Stupid Cupid: A Modern Clato...

By ClatoTHG07

221K 5.4K 3.4K

*Disclaimer: Characters belong to the wonderful Suzanne Collins.* (This is a Modern story) Valentine's Day is... More

Stupid Cupid: A Modern Clato Fanfiction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Ending Author's Note and Christmas Gift Details
Questions and Their Answers, 2015 Information

Chapter 39

4.1K 116 35
By ClatoTHG07

Sorry for not updating sooner. I feel like you're all going to want to scream after reading this chapter. Sorry for that. And thanks for over 300 followers!

Clove was the one. She was always the one for him. He was just too blind to admit it. 

Staring down at the papers and photos in front of him, Cato Hadley came to a realization. That no matter what had happened, the girl with the freckles and ebony hair was always there. She was the person who always listened, and the person who never judged. She was the person he trusted with his deepest, darkest secrets, and ultimately, his life. 

And he lost her. He was an idiot and he let her go. He let her think that she didn't mean anything to him and that their friendship was worthless and pointless and stupid. 

Cato snatched up Glimmer's stupid quiz and tore the papers right in half. He threw them across the room, not even caring where they went. He tore up all of the pictures of herself that she gave him, and all of the ones when they went out together. 

He hated them, he hated Glimmer. But most of all, he hated himself. he hated himself for loosing the girl with the knives, the girl that he loved. 


Clove wasn't stupid. She knew that Glimmer knew next to nothing about Cato. But yet at the same time, she realized that Cato would still choose the blonde girl any day. They were perfect for each other. Glimmer was perfect. Cato was perfect, and that's why they worked. Clove knew she was far from perfect. That's why Cato didn't love her back. 

It bothered her, knowing that he would never choose her. Because life wasn't like a fairy tale, and the regular girl with the normal life would never get her prince charming. It was always the pretty girl with the best clothes and the most money. Girls like Clove Sevina would never find love. 


Clove whipped her head around, only to see Cato running towards her. Clove rolled her eyes and kept on walking. She had to run some errands for her mom, and was just nearing the mall's exit. 

Cato called out her name again, and the girl sighed. What the hell did he want? 

"Hey," Cato huffed once he caught up to her. They walked side by side together. Clove turned to him and glared. "What do you want, Cato?" she hissed, venom dripping from her tongue. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry," he replied, causing her to let out a laugh. 

"That's fantastic," she sneered. "Why do you keep doing this? We both know that you don't care about me, so why don't we just stop walking around in circles and admit to ourselves that there's no sense in apologizing." 

They were outside now in the parking lot, the bitter cold turning Clove's cheeks a shade of pink. Cato  noticed this, and he thought it made her look prettier than she really was. 

"I'm trying to be nice to you," Cato pointed out. "But you're the one who's being stubborn here." 

Clove stopped walking, and Cato nearly ran into her. "Go screw your girlfriend," she huffed. "I stuck up for you!" Cato roared, throwing his hands up in the air. "Gloss started talking smack about you, and I defended you! He was saying how you were too independent and that you'd be a good bang. He practically called you a whore and a slut and said you had a nice ass. And I punched him and told him to stop talking about you like that because you mean so much more than that. That he better not think about coming near you or I'll beat him to a pulp." 

Clove blinked. "What does that even mean? That you would beat up one of your buddies just because he said shit? Stop trying to act like you care about me or you still like me." 

When he didn't respond, she went on. "Come on, Cato. What everyone says about me, it's true. That I'm stupid, ugly, psychotic. That I'm too needy and pushy and no one will ever ask me out because I'm a freak." 

"Dammit Clove! Open your freaking eyes! You're smart, funny, witty, and bad ass. You don't need anyone to make you happy, and you can do things for yourself. You're gorgeous. Your eyes light up when you smile and when your cheeks turn pink it makes you look prettier than you already are. Your black hair makes you look edgy but your freckles give you a sense of innocence. Look at yourself and realize that you are so much more than a pretty face." 

"Don't," Clove pleaded. "Don't do this to me, okay? Don't make me feel special or try to get me to feel better about myself or this stupid situation because all it's going to do is make me hurt even more. So if I were you, I'd o back to your girlfriend and never speak to me again." 

Clove turned away, leaving Cato to stand there with his mouth agape. The blonde boy noticed the tears running down her face. He hated himself more than he though possible when he let her walk away from him yet again. 

And Clove hated herself for letting the tears fall. Because whether either one of them wanted to admit it, they were in love. And even more shit was about to go down. 

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