Eternal Love: Beynika Oneshots


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"don't mess with my baby, they better not mess with my baby" [will contain explicit content] More

If You Need Me
If You Need Me II
If You Need Me III
If You Need Me IV
If You Need Me V
If You Need Me VI
If You Need Me VII
If You Need Me VIII
If You Need Me IX
If You Need Me X
If You Need Me XI
If You Need Me XII
Senses II
Senses III
Senses IV
Senses V
Senses VI
Senses VII
Senses VIII
Three is Company
Three is Company II
More Than a Best Friend
More Than A Best Friend II
More Than A Best Friend III
More Than A Best Friend IV
More Than A Best Friend V
More Than A Best Friend VI
More Than A Best Friend VII
Between Us
Chemistry II
Chemistry III
Chemistry IV
Chemistry V
Chemistry VII
Chemistry VIII
Chemistry IX
Chemistry X
Chemistry XI
Chemistry XII
Yes, Headmistress.
Get It Together
You're Late
Around The Way Girl
Lose You
Lose You II
Lose You III
Lose You IV
Fatal Attraction
Trick & I'll Be Your Treat
Trick & I'll Be Your Treat II
Entry 1

Chemistry VI

3.1K 213 127

Each day I feel so blessed to be looking at you
'Cause when you open your eyes, I feel alive
My heart beats so damn quick when you say my name
When I'm holding you tight, I'm so alive

"Count it, again, and call me with the total." I ended the call and my attention returned to the matter at hand. The building that I promised Onika would be ready in about five weeks was well on its way to the sixth week with quite a ways to go. Tardiness wasn't tolerated. It was a sign of disrespect in my book. If one couldn't respect your time, then they sure as hell didn't respect you.

"Now, if my memory serves me right - as it has always served me - then I recall making it clear that I wanted everything completed within five weeks. In fact, the contract that my lawyer and I sent over expressed the timeframe with additional payment to make it happen."

The chair that Mr. Pierre had offered me was of no interest. Instead, I rested on the desk that he sat comfortably behind as if I wasn't missing money behind his laziness. As if upsetting Onika would be satisfying. As if not keeping my word would be okay with me.

"Ms. Knowles. I can explain."

"Yet, I'm not looking for an explanation. Action," I clarified, leaning over and tapping his temple, "Is what I need. I've been hearing for the last two weeks that the job will be completed on time. Here we are at the deadline and now you need more time. It doesn't work like that. I gave you my money, and you gave me your word."

"I know. Some things came up, and we got a little behind."

"We? I haven't seen you out there once. That's possibly the issue. Maybe they need your help out there. All hands on deck." I stood, continuing, "Get up. Let's go. Your men are out there slaving night and day while you sit in an air-conditioned room with your feet kicked up on the desk, stuffing your face. Get the fuck up."


"Get. The. Fuck. Up!" I retorted, tone still even.

"Okay. Okay." Pierre stood from his seat and began walking around his desk.

"Now, let's go."

"I have an idea."

"You should've been had a fucking idea. I'm supposed to be at an important meeting, but I'm here policing you."

"I have another job that some of my men are finishing up. I can pull them and have them over at your site within the hour. It's twelve of them. They'll work around the clock and finish the job within the next forty-eight hours."

Beads of sweat fell from his forehead although the air-conditioned room was of a decent temperature. I mulled over the idea he'd proposed and was somewhat satisfied. The fact still remained that he'd be working with them. He'd wasted enough time eating family-sized bags of chips while his workers busted their asses.

"Yeah. Make that happen and grab your hard hat. You're still taking your ass out there to do some work."


"She's pissed," Solange warned as I walked through the door.

"I know. I almost got myself locked up speeding so that I would make it in time," I said, heading straight toward the playroom that had been specially designed for my daughter.

Pierre would regret the day he agreed to do business with me if my new building wasn't finished in time. I was late to my date with Aminah and had been pulled over by the law. With almost the entire Los Angeles Police Department working for me, I was set free the minute they realized who I was. The stop set me back another five minutes in addition to the three I was already late.

"Tardiness is a sign of disrespect!" Minah shouted as I stepped into the room.

She was beautiful, sitting with her arms folded over her chest and a droopy face. It wasn't often that I upset her, knowing just how cruel she could be when I did. Just the look on her face was kicking my ass left and right. Aminah was as spoiled as they came. Both Solange and I were to blame, but neither of us were complaining. She deserved the world, and we'd been sure to give it to her.

"And, I apologize for my tardiness." Admitting to my fault, I pulled the chair out and sat across from her.

A splinter was launched into my heart as I watched her stand and began tugging at her dress. I wanted to say something, anything as she removed it from her body, leaving her in a pair of leggings and a white undershirt. She was furious. Face scrunched and eyes squinted, Aminah tossed the dress onto the floor.

"Tea with the queen is canceled!" She yelled. I cringed at the realization that she'd managed to put on her prosthetic. Just as I rejoiced inside, I was quickly mortified as she bent over, holding onto the chair, and removed her leg. She flung it into the air and it landed a few feet away from the dress she'd tossed. Aminah had always been this dramatic, but not often. When she was this riled up, I knew that her feelings had been hurt.

"And, I hate this stupid thing! I wore it to make you happy and you j-just made me sad!"

The frown on her face slumped as her eyes began to perspire. Her tears were like daggers to my heart. Instinctively, I stood and rounded the table.

"Minah. I'm sorry," kneeling, I declared. As I reached out to her, she jerked in the opposite direction.

"Don't touch me, Ma! Just don't."

"Minah, you're not being reasonable here. I was only nine minutes late."

"Nine minutes? You've never been one minute late."

Blowing in frustration, I nodded. "I know."

"Who is she?" Minah questioned.

"Excuse me?"

"Who is your new girlfriend?"

"I don't have a girlfriend, Minah." She was blowing my mind. I didn't understand how she knew so much at such a young age.

"Oh my God, Ma. You said that you'd never lie to me but you're lying."

"I'm not lying, baby. I'm seeing someone, but I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend, yet."

"Then, you should."


"Because you must really like her. You're never home when I wake up anymore. You're never in your room when I try to come in at night. I always end up alone in your bed. You're always in your phone even though you hate phones. And, you are acting so different. You're even late for tea and you're never late for tea." Aminah's face was covered in tears, soaking wet.

She'd requested I didn't touch her, and I respected her space. But, I couldn't help but want to comfort my daughter. She had it figured out somewhat, but some of the things she assumed weren't true. Business had been keeping me on the phone, and Onika hadn't kept me this evening. Though I wish I'd seen more of her, we'd parted ways this morning.

"Can I please give you a hug, Mimi?"

"Who is she, Mama?"

"Her name is Onika Maraj, and she isn't the reason I'm late for tea. I apologize for not being there when you came looking at night or in the morning when you wake up. I really like Onika - a whole lot - and it's been nice being around her. Unfortunately, at night is the only time I have to be with her. I work all day and so does she."

"Is she pretty?" Aminah began wiping the tears that I was desperate to clean from her little face.

"Very pretty." I guaranteed her.

"Can I see her?" She sniffled.


I pulled out my phone and moved closer to Minah. This was my chance to get her in my arms - which she'd forbade. Falling right into my trap, she rested on my leg and watched me pull up Instagram. I didn't have any photos of Onika, but there were several on her account.

"Is this her?" Aminah perked.

"Yes. That's her."

Aminah beamed, "Will she be my new mom?"

Every fiber in my being ached. "No matter what, your mom will always be your mom."

"But, I don't want her to be my mom, Mommy."


"Okay, Ma. Can I invite her to have tea?"

"No. That's our thing."

"Well, I don't know if I can trust you anymore. You were late, today. I may need to schedule someone in your spot to have tea with the queen."

"I'm sorry, your majesty, but you're stuck with me. I promise to never be late again."

"But, can I? Can I invite her?"

"Soon, Aminah. Patience, okay?"

"Okay." Before she could get away, I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed tightly.

"Now, put your dress back on. I'm taking you shopping. Maybe that will cheer you up."

"I see what you're trying to do there, missy. Don't worry. It's working."

Both Aminah and I chuckled, knowing she wouldn't turn down the chance to buy more things that she didn't need. As my punishment, she'd possibly buy the entire fucking store. The last time I upset her, she convinced me to buy her a car for the days that Solange took her out. I knew that my pockets were about to take a beating, but I wasn't tripping. My tardiness had warranted it.


Midnight had become one of my favorite hours of the day. It was when I was blessed with Onika's presence. For weeks, I'd stayed away as a protective measure for the both of us. But since the anniversary of my parents' death, I hadn't been able to avoid the plant, knowing she was there working. The thought of her being alone led me to her night after night.

"Hi," she greeted as I stepped from the truck and into her personal space.

Wordlessly, I reached down and pulled her into my arms. Her legs curled around my waist, arms around my neck. Onika lowered her head until our lips touched. Our tongues danced, battling for dominance and enjoying the other in the process.

"Hi," I responded, finally, once I released her for the air I knew she desperately needed.

"I missed you," Onika confessed, wiping her lips. We'd smeared her gloss.

"Impressive." Nodding, I commended. With each passing day, her skills were improving.

"Did you miss me?" she asked with wondering eyes.

"Some things you just know, Nika. And that's one. Of course I've missed you. From the moment I stepped out of your door, it began."

Every night, I made my way to Onika's home after she wrapped up with her tasks. Mornings were memorable, waking up to a stove full of fresh fruit and foods that I possibly would've never considered hadn't she offered them. Though I'd remained a student in life, there wasn't much that anyone I'd encountered taught me in addition to the knowledge my parents had instilled early on. However, Onika taught me something new every day.

"Oh yeah?"


I lowered Onika to her feet, and we both stepped toward the truck that awaited us, hand-in-hand. As we approached, Onika released me. I reached out, opened her door and assisted her as she climbed up. Watching her prepare for safety, I was plagued with thoughts pertaining to my conversation with Aminah. It had been weeks of knowing Onika, almost three of spending time with her, yet we hadn't made anything official.

"Change of plans," I announced, reaching over and unbuckling the belt she'd just buckled.

"Beyoncé, what are you doing?" Her chuckles intensified as she was hoisted in the air and placed on the ground, again.

"I'm giving you the night off. Go home. Get dressed," I demanded, standing behind her, hands clenched around her waist as I directed her to her car. She was perfect in my hands.

"I don't understand."

"Well, let me make things clear." I lifted her chin.

After kissing her lips, I continued, "I'm taking you on a date. I want you to get really pretty and wait for me to sound your doorbell. Then, I'm going to hype you, making you blush until your cheeks burn. Once that's over with, I'm going to get you situated inside of my car. Then, we're going to go grab whatever it is that you want to eat."

"It's after twelve. Everything is closed."

"Just name a place."

"Everywhere is closed, Bey," she repeated.

"When you're with me, doors open for you, Onika. I said that, and I meant that. Just tell me where and I'll get the owner out of the bed and to their establishment to give us the best service they offer."

"I don't have a specific taste. I'd appreciate it if you decided as long as it is somewhere that has the choice of clean eating."

"I can do that for you. I'll choose. All I need is for you to get home, get fine as fuck and wait up for me."

"How long do I have?"

"An hour."

"An hour to get home and dressed?"


"Fair enough."

"Good. Now, take your ass home."

As Onika spun, I submitted to the urge to palm it with my hand. The black leggings that she wore had been holding me hostage since I pulled up on her. Immediately, she whipped her head around, eyes widened and chest caving. Enough time had elapsed for me to understand the variation of her reactions and what they all meant.

Wrong move. Shit.

"Nika." I pled. "I apologize."

Taking a second to calm herself, yet, still staring in my direction, Onika nodded. Once she'd returned, realizing she wasn't in danger and I meant no harm from my gesture, the fear in her eyes diminished. Her chin fell to her chest but she lifted it shortly after, finding my eyes, again.


"Don't apologize. I was impulsive. It won't happen, again."

"Yes it will," she corrected. "No it won't."

"It has to. It's the only way I'll overcome my fears, by confronting them. Besides, it did feel kind of good. Can you do it, again? Later, when you see me? Don't tell me, either. That would be boring."

"You're unbelievable," with a shake of the head, I retorted. "One hour, Nic."

"One hour, Bey."

Satisfied with the smile on her face, I opened the door to her car and waited until she was comfortably inside. I slammed it behind her when I felt she was ready. Onika sped through the lot, leaving me with my thoughts.

You're in deep shit, lady. Unable to deny it, I nodded.




Aminah? what do you guys think about her?

Nicki and Bey? their progress? how do you guys think the date will go?

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