Ever After |all human| COMPLE...

By lordsasskins

53.6K 2K 567

| edwardxbella | A broken boy in Florida. A lonely girl in Washington. An anonymous chat room, where two lost... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Please read, friendsπŸ’–πŸ’–
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
| Epilogue |

Chapter 39

301 13 6
By lordsasskins

A/N ; short and not proofread. You should just assume none of these chapters are.

Edwards POV

I walked back to the table I had left Bella after pouring us both a drink, but once I reached it, I hesitated in confusion. This was where I left her, right? I ran my gaze over the rest of the tables lining this side of the dancefloor, and still I couldn't find her. Convincing myself I was crazy, I also checked the other side. No Bella.

Perhaps she decided to dance with someone? Luckily for me, the class wasn't that big, and therefore it only took me a minute to scan over everyone in the gym. I didn't see her, but I spotted our four friends off standing together and laughing. I walked over to them briskly, still holding our cups in my hands.

"Have you guys seen Bella?" I asked. "I can't find her."

"She's probably gone to the bathroom." Jasper said, his voice as always, was calm.

"Can you guys go check?" I asked, turning to Rosalie and Alice.

"I'm sure she's fine, Edward." Alice assured me, reaching out and patting my arm.

"I'm sure she is too," I said, mostly to convince myself, "however after her truck and house were both vandalized and she spent the past month receiving death threats, I'd really like to make sure."

"Fair point well made." Rosalie said, turning to Alice, "let's go find our sister from another mister, shall we?"

"Stay here, we will be back soon." Alice said, "with Bella with us."

I watched them leave, even after they were gone I stared after them, willing them to come back into sight, with Bella by their side. Be okay, Bella.

I placed the cups of drink on the table beside us, feeling like I was about to snap. I wrangler my hands together anxiously, it wasn't long at all, though it felt like a lifetime, that Rose and Alice came back into sight. It was just the two of them.

Something's wrong. A voice screamed in my head. The feeling twisted in my stomach, and I knew. I just knew that Bella was in trouble. I could sense it, as if she was in front of me screaming for help. It rang in my ears. I hear you, Bella. Loud and clear.

"Something's wrong." I said, voicing my thoughts before I turned and ran from the group, towards the gym doors. I threw them open and ran into the hallways. I knew they were following me, and so I turned around. "Emmett, Rose come with me, Jasper, Alice, stay together, lets split up." I said.

They did as I said and we continued running through the hallway. I didn't know where we were going, I didn't know where we would find her. Then I heard the most horrific sound in the world. Bella was screaming for help.

I ran after her voice, as she screamed and squealed, and then suddenly there was silence. Oh, no. I sped up, going faster than I thought possible for me. Finally, we turned a corner, and there she was.

She was alone, laying on the ground. Her eyes were closed, and there was blood surrounding her head. She was hurt badly, I could tell. I was frozen in place, staring at the horrific sight ahead of me. Rosalie stayed beside me as Emmett ran ahead, dropping to his knees.

"Bella?" He called, grabbing her shoulder. He dropped his head down, on her chest. "Oh my God.." he whispered, he lifted his head again, and placed his fingers on her neck, checking her pulse. "She's not breathing!" He screamed.

Those three words were what snapped me out of my trance, and I ran towards them, falling down on the floor beside Bella. I quickly tried to remember what my father told me to do if I was in a situation like this. I took off my jacket, thrusting it into Emmett's hands.

"Hold that against her head injury, keep pressure on it. Rosalie, call an ambulance, right now, okay?" I demanded. She stood still, staring at Bella, as I moved my hands over Bella's chest and began pounding, trying to force her heart to start beating. "Now, Rose!" I screamed, before turning my head back to look at my love on the floor.

Her body jerked from the pressure of me pounding on her chest with each pump I made, but she wasn't waking up.

"Bella, wake up!" I said, pausing my actions for a moment to lean down and blow air into her mouth, trying to fill her lungs with air, she needed to breath. "Breath!" I screamed helplessly, moving up and beginning to pound on her chest. "Damn you, Bella, wake up! Don't you dare leave me! Do you hear me? I can't do this without you."

"She's dead, man.." Emmett said, his voice thick with the devastation he felt at the loss of his best friend. He reached out, trying to stop me.

"No!" I screamed, pushing him away with one hand. "She can't be dead. You can't be dead, Bella. Do you hear me?"

"Come on, Bella!" I continued, as I vaguely heard Rosalie speaking to a 911 operator. "Come on, baby, breath! Fight, Bella! Open your eyes, damn it!"

She gasped, and her eyes fluttered open. I took my hands away from her chest and grasped her face, trying to get her to look at me.

"Hey, hey," I said. Her eyes fluttered, and then began shifting. She was out of her mind..I could tell she was trying to focus on me, but she couldn't.

"It was.." she said, it was so low, I could barely hear it. Her eyes fluttered again, and she began to fall asleep.

"Bella, no!" I shouted. "You have to stay awake, do you hear me? The ambulance is on its way, stay awake! Bella, it's just a few minutes, I love you. Please wake up."

I grasped her chin tightly, causing her eyes to open for a second, before closing again. She wasn't there. Not at this moment. All I could do was pray that she was going to fully recover. I wanted to take her into my arms, but knew enough that I shouldn't move an injured person before the ambulance arrived.

Instead, I placed my head on her chest, over her heart. I heard it beating dutifully. I decided I wasn't moving from this position until the paramedics got here. I wanted to hear every beat, so that if she began to fade I would know instantly.

It wasn't long after the paramedics showed up, and after checking her vitals, they took her away on a gurney. I followed them out of the school and got into the ambulance with them. I called Charlie immediately, explaining to him in hysterics what had just happened.

He told me he would meet us at the hospital, and hung up. His voice was as broken as I felt. How could I have let this happen? Why didn't I stay with her tonight? I knew someone was after her and I didn't stay with her.

Why did I even allow us to go through with this? We got to the hospital and the paramedics pulled the gurney out of the ambulance, they began rolling it quickly inside the hospital. I ran after them, but once they got inside, and the doctors got to Bella, I was stopped.

"There's nothing you can do but wait," a nurse told me, holding a hand up in front of me. "You can't go back while they work on her, take a seat." She left, and I stood there, staring after where they just took my Bella. My girlfriend. My love. My future. My everything.

"Edward." I heard a voice from behind me. I turned to face Charlie, his face tear streaked as he stared at me. "Are you okay, son?"

"Bella.." was all I could say.

"You're in shock," he observed, his eyes trailing over my clothes. "You should go, splash some cold water on your face. Try and calm down." He suggested.

I hesitated briefly, but he insisted. I nodded once and turned away from him, walking towards the bathroom. I pushed the door open with my shoulder and walked to the sink. I reached out to turn the knob, and caught sight of my hands. They were covered in her blood.

I started hyperventilating, as the shock wore off and I realized the extent of the situation. This was Bella's blood. She was hurt. She had died. I brought her back, but she's not in the clear yet. I could lose her. I did lose her for a minute. How could I possibly live in a world where she didn't exist? I couldn't.

With shaky hands, I turned the water on and began washing my hands. I watched the water run red, her blood going down the drain. How could this happen. I turned off the water and slowly looked up at my reflection in the mirror. Her blood covered my white shirt, my blue tie. It was smudged on my cheek.

Then it hit my heart, as if a bullet was shot through it. The pain was crippling. I stumbled away from the mirror and collapsed on the ground, scrambling back on my hands until my back hit the wall. I grasped my face and began to sob, loud, broken sobs. I'd never felt so.. defeated.

Not when I woke up and seen Tanya holding a knife above me, ready to kill me.

Not while I was in the hospital afterward.

Not when I faced my attacker again.

Not when Bella and I broke up.


This was different than a breakup. When we broke up I knew she was still out in the world, living, breathing. She had her whole life ahead of her. I could live without her in my life if I knew she was safe and happy wherever she was.

This on the other hand, was a different story. She is being worked on right now by doctors, and she might not make it. I can't imagine the world without Bella Swan. It would be so dark, and miserable. At least to me, and to everyone who knows and loves her.

How could a beautiful woman be targeted like this? Who would want to hurt someone as sweet and innocent as my beloved Bella? She would do anything for anyone, even if they treated her horribly. She was soft, and kind. She did everything for everyone, and this is what she gets for it?

I can't tell you how long my meltdown lasted in the bathroom. I do know it was long enough for Charlie to contact my parents, who left work and went home to get me a change of clothes before coming to the hospital.

I was sitting on the floor, my head in my knees and my arms wrapped around my legs when I felt a hand on my wrist. The scent of the person hit me, and I knew who it was. I kept my head on my knees, unable to control the broken sobs escaping my mouth.

"Edward.." my mother's soft voice spoke. Where her voice would always comfort me in the past, right now it was unsettling. I didn't want to be comforted. Not by my mother. I wouldn't be satisfied until I seen Bella's beautiful brown eyes again, and heard her voice telling me that she was okay.

"Don't." I sobbed, taking my arms from around my legs to cover my face. I wanted to scream. I wanted to kick. I wanted to punch. I wanted to murder whoever did this.

"Edward, please.." she whispered, grasping my wrists and trying to pull my hands away from my face.

"No!" I shouted, dropping my hands to look at my mother, whose face was tear streaked as well. "I went to get punch, I was only gone for a mi - a minute." I sobbed, "I left her alone even though I knew what was happening. A.. and now, she's, she's not o-okay."

"Edward." My mom tried to soothe me.

"She may never be okay again.." I dropped my head back, squeezing my eyes shot which caused more tears to fall down my face. "It's all my fault."

"It is not your fault." My mother said in a demanding tone. "Don't you dare think like that. What would Bella say if she heard you blaming yourself?"

I thought about it, and knew. She would reprimand me. She would say, 'you aren't the one that made me leave the gym and go out into that hallway alone.'

A question I never asked. Why was she out in the hallway in the first place? She must have been bated. Why didn't she take me? Duh, idiot. She was trying to protect you. Stupid caring nature of hers. I would kill for her. I would die for her.

"Is there any news?" I whispered.

My mom hesitated, and passed me a bag. "Clean up and put these clean clothes on."

"Mom.." I whispered, wanting an answer to my question.

"I don't know much, I just got here." She said, "I know she took a bad smack to the head, her skull is cracked. They're trying to see if there's any bleeding around the brain, if there is they're going to have to perform a procedure to drain it and try to stop it."

"Oh no.." I sighed, a wave of panic hitting me.

"I also know she was dead." Esme said, "you saved her life, you are the reason the doctors are able to do anything right now for her, if you hadn't acted how and when you did, she wouldn't have a fighting chance. We are so proud of you, Edward. Bella will be too, when she wakes up."

I nodded slowly, and she stood up, reaching out to help me up. I took her proffered hands and hugged her before she left to go out in the waiting room. I cleaned the rest of Bella's blood off of me and changed into the clean grey sweatpants and light blue pullover sweatshirt my parents brought me. I stuffed my feet into the sneakers they had put in the bag and threw my blooded tuxedo away. I didn't want any reminders of the horrific events that happened tonight, and my suit was a lost cause.

My jacket was probably back at the school, at the crime scene. It had probably been entered into evidence. That was okay. I didn't want it back.

I walked out into the waiting room and sat between my mother and Charlie. All that was left to do now was wait.

Wait for Bella to wake up.

She was going to wake up. She had to. Otherwise, I knew I couldn't go on. I couldn't live with this pain.

She was going to wake up, and we were going to go to college together. After, of course, we argue and she tells me not to compromise my future for her. I'll tell her that there is no future I could possibly want without her at my side. We will move in together, and I would never forget how lucky I was to have her by my side. I would kiss her every morning and night. Draw her baths when she's had a rough day. Cuddle up with her and read out loud to her, her head on my chest as I played with her hair. I would dance barefoot with her in the kitchen. We would graduate, and get careers. I would get down on one knee and ask her to marry me, we would have children together, and watch them grow up and live beautiful lives.

We had an entire future together we haven't had the chance to live yet. She had to be okay.

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