Blood stained Water

Bởi KiwiJane

29.4K 1K 60

Vampire Knight × reader *ONGOING* Luna Yushori, a girl with a uncureable and frankly unnamed sickness dies, b... Xem Thêm

*Chapter 1*
*Chapter 2*
《Chapter 3》
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 8.5
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 6

1.8K 68 1
Bởi KiwiJane

Luna's POV

Tomorrow was St. Xocolatl's day which ofcores meant that me and Zero would be extra busy.

It was homeroom now and Xocolatl's day was on everyones tounge and I was listening into some of the conversations in the classroom.

"Who are you giving it to?"
"Kaname. But don't tell anyone."
A group of girls in the front row whisper to each other.

I turn to Hikari and point inside my open mouth, motioning that I want to throw up. She just chuckles.

"So are you planning on giving anyone chocolates?" The short haired girl asks with her headphones around her neck once again.

"Only planning on doing something for my dad and Zero." I awnser resting my hand in my palm.

"Why Zero? Wait, do you like him?!" My friend asks with chibi stars in her eyes.
"Ew! Not in a romantic way. He's practically like a brother to me." I playfully say making a face. 'Although I had a crush on him since I watched the anime when I was 10...'

"Are you planning on giving chocolates to anyone?" I play the UNO reverse card on her.

"No not really, I'm not interested in someone right now. But I am planning on giving my friends something." Nika responds. I give a small approving nod.

"All the girls go around, giving chocolates to the boys they like to proclaim their love for them.

I don't get it. It's completely absurd.

Has everyone forgotten that this is a school of higher learning? I am against it in every way, shape and form." The class rep rants with a cool tone.

(This is your class rep.
You're welcome.)

"Hey maybe you'll get a chocolate class rep." I say to the brunette boy.

He began daydreaming about Ruka, his crush, giving him chocolates.

"Yeah but we're not gonna get chocolate anyway."
"Yeah it's all gonna go to those NightClass guys."
My male classmates complain.

"Don't count on everyones chocolates going to the NightClass. Me and Nikari aren't. There's no way in hell I'm giving anyone of those NightClass boys a chocolate." I say sassily pointing at myself with the back of my pen.
"Really? I know Nikari but I didn't expect you Luna." The boy sitting in front of me says looking over his shoulder.


Nika and I decided to sit in the rose garden today.

We sat on the fountains ledge on ate our bento with the occatianal chit-chat.

This time I made sure to avoid the sharp edge of the fountain.

As the bandaid on my palm reminded me of the previous occurance.
"Hey, I have an idea. How about we do something for the boys in our class. You know to cheer them up." I suggest, eating my rice.

"I don't know..." The blond says opening her chopsticks.
"Wouldn't it be like giving them false hope or something?"
"Not if we say it's a friend-thing. I mean we can use me being a new student and them being nice to me as an excuse."
"Well I guess then it'll be ok. But how are we going to make enough chocolates in time?! St Xocolatl's day is tomorrow!" She complains loudly.

"Relax. We can make them tonight, after my patrol. If you're willing to stay a extra hour or so awake that is." I say starting to chomp on the apple I brought.
"Sure. It'll be a piece of cake. I usually stay up late most days anyway." Nikari waves off.

We both chatted for 10 minutes until an... interesting topic came up.

"So you're a vampire hunter right?"

'How the actual fric-'

"No-no I'm-I'm not!! What!!?
Where would you get that idea!!?" I blurt out stuttering and with a worried expression, sweating like crazy.
"Well you are'nt exactly unpopular in the vampire hunter community. You are one of the 5 Precepts of Sun to."

'How in hell did you get the information woman!!??'

"How-how do you-?"
"My uncle use to be one. He still has contact with some of his friends from the Association. They talk." She responds.
"Is that-is that all? Nothing else you know about me?" I ask wanting to know if she knew more than she led on to.
"Um well except that you're a vampire. No." My eyes widen.

'Ahhhhhhh!! Crap!!!!'

I yell at my conscience with one eye twitching.

"We I uh me ha!?" I yell out random sounds, expressing my confusion.

"Yeah. You are the only vampire who's in the association after all. And part of the top 5." She adds.

I shake my confusion off, having another fear. I look at her with a beaten expression. "Are you afraid of me now? You know since I'm a vampire and all." I say glancing at my cut on my hand as my hands rested on my lap.

"No. Not really cause," she pauses looking around making sure no one hears her statement.

"I'm a vampire too." She a awnsers with a wide smile.

"Wait whaaatttt?!!" I yell with a chibi face. Suddenly a hand covers my loud mouth. "Not so loud." She ushers with a skittish look.

"The principal already knows. Please don't tell anyone. Or any of the other aristocrats." The short haired blond asks with desperation laced in her tone. I nod and she removes her hand from my mouth.
"As long as you don't tell any of the other my secret either. Ok?" I say with a content look.

" Deal! " " Deal! "

"Wait. If you're a vampire. Why are you in the DayClass in the first place?" I raise a brow.
"Well you see I'm a half blood. Half human- half vamp." She explains.

"I don't need as much blood to survive so I asked the Chairman to put me in the DayClass." She starts. "And besides. Who would want to around a bunch of depressing vampire emo's the whole day.
They have like no personality what so ever! Have you ever seen one of those vampires smile. Well besides Idol- I mean Aido.
That playboy wouldn't stop grinning even if it were to save his life." She complains tossing another piece of shrimp in her mouth.

I chuckle,
"Finally someone who gets it!"


"Zero. A little help would be nice!!" I yell from the crowd of girls, all squishing me.

"You have to be more firm with them! Don't let them get the better of you." he yells; hands in his pockets.
"For a second year yah aren't very helpful you know that!"

"Xocolatl's day is tomorrow. You girls can't give out your chocolates to them just yet!!" I yell firmly. Might as well try the blunt advise, right?

"Get off her!!! Didn't you girls hear what she said!!" a loud femine voice booms out of the blue.

I turn my head to see Nika shooing the hord of girls back. I stumble forward with a pant.
"Nika? What are you-"
I cut myself off as I spot the Dissipaplinary comittee sleeve on her arm.
"You're late." Zero spits apprearing next to the light haired blond.
"Sorry." she sweat drops.

I stare at her with the 'why tf didn't you tell me' look.
"Yeah I'm part of the Disciplinary Committee. Surprise..." she says nervously. My cofused eye twitching came to a stop as the gates were about to open.

My (e \ c) eyes trace the top of the wall separating the fan girls from the Night Class: The children from the eye candy.

"I'm coming Ruka!! I don't care about tradition! I will deliver this chocolate to you!!"

'Class rep? What the hell is he doing here? Wasn't that girl suppose-'

I cut my thoughts short as I notice an all to fimiliar light brunette under the President, along with a bunch of girls helping him scale the wall by stacking on each other's shoulders.
Including the light haired brunette whi, in the series, Zero was suppose to catch and then she cremates a crush on him.

"Get back! It to damn early to give your chocolates to the boys! Or girls! Seriously Class rep?" Nika yells barricading the girls from pushing into the path.

I quickly start keeping the animals back myself before noticing out if the corner of my eye. A falling figure. My head and body shot to the side to see the brunette falling as her grip had slipped on the walls ledge. Before I could react another force quickly swooped in and caught the Day Class girl. It was Zero.

'Atleast that is still the same as the series.' I point out. 'Somewhat...'
The girl thanked him with a blush as her elegantly landed with her bridal style. I sigh, relieved.


My eyes shot open as the moment went blurry. My head felt fuzzy and my surroundings like an unnatural filter.


I shook my head as I stared down at the new and frankly unknown weight in my arms. I met the violet eyes of my class president.

Wait I thought I just saw him fall?
Then how did he end up in my arms-

I suddenly noticed the splash of pink tinting the blue haired boys cheeks. He stared, surprised as I withered and wrecked my thoughts on what just happened.

Did I just catch him?

But I don't remember even jumping? Or moving for that matter.
"Thank-Thank you." The boy stuttered as his voice brought me back into reality.


The gates swung open revealing the Night Class. I sighed before looking back at the boy in my arms. I uncomfortably place him and his glass fragile balance on the ground.

"Sure. Just," my stoic voice changed into a smile one. "Don't do it again, okay?" I say with a close eyed smile.

"Good morning girls!!" Aido greets with another Cheshire Cat grin.
"HELLO IDOL!!" The girls all yell out leaning in to talk to him.
"Get closer and you're dead!!" Nikari yells with a dark aura surrounding her along with a red mark bouncing on her forehead like a giant pimple.

"Morning Luna." Kaname's voice rung. I glared. 'As*. I'm not Yuki dammit.' I groaned to my conscience.

The vampires walk past me. The pureblood suddenly stops in his tracks the aristocrats follow suit. The tall brunette made his way over to Zero.

I remembered this scene very clearly

For it is one of the reasons I loath this man.

I stomped over to stand between the two boys just as Kaname stood infront of Zero.

"Don't try your luck." I spat with venom surprising both boys.
"What do you-"
I cut him off not wanting to hear it but with a low and quite voice, just above a low whisper.

"I known exactly what you want to say. So shut up; you think he doesn't know?" I start keeping my eyes on the ground.
My built up anger felt immature and childish but I didn't care. Still it welled up like a bomb on a timer, chipping away at the clock.

"He doesn't need a reminder. He's gone through enough as it is." Silence overtook the area except for the Day classes angered mumbling.
Kaname turned without a word and continued his advance to his class.

The irritated aristocrats glaring at me. I knew that they probably wanted to rip me apart for this. But, to hell with them.

They don't know what he could have done or... what he will do.

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