The Other Summoner Fairytail...

By Gladecavalier_16

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There is a Universe called Imen but it is been destroyed by a phenomena called the "DOOMED" the whole univers... More

Nathaniel's Past
Welcome to Fairytail
Nathaniel's Profile
Nathaniel's Profile ver. 1.5

Special Chapter

900 18 3
By Gladecavalier_16

AN: hey it's the author this chapter is all about Nathan and how he handle things on his training. Things had been hectic lately because of my online classes. So I hope you can be satisfied with this for now. And yeah I'm gonna say this early I'm not gonna do the Edolas arc. Enjoy!!!

Nathaniel is currently on his house he was done on moving Wendy's stuff back at the Fairy Hills they thank him for letting them stay. Then he check the time its high noon then he immediately was up and get to the woods and train but as he was about to train he saw Natsu, Gray are fighting again but Erza is there to stop them together with Lucy. He just sigh but they notice his presence.

Nathaniel: "Oh hey guys what's up?"

Lucy: "Nothing it is just Gray and Natsu are fighting again on who is better? But Erza beat them both at the same time"

Erza: "They just couldn't handle loosing"

Happy: "Looks like they never grow up"

Gray: "Only this dumb ass has no brain dont include me!!!"

Natsu: "Shut up ice popsicle you just loose in that time before Erza hit me"

Gray: "You are the one who loose before Erza hit me"

Nathaniel and Erza just sigh it's like the old days back then when Laxus, Erza, Mira and him are training in the woods. It's because Erza accuse us on who eat her straw berry cake but Mira has an Alibi which is Laxus but in the end we found out Natsu and Gray put the cake in the crash when they broke Erza's plate but it didn't stop there they still fight not when Master came and challenged them the two girls into a sparring session, all of us remember how painful it was back then.

Nathaniel: "Alright you two I'm gonna stop this mess!!"

Then Max came and say that Erza was been needed by Master. They say good bye to her.

Lucy: "So how are we gonna stop this mess?"

Nathaniel: "You three have to fight me within 10 minutes"

Natsu: "I'm all fired up now!!!"

Then Natsu is been immediately smacked by Lucy and Gray in the head

Gray: "Don't be such an idiot if he calls one of his Nymph we are good as dead"

Lucy: "Not to mention he can heal himself, And why am I included Nathan this is their mess?!"

Nathaniel: "Oh you see I want to know how much you improve this past months since you join the guild and since we are both summoner maybe I can teach you a thing or two"

Gray:  "But how can we possibly win, your like so much stronger than us"

Nathaniel: "Okay how about I dont summon any of my nymph and use any healing magic, I think that seems fair to you"

Natsu: "C'mon don't make us look like a total push over bring all you've got!!"

Nathaniel: "There he is again"

Nathaniel just sigh and think of something that can convince them.

Nathaniel: "How about a bet?"

Gray, Natsu, Lucy and Happy:"A bet?"

Nathaniel: "Once one of you deal the most damage to me Natsu and Happy can eat anything from the guild using my money, Gray can stop working for month since I'm gonna pay his rent or Lucy if you win I move 15% of my money in your account"

Everyone: "Deal"

Nathaniel: "But if I win Natsu and Happy will have to clean my house every day for the next week, Lucy owns a depth to me with the same amount of 15% on my account and Gray will work for me to pay my rent for the next week, And it's a deal"

Then the four of them create a circle

Happy: "So what's the plan?"

Natsu: "What it's simple beat him up"

Gray: "Idiot think wider he must be had something to use against us so we need to be prepared"

Lucy: "I agree there is no way he will fight us just like that"

Happy: "But now that you think about it Lucy will be the only one who can damage him enough since his now completely immune to Ice and Fire"

Nathaniel: "Time's up guys"

Then the three of them nods to each other Natsu immediately charge towards Nathan with flames in his hands.

Nathaniel: "Body Enchantment: Sharpness"

So before he get close to hit him Nathan raises his leg up in his head and axe kick Natsu and hit his head that also creates a small crater below Natsu's head. Then Gray come up behind Nathan.

Gray: "Ice make: Geyser"

Nathan immediately kick Natsu to his back so Natsu will be the one who will be hit by Gray attack then a Giant axe is in behind Nathaniel's back and Happy immediately get Natsu.

Gray, Natsu Happy and Lucy: "<Got you!>"

Taurus: MOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Then it hit Nathaniel but it was just an Illusion.

Nathaniel: "Why does everyone fall for that trick?"

As they hear it Nathan is in the sky immediately punch Happy's Back that cause Natsu's fall but before he fall he catch Happy.

Gray: "How did you do that?! You cannot do Illusion magic"

Nathaniel: "That is my spell Mirage it creates an image of the caster if there is holy, earth and water."

Then Nathan immediately reinforced his whole body with Magic.

Gray: "Ice make: Shield"

Then Nathaniel vanished and show infront of Lucy.

Nathaniel: "Now now Lucy dont let your guard down"

He kick Lucy on the right side of her waist and back flip to dodge Taurus attack and he hit Taurus back with his elbow.

Gray: "Ice make:Lance"

Nathaniel just dodge it elegantly and punch Gray in his gut.

Gray: "His way to fast"

Lucy: "No kidding"

Then Natsu came from the side.

Natsu: "Fire Dragon's Ro-"

But before he did his attack Nathaniel came from behind him and and karate chop Natsu's head causing his attack to stop and kick him in the middle with Lucy. The team is touching the part of their body that is badly hurt. Taurus vanishes

Nathaniel: "Okay first of all Natsu your always to reckless and attack with out a plan, Happy you need to watch your back since your Natsu's wings be always prepared, Lucy that was a great suprise attack but you should know that I'm not kind of person who can just be hit directly. Now one more time"

All of them stand up.

Lucy: "I open the gate of the Maiden: Virgo"

Virgo: "Do you wish to punish me princess?"

Lucy: "Now is not the time we need to win againts him"

Virgo: "Understood"

Then Virgo dig a whole then Natsu and Gray charges toward Nathaniel.

Gray: "Ice make: Hammer"

Natsu: "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist"

Nathaniel: "I guess you never learn"

Natahniel easily punch Gray's Hammer and shatter it into pieces then he grab both Natsu and Gray and jump when Virgo is below him. Then he throw Gray to him which Virgo catches Gray with her chains then Gray produces a sword and Natsu envelope his body with flames.

Nathaniel: <What a total waste>

Nathan immediately charge toward Virgo slamming Natsu's body as a weapon and grab the chains connected to Gray and he pulls it and knee Gray's chin. Natsu and Gray is down in the fight which remains Lucy.

Virgo: "Princess Watch out!!!"

Nathan suddenly appeared infront of Lucy but Happy wakes up and take Lucy at the sky.

Lucy: "Phew that was a close one thanks Happy"

Happy: "Aye sir, Wait Gray and Natsu is down already"

Lucy: "Looks like it's up to us"

Happy: "But how can we beat him his way to strong, durable and also fast"

Lucy: "I know but we gotta keep trying Virgo is down on the count too"

Then Lucy and Happy went down.

Lucy: "I open the gate of the Lion, Loki"

Loki: "Woah looks like we have a sparring match againts Nathan"

Lucy: "You did fight him right?"

Loki: "Yeah but I gotta tell ya his monster when it comes on hand to hand combat"

Lucy: "I see that he quickly take down Natsu, Gray, Taurus and Virgo"

Nathaniel: "Hey Loki do you want a rematch"

Then Loki immediately remove his vest, neck tie and prepare his stance.

Loki: "Lucy you also have to fight he will not hesitate to hit you too so be prepared"

Nathaniel charges towards them attack Loki from below. Loki jumped then Lucy catch Nathan with her whip. But Nathan  just roll his body as he grab Loki's leg and slam them both at the ground. The ten minute is done.

He wins the round and then Loki returns to the spirit realm then Natsu and Gray woke up.

Happy: "We loose guys"

Then Nathaniel just smile and the four of them just released a big sigh then Erza came as Nathaniel heal them.

Erza: "Woah what happend to this guys"

Happy: "Nathaniel beat the 4 of us no sweat"

Nathaniel: "Perfect Cube"

Nathaniel put Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Happy inside the cube. Then Wendy came with Carla.

Erza: "You really are something else Nathan"

Nathaniel: "Well I did learn from Master"

Erza: "So looks like they owe you big time"

Nathaniel: "Yeah they do. So Wendy What's up?"

Wendy: "Oh we are just looking for you to ask you if you want to go and eat for lunch. You can come too Erza"

Erza: "Okay there is a cafe nearby we should-"

Then Erza, Wendy and Carla look at Nathan who is smiling with a scary aura behind him.

Nathaniel: "Big sister Erza, your not going to eat any sweets don't you?"

Wendy and Carla: "Scary!!!"

Erza: "No I-im N-not going to do that"

Nathaniel: "Well you left me no choice we are going in the tree house"

Carla: "A tree house?"

Nathaniel: "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that see Mira, Erza, Laxus and I build a treehouse before so when everything goes south we can go there and rest."

Erza: "Are we gonna fit in there Nathan, we build that house like since we were 13"

Nathaniel: "Yeah it will I go there sometimes and made a new changes."

Wendy: "Wow Carla we are going in the treehouse, but what about the others"

Wendy points to Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Happy who is still healing Nathaniel release the cube which fully healed them.

Natsu: "I demanded a rematch"

Lucy: "Are you out of your mind?"

Gray: "There is nothing to get out of since he didn't have one"

Natsu: "What did you say Ice princess?"

Gray: "Oh did I hurt your feeling Flame Freak"

Nathaniel immediately punch the two right in the head and all of them went to the treehouse.

Nathaniel: "Welcome to the Fairy Tree"

Wendy: "Its so pretty"

Erza: "How can you remodel the small house that we had to this big"

Nathaniel: "Umm magic"

Gray: "Woah this is big like what the hell happens to the old ones"

Natsu: "This is awsome!!!"

They went inside and Nathaniel get a frame.

Lucy: "What does the house really look like"

Nathaniel: "Oh it's like this but Natsu destroyed this so I made a new one"

Natsu: "Sorry about that"

Gray: "I'm suprised that this is not been robbed or destroyed by someone"

Lucy: "I agree this is like one of the spot where a bandit will come and plan to robbed the house"

Nathaniel: "That is thanks to the forest fae they're the reason that this house is completely protected. See the faes and I always known since I got in the forest their queen is hurt so I heal her as a thanks they say I could have one wish and this is what I propose. And now with Gnome at my side I can even talk to animals and they also agree to help to secure the place with strangers that they didn't know"

Erza: "I see now can we just eat I'm hungry"

Nathaniel: "Yeah. Yeah I'm gonna cook keep yourself busy while I'm gone okay?"

Erza: "Im gonna assist you"

As they walk to the kitchen Nathaniel  and Erza are preparing to cook.

Erza: "Is that really the only reason that you remodel the house?"

Nathaniel immediately blush at this statement.

Nathaniel: "Hehehe is that really obvious?"

Erza: "Not really but I'm sure Laxus and Mira will be happy when they see this"

Nathaniel: "Yeah"

Erza: "So are you and Laxus are a thing now?"

Nathaniel: "Uumm no-no I mean we never talk about that stuff. And we are afraid to tell the guild what we are?"

Erza just hugs Nathaniel bringing him to her shoulder.

Erza: "I know you're nervous about that but I'm okay that you're gay, I know you will tell what you are at the right time and if Laxus hurt you like the other boy that you had been with, he better be prepare because a thousands of sword will stab his ass"

Nathaniel just laugh then they go to the dining room as they are done with the food. Then Nathaniel officially join team Natsu.

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