new, spectacular,

Por kara_axo

46K 1.6K 526

park jisung mafia au a new boy comes to town, and things changed for kaya Más

new boi
"you got that right"
bad day
you're bad
"calm your tits!"
boy toys and cuddle buddies
"you're less than that"
pool in my stomach
i thought you meant ice cream
"when i find it i'll let you know"
help wanted
"goodbye jisung's side hoes"
mr. fraw
show off???
"and what if i do?"
"nice meeting you"
the event
the truth comes out
"i want to stay like this"
papers and butterflies
"you snuck into my house?"
not right
innocent until proven guilty
"middle of the woods"
frat parties
"i never stopped loving you"

the beach

1.2K 46 21
Por kara_axo

"How are you feeling?" my dad asked as I sat at the counter. I fiddled with my fingers for a second before making eye contact with him. "I'm good, why what's up?" I questioned with a slight tilt. I have this wary feeling for not telling my dad about the recent situations. Yes... Unknown is actually pretty weird and scary, but my dad would freak out. And not to mention I can't even think about the amount of lies I would have to tell. I wouldn't be able to tell about Ron harassing, or Jisung wanting to beat him up. And he would undoubtedly be mad that I've taken this long to inform him. "Just wondering. I've been quite busy due to work, and you haven't really been telling me much lately" my dad said grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. "Nothing has really been going on lately, I've just been going to work and school and that's it" I replied shrugging my shoulders. It's not a complete lie. I've been either keeping up with college applications, work with Lindsey, or silently freaking about unknown. "Why don't you go out and do something? Do something with Carmen" he says. "Like what?" I question. The most that Carmen and I have had time for recently is getting food, or sleep overs. "I don't know. Go to the beach, visit a different city for the day, just do something. Your mom would kill me if i just let you coop yourself inside all the time" he replied chuckling. I wouldn't say my mom wasn't a super sore subject anymore. When everything happened... I couldn't even look anywhere without being reminded of her. Slowly of course, I moved on and healed. When my dad brings her up it eases me a bit, knowing he's healed as well. "I don't know" I replied lowly. I glanced toward the clock in the living room, knowing he should be leaving for work soon. "I mean Lindsey said she'll be giving you two days off a week now. So pick two days some time soon and do something" he offered. "Just think about it, but anyways I have to go. Love you" he adds coming around the counter to kiss the top of my head. "Love you too" I replied. 


"And I told Jackson that he should just tell me and stop hiding shit because I'll always find out" Carmen says. She had been rambling all about work during lunch. "What exactly was he hiding again?" I ask as I spaced out half way through. The guilt approached me when she signed aggressively to the question. "A couple guys came in and immediately his expression changed. He told me to man the counter and he took them to the back of the laundry mat. And when i asked about it, he just kept putting the question off" she explained. "Did the guys look sketchy?" I questioned. Carmen stopped for a minute as if she was trying to think of what to say. "No, but I wouldn't say they looked innocent. The guys seemed around the age of Jeno" she replied. 

"Do you wanna do something this weekend?" I asked as we walked the halls. Carmen turned her head almost with a sparkle in her eyes. "oooh, like what?" she questions. "I don't know exactly, but I just want to do something. My dad is getting on my case because I stay cooped inside the house" I replied. "I mean he's not wrong. But when was the last time he urged you to go out and do things? I don't remember him being mr. adventure" Carmen comments. I did find it to be pretty interesting. Usually when I make plans he wants details, but maybe since our talk on independence he's lightening up? "Actually I remember my mom telling me how my dad was quite a party animal in college" I said with my eye brows raised. "Shut up! I would've never guessed. He's literally a sheriff" she says in shock. "I'm serious! My mom supposedly met him in one of her classes and she heard about him due to his reputation. And I guess her and her friends went to a party one night and my dad saved her from a creep at the party. She didn't see him for the rest of the party, but Monday morning he asked her how she was after everything. He slowly started getting closer with my mom and developed a crush on her, and they ended up dating" I explained. Carmen was listening with an expression of amazement. "Oh my god that's so cute!" she cooed with a bright smile. "Yep. And I guess my dad went into law enforcement because supposedly an officer one night saved him from being kick out. The officer let him get away when he could've been caught. And after that he ended up tracking down the officer to thank him, and the guy ended up becoming a role model for my dad" I added. I remember every detail of that story, only due to how surprised I was. I asked about a million questions when my mom told me. "That's so cool. You know I always wish I could've met your mom" Carmen says while giving a soft smile. The words almost caused my eyes to water. I think about that all the time. My mom would've loved Carmen, and probably would've adopted her back when I first met her. "Me too" I reply with a smile. Carmen wrapped her arm around my shoulder as we continued down the hall. 


"Have you made up your mind yet?" Carmen questions over the ring of the final bell. It had been pretty much been all week, and although I called off Saturday and Sunday.... we had no plans. "Have you?" I questioned back. Carmen looked away guiltily. "I'm trying! But anytime I do, I think of anything I don't want to do" she replies in frustration. Who would've thought it would be difficult for two indecisive teen girls to make a decision. "What's with the upset expressions?" Chenle asked beside Carmen. When I looked to my side I was greeted by Jisung's tall figure. "We're trying to make plans for this weekend, but we're having a hard time" Carmen replied. "Go roller skating" Chenle suggests. "I wish, Carmen has two left feet and bruised her ass for a week last time we went" I replied.  "Go to the movies" he suggests again, but Carmen shakes her head. "There's nothing good out" she replies. Chenle rolled his eyes in annoyance. "The beach?" Jisung says shrugging his shoulders. Carmen and I look at each other as we already knew what we were going to say. "We wanted to, but no transportation. And the bus takes forever" I replied before pursping my lips into a line. "Why don't we take you guys?" Chenle says looking at both of us. "What?" Carmen asks. "I mean we don't have anything going on during the weekend except Samuel's party, but we can skip it" Chenle explains. I looked to Jisung who seemed undecided. "I don't know" Jisung says crossing his arms. As we were now outside near the exit of the campus, Chenle didn't buy it. "Come on. Who cares about Samuel's party, he throws one every Saturday" Chenle insists. "What if I just simply don't feel like going to the beach" Jisung replies almost stubbornly. "Fine then don't come, I'll just go with them" Chenle says turning to Carmen and I. "Really, you'll take us?" Carmen asked with a slight smile. "Yeah, it's no big deal. I've been wanting to go to the beach anyways" he replied with a smile. "Alright, then it's set" I say excitedly. Jisung rolled his eyes as he looked at all of us. "Oh stop with the glares" Chenle jokes nudging Jisung. 


"What are you guys doing up so early?" My dad asked following with an extremely loud yawn. "We're going to the beach!" Carmen said with a bright smile. Although I was excited, I wasn't enthusiastic about leaving at 8 am. Yes the beach in an hour away in a different city, I didn't realize we were waking up so early. "Well... you guys have fun. Love you both and inform me on changes" my dad replies before heading back to his room. Carmen chuckled from either my dad or excitement. I'm mainly surprised she full of energy considering she was up all night finding outfits in my closet. I just about killed her when I got back from work and she destroyed my room with clothes. 

"Do you have everything you need in your bag?" Carmen asks as she dug through her bag for probably about the 5th time. "Yes" I replied, clutching my beach bag on my shoulder. "Aright, I'm just making sure. The place is far and we don't have time to run back home" she says finally looking up to meet my eyes. "I know. And by the way, why the hell are we leaving so early?" I question. "I've told you this about a million times! We have to get there early so we can get a good spot" she said placing her hands on her hips. Before I could protest her claim, the ding of her phone interrupted me. As she glanced at the screen she looked like she was about to burst. "He's here!" she says taking a 180 and heading towards the door. 

"When did you guys decide on going?" I asked as I looked upon the site in front of me. What started out at Chenle, I see all the guys decided on going. "Well Chenle mentioned how he was taking you guys to the beach, we thought it sounded fun and decided we'd tag along" Renjun explained as he stood near the drivers door. "And it looks like you changed your mind" I stated looking directly at Jisung. He had his arms crossed as he leaned against the same Ford Flex he drove me home in from the party. "Yeah, Yeah whatever" he said rolling his eyes. "We do have a predicament, there are only 6 seats" Jaemin's says while opening up the trunk. Carmen glanced at the inside and back to me. "There's 5 of you and 2 of us. Kaya will just sit on my lap" she stated before making her way to the trunk. 


The beach ride was pretty average as it was pretty quiet due to most being tired. So we spent the majority of it listening to music and going on our phones. 

"Can you believe 7 dollars for parking" Renjun complained as he passed the guard of the entrance. "Can you not pay for it or something?" Chenle joked. Renjun eyed him through the rear view mirror before pulling into a parking spot. "Listen you little shit, keep making jokes and I'll leave you in here" Renjun replies as he puts the car in park. 

"Listen to the waves! Aren't they nice!" Jeno states as he stretches his arms out wide to soak up the sun. As I laid out my towel I looked upon my surroundings. It was only about 9:15 am and the beach was already starting to pack in. Families of toddlers, and groups of teens. The sun was already starting to highlight the waves, and sand wasn't yet so on fire. Carmen almost had no shame of taking off her cover up and beginning to apply sunscreen. I aspire to find her confidence. I hadn't been to the beach or an event requiring a swim suit in years. So the idea of showing my body less that shorts in a tank tops was nerve wrecking, not to mention now in front of guys. But the some of the guys didn't seemed fazed as a few began to take off their tops and getting towels. Maybe it's just me. Deciding to not look to out of place I removed my shorts, but kept my over sized beach button up on. "Can one you guys help me get the cooler from the car?" Jeno asked pointing towards the parking lot. Chenle raised his hand in offering. "I'll come with, I left my wallet in the car" Carmen said as she began getting up. 

"Hey Carmen pass a water" I say. The mid afternoon sun had arrived and it was hitting me. For a while we just lounged around and getting our beach outing set up. But now I was beginning to sweat and not even the water was calming me. "You know you can take off the shirt" Carmen suddenly whispered in my ear. I wouldn't say I've always had a problem with my body, but the minute my teen years hit and I was becoming a wOmaN, I felt this need to cover the parts that weren't appropriate. "It's okay" I whispered back. Nah it wasn't. "Kaya take the damn shirt off before I do" she whispers back a little aggressively. "God jeez, at least buy me dinner first" I joke, but Carmen hit me in return. Rolling my eyes, I finally gave in. "Okay, but one dirty look from anyone I'm drowning in the ocean...  deal?" I ask while beginning to unbutton the top. "Any dirty looks and I'm going to jail for murder... deal?" Carmen says reassuring me. The sun does feel nice on my arms and chest. And I really did like this swimsuit; although it was simply white, it had little details of tiny pink flowers upon it. 


"I'm open!" Jaemin shouts to Carmen as she held a foam water ball in hand. Instead she looked toward my way and threw an under hand. "Sexism!" Jeno yells towards her. "Oh shut up! She was the first one I noticed" Carmen complained back. We were all formed in a circle in the ocean. "Here how about we play Marco Polo?" I suggest. Considering it was evening time and we had been playing ball games all day. Everyone had a slight tan with a little pink tint at this point, and my finger tips were shriveled from how long we had been in the water. "Bet!" Renjun said excitedly. As the circle closed in we all looked around on who to pick. "Nose goes!" Jeno suddenly yelled. Everyone sped to point their finger on the tip of their nose. "Jisung was last!" Carmen yelled. "Alright fine. No going out of bounce which water past your hips or land" Jisung claims. 

"Marco!" Jisung called out. We were all pretty close to him, but started moving around slowly. Myself mainly trying to shuffle quietly so he wouldn't hear the water movement. "Polo!" we all called out. Jisung quickly thrashed around trying to find people. Jaemin leaping across from him almost making contact. "Marco!" Jisung called again as he looked around in circles. He started moving closer to me, which caused for me to move back. "Polo!" we all yell simultaneously. Once again he leaps around waving his arms around trying to catch someone. Coming so close to me that I had to hold in my laughter. I can't move back anymore or I'm going to be out of bounce. Jisung was quiet as he was now about 2 feet away from me. I slowly moved right so I could get some distance, but it seemed like he could hear it. Although his eyes were closed, he was looking right at me. God how am I going to get out of this one? A smirk began to form upon his lips. Does he know i'm here? "Marco!" he calls loudly. "Polo!" we all yell before I tried jumping out of any contact from him. But no luck as when I jumped to get away he reached his arms out and grabbed me by the waist. Everyone screamed as I was caught, but Jisung instead smirked while looking below me. "I knew it was you" he said still holding my waist. I turned my head around before looking up to be met with his eyes right down at me. "How?!" I asked with a surprised expression. "Because you can't get away from me" he replies a little lowly. My heart rate began speeding up to not only from his words, but also how his arms were beginning to snake around my waist. WHAT THE FUCK. "Come on you two, stop flirting and lets continue the game!" Chenle yells at us. 

After catching Jaemin in my round we were now starting back up. "Marco!" Jaemin calls out. Everyone was pretty far from him which caused us to yell back pretty loud. While watching out for Jaemin I felt a tap on my shoulder, when I turned around I could see Jisung try to play it off. "Stop it" I whisper before shoving him. It made no impact on him, but in my mind it did. But my shove didn't end things as he poked me one more, but when I turned around I was met by him gripping me by my waist. Who does this boy think he is? As always he kept his eyes on me with a smirk. "Stop I am not getting caught because of you" I whispered which Jisung just raised his eye brows. "Marco!" Jaemin called. "Polo!" Everyone replied, but before Jaemin could even make a move Jisung gripped me and pulled me along the water with him. "What are you doing?!" I asked lowly. "You said you didn't want to get caught" he said chuckling. Park Jisung I'm going to kill you. "Got you!" Jaemin yelled as a screech from Chenle was followed. 

As everyone was getting tired they started exiting the ocean, but Jisung didn't move. When I looked up to him for about the 5th time, I was always met with direct eye contact. I smile shyly which caused him to smile back. I grip his hands and begin to try and swim away from him. "Oh- you tease!" he claims before grabbing my ankle. He pulled me back in his grip which I started laughing to him fiddling to try and keep control on me. When I managed to get away from his grip I splashed a tiny wave at him. Jisung returned a cocky expression before splashing me back. "What's with that expression?" I ask in a giggle. Anytime I even moved an inch Jisung would follow. "Kaya you know how this going to end" he says with a smile. This was probably the first time I got  good look at him all day as we were either sun bathing away from each other or in a constant game. His hair was wet strands all over his forehead that somehow looked cute, which paired with a couple water droplets upon his face. I couldn't help but my eye traveled down as he was quite toned naturally. But before I could say anything else we heard Jeno calling us in from the shore for the pizza they ordered. 


"I see you and Jisung" Carmen whispered in my ear as we all sat in a circle. She looked like she couldn't contain a smile, and just by her words I couldn't either. "Excuse me what's so funny?" Jeno asks across the circle from us. Carmen's expression changed into a dead stare toward Jeno. "Your face" she simply replies. "Wow like I haven't heard that one before" he retorts sarcastically. "God you're arguments are going to upset my stomach more" Renjun complains as he leans back on to his blanket. "Maybe don't stuff your face with pizza" I joked which Renjun mocked me for a quick moment. "I was only stuffing my face to get away from you and Jisung's love fest" Renjun retorted. As everyone joined in laughter Jisung didn't waste time to start hitting Renjun. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" he repeated as he was pleading a truce from Jisung.

As Jisung backed away from Renjun I could see the look in his eyes. "Hey Kaya and I are going to take a walk on the beach" he suddenly announced. Everyone  began cooing over his words. "Oh shut up its just a walk" I said as we both stood up. "Just a walk? As the sun is beginning to set? Seems suspicious" Jeno says with wide eyes, but Carmen was quick to shut him up. 

"So would you say that your happy that you ended up coming?" I asked in a teasing tone. As Jisung walked beside me on the wet sand he gave a look as if he was debating on what to say.  "I don't know, Samuel's parties tend to be pretty fun..." he jokes. I cross my arms in response and start walking ahead of him. "I'm kidding!" Jisung said trying to slow me down. "hmm sure" I replied slowing down, but continue to cross my arms. "I'm serious. I'm just joking. I haven't had a day like this in a while" he says reassuring me. I stop for a split second to see him smiling softly. "Why?" I questioned. I mean it's not like Jisung is one to seem super busy. "I don't know. Ever since we moved here we just try and do business during schools and parties. And if I'm being completely honest... I didn't actually expect the guys want to come" he explains. Definitely can't forget his business of dealing drugs. I mean from what I know on my perspective he just deals weed. "What do you mean?" I asked with a confused expression toward his claims on the guys. "Jaemin, Jeno, and Renjun have never been beach people. We've only gone once and that was with our friends from upstate. But all them seem to like you and Carmen and get along surprisingly" Jisung said with a cheeky smile. "Surprisingly? Would you say I am not an enjoyable person?" I ask in offended tone. "No not that. It's just we don't really hang out with many girls" he replies. I give a confused expression. "Really? I see you guys hanging out with girls at parties, and the diner" I said glancing at him. "That's parties. Do you think any of them have been inside the car? Let alone would go to the beach with any of them when they could be making bank at a party?" he asks to make a point. That's true. I remember Chenle saying that I'm the only girl Jisung will hang out with more than once. But that could also be because we haven't hooked up. "But anyways what about you, are you happy you ended up coming?" Jisung suddenly asked me. "Yeah even though I dreaded waking up so late. But it's new to be hanging with more people other than Carmen and it was honestly fun" I replied nodding. "Wait don't you hang out with other people?" he questions with a confused expression. The gaze almost made me feel small. Is he judging me on having no friends? "No. When I moved here freshman year, it was extremely hard making friends. And it was a really hard time at that point, but when I found Carmen.... things got better. But also because I get annoyed with most of the student body" I replied shrugging my shoulders. "What about Taehyun?" Jisung asks. The name kinda caught me off guard considering I hadn't been thinking of him recently. "Oh- well yeah he's a friend. But he really hasn't met Carmen so I only hang out with him" I explained, which he nodded. "I understand what you mean about having hard times and meeting Carmen. Many, many years ago I wasn't doing good at all. But I these guys and our friends from upstate came into my life" Jisung said as he stared at the ground as we walked. I want to ask... But I shouldn't. I mean he already see's me as nosy... "What happened?" I asked after much mental debate. His head shot up to look at me. Jisung stopped walking and just glanced at me for a second. "Um-... Well you could say I didn't really have good parents. They were irresponsible with money, drugs, and alcohol. And one day a guy named Taeyong saw and saved me" he said. Wow. "I'm sorry, did they ever come looking for you?" I asked shyly. "Oh yeah, but just for money. They heard about me from some people and how I was doing good. But Taeyong told them to fuck off" he replied in a bit of a lighter tone. As we walked the beach I let the waves fill the silence when we didn't know what to say. "What about you?" Jisung asked looking up to meet my eyes. "Oh- I moved here freshman year after my mom died" I said a little quietly. Jisung paused for a moment. I knew he was looking at me, but I couldn't look at him. "I'm sorry" he said in a soft tone before gripping my hand. "Oh it's alright. It was cancer, so there wasn't much we could do. We found it pretty late, so instead of preparing for her death I tried to stay positive" I said beginning to walk again, but continuing to hold his hand. "But like I said, I found Carmen. I seriously think my mom sent her into my life. It's like life knew I needed someone at that moment" I added with a light chuckle. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought this up" Jisung suddenly said. I stopped with a surprised expression and showed a smile. "Oh my god no! I've had time to heal over it. Of course I miss her, but I'm okay now" I say reassuring him. Jisung returned the smile and gripped my hand a bit tighter. 

By the time we made it back to everyone the sun had already set, and the stars had arrived. "Guys come here and look at the stars!" Carmen says sitting up from the sand. I hurriedly grabbed my cover up and threw it on. As all us looked upon the stars, I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty. 

It's pretty interesting how about what I said about Carmen. Because you could almost say the same thing about Jisung. I would've never imagined that he would come into my life. It almost made me wish I found all the guys years before, so this wasn't just an adventure of senior year. The whole idea even caused a frown upon my face, but my attention was taken by Jisung gripping my hand. I turned my head to feel the sand on half my face. He had his eyes closed, and I couldn't help but just admire him. 

Everything felt at peace. 


hiii everyone, i had a lot of funny writing this chapter. and beach day is not totally over so just hang in there! 

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