A Thin Line between Love and...

By ChantalAndrea01

237K 12.9K 5.3K

Jasmine and Megan have always been best-friends since childhood. Now that they are older, they are both YouTu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chpater 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
CHAPTER 49: Epilogue
Character Info

Chapter 40

3.7K 214 87
By ChantalAndrea01

Jasmine's POV

My mother's eyes bulged as she waved her arms back and forth trying to defend my father. 

"No baby, he's completely innocent. I'm the one whose made the biggest mistake of my life and I'm hoping you can forgive me." She said desperately. How could I forgive someone when I still didn't fully understand why she did it. 

"I was only trying to protect you." She added. Protect me? Was she serious. The sound of her disgusting words triggered me. One moment I was just standing there and watching my mother desperately trying to explain herself and then in the next moment, I found myself leaning over her with a raised open-palmed hand, ready to slap her. I didn't even hesitate or think about it as I let go without even caring about any consequences and swung with all my might. I watched as my mom shrunk back in fear but I had no remorse. She deserved this and I absolutely did not care. Unfortunately, that's also when I felt a strong grip on my forearm, instantly immobilizing my slap. I looked over my shoulder and saw Jaxon holding my arm in place. I tried to pull out of his grip but it was of no use; he was 10 times stronger than me.

"Babe, I understand you're upset but I don't want you to do something you'll regret." He said calmly and I almost laughed out loud.

"Jaxon, I can promise you that I wouldn't regret slapping her one bit. She deserves it." I said this reassuringly but Jaxon still held firmly on my arm.

"I think we should go." He suggested. 

"She owes me an explanation." I said a little too angrily.

"Yes, but you've been worked up all day. I don't think it's healthy for you or the baby. I think we can reconvene at a later time." I glanced back at my mother with her head down. She looked so sorrowful it was pathetic. Once I felt Jaxon loosen his hold on my arm, I wiggled my arm away from his hold forcefully. I gave my mother one final stare down. If I couldn't hit her, at least I could kill her with my words.

"I want you to know that I will NEVER forgive you for any of this no matter what you have to say. You're dead to me." With that being my final words, I stomped out of the room without saying anything to anyone else. I hoped what I said cut her just as deeply as her betrayal cut me. I opened the front door of the house and slammed it so hard, the door frame shook. I headed towards Jaxon's car and realized I didn't even have a key. But none of that mattered at this point; I didn't care. I sagged against his passenger side window and crossed my arms and sighed heavily as everything that transpired today really hit me. Tears began to well up in my eyes but I tried to hold them back. I didn't want to feel this weak or helpless. 

I looked up to the sky and saw dark clouds roaming in fast. That was Florida for you. One minute it was all sunshine and rainbows and in the next minute a thunderstorm would begin to brew. Just my fucking luck. I leaned against the side of the car and slid down to the ground. The tears were now brimming on the rim of my eyes and as the first droplets of rain landed on my face. I couldn't hold back any longer and my tears finally overflowed. I silently sat there and cried miserably to myself as the rain finally broke through the heavens and began to pour all around me.

A few minutes later, Jaxon came outside. I watched him through tear filled eyes, as he walked up to me slowly. He didn't seem to notice or care that it was raining. Instead, his eyes never left my face as he approached me. He never even said a word to me and for that I was grateful. I didn't want to talk anymore. I felt exhausted and tired now. As Jaxon approached me, he reached out  and encircled me into his strong arms. Right there, while standing in the rain, I instantly let the rest of my pent up anger and sadness loose as I cried loudly into his chest. I don't know how long we stood there. But once I was done crying, I wiped my tears and leaned back to look up at him.

"Thank you." I whispered before getting into the car. 

Thank the lord that Jaxon had a blanket in the car because at this point, I'd come to my senses and I was now cold. He turned on the heater and we drove home in complete silence. Once home, I barely said anything to him. I took a warm shower while Jaxon waited for me in my room. I dried myself off and headed towards my bed.

"I just want to sleep and not think about any of this." I said to him as I lifted the covers to crawl underneath. Jaxon tucked me in and kissed me lightly on the lips.

"You don't have to say anything else about it right now. Just rest and we'll get through this. I promise." He stayed a little while longer until I fell asleep before leaving. 


The next day, Jaxon was at my house bright and early.

"Hey Babe, how are you feeling today?" He asked me while rubbing my arms warmly. I leaned in and nuzzled into his warmth.

"I'm still stressed out but I'm feeling a little better." I answered as Jaxon leaned in and kissed me. I was lucky that I didn't catch a cold from yesterday's foolishness. The truth was, I was losing my mind right about now. This whole pregnancy and my situation with Jaxon was one thing. But dealing with Marcy and my mother was a whole other ball game that was stressing me out; I was beginning to feel hopeless. Plus, the pregnancy hormones did nothing to help alleviate any of my anxiety.

"That's good. Do you want to speak with your mother today?" He asked and I shook my head no. I had all night to think about that question and I finally came to the conclusion that I still needed time to process what happened yesterday. I needed time to regroup and de-stress myself before I spoke with her again. 

"I don't think-" Before I could finish my sentence, I was interrupted by the doorbell.


Jaxon looked at me curiously before asking. "Where you expecting someone?" I scrunched my brows together and shook my head no. I looked at my phone just to make sure. Hmmm, today's Sunday. It couldn't be the Jehovah's Witnesses. They usually come out knocking on doors on Saturday mornings. I got up to check the door when Jaxon stopped me.

"How about you stay put and I grab the door for you?" He asked the question but it was more of a suggestion. 

I nodded my head in agreeance and sat back down on my bed. I watched as Jaxon went to open my room door but stopped when he heard commotion downstairs. Then I heard what the problem was all about and my heart instantly sped up with anxiety. My mother's voice could be heard permeating throughout my house. I reflexively jumped up out of my bed and ran towards my room door to hear what was happening. As I listened, I could hear Megan arguing with my mother downstairs and telling her that she needed to leave but of course, my mother kept on insisting.

"Mrs. Smith, I don't think this is a good time. Jasmine hasn't really been feeling well since yesterday." Megan could be heard explaining my situation to my mother but not surprisingly, my mom was being stubborn.

"Megan, please. I just need one moment to explain myself to my daughter. It won't take long." My mother continued to insist and move past Megan. Jaxon looked at me to gage my reaction and even though I couldn't see my own face, I knew it had lost the small amount of vibrancy I was able to muster up this morning. Just hearing my mothers voice made me cringe. I listened as my mom inched closer to my room while Megan continued to tell her to leave. With every step that she made, my heart seemed to thump faster and louder within my chest. I then felt the burning sensation of bile rising in my throat. When my throat began to close up and my breathing began to constrict I knew I was in the grips of a panic attack. 

I stumbled away from the door and tried to make my way over towards my bed. I didn't want to see this woman and I, for damn sure,  didn't want to deal with this right now. All I've been feeling for the past two days was all-consuming stress because of this woman. I'd come to the conclusion that it was too soon and that I needed my space from her. But knowing my mother, she needed everything solved instantly.

Jaxon must have known something was wrong by the way I was stumbling over my feet as I desperately tried to get as far away from my mother as I could. He ran towards me with panic in his eyes. 

"Baby, I got you. Just breathe." He said as he coached me while rubbing my back. His calming aura was beginning to work until I heard my room door being swung open. I turned to look and saw that Megan was still trying to shove my mother back. But unfortunately, Megan was small and petite while my mother had a good 50lbs more weight than her. Megan peered back at me with a guilty sadness on her face. 

"I'm sorry Jas, I tried to stop her. I know you want your space right now but she wouldn't listen." I barely even heard what Megan said as I looked past her and stared at my mother while I continued to wheeze and inhale deeply trying to deal with my panic attack. My mom took a few steps into my room while addressing me.

"Baby girl. I'm so sorry. I know you may not want to see me but I just had to come and explai-" 

"Get" wheeze "the fuck" wheeze "out of my house." Wheeze. I strained to speak between each breath that I was trying to suck in. Just the sight of her was triggering my panic attack even further. The thought that my mother, the woman who birthed and nurtured me could do something like this was beyond my comprehension. Again, I needed time to process all of this but seeing her was too much. 

"Baby girl. Just let me explain." She insisted. 

The sound of her voice grated on my nerves and my stress levels were skyrocketing out of this world. I was going to speak again when a sharp pain shot through my stomach. Urghhhh! I cried out in pain. Jaxon's eyes bulged with worry as he instantly grabbed me and tried to comfort me.

"What's wrong babe? What's happening?" I could hear the panic in his voice but I couldn't speak because the pain consumed me again. After the third sharp pain zapped through my body, I could feel a warm sensation leaking between my legs. I was beyond scared. I took my shaking hands and slowly reached down in between my legs as more pain gripped my mind. When I pulled my hand back up, they were completely stained with blood. 

"Oh my God Jasmine. Baby girl!" I could hear my mother panicking in the background. I felt  Jaxon rush into action and quickly lift me into his arms before he addressed my mother calmly but sternly.

 "I need you to leave right fucking now!" Then he turned to Megan. "Call the ambulance. I think Jasmine might be having a miscarriage." 


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