smile on my face

Anna: One day huh *Opens hers* you still attached to Nikolay ain't you?

Lyuda suddenly spitted her drink as she started coughing.

Lyuda: N-no! *Cough* What do you mean attached you twat!

Anna: So you are... *Sip*

Lyuda: I said no, do you listen to me?!

Anna: Why the overreaction then?

Lyuda: I... I... Fuck you, no I'm not

Anna: Yes, yes you are

Lyuda: Fuck you

Anna: Fuck you too, what do you like about him anyway?

Lyuda: Not of your fucking business mate

Anna: Oh so you do like him

Lyuda: ... How did I fell for that

Anna: I don't know, tell me how *Sip*

Lyuda: ... *Facepalm* God why am I like this?

Anna: I also wonder why, anyhow, you gonna tell me?

Lyuda: ... He was hot

Anna now spitted her beer and started coughing.

Anna: *cough* *cough* Wait, wait, just that? Are you kidding me?

Lyuda: Kinda... Yeah...

Anna: Nah you kidding... really?

Lyuda: Hey you had to admit he looked great in a swimsuit

Anna: ... Won't deny that, but still, you hiding something, you ain't that kind of a simple bitch

Lyuda: Wait, wait, what kind of bitch am I then?

She said to her laughing a bit as she turned her head around a bit to have a glance at her sister, bottle in hand.

Anna: Ehhh hard to explain

Lyuda: No, no, explain

Anna: Hem, like... Miss Tomboy danger or something like that?

Lyuda: How the fuck does that affect my romantic preferences?

Anna: I thought you gonna say sexual preferences for a moment right there

Lyuda: Hey I don't maintain that much horny

Anna: I guess... *Sip*

Lyuda: Yeah... *Sip*

Anna: But didn't you try and fuck hi--

Lyuda: Shut up!

The silence made its appearance as both sisters shut up and just looked at the ground, Lyuda shook her bottle a bit and sipped.

Lyuda: He got me out from a really thought time...

Anna: ...?

Lyuda: Like when I was still in college... Studying, I kinda was depressed all the time about mom and all that happened... He was a nice guy back then, we started talking because I was being stupid and fucked up, he helped me out without really knowing me, it was a sweet gesture of him... *Sip*

Anna: What happened?

Lyuda: Ah, well...


[17:24 p.m, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia]

Lyuda: *Sigh* ... This isn't even funny anymore...

Lyuda had her messy hair stored in a ponytail, glasses on and eye bags underneath her staring eyes, looking at the project she was rushing on one of the library public PC's.

Lyuda: This happens because I want to drink the pain away... *Rubbing her face*

Nikolay: Hmm, you got a typo there

Lyuda: Huh?

Lyuda turned around and stared at the guy who mentioned something about her project, kinda tall and black coal messy hair, a little warm smile on his face as he sat next to her and boot up the other PC.

Lyuda: Oh, you are... Agh... Hem

Nikolay: Kolya, it was Kolya

Lyuda: Oh yeah, we are in the same class for Biology

Nikolay: Rushing a project?

Lyuda: Ah... Well... Yes... I kinda... Got too drunk yesterday

Nikolay: Heh, happens to the best of us

Lyuda: Yeah, I guess...

Soon after silence rose in the air as both just started working on their own thing, Lyuda making a lot of signs of frustration as she worked on the project, hours passing by and to her, seemingly not any advance on the work, but Nikolay on the other hand already was packing his things and stood up, leaving without saying anything as soon as he confirmed the PC was closed correctly.

Lyuda: This is gonna take hours... *Sigh*

Lyuda inhaled some air and slapped herself slightly as she started working on it again, minutes after just hitting her face against the table as she messed up something.

Lyuda: I wanna die...

Nikolay: How about a coffee?

Lyuda quickly raised her head and looked at her side seeing his classmate back, with two cups of warm coffee and the little smile still on his face.

Lyuda: ...

Lyuda snapped out and adjusted her glasses first and looked at the coffee, then at Nikolay.

Lyuda: Oh, no, no, thanks, I can't accept it *She said with an awkward smile*

Nikolay: Well I already bought it, it's going to go cold if someone doesn't drink it

Lyuda: I... Well... Thank you *She replied taking it*

Nikolay: That's the spirit

He said sitting back where he sat earlier and took a sip from his cup before looking at Lyuda's screen and tilting his head slightly.

Nikolay: Still working on that?

Lyuda: Well... Yeah... It's driving me nuts honestly... *Sip*

Nikolay: Need a helping hand?

Lyuda: I... I, no, no I just can't accept it, you already wasted money on me, no need to waste time

Nikolay: I got a lot to spare of that, and several bucks for several coffees, I think I'm supplied enough to help you out

Lyuda: I feel like a dick... Aghhhhhh... Ah well... I, I guess you can yeah

Nikolay: So what is it about?

Lyuda: Computing and economics...

Nikolay: Yeah I can definitely help, let me have a look


Anna: That's cute

Lyuda: I guess... *Sip*

Anna: So that's how you met?

Lyuda: Well short story, yes, we started hanging out after that to either help each other out with homework or just have a coffee or beer in the nearby bar

Anna: Awww, sounds really cute

Lyuda: ... Tch, what are you? A teenager now?

Anna: Hey, what about it? I think it's a sweet story

Lyuda: That doesn't end well at all but fuck that honestly

Anna: Hmm I guess... But it's funny to think about how the tables have turned

Lyuda: Haha, yes, very funny indeed

Anna: Is that sarcasm?

Lyuda: As big as Asia

Anna: Pffft, nice

Lyuda: Yeah, yeah, I seriously think that we ain't blood-related some times

Anna: I would like to differ

Lyuda: Go ahead, surprise me

Anna: We both got big attachments

Lyuda: Cheers, I will drink to that bro

Lyuda and Anna: *Sip*

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