The Other Summoner Fairytail...

By Gladecavalier_16

50.7K 1.2K 234

There is a Universe called Imen but it is been destroyed by a phenomena called the "DOOMED" the whole univers... More

Nathaniel's Past
Welcome to Fairytail
Nathaniel's Profile
Nathaniel's Profile ver. 1.5
Special Chapter


557 15 3
By Gladecavalier_16

Gray stood on the head of the Dragonoid, towering and looking down upon those below him. Nathaniel, Erza, Lucy, Wendy, Happy, and Carla all looked up at Gray.

Erza: "What is this?! Gray! There better be a good reason for your betrayal!"

Gray then jumped down and landed on a stone pillar above them.

Gray: "Sorry, but I don't have one."

Daphne then spoke through the Dragonoid.

Daphne: "Yes Yes Yes! After many years of blood sweat and tears, I've produced this wondrous science called the Dragonoid! If you had any type of manners you'd adt least congratulate me on a job well done."

Nathaniel: "Like I care! Let go of Natsu Daphne!"

Erza: "You're the one responsible for all this? Release Natsu or else!"

Daphne spoke as she ate a Metamo-Chan.

Daphne: "Sorry, but Fire Boy is staying put. He's kind of serving as a battery for my Dragonoid, so I have no intention of letting him go. You might as well say your goodbyes while you can. Natsu Dragneel won't be around much longer!"

Erza: "Magic power is life to a wizard. We have to stop her before she drains him!"

Lucy: "You messed with the wrong guild lady!"

Happy: "What are we going to do now?"

The sound of Natsu roaring suddenly came from the glowing red core on the Dragonoid's chest. It then changed to Natsu screaming in pain as more magic energy was drained from him.

Daphne: "Yes yes, good work boy. Use that energy of yours for something else. Soon this Dragonoid will be charged up and whole world will know what true power is."

Small sparks of electrivity came from the Dragonoid's core as Natsu continued to yell out in pain.

Gray: "You guys are free to try and stop us, but you're all so pathetically weak that I doubt that you'll all survive to see the Dragonoid's full glory."

Nathaniel suddenly appeared in front of Gray.

Nathaniel: "Willing to make a bet on that Gray?"

Gray panicked slightly and tried to punch Nathaniel, which failed as Nathaniel easily caught his punch and tightened his grasp on Gray's fist and leg choke him.

Erza: "How could you Gray?"

Carla: "I seem to remember seeing a report about a deranged female wizard who was obsessed with dragons and even tried creating artificial ones, but I thought it was just a rumor."

Wendy: "That sure sounds like her!"

Daphne: "Now that's just insulting! I'm far from deranged, and by tomorrow, the academic world will know my name and shout it in praise and fear thanks to my glorious Dragon! The road has been long and filled with obstacles, but I overcame each one brilliantly!"

Daphne took another bite off a Metamo-Chan as she continued.

Daphne: "The first step was no small task. I had to successfully incubate artificial dragon aids and ensure the young survive. Then I needed test subjects, which luckily, my hometown had a whole lot of. Of course, they saw the threat and concealed themselves using hidden magic like me, but then I placed a curse on them all and let them play hide and seek for eternity! The first generation of artificial dragons failed to see through the hidden magic, making them defective. I disposed of them all and started on another set. I turned my back on that town, left, and never came back. Eventually, that place became known as the city without sound."

Everyone stared at Daphne sitting in her Dragonoid in disbelief as she continued.

Daphne: "Then I found the missing key to my solution after many years of research. In order to have a fully functional Dragonoid, I needed the powers of a DragonSlayer. Yes Yes Yes! Now that you're here Salamander, I have a task for you, so ready your magic power so that my dragon can live! Of course, your power is much greater Nathaniel, but your a summoner so it would have shortened the lifespan of my Dragonoid. It is after all, a Fire Dragon. Now, Natsu Dragneel, do me a favor baby, and BURN!!!"

Natsu screamed out in pain even more as the Dragonoid moved one of it's feet and stomped on the ground, sending a shockwave outward from where it stepped. Nathaniel was unaffected by this and continued to look on as Gray struggled to get out of Nathan's grasp.

Nathaniel: "Why are you even going as far as to create your own dragon?"

Erza: "I agree, surely you must have some form of ulterior motive."

Daphne: "My my, it's quite clear who is the keen minded ones of your little group, but this is but a prototype. My goal is to create the ultimate Dragonoid! Not to mention, field testing is always a real blast!"

Daphne then continued to stomp around in the Dragonoid, controlling it's actions with what appeared to be an Organ(the musical instrument).

Daphne: "Hmm, there do appear to be some minor issues in the controls. No matter, I'll fix those when I create the next unit."

Lucy: "This lady is crazy! Is she really using us as an experiment?"

Happy: "Give me a minute and well spit up hairballs to put in her shoes!"

Erza: "We have to stop her at all costs, understood?"

Wendy: "But what about Natsu?"

Carla: "Sacrifices have to be made some times."

Wendy: "Don't say that! We're going to find a way to save him, right Big Brother?"

Nathaniel: "Who knows? What I DO know, is that Gray..."

He suddenly punched Gray in the gut, knocking him unconscious. Nathaniel caught Gray as he fell to the ground.

Nathaniel: " coming back to the Guild with us to own up for his actions."

A Magic Vehicle drove up, and Elfman, Wakaba, and Macao were driving in it.

Macao: "Gray has some explaining to do!"

Wakaba: "He better hope everyone likes his answer!"

Elfman: "If he were a real man, he wouldn't betray Fairy Tail like this!"

Nathaniel put Gray down next to Elfman, and Elfman caught Gray with ease.

Nathaniel: "Master want's to talk to him right? Get going!"

Elfman: "Right!"

Erza: "Master allowed you!!"

Macao: "Yeah, when he got word of what Daphne was up and Nathaniel's plan then he sent us out here."

Wakaba: "He said he's gonna decide what to do about the giant Dragon thingy once he talks to Gray one on one."

Lucy: "Erza! Nathan!"

Erza and Nathan turned their attention to Lucy.

Lucy: "This is bad, I think the Dragonoid is going to-"

The Dragonoid then sprouted wings, which began to glow an eerie purple. Slowly, it floated upwards and began to fly off.

Lucy and Wendy: "Start Flying!"

Happy: "Whoa, hold on a minute no one said anything about flying!"

Nathaniel: "You realize it had wings for a reason right Happy?"

Wendy: "Oh no...if it keeps going that way, it's going to hit Magnolia in no time!"

Erza: "No... NO!"

Erza flew off after the Dragonoid in anger using his wind magic.

Nathaniel: "Erza!!!!"

Lucy: "Where are you going?!"

Nathaniel: "She's going to try and stop the Dragonoid, or slow it down if she isn't able to. Okay its decided we will get back to the Guild and help evacuate Magnolia. We have to protect everyone there at all costs! Now, quit wasting time!"

Lucy: "Got it! Let's go back to the guild. Happy Dragon Hunting to her."

Nathaniel fly with Happy, Lucy, Wendy and Carla. They immediately evacuated every people in the town. Nathan position himself on the top of the tower of the guild Master Makarov giv ehim the signal.

Nathaniel: "I call upon the Servant of Mother Earth let our bravery be as one now Armatization"

Nathaniel: "Woah I didn't have a hammer"

Gnome: "<Every person who uses the power of us has a different nature so as for you who protected anyone this is the type of form you get>"

Nathaniel: " I see now Ready now Gnome?"

Gnome: "As I ever be Nathan!"

Nathaniel and Gnome: "I order the source of thy power as one of the user of the nature aid me to protect everyone that I care deciphering the laws of nature guide me king of thy kingdom to make a wall that protect every citizen that you dear Lord Camelot"

As soon they activated the spell as the two shields collided, 3 thick magical barrier appear before them creating a beautiful wall amd ceiling made of gold.

Makarov: "Well done child, Now Ecry one proceed to the plan!!"

Everyone: "Got it!!"

Daphne: "You think that this walls can protect you now BURN!!!!!"

Everyone attack as they can as Erza fall Nathaniel catches her. Then he immediately land on the entrance of the guild. Then a moment passed before Natsu responded.

Natsu: "Heh, sure, it's about time someone asked me that!"

Nathaniel: "Natsu..."

Natsu: "Now listen up, cause I'm only going to say this once, so get that gunk outta your ears! Forget about me, and destroy this thing no matter what!!!"

Happy was holding a large stick.

Happy: "That doesn't sound like a good idea!

Lucy: "What about you Natsu?"

Natsu: "Just do it would ya?! If Magnolia were to get flattened because of me I wouldn't be able to live with myself!"

Alzack: "None of our attacks are working on this thing!"

Bisca: "What the heck are we gonna do?"

Levy: "At this rate it's gonna destroy the city!"

Lucy: "Please tell me you've got some sort of strategy in mind..."

Erza and Nathaniel stared off at the Dragonoid, seemingly ignoring Lucy.

Lucy: "Hey! Nathan! Erza!"

Inside the Guild Hall...

Makarov was sitting right across from Gray, who was sat down in a chair.

Makarov: "So? Care to explain yourself?"

Gray: "I was busy working a job when I started hearing those rumors about Daphne, about how she wanted to create an artificial dragon. So, I did some digging and..."

Makarov: "And that's when you had your secret meeting with that reckless fool?"

Gray: "The plan centered on capturing Natsu, and somehow using him to power this creature. I don't think she realized back then, but she told me that the only way to destroy it was for a DragonSlayer to take it down from the inside."

Makarov: "But this all could have been avoided if you hadn't handed Natsu over."

Gray: "You don't know the whole story Gramps."

Makarov: "Go on."

Gray: "I followed Natsu to the City without Sound, since I used to check up on him after he finished a job to make sure everything was fine. He made a promise with the cursed people in the city, but forgot about it because he's an idiot. Whenever someone mentions Igneel, he completely forgets about the task at hand."

Makarov: "So you're trying to tell him that while finding Igneel is important, his duties as a Guild Wizard should come first?"

Gray: "I never surpassed Ur, you know? I never got the chance to. Now Natsu, he can surpass anything with ease. Anything that came up he somehow overcame. One day, when he meets Igneel again, I'm sure that he is going to be able to defeat him as well! He always has that, he'll always be ready for that day. He needs to get stronger and stronger. HE'S THE ONLY PERSON I CAN PROVE MYSELF TO!"

He then stood up, fists clenched in anger before he calmed down again and continued.

Gray: "...but I messed up. I thought that he would be strong enough to beat this crazy chick and her fake dragon... Let me clean this up, please."

Makarov paused for a moment before he answered.

Makarov: "Very well, but! You must promise to do exactly as I tell you!"

Back out in Magnolia...

Daphne continued to stomp around Magnolia in her Dragonoid, a Metamo-chan in her mouth as she continued.

Daphne: "Oh, what a rush! It really takes me back to when I first saw a Dragon! I'll never forget the sight I saw that day. The day when a Dragon flew over the flower patch I went to when I was young! I kept waiting for it to come back, but it never did. I then thought to myself, that if the Dragon won't come back, then I'll just make it myself!" *evil laugh*

Natsu: "Are you kidding me?! I'm waiting for one too! Not just me either! Wendy! Gajeel! We're all waiting for them in the same boat!"

Daphne: "None of them believed me, you know? The people in my village. 'They don't exist' they said. 'You're crazy' they said. But, what I saw was real! At first then I told them, they all laughed. Eventually they all just turned their backs toward me. They tried to tell me Dragons didn't exist, but they were wrong! It's so frustrating, but I'm sure you can understand. Yes yes! I showed them! I have a Dragon that everyone can see!"

Happy: "Well, it's official now."

Nathaniel: "This lady has got some serious problems."

Lucy: "She's gone crazy."

Nathaniel: "And now we have to stop her."

Daphne: "The first thing I'll show them is how this baby can destroy a city! And then a country!"

The Dragonoid then sent a shockwave throughout the town, causing everyone to hold their arms in front of their faces the first barrier shattered. Nathaniel looked off to the side and saw Gray standing on the roof with them.

Nathaniel: "Gray!"

Gray: "Look, I'll be the first to admit that I messed up, but I need all of you guys to listen to me, even if you don't believe what I have to say."

Gray then went on to explain the whole situation with Natsu and the City without Sound. Nathaniel listened on and facepalmed after Gray was finished.

Nathaniel: "Of course... Only he would forget about an important promise like that."

Lucy: "Are you serious? How could he forget about something like that?"

Erza: "I swear, no matter what happens he never learns!"

Juvia: "I'm so relieved! I knew that no matter what happened my Gray would always be true!"

Gray: "This is the only thing I can think of to make things right, but first we have to deal with Daphne and her monsters."

Carla: "And what do you propose we do?"

Wendy: "Hey! There's someone hurt over there!"

Everyone looked down and saw a small man face down on the ground.

Erza: "That's the man from the cake shop!"

Levy: "We can't just leave him there!"

Jet and Droy then rushed forward.

Jet: "Stay back!"

Droy: "We got this!"

Daphne: "Yes yes! Lizardmen 3.1 go!"

Multiple bright green magic circles appeared and Lizardmen came out of them there are a thousand of them the Dragonoid release some heavy explosives with them and like a sacrificial lamb they duded and some lizard men came to the third wall.

Bickslow: "Oh man, she's got a ton of these babies!"

Erza leapt down and held the man up slightly.

Erza: "What were you thinking, coming outside like this?"

Cake Store Owner: "My shop... it's as good as flattened, but I managed to save this for you."

Erza: "You risked your like for this?"

Cake Store Owner: "It's for your friends right? We can't let this monster make us forget what is truly important."

Wendy then went down as well and began to use her healing magic.

Wendy: "Don't worry, I'll heal you!"

Carla: "You can't child! You're going to tire yourself out!"

Wendy: "I'll be fine, I took a little rest earlier."

Nathaniel followed soon after.

Nathaniel: "Are you sure Wendy?"

Wendy: "Yeah, I'll be fine."

Wendy stopped healing the store owner before she continued.

Wendy: "Um... I can't stand the taste of pickled plums."

Nathaniel: "Pickled...plums?"

Wendy: "I mean, I know they're good for you, but I just can't eat them. It's kinda like my weakness, you know? Everyone has them, I'm still new to Fairy Tail and I've got a lot to learn. There's a bunch I need to do to be part of the Guild. I wanna go through more stuff with you guys. To laugh and cry, to get mad together. To go on more adventures, and I wanna get better at high-fiving with Natsu. So we have to... save him..."

Wendy then finished healing the store owner before she collapsed from exhaustion. Nathaniel caught her just before she hit the ground and gently put her down. Mirajane went over and placed her hand on Wendy's head.

Carla: "I knew it! I told you you shouldn't have pushed yourself child!"

Mirajane: "It's fine, she just needs some rest is all. She is really low on magic energy though."

Nathaniel: <Master probably knows there is a way to destroy that thing without hurting Natsu, so why is he telling us to keep attacking it? Could it be...?>

Gray: "I already told you how to-"

Erza: "I already know. I figured it out."

Erza requipped into her Heaven's Wheel armor.

Erza: "Everyone! Focus on taking out the Lizardmen! I will take on the Dragonoid."

Nathaniel: "I'll go too Erza. I'm not letting you have all the fun."

Happy: "Are you two sure? Natsu is still in there!"

Erza: "This is Master's will."

Nathaniel: "That makes it the will of the Fairy Tail guild."

Erza: "Our duty is to protect Magnolia, and we must be prepared to do it no matter the cost!"

Erza and Nathan then flew off.

Erza: "Heaven's Wheel: Scattered Petals!"

Nathaniel: "Now down and stay down, Terra Mine"

Erza summoned multiple swords and struck the Dragonoid with them all. While Nathan punch the back of the Dragonoid with his shields. And make a huge shockwave downwards but the Dragonoid made its balance.

Daphne: "Yes, that's it. Keep attacking me until you wear yourself out! Yes yes! Only three percent left!"

Eventually after a while, Natsu started to speak again.

Natsu: "Must Destroy! I mean, Destroy me! Everyone must die! What the hell am I saying?!"

Natsu continued to talk with himself as Erza and Nathaniel continued to attack him, and everyone else fended off the Lizardmen Army. Suddenly, large crystals of ice began to Rain down on the Lizardman and Magnolia, defeating the Lizardmen and causing them to disappear, and hitting the Dragonoid on the back.

Natsu: "Agh, cold! Cold cold! That's so cold!"

Nathaniel: <Did Juvia and Gray just do a Unison Raid...? Awesome!>

Natsu: "Raaaa! Stop it, you two are making me mad! I should stomp on the whole city! Wait, no I shouldn't!- Yes I should!- What am I saying?!"

Gray: "Hey, listen up you pink haired freak!"

Natsu: "What did you call me?!"

Gray: "Are you seriously that helpless man? Come on! I knew you were just nothing but hot air! We're getting real tired of this comedy routine your doing in there, so man up already!"

Natsu: "Why don't you shut up Freezer Burn!"

Happy: "You guys! This is not the time to be fighting like this! Oh!"

Gray: "You know a REAL Fairy Tail wizard would never forget a promise! Quit making us look like a bunch of liars! You should show them how we really do it and smash them to smithereens!"

Everyone then got what Gray was doing and started to follow along.

Happy: "I'm super disappointed in you Natsu!"

Natsu: "What was that?!"

Nathaniel: "I mean come on, I can destroy this thing in seconds and you can't even break yourself free? Talk about pathetic!"

Natsu: "Get real! You might have 8 elements but I still got more fire then you'll ever have!"

Nathaniel: "Then why don't you get out here and show me my little weakling of a guild mate you are!"

Natsu: "RAAAGH That's it you really said it now!"

Erza: "How could you lose heart at a time like this?"

Natsu: "WHAT WAS THAT?!"

Erza: "You asked us to destroy you! That is losing heart! I'll go ahead and do as you wished and slay you myself!"

The insults began to pile up until they all caused Natsu to explode in anger, sending out a breath of fire from the Dragonoid's mouth.

Nathaniel: "I'm pretty sure Fairy Tail doesn't need you anymore Natsu!"

Natsu: "WHAT?!"

Nathaniel: "I mean, come on, I'm sure if Igneel saw you right now he would be pretty disappointed."

Natsu: "That's it... I've heard enough!!!!"

Natsu suddenly had a realization in the Dragonoid and began to pick a fight with Erza, who was in her Purgatory armor.

Natsu: "You and me Freal siblings let's go!"

Erza and Nathaniel charged at the Dragonoid and landed a direct blow on the Red core in the center. This was enough to enrage Natsu even further, causing columns of fire to shoot out of the Dragonoid and overload the system. 

Gajeel: "Honestly... I told him that his would happen, and now here he is."

A figure walked through a cloud of dust before it cleared and revealed the person to be Gajeel.

Nathaniel: "You sure picked a good time to show up."

Gajeel: "Yeah yeah."

Nathaniel: "So, wanna work together?"

Gajeel: "...Fine, just this once."

Nathaniel went down grabbed Gajeel's arm.

Gajeel: "What? Hey! What are you doing?!"

Nathaniel: "Set, aaand... Go!"

Nathaniel threw Gajeel up into the air towards the Dragonoid.

Gajeel: "Oh, now I get it."

Gajeel was headed for the core of the Dragonoid, feet first.

Gajeel: "DragonSlayer Secret Art! Karma Demon: Iron Drill!"

His lower half turned into a large drill and easily pierced the red core of the Dragonoid, revealing Natsu. After a moment Gajeel began to yell again.

Gajeel: "Hey blondie! Pink head over here could use some fire arrows! Lot's of em!"

Lucy: "Okay!"

Nathaniel: "You heard him! Let's send some firepower over for Natsu!"

Fairy Tail: "Right!"

Lucy summoned Sagittarius and fired a volley of arrows, while all the Fire Wizards in the guild launched their spells with the arrows. They all stopped in the air, creating a fire ball. Then Nathaniel releases the Armatization and cough off blood and summon Efreet

Nathaniel: "And last but not... Explosion"

Nathaniel and Efreet launched the ball of fire and altogether, it went flying at the Core. Gajeel quickly got out of the way, while Natsu took the attack head on and ate all the fire. He then proceeded to make his way towards the Dragonoid's head where Daphne was located.

Natsu: "So you wanna see what a Dragon looks like huh?"

The two puppets with Daphne charged at Natsu, but they were easily knocked out of the way!

Natsu: "I'm gonna show you what an angry one looks like!"

Daphne stared in terror as she looked at Natsu.

Natsu: "Let's see you pull that disappearing act again Four eyes! My senses are sharper than ever! And I've got so much power running through me I might just explode!"

An image of a Fire Dragon then appeared behind Natsu, causing Daphne to cry tears of joy.

Daphne: "Finally, I saw one again..."

Natsu: "You got a lot to pay for to giant dragon fake!!!"

A large explosion came from the head of the Dragonoid, and Natsu emerged from the rubble as the sun came up, with Daphne over his shoulder.

Natsu: <Igneel, I hope you're out there somewhere and saw this.>

Gajeel: "Well, looks like the Dragonoid is finished."

Gray: "I guess we all forgot about one weakness."

Mirajane: "What would that be?"

Nathaniel: "An unstable power source called Natsu."

Natsu: "I can't believe you all said that to me!"

Nathaniel and Gray: "Well it's your fault for forgetting a promise like that!"

Gray, Natsu, and Gajeel began to argue among themselves as the entire Guild laughed as they watched. Erza then managed to give the cake to Wendy, and everyone celebrated for the rest of the day.

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