Obsession ( Yandere-ish! Yuki...

By ChloeGonzales9

260K 4.7K 2.3K

When a young girl gains a stalker , Prince Yuki Sohma, her world gets turned upside down for the worst. No on... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 ( 18+)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen (+18)
( A/N)
Chapter Eighteen (18+)
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three ( 18+)
Attention all readers!
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
I'm sorry
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Filler # 1
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
I need help

Chapter Thirty-Nine

2.2K 51 4
By ChloeGonzales9

  "Wake up!!!! Wakey! Wakey!" Someone was screaming at you? Hmm you'd recognized that voice. Seth was telling you to wake up?You groggily opened your eyes lightly clinging to the covers. Your shades were wide open and you winced at the bright light shining. Through half-lidded eyes you looked around the room to find Seth who was obviously trying to wake you. He was crouching down on the front of your bed with his chin resting in his hands and elbows propped up on the bed beside you.
You stared at your clock that read 11:30 am. You began to sit up rubbing you eyes as you crawled out bed. You looked like a zombie and just like one you moan and headed towards the bathroom dragging your feet. Seth shakes his head as he watched...really you were so darn lazy.
  It was a few minutes before you came out still zombie-like only fully dressed and now clean. Seth was sitting in your office chair. He was spining around in it like a little child. You however didn't notice as you began to drag yourself into the hallway and down the stairs. It was breafast time right...that's why Seth woke you up. 
Another thing you didn't notice were the three people standing at door. They were waiting for you of course and would've have promptly greeted you if you had not walked directly into one of them.
  "Mommy?" Momiji poked your arm curiously with a cute little pout on his lips.
The person you walked into was Hatori and currently you were mistaking him for a wall...a very soft wall. A very soft wall in which you could go back to sleep on. You clutched his shirt and rubbed your face into it. A tid bit of drool lingered of the side of your lips as you began to fall back to sleep on the soft wall.
  Hatori face remained emotionless as he stared at the teenage girl clinging to him. She seem to be getting comfortable enough to fall asleep and drool on him. (Name) did still had problems waking up in the morning. He glanced to the side at Akito who was fairly amused if not a little jealous of what was happening.
  "It's time to wake up! Come on (Name)-chan!" Momiji said in a sing-song vioce while boucing up and down around you and Hatori.
  "Oh, oh, Oh! Its finally happened!" Seth held up the "V" sign (for Victory) with one hand and was crying tears of joy into his other arm.
  Hatori raised an eyebrow...having no idea what he was talking about.
  "You finally confessed your feelings to her. She has embraced you with open arms. She feels the love you share now the only thing left to do is get rid of her boyfriend. I surmise that will be easy considering you're a doctor."
  "Hardly, she's asleep." Hatori replies in a non-amused tone.
  "I apologize for the surprise visit." Akito gave Seth that smile that had always creeped the older man out.
  "It's no problem Akito. You are welcome here anytime. How about we move to the living room? I know you guys are tired of standing here." Seth held out his arms in a welcoming gesture to Momiji who happily skipped into the living room beside Akito. He then reached out to pry you off from Hatori but was stopped.
  Hatori merely slipped an arm under your knees and hoisted you up. You shifted a little still half-sleeping in his hold and clutching his shirt as he brought you into the living room. If you had been awake he could imagine the look on your face when you saw all of what Akito got you for Valentine's Day. The things hadn't made it on time yesterday but the managed to make it here early this morning. Well they made sure it was this morning after Akito went into one his tantrums about it not being there the day of.
  Hatori set you down on the couch after prying your hands off his shirt. He set down next you which proved to be a mistake as your body leaned to the side and your head was suddenly resting on his shoulder. He needed to smoke a cigarette right about now.
  "So how has everything been going?" Akito asked in normal, civilized tone trying to bring up small talk until (Name) woke up. He would be lathered upon with hugs and kisses after she would see everything.
  "I've been well, (Name) has been well. Although this new development of a boyfriend is kind of intimidating."
  "Oh yeah, Yuki is very nice guy so you don't have to worry. He's a real gentleman too." Momiji cutted in.
  "You sounded much more ecstatic about it when I told over the phone." Hatori said finding Seth's apprehension a little strange.
  "I think the idea of (name) having a boyfriend is more appealing than her actually having one."
Shigure's House...
  "Thank you Ms. Honda." Yuki smiled as he took the small bag from her. He hoped she hadn't gone through none of his pictures. He didn't need Tohru trying to pry her way into his business with (name). 
  He pinned a withering glare on Kyo as she went into the kitchen to put away the groceries. Kyo and her had gone shopping and like the stupid cat he was he made her carry the bags. He didn't see what (name) saw Kyo, but he would erase him from her heart.
Kyo stared at him with equal hatred.            "What?!"
He was knocked back into a wall with another uppercut as a response. "(Name) told me what you did to her."
Kyo responded with a low growl. He should've known this was about (name). He could still taste her on his lips. Okay, so he deserved that hit for kissing his girlfriend.   "She told you, huh?"
"What did you expect her to lie to me?"
"No I expected her to have better taste than you rat boy. But I can't help it if she likes someone like you."
They both took a fighing stance about to engage in another fight in the middle of the hallway. Shigure walked by eyeing the two of them with a small sigh.
"Try not to destroy the house over (name), okay?"
"SHUT-UP!!" They both cried in unison at Shigure.
"You stupid cat, what made you think she even liked you?!"
"Like hell we've were friends before she even met you! Whatever you're up to I'm going to find out..." He mumbled to himself feeling hurt from Yuki's comment. He turned away and decided to go help Tohru in the kitchen.
Yuki's eyes darken as he watched him walk away. "That's right run away. She's mine. Everything she is belongs to me you cursed cat."
He smiled to himself returning to his normal demeanor. He walked up stairs to his room and emptied out the contents of the bag. It was thick evenlope filled with picture of his beloved. 
Her beauty was refreshing and calmed his nerves to some extent after that ecounter with Kyo.
He spreaded out all the distorted pitures of her across his bed. He pulled out a scrapbook and began to gently add the pictures to his collection. Before doing so he gently dragged his nose across the stolen strands of hair that he taped onto page sixteen of his scrapbook. A small whiff of your aroma gave him erotic chills.
He began to add the new pictures to his collection and gazed longingly at you in everyone. He felt so lonely without you. He needed to feel you again...run his hands over your firm thighs. He need to show you how much he loved you.
His eyes narrowed as he caught eye of the pictures that had been in your locker. One of you and Kyo posing together at a dance. Kyo had looked away from the camera while you gingerly clung to him with a smile. He remebered that dance...it was before he knew that you were his soulmate. If he had not foolishly looked over you, you would probably be with him this very moment.
His eyes switched to the other picture of you and Kyo that Tohru had taken. Kyo had cats all over him and you were holding one of them with a smile as if you had been laughinf at him. Another cat was ontop of your head as well but you didn't seem to mind.
He picked up the pictures with both hands...his eyes straying back and forth to each picture. His nose flared as his eyes darkened over once more in anger.
He was still winning her over! He had not accomplished anything at all. That dirty cat was stealing his love away from him. 
He had found himself to be a fuckin' pushover. How could he have let this happen? She was supposed to be in love with him, not Kyo!  
"Only me."
His hands curled into fists and crumbled the pictures of you and Kyo. He shredded them to pieces with his bare hands and threw the pieces into the trash. Then he continued with his scrapbook...once again smiling at your pretty face.

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