The Royal Fortune // Yoonmin

By btshandbook

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"You are on my ship, don't you dare speak to my crew like some piece of trash." "Tell your crew to respect t... More

Chapter 1: A Kingdom In Flames
Chapter 3: A Dragon's Only Weakness
Chapter 4: A Personality Change
Chapter 5: I'm Not Really Nice
Chapter 6: Dare I Say?
Chapter 7: You Don't Deserve Love
Chapter 8: Boiling Pot Of Anger
Chapter 9: Map For Two Fated Lovers
Chapter 10: Schedule At High Noon
Chapter 11: What I Deserve
Chapter 12: Midnight Meeting Party
Chapter 13: A Romantic Evening- Ish
Chapter 14: News Around The Castle
Chapter 15: Relax And Attack
Chapter 16: Meeting The Queen
Chapter 17: Lipstick Proves Love
Chapter 18: Dark Lands
Chapter 19: Wolves
Chapter 20: I Hate You
Chapter 21: Choose
Chapter 22: Scared
Chapter 23: Argument
Chapter 24: Rough
Chapter 25: The Box
Chapter 26: Behave
Chapter 27: Beach
Chapter 28: Drunk
Chapter 29: Love
Chapter 30: Fast
Chapter 31: File
Chapter 32: Dead To Me
Chapter 33: Dungeon
Chapter 34: Crazy
Chapter 35: Broken Free
Chapter 36: Fountain
Chapter 37: Surprise
Chapter 38: Promise Fulfilled
Chapter 39: Eternity

Chapter 2: A Prick Of A Rose

1.3K 65 18
By btshandbook


"Yoongi?... Yoongi?.... YOONGI WAKE YOUR ASS UP!..... YOU'RE HIGHN- oh screw it." Taehyung kicked open the door and ripped the covers off of the 21-year-old prince.

"What the fuck Tae?" Yoongi growled, eyes flashing a dark murderous black.

"I told you to get up and your door was locked. I was just doing my job." Taehyung shrugged and started picking out clothes for the mighty closet.

"Fuck. You." Yoongi snapped and laid back down, his arm covering his eyes.

"I will leave that for my partner, now change and get some breakfast. Your dad has something to discuss with you and then later this evening you have your session with the general." Taehyung announced, walking back over to pull the covers off of Yoongi, again.

"Sometimes I wonder why he is my friend," the prince mumbles as he got up from his bed to get up in his navel blue shirt and then black jeans.

Once Yoongi decided he looked good enough he walked down the empty hall to the dining room.

"Mom, dad," Yoongi said, bowing to both of his parents who smiled.

"Hello, Yoongi, please sit down." His dad spoke and as the youngest seated, he looked to his father, waiting for him to speak once more.

"Son, as you know, you are getting of age for the crown and I'm certainly not getting any younger, ask your mother she loves to point it out." The queen looked up from her plant, oblivious of the conversation at the moment. "So after a long talk with your mother. We have decided that we want to pass the crown down... now!" Chris announced and watched Yoongi's reaction.

"B-But I'm still you- wait do I have to marry? You both know I can't deal with some whiny ass bitch." Yoongi warned and both his parents burst out laughing.

"Sweetie, you don't have to marry. We know you are better alone but before you turn 25, your father and I would like you to be married but we won't intervene or anything. You can marry anyone of any stature but make sure they are not after your name but your love." His mom said and Yoongi smiled.

He really did have the best parents.

"You guys will allow me that?" The queen bobs his head, careful of her beaming crown. "Thank you." Yoongi smiled and stood up to hug his parents.

"You're welcome but before 25, I want someone with you, I'm serious young man." His dad warned. making Yoongi nod before going back to his seat to start eating.

"Oh and Yoongi, stop making Taehyung's job so hard. When he says get up, please just get up. It's really not that hard." Lisa glared at her son who turned around to glare at Taehyung who was watching.

Yoongi then mouthed 'I will kill you' to the younger and smirked when he heard him held before the tiger bolted off.

"Yoongi." His dad growled, the prince sly smiled and turned around to look up at this dad.

"Yes?" Yoongi blinked innocently.

"Ugh, you're so much like your mother, I couldn't even win if I even tried." Chris sighed and Lisa smiled while sending her son a thumbs up.


When Yoongi was finished with breakfast, he bid his parents goodbye and then went to find the General who had been teaching him how to fight and shit.

"General, I'm here for my session," Yoongi announced with a slight tone of sass, looking around the room.

"Ah, your highness, I am out here!" Yoongi heard from outside and started walking to voice.

"What are you doing?" He questioned, staring at the foreign crest on the sword Suho was staring at.

"Just thinking about my brother." Yoongi parts his mouth into an 'o' shape.

"King Kai, Queen Jennie, and Prince Ji-"

"Jimin. One of the sweetest kids ever, I tell you. I had a feeling you two would get along, maybe a little too well." Suho chuckled and then turned around to the prince.

"Why would you think that?" Yoongi raises an eyebrow.

"His green snake eyes and natural red hair would make your heart race. No matter the age, he was cute and had an effect on anyone who saw him. It's just what made you fall for the kid. That day everything turned to shit, I don't think I've ever seen my brother and Jimin look so... scared. It was never his fault, but I know he thinks it is. I hope one day I will be able to see him again... yeah, one day! But now that the history lesson is over, here, I want you to use my sword today." Suho handed his most prized possession to the prince so he could go grab another one.

"Are you sure?" The general nodded.

"Yes, I am, now let's see if you remember what we did yesterday," Suho smirked and took the first step in attacking Yoongi. The prince held his own but still not being as experienced, was taken down soon.

"You did well this time." Suho panted and patted Yoongi's back.


"Oh, my god, I think imma die, I see the light! Suho tell my parents they can be assholes but I still love them." Yoongi wept, wiping a tear as he laid on the tattered grass.

"This is why I like you so much kid, you don't act like a prince." Suho chuckled amused, snatching the sword from the ground to put it away.

"How would you know how a prince would act if you only knew Jimin and me?" Yoongi asked, lifting his head.

"I think you have forgotten that me and my brother were once princes too."

"Right... So who was the bitch?" Suho bursts out laughing at Yoongi's strange bluntness.

"It was actually the both of us. We thought we were the best since we were able to control our dragons rather quickly but it wasn't until we met Jennie that we calmed down. I never liked Jennie in a loving way. I always thought of her as my sister but she did put me in my place a few times."

"Now you have Lay, does he ever put you in your place?"

"Sometimes, it's hard to stop your old ways... Come, get up, you should go find Chanyeol for your studies." Suho chuckled as he helped- more likely lifted Yoongi back to his feet.

"Fine," he groaned and then left the room. Yoongi had started walking towards his room but stopped to look out the window when his eyes caught Taehyung speaking to a hooded person.

"Who is that?" Yoongi whispered to himself after the unknown figure move in to kiss his lips. "It's probably just a new boy toy or his so-called boyfriend." The prince mumbled before going to his room to change and then finish off with Chanyeol.


3 painful hours of sitting through one man talking. The prince really tried his hardest to stay focused but the curiosity of the boy Taehyung was talking to got the better of him.

"Prince Yoongi did you hear me?" He looked up to see Chanyeol standing over him.

"Oh no, sorry, I was focused on something else. It won't happen again." Chanyeol pressed his lips together in a thin line.

"Okay, I think that is enough for today, I'll see you tomorrow." His teacher smiled and packed up his stuff to walk out of the room.

The prince sighs and grabs his books, just to go back to his room. "I'm fucking 21 and I still have to go to school," Yoongi growled, slamming his books down on his desk.

"You okay, your highness?" Yoongi whipped around to find one of the maids coming out from his bathroom with gloves on her hands.

"Yes, I'm sorry for bothering you. I'm going for a walk so please finish up soon." Yoongi smiled politely and walked out once more to go to the garden.

It was already around 5 in the evening, so dinner was going to be served soon but that can wait.

The roses were his favorite this time of year, just like his mom and Yoongi absolutely loves walking through the rows of flowers. Even for a couple of minutes, he felt free.

Oh, what he would give to feel free like he used to when he was a child.

"Your highness, dinner is being served." Yoongi didn't look at the voice and just walked past one of the maid's daughters who lived in the castle.

As he walked, Yoongi could suddenly hear the girl starting to cry. It took him a second but when he turned around he found himself on one knee to look her in the eye.

"Are you okay?" She shook her head and showed him her arm, which had a deep scratch from one of the rose bushes. "Come, let's go get that cleaned up." Yoongi smiled.

"I-I k-know I c-can't a-ask this b-but could y-you c-carry m-me?" She mumbled and the prince smiled over her cuteness. Lifting the girl as he got from his knees, he walked towards the doors leading to the inside.

"What's your mommy's name, sweetheart?" Yoongi wondered, rubbing her back.

"Mia, your highness." She whispered and put her head on his shoulder.

"Yoongi fina- what happened?"

"One of the roses snagged her, I'll just take her to her mother before I join you," Yoongi spoke, walking past his parents and to the maid's wing in the castle.

"Hello, ma'am? Could you please point me to Miss. Mia?" Yoongi asks, stopping one of the maids.

"Oh your highness, yes, she is just down the hall." She spoke softly, leaving after taking a bow.

When they were at the door, Yoongi noticed that the little girl had fallen asleep so he knocked quietly.

"Oh, your highne- Aisha?" Mia opened the door more and stepped next to the prince to confirm if her daughter was sleeping.

"She cut herself on one of the roses, I would advise you to clean the wound," Yoongi explained as he handed the little girl to her mother.

"Thank you, Prince Yoongi." Mia smiled and went back inside her room.

"Sweet kid," Yoongi mumbled, going back to the dining hall.

"Oh so now you're here." The prince heard from his father before a slap.

"Chris be nice, he was helping the young lady." Lisa snapped.

"Yes, my love," Chris mumbled.

"Is she okay?"

"Yes, mom, and her name is Aisha." Lisa cooed and put her head in the palms of her hands.

"Yes, she was pretty, gets it all from her mom now eat you got a busy day tomorrow." The queen spoke, finally, all three began to eat.


The king was the first to leave, having to deal with some pirate ship pissing everyone off and escaping from the royal guard's fingertips multiple times. Soon the Queen left too, but only to go make sure her husband doesn't do too much work.

When Yoongi was the only one left at the table he didn't leave until the maids started coming out to take their plates.

Eventually, the prince stood and left without a word, heading back to the garden.

"What will my life be like when I'm king? King Yoongi? I know it won't be pleasant but it's in my blood. Will me being king hurt my partner and our relationship, if I ever get one that is?" Yoongi mumbled when soothing caught the corner of his eye.

It was Taehyung and that boy again.

Yoongi could feel the lion in him coming out, but only a little bit. His hearing and eyesight were heightened as he stocked his prey.

"Jungkook, how is he?" Taehyung inquired, putting a hand around his waist.

'Jungkook? Who's that?'

"You know the Captain, he is all work and business, especially since that job in JuJu, but we're making sure he's healthy. You shouldn't worry, my love, we got him." The figure brought out his hand and caressed Taehyung's cheek.

"Yeah bu-".

"Shh." The figure put his hand over the tiger's mouth and then left him alone, blending in with the shadows.

Yoongi, who was still in the same spot, suddenly felt something prick his ankle. Jumping from behind the bush, he fell in front of Taehyung.

"Y-Yoongi?... Uh oh." Taehyung turned pale when he saw the figure walking back to them.

"He knows of me. You know what I have to do." Taehyung sighed and Yoongi could feel himself starting to lose consciousness.

"I know, but let me help you," Taehyung mumbled and picked the Prince up. "I'm so sorry your highness. This shouldn't have hap-". Was the last thing Yoongi heard before he passed out.

Jimin will be coming in soon!

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