Ever After |all human| COMPLE...

Door lordsasskins

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| edwardxbella | A broken boy in Florida. A lonely girl in Washington. An anonymous chat room, where two lost... Meer

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Please read, friends๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
| Epilogue |

Chapter 42

337 11 2
Door lordsasskins

Bella's POV

The next few days Edward and I fell into a pretty comfortable routine. He would come to the room with me every day and collapse on the bed, we would watch movies and talk, he was helping me in getting to know him all over again.

I learned that he was funny, and very charming. He had this stupid, adorable crooked grin that was my absolute favorite. He was very attentive, and would rub my scalp whenever I got bad migraines just like he did the very first night.

Charlie would visit me as often as he could as well, he would sit with me for an hour every day and ask me how everything was going. I was thankful no one was trying to get into my head and force me to remember anything, I was trying hard enough on my own. I hadn't remembered anything except for that first night, but I replayed it in my head often. I wondered what we had been talking about.

Reading the old messages between Edward and me, as well as the ones between me and my friends helped me a great deal. It was helping me come to terms with a lot and understand the depth of my feelings for him.

Carlisle gave me the okay to travel about the house on my own today. Which means I could explore further than the dining room. I had still been on bed rest, as Carlisle had been worried about my head injury. Even more so when Edward told him about my migraines.

Those said migraines were starting to decrease, I was getting them less and less and when I was getting them they weren't as bad. I could handle the pain, mostly on my own. And even still, Edward would sit down next to me and massage my head. I didn't need pain medication so long as I had him. The only times I took anything after the first night was when Edward wasn't home.

Once Carlisle gave me the okay to get up and walk around, he left. I got up and went to the dresser that held my clothes. I got freshened up in the bathroom and braided my hair to the side so it fell down my shoulder. I got dressed in a pair of blue shorts and a white tee, before beginning my trek out of the room.

I wandered downstairs, and as nervous as I felt doing so, I walked to the kitchen to pour myself a drink. The Cullen's had been nothing short of incredible to me, and truly I had no reason to be so nervous, but I still felt it. I walked around some more, observing all of the beautiful art that adorned their walls.

I knew the Cullen's were well off, that's one something their home had given away immediately. The art, however, was incredible, and I knew some pieces must have been what I would make in a month at the diner. It made me feel wholly inadequate.

Why did Edward even really like me? He was the best looking guy I had ever laid eyes on, and had the whole world at his feet. I remember growing up, struggling. Even though my father had a stable job as a deputy, the flow of income we had was barely enough to cover our bills. I remember on numerous occasions wondering where our next meal was coming from. Dad always figured it out. He was a provider. He made things happen.

Like, when I was being teased because I was the only one in second grade that didn't have some stupid brand name sweater. He saved his money to be able to go and get me this light pink sweater. By then, it was out of style, but I didn't care. It meant the world to me that my daddy would do that for me. I wore it with pride. When my father got promoted to chief, his income increased and we stopped worrying as much about money. The panic was still there though.. neither of us wanted to go back to that.

I look around and imagine how good Edward must have had it, he would have been spoiled, and yet he doesn't act like it. I continue my journey up the stairs and bypassed Edwards room, or my room, that I had been staying in.

I was intending to go back inside but what I heard caused me to keep moving. My body gravitated towards it. There was a room at the end of the hallway, and the door was opened just a crack. Music flowed out of the room, and I peeked in to see Edwards back to me, his fingers dancing across the keys of the grand piano while he sang.

I opened the door quietly and leaned against the doorframe, listening to him.

"And now the day bleeds into nightfall and you're not here to get me through it all, I let my guard down and then you pulled the rug, I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved." He sang his heart out, his voice giving me chills. He is very talented. I couldn't help but stare at him in wonder.

He ended the song, and his fingers stayed on the keys, not playing anymore music, but staring ahead as if in a trance. I clapped my hands, making him jump and turn to face me.

"Bella!" He gasped, looking back at me. "What are you doing out of bed?"

"Carlisle gave me the go ahead to walk around, finally." I answered, walking deeper inside the room and gesturing to the bench next to him. "Can I sit?"

He nodded and I took a seat next to him, being sure to keep some distance between us. "I'm glad you're finally allowed up, I'll find out from Carlisle later what your restrictions are."

"Have you ever played for me before?" I questioned, gesturing to the piano. He blushed and nodded. "Really?"

"I composed a song for you, actually." He murmured, "Bella's Lullaby. I loved playing it for you."

"Can I hear it?" I ask him. He hesitates and bites down on his lip. "Please? Who knows, it could trigger a memory."

"You drive a hard bargain, Swan." He smirked, "alright, fine." He turned back to the keys, he took a moment before he began playing once again. I smiled, a blush coloring my face.

He wrote this for me? I was flattered beyond belief, and wiggled closer to him, resting my head on his shoulder. His head moved slightly to the side, resting it on mine. Why was this so comfortable to me? Like I was home. The feeling was terrifying.

Once he finished, we hesitated the way we are, resting on each other. I didn't want to lead him on, I still didn't remember him. I liked him, though. I knew that there was potential for these feelings to grow, for now, however, I was comfortable the way we are.

My headache chose that moment to come back, but I felt that Edward and I had gotten close enough for the day. I didn't want to ask him to play with my hair again, so instead, I lifted my head and looked at him.

"I should go rest for a bit, I think I did enough exploring for the day." I murmured.

"Probably," he sighed.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked, sensing his disappointment.

A shy smile spread on his face and he nodded his head, standing up and taking my hands, helping me to my feet. We walked back towards the bedroom together and crawled into the bed. He sat back against the headboard, keeping a respectful distance between us.

I curled up on top of the covers, resting my head on the pillow. We went through the options on Netflix and eventually decided to start watching the vampire diaries together.

"Watching a tv show together?" I asked playfully. "That's a big commitment."

"I don't mind commiting myself to you." He shot back, I looked up at him and he was already staring at me, an amused smirk on his face.

"Oh," I breathed, not knowing what else to say. My cheeks were hot, and I turned back to look at the screen. He chuckled, and I nuzzled deeper into the pillow to hide my embarrassment.

I blinked a few times, my eyes getting heavy as my body worked to fight off the headache. I let out a yawn, and then drifted off to sleep.

I opened my locker to gather my belongings for class when I felt hands on my hips from behind, I grinned to myself and shook my head as the hands came up to cover my eyes.

My smile immediately vanished as I smelt the heavy scent of old cigarette buts on his fingers. The skin was rough to the touch, not at all like Edwards soft skin. I jerked away and spun around, coming face to face with James.

"Hey, baby." He said, coming closer to me, causing me to press up against the locker.

"Leave me alone, James." I hissed through gritted teeth.

"Aw, sweetie don't be like that," he brought one of his hands to my face and I brought my hand up to push it away.

"This is harassment, I can report you." I said, frowning as I tried again to push him away.

"But you won't, because that would draw to much attention to you, and you hate attention." He said, I glanced around, people were walking past us, shooting glances in our direction, but I suppose they didn't see anything they felt the need to step in for. And James was right, I did hate the attention. I knew I wouldn't report him.

"Why don't we skip off, go somewhere private?" He said. The scent of stale cigarettes on his breath turning my stomach.

It was then I heard the most comforting sound in the world, "What's going on here?" His velvety voice demanded, causing James to face him.

"Just talking to my girl," James said , causing Edward to grin menacingly.

"Really? Cause Bella is the only one I see, and last I checked, she was my girlfriend, so." He stepped forward, removing me from James's grasp and pulling me to his side. I was consciously aware of the building audience, stopping to watch the confrontation.

"Oh so you're the whores little boyfriend," James said, grinning.

"Excuse me?" Edward said, his arms coming loose from around me, he moved to stand in front of me.

Suddenly large hands were around me, pulling me back away, I gasped in shock before looking up to see Emmett.

"Hey, it's not my fault you have horrible taste," James said, "though I suppose we can't blame you either, you didn't know she was a whore."

"You might think it wise to apologize to my girl," Edward said, clearly angry.

"I'm not going to apologize for calling it like I see it." James stated.

"How do you see it?" Edward demanded, "she's simply a girl who doesn't want you, I don't even know you and I see that, I see you think you're the shit, and it pisses you off that you can't score with a girl cause she's to smart to fall for your tricks."

I could see the anger growing on James's face, but then suddenly a calm expression came over him.

"Say what you want, she's just playing hard to get, give me a few more months, I'll have her on her back."

It happened in slow motion after that, Edward hauled his arm back, his hand curling up into a fist, he threw the punch with what seemed like all of his strength and James was on the ground, his hand flying to his jaw, where Edward had hit him.

I jolted awake, and looked over next to me where Edward was still watching the tv, his ankles crossed over and his arms folded across his chest. I took a deep breath, steadying myself. His eyes shot over to me, catching me staring and he smirked.

"Hey there, sleepyhead." He murmured. I ignored his teasing and moved up onto my hands, I scooted closer to him and nudged his arm. "What?" He asked confused as he moved his arm like I directed. I moved closer to him and dropped next to him, nuzzling into his chest and sighing. He hesitated before he dropped his arm slowly, resting it over me. He was very hesitant in his actions, and so I snuggled closer to him, wrapping an arm around his waist to let him know it was okay.

His arm snaked around my hips and he tugged me even closer, his chin rested on top of my head , and I breathed his scent in, trying to make the memories come back. I had two so far, both were with him. The second one he was defending me, like all the good boyfriends I've ever seen in shows and movies and read about in books. I knew I didn't have to fear him - I felt safe with him.

"Bella?" His velvet voice whispered my name, causing me to shiver. I stayed put, not moving a single muscle. And mumbled a slight 'mm' in response. "What's going on with you? Not that I'm complaining."

I sighed softly. "I want to remember you." I said. "There's something inside of me screaming at me to remember you before I lose you."

"You aren't going to lose me, not for anything." He promised. "You've forgotten me, Bella, I haven't forgotten you. I loved you before and I still love you now, if you don't ever remember our past, maybe we can just build a future." I looked up at him and he turned his head down to look at me, his cheeks were pink. "If you start to feel things for me again."

"I already do feel something for you." I told him, honestly. I cared greatly about him, and could see myself falling in love with him. We easily fell into a routine together once I came home from the hospital. We clicked, and I could tell he got me more than anyone. Already, he was my protector. My big mountain lion, ready to pounce on anything that hurts me. How could I not feel something for him?

"Really?" He asked shyly, as if afraid to believe it. I nodded. He smirked softly and tilted his head up, taking a deep breath of... relief? I moved my head back down on his chest and shut my eyes again, feeling at home.


Another few days passed by, and it was graduation day today. Luckily, I apparently passed all my exams before getting attacked and therefore was graduating with my friends. Edward hadn't really left my side for much over the last few days. Since my confession we had gotten closer.

Nothing had transpired between us, however. Though I could feel myself becoming closer and closer to him. I remembered our first kiss, in his living room after he had been suspended for defending me against James, and how heated it had become.

Edward still had no idea I was remembering things, though it was getting to the point that I was finally ready to tell him. Why? I had feelings for him. I wanted to try being boyfriend and girlfriend.

My feelings were everywhere, and I was confused. I wanted to remember everything. I was determined that I would. After all, I had already remembered some things, right? After the graduation ceremony, where I got my diploma, I walked around the crowded gym, looking for my friends, or Edward.

A few people tried talking to me, and asking me how I felt after my attack, but I couldn't deal with it. The closeness, the crowd. I was having a panic attack. I went as fast as I could to the gym doors and went out to the hallway. I walked around the school, trying to calm myself. I began humming a tune, I didn't realize at first, until after it managed to calm me down that it was the lullaby Edward had composed for me.

Of course, it was him that calmed me, even when he was no where around. I smiled at that fact, and slipped out of the school. Still in my gown, I walked to a picnic table and sat down, staring off into the distance.

What to do? I could tell Edward about my feelings, and my memories, and we could get back together - though, technically we never broke up, did we? I lost my memory, but the only conversation that was had was him asking me if I would give him a chance. I wanted to give him that chance. I could fall in love with him again, I believe I had already started.

"Bella?" I heard a voice behind me, I recognized it instantly and turned to see him standing there. He, too, was still wearing his gown. "What are you doing out here by yourself?"

"I just needed some air." I answered, smiling shyly at him. He walked over to me and stepped on the wooden seat of the picnic table, lifting himself up easily and sitting next to me.

"I was worried, last time you left the gym without me.." he hesitated and flinched.

"Honestly, I wasn't even thinking about that." I admitted, taking his hands into mine to soothe him. "I'm sorry, Edward."

"No need," he murmured, "you're entitled to some space, I just hate the idea of you being hurt, especially since James is out on bail."

"I know." I soothed, moving my head onto his shoulder. "How he managed that, I'll never know."

"Not enough evidence to tie him to this crime," Edward sighed. "But I know it in my gut it was him."

"It's fine, Edward." I said, "I've already how amnesia, what else could he do to me?"

He pulled back a bit so I was forced to lift my head and look at him, his eyebrows were furrowed and he looked irritated, "he could kill you, for one."

"He won't get the chance." I promise. He sighed loudly, hesitantly lifting one hand to cup my cheek.

"No words could ever describe how I felt when I seen you lying on the floor that night, bleeding.." he hesitated, before whispering, "dying."

"I'm alright." I said, leaning my face into his palm. "I'm right here."

"I don't know what I would have done if you didn't make it.." he admitted, "I don't know what I'd do if someone hurt you again." He took a deep breath, "but you have me, and I'm going to do the best I can to make sure no one ever hurts you again."

"Yeah," I whispered, I could feel his breath on my face, I was breathing it in, and it was intoxicating. "I have you." I repeated. I simply wasn't able to resist the pull inside me anymore, and so I leaned my head in, never breaking eye contact. His eyes were bewildered as he processed what was about to happen, and then I pressed my lips to his, my lips perfectly moulding against his plump ones, as if they were made for each other. My eyes fluttered closed as I kissed him, and he didn't waste any time in kissing me back.

We pulled back, and I felt like my heart was going to burst at his heartshattering grin. I gasped for air, trying to catch my breath before answering his grin with one of my own.

"What was that?" He whispered.

"Our second first kiss, do you think it topped the first one we shared?" I asked, giggling. "I'm not sure myself. I mean our first first kiss was after some insane and idiotic attempt at protecting me, but I couldn't believe someone cared so deeply about me that they would fight for me."

His eyes widened at my words, and he whispered ; "you remember?"

"Some things." I said, "not many, but I remember our first kiss, after James had came onto me in the hallway and you punched him. You were suspended and I visited you after school, and you asked me if you were alone and you said -"

"'Finally'." He cut me off, grinning.

"And then you kissed me." I finished. "And what a kiss it was."

"Yes, it was." He agreed. "Do you remember anything else?"

"A few things, and I'll tell you all about it, but for now I want to try and top that kiss.." he laughed before dipping his head down and pressing his lips to mine, I giggled against his mouth.

In that moment, I knew everything was going to be alright.

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