Bruised, Battered, and In Tea...

By GirlandHerKeyboard

26.5K 1.1K 112

An abusive relationship causes Olivia to take matters into her own hands. She will no longer be stuck accepti... More

Thirty-Two: No Longer Bruised


719 36 1
By GirlandHerKeyboard

Just like Serena, Bonnie Morris was a mean woman. She was cruel to Chris his whole childhood, and now she wants to be cruel to Olivia's three little girls. While Elliot went to get Michaela and Julia, Olivia sat in Elliot's office and started to fill out the adoption forms. But as she was flipping the first page, she stopped herself. She realized that Bonnie knew about the adoption. That's why she filed for full custody of Michaela, Julia, and Cleo.

Olivia stood slowly as she unlocked her phone before dialing her boyfriend's cell number.

"Liv, did someone show up at the house?" Elliot asked, and Olivia swallowed hard as she figured out how to tell Elliot.

"El, Bonnie wouldn't just sue me for custody of the girls out of nowhere. She is only doing it because she found out that we are planning on you adopting the girls... so we need to take this very seriously." Olivia breathed.

"I'm going to try my hardest to not worry the girls. Why don't you call Alex and see if she can look into this all."


"Love, just take a breath. I know that you are worried and I am too... but we can't get freaked out before there is a real reason for it. Do you understand?" Elliot spoke, and Olivia swallowed hard before nodding a bit.


"Good. Now, go make yourself some tea and I'll grab dinner before heading home."


Olivia and Elliot tried their best to make the girls' night normal. They did get extra cuddles before bed and even got to fall asleep between Elliot and Olivia before Elliot moved them to their own beds. Elliot walked back into the bedroom he shared with Olivia and found her on the phone. He stayed silent as he climbed into bed and only spoke after Olivia ended the call.

"Who was that?" Elliot asked.

"Alex." Olivia breathed, as she sat her phone down before running her hands over her stomach. Elliot knew that that was one of Olivia's most recent anxious habits. It used to be shaking her leg or biting her nails, but now it moved to her holding her stomach and rubbing it as she thought.

"What did she say?"

"She said that because Chris was killed, his lawyer has been supervising everything I've been doing. Like us moving in together, my bank accounts. I've changed all of the passwords, and I've even transferred the money to another bank... but they are still tracking me. Bonnie found out about the adoption, and now she wants the girls." Olivia breathed.

"And?" Elliot asked, and Olivia turned to look at him with sadness in her eyes.

"And Alex says she has a chance to get some custody, if not all. The judge may just see that I killed my husband, and not the fact that I was defending myself." Olivia breathed.

"We need a lawyer."

"Alex said she'd ask around and help us." Olivia breathed. She let out a sigh, before slipping out from underneath the covers.


"Elliot, Bonnie has been nothing but mean to me for the 8 years I had been married to Chris. She hated my dress at the wedding and the way I wore my hair. She hated that Chris and I weren't trying for a baby right away, and after pressuring us for almost 2 years, it got to Chris. He got worse than he was at the start of our marriage. She hated how I gained more weight than she thought I should have while pregnant, and she hated that I was thinking about getting a midwife and having Michaela at home instead of at the hospital. Everything she said got to Chris and that's why he got worse as the days went on. She never said that she loved him nor did she say it to her only grandchildren. So I don't know how she thinks she'll be a better mother to my daughters than I am." Olivia huffed.

"Olivia, get back in bed," Elliot spoke, as his girlfriend padded around the bed. She moved to the door and opened it quickly as Elliot tried to get untangled from the sheets.

"Olivia!" Elliot whispered as loudly as he could as she walked down the stairs. He got to her as she was moving and grabbing her shoes.

"Where are you going?" Elliot breathed.

"I want to talk to Bonnie." She spoke.

"No," Elliot spoke.

"You aren't my boss, Elliot Stabler. So go to bed." Olivia grumbled.

"Olivia, I'm telling you no because if you go and yell at Bonnie, she will get custody of the girls. As soon as Cleo is born, you will never see her again. Do you understand? This will make everything worse!"

Olivia started to shake as she silently sobbed. Elliot was confused for a moment but realized what was happening a moment later. He wrapped his arms around Olivia's body before holding her close.

"I can't lose my babies!"


Alex got in contact with Trevor Langan. He owed her a favor, so he was going to be Olivia's lawyer. In order to get the adoption going, they had to fight the custody battle first. But it wasn't going to be easy. Bonnie was a mean, drunk of a woman. She had been fighting something or someone her whole life, so she was hard to even try to win against. But Olivia was praying that because of the abuse reports against Chris, and the ones that Trevor had dug up against Bonnie, that she'd keep her kids.

Court was set for three days after Olivia had been served, and Trevor was working night and day to get as much dirt on Bonnie, while Bonnie's lawyer was finding everything she could on Olivia and Elliot. 

"Alright, you two are going to be good for Kathy, right?" Olivia asked as she hugged her daughters before court.

"Of course we will, Mama... but where do you and Daddy have to go?" Michaela asked, testing the word Daddy while referring to Elliot.

"Uh, we have to go talk to someone. We will be here to get you later... so just make sure you do your homework. Okay?"

"Okay..." Michaela sighed. She and Julia ran off to play with Eli, while Kathy walked up to Olivia.

"Everything will be okay. I promise." Kathy smiled softly, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"I want to break the pattern, Kath... I want to be the last one abused by these people. I don't want my girls to get hurt by their grandmother, just because Elliot wanted to adopt them."

"Use that when talking to the judge. He or she will not want to send these girls to an abusive place. They will want the girls to be happy, all three of them." Kathy spoke, before stepping forward and hugging Olivia. It was a little awkward between them still since Kathy and Elliot were no longer married and now Olivia and Elliot were together.

"Thanks for the support... and for watching the kids."

"Anytime. Now, go before Elliot starts honking the horn. He's known for that."

Hey guys! Thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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