Free as a Bird

By Forrelz

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~Book 2~ (completed) The war ended, with the good getting the upper hand. Grindelwald's reign of terror ends... More

Small Update!


316 17 101
By Forrelz

It had been the day after the party and everybody resumed back to work. Tina decided to take Dakota's advice and talk to Newt about their relationship. 

He was in his sanctuary when Tina went to visit him. Credence was feeding the Nifflers while Bunty fed the Occamies. Newt was talking to his Zouwu, something he usually did when he felt overwhelmed and want to get things off his chest.

"Newt?" Tina said, regaining her composure, "Can I talk to you?"

"Oh, um, well" Newt said, "Credence? Bunty? Can you excuse us--?"

"Sure" Bunty said, "Mr Scamander, I have to leave to my grandma's place. Do you think it'd be okay if I can take the rest of the day and tomorrow off?"

"That's perfectly alright, Bunty" Newt was a very liberal boss.

"I'll check on the bread" Credence said.

Once the two of them left, Newt sat down with Tina. He fidgeted nervously, fiddling with his wand and accidentally levitating a few objects.

"Anyways" Tina began, "I consider my behavior at the party extremely inappropriate. I shouldn't have walked out in such a fashion and I should've listened to you better".

"Yes, um, I mean, yes, quite . . . I mean, of course" Newt became flustered, "And I should've been better and clear with the explanation. I should've told you that Anna was quite infatuated with me and she made the move and I couldn't push her away since it is highly . . disregarded".

"Thoughtful" Tina agreed.

There was an awkward pause.

"Newt, it isn't just about Anna" Tina began, "I've been talking and getting to know myself and things are just drifting apart. We seem to no longer find common ground or interests to talk about. We haven't gone out on our first date yet and we seem to be engaged with our professions that we hardly have time for others".

"But two people, being in a relationship, doesn't mean you must engage with them all day" Newt said.

"I know" Tina replied, "And it also seems that we've never found any compromise".

"Compromise, for what, exactly?" Newt asked.

"Nothing. Forget I said anything" Tina replied.

"I understand" Newt said, "The fire once we had, has now died down".

"It's not just the fire" Tina said.

"Are you getting cold feet?" Newt asked, "About us?"

"None. It's nothing, okay?" Tina stood up.

"I understand" Newt nodded, "We aren't like Queenie and Jacob and we seem to be burdened by this expectation where we are supposed to do somethings and make time for each other, but our commitments refuse to allow that. But I just want to tell you something that I love you and nothing's going to change that. Even if you doubt our relationship's journey, I can assure you that I won't have any doubts. You have always been the one and you're amazing".

"What did you say?" Tina turned to him, in shock.

"I m-mean" Newt's ears turned red, "I said that you're amazing".

"No, before that" Tina said, trying to catch onto the exact words she hadn't been paying very close attention to.

"I can assure you I won't have any doubts. .?" Newt said.

"No, even before that" Tina really wished she could note everything down on a piece of paper.

"Our other commitments refuse to allow that?" Newt guessed, keeping the conversation as far as possible.

"No, after that!" Tina stomped her foot in frustration, "Come on, Newt. Quit playing around"

"I--- love you. . ?" the statement came out more as a question than a heartfelt saying. Newt didn't expect him to say that. 

"Really?" Tina asked, "Or are you just kidding around? Or is it just like every other time when we said that and didn't really. . . mean that? Or was it a friendly gesture?"

"I mean it" It took a lot of courage, but now that it's out, he felt quite better, "I mean every word. I love you, Tina".

"In that case, I must unburden my heart as well" Tina replied, "I feel the same way. I love you too".

"Are you sure? You seemed to be quite perplexed about it".

"I'm sure that you are the one. Sure we may have differences, but I guess that's the thing that sets us apart from others" Tina started, "I guess I'm used to trusting my mind than my heart, but I for one, am sure. You helped me loads of times, Newt. You were like a friend to me, except you knew me well, inside out".

Newt blinked, aghast. Was this happening?

"And if I were to give up such a kind, charming, flawless and an adorable person like you, I shall never forgive myself" Tina beamed, tears forming in her eyes.

Then Newt did something that he'd never imagine himself doing, in such a frenzy.

He kissed her, placing a caring hand on her head. Tina returned the kiss back, placing her hands on his shoulder.

Theseus was extremely frustrated. He had mountains of reports to file and with the absence of Anna, he couldn't do it himself. He decided to ask a few people about Anna's whereabouts. He hadn't seen her except for the party the previous night.

He finally mustered up the courage to go to Dakota's office to ask about Anna. He knocked on the door. Dakota sat there, looking through some reports herself.

"Hello" Theseus nodded.

"Oh it's you, Scamander" Dakota got up, "Come in".

"I just wanted to know what happened to Anna. She isn't at work today" Theseus asked.

"She's away for a while" Dakota said, "It happens. These episodes are common. She goes away, far away from home for a while and she comes back when things are back to normal".

"That's absurd!" 

"Look I can't stop it. She refuses therapy so she's relying on running away from her life" Dakota shrugged, "All I can do at this point is support her for her choices. I can't explain her disorder, but I can just. . help her be in a comfortable environment".

"Oh" Theseus said, "Okay, that's . ."

Dakota shrugged, "Do you need any help? I mean, I'm off duty now and I can take Anna's place. Plus, I don't think nobody cares if a Curse-Breaker does an Auror's job. It's Friday and close to the weekend and as long as you have submitted your reports, you'll do fine".


"Why not? I'm just lollygagging".

"Okay. Suit yourselves"

Theseus and Dakota returned back to Theseus's office. There were some reports that needed filing and stamping. Dakota took one half of the pile and started to file. Theseus was quite amazed. Dakota could do so many things.

"So, Dakota, do these episodes occur often?" Theseus asked, "To Anna, I mean".

"They do" Dakota explained, "If Anna really likes someone, she goes in for the kill. And things get bad. Then she leaves for a few days and she comes back, all refreshed and new. Then the cycle continues".

"That's awful for you and her" Theseus said, "I feel bad".

"Which is why nobody wants to get into a relationship with me" Dakota said, "They think this disorder is genetic and I might have it. And they're afraid".

"You've never been in a relationship?" Theseus asked.

"Let's not talk about that again" Dakota snorted.

"How did it start? The disorder?"

"I don't know. It just surfaced" she shrugged, "She's been experiencing a desire and a need to protect the person and the fear of rejection. If she does get rejected, it's a hurricane. She also needs a lot of reassurance. And I help her. I tell her she's worthy and she's amazing in every way and the person who rejected her was a jerk and all that stuff".

"How long does the whole thing last?"

"Well, I don't know" Dakota answered, "Usually she falls in love. If she gets rejected, she runs away for two or three days and comes back".

"Doesn't therapy work?" Theseus asked, "Don't they have those kind of special things for people like that?"

"I don't know that either. She refuses to rely on therapy and every time I ask her for that, she just doesn't like it. So I am her therapist" Dakota shook her head, "I've already been through so much and it's hard supporting another person when your own emotions are down the drain".

"That's awful" Theseus said.

"Anyway, we can talk about Anna all day. . . " Dakota shrugged, hesitating to ask Theseus something.

"Well?" Theseus read her expressions, expecting a question from her.

"Um, I just wanna talk to you, I mean I wanted to ask you something" Dakota began, "My band is playing tomorrow in the Leaky Cauldron. I thought you might want to come? Usually Anna is the one there, but since she's not here, I can bring a guest"

"Are you kidding? I'd be glad!" Theseus brightened up.

"I never pitted you as a rock-and-roll kind of guy" Dakota told him, bearing a quizzical experience, "I thought you were a country music kind of dude".

"Sometimes I listen to music" Theseus said, "But I am a fan of rock-and-roll".

"Oh, that's great" Dakota said, "Be there by seven, Scamander. I expect punctuality".

Meanwhile Queenie was having a hard time. It was the third time she threw up and she refused to eat anything.

"Queenie, it's not going to get better if you don't eat" Jacob said.

"I can't. I feel extremely nauseous" Queenie held his hand.

"How about some bread and water?"

"It's okay, Jacob. I'll ask you if I need some" Queenie said, "But we have more important things to deal with".

"Like what?"

"The baby's crib, the baby's name, all that" Queenie remarked, "We also need to make sure that the baby has magical blood".

"But we have nine months for that, honey" Jacob protested.

"I can't! I'm so excited!" Queenie clapped her hands.

"Aw, sweetie" Jacob pressed a kiss on her forehead, "How about you focus on getting better and more stable so we can talk about it? Don't worry, we have a lot of time".

"I can't wait for the baby" Queenie smiled, "Wouldn't it be great? I'd name the baby Emma or Julius in honor of my parents".

"And I'd pick Nessa and Prescott" Jacob added, "Nessa is my grandmother's name and Prescott is my father's name. I didn't know my mother much".

"Irrespective of the name, no kid will be loved more" Queenie smiled.

"That's right" Jacob grinned, "But I don't want any underage wizardry around the house".

Queenie laughed, "You're sweet, honey. Any kid would be lucky to have a dad like you".

Jacob offered her a smile, "You're amazing. Any kid would be lucky to have a mother like you".

A/N : Yayy! i uploaded two days in a row again! *plays a kazoo*

Yknow, I just couldn't wait to go ahead with the plot and since we are all in quarantine, you best believe I'm going to write fanfics than solve functions.

Functions suck. Period.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you so much for reading!

By the way, 'Acme' is synonymous with pinnacle. In this context, Newt and Tina are at the pinnacle of their relationship, with the whole 'confessing their love' part.

Stay safe and stay indoors. Wash your hands, don't touch your face. . Yknow the drill.

Have a great day!


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