The Boyz: Q/Ji Changmin (Comp...

By Inlovewithtoomany

50K 1.4K 445

Q (Ji Changmin) x Reader Being the new girl isn't always fun, being the sister of a the most popular boy in s... More

•First Day•
~Lunch Time~
~Dance Class~
~Dance Practice~
~Movie Night~
~Party Time~
~Spin the Bottle~
~Phone Call~
~Amusment Park~
~The Project~
~Meeting Day~
~He's Back~
~Vacation:Part 1~
~Vacation: Part 2~
~Back to School~
~New Partner~
~Mistake pt.1~
~Mistake Pt.2~
~The Lovers Dance~ (Final)

~Secret Admirer~

1.7K 54 34
By Inlovewithtoomany

Y/n POV.
(Later at night)
I was in my room thinking.

This admirer...

Do I know him or her??

Who could it be?? In my head I played over people that it could be.

Felix? No we're best friends
Hwall? No we're just friends
Eric? No we just got close
Younghoon? I did give him hickeys when I was drunk, but no he had been flirting with Hyuna recently
That guy Jackson has been pulling moves, but I've never told him about the pillow
Last guy, Q?? He could be trying to prove his feelings, I know he likes me, and he was blushing when I opened the present.

Is it him?!? It just seems so probable.


I should go to sleep now, I still have school tomorrow.

*Next morning*

I woke up to the blinding sun and went to my bathroom. Quickly did my whole morning routine and picked out my outfit.

*The outfit*

I walked downstairs and Sangyeon was already gone cause he had to go in early to talk to a teacher.

I grabbed an apple and ate it while waiting for my ride.

I heard a car honk and put on my shoes to head out. Before I left the door I could see a note on the outside of it.

I opened the door and turned around to get the note.

It read:

"To my dearest Y/n, I hope you have a wonderful day. Don't worry you'll know who I am soon. And I'll finally get that kiss.
From, Your favorite"

I quickly out the note away and headed to the car. B.I was driving me to school.

"What was on the door" B.I asked as I closed the door to the car.

"A note" I said putting my seatbelt on.

"The admirer??" He said laughing.

I nodded, then we drive off and he out the music on.

"All the boys love you Y/n" he says keeping his eyes on the road.

"Doesn't matter to me" I said back.

He laughed.

"That's why I love you, you never care" B.I said looking at me and giggling.

I smiled as we pulled into the school parking lot.

I got out hugged B.I and headed to class.

"Finally your here dude" Jennie said as I entered the class.

"Yea..." I said sitting down.

"What's wrong" Jisoo asked.

I pulled out the note and handed it to Jennie, they both read it and gasped.

"So your gonna find out who it is soon" Jisoo said.

"I guess"

Class then started and they handed back the note.

*Time skip*

It was finally dance class and I already had the private room booked.

Eric, Jungkook, and I went in and started looking through music to dance with.

"Something slow or upbeat" Jungkook asked.

"I'm think upbeat because it will convey the feeling more" I said.

We continued our search

"How about 'Hips don't lie' by Shakira? It's upbeat and we can out the story in it" I said.

"Yea I like that" Eric said and Jungkook agreed. Then we started working.

We were starting to make steps and play with the music to figure out how to create the story.

We came up with he begin starting with me dancing then the boys join. Then Eric picks me up and I dance with him then Jungkook pulls me away and I dance with him. Then I push them away and act like it doesn't happen to dance again.

"I think the process is coming along" Jungkook commented.

"I agree, I think we're doing great" I said back and Eric handed us both waters.

The bell then rang and I told them we have the room booked again on Thursday.

The rest of the day went by smoothly and I got back home and brought my friend Jihoon with me.

Jihoon is an old friend from before j moved to Australia. We just wanted to talk again so I brought him home.

I walked in the house after Jihoon and I decided to walk home.

When I entered I saw all the boys on the couch.

"Hey Y/n" Hwall said.

"Hi guys" I said taking off my shoes and telling Jihoon to do the same.

"Guys this is Jihoon" I said putting my arm around him

He waved then about 3 of the guys came up to him cause they knew him.

"We're gonna go now, so bye" I said and grabbed Jihoons hand and we went up to my room.

I closed the door and sat on the bed and Jihoon sat next to me.

"How have you been" Jihoon asked.

"I'm ok, living life. Ya know" I said laughing

"Heard you have a secret admirer' he said pushing me lightly and wiggling his eyebrows.

" Please can I go one day without talking about it" I said laughing.

He changed his position so he was between my legs and his head laying down on my stomach. I was playing with his hair.

"I missed you, you know that right" he said playing with his hands.

"I missed you too, but I had to leave after everything that happened with you know..." I said brushing his hair through his hair.

"Yea I know, and I respect that" he said.

Just then I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said.

The door opened revealing Felix, Hwall, and Younghoon.

"We got bored..." Felix said pouting.

"I'm busy" I said pointing to Jihoon between me.

"We're sorry you'd rather be with your boyfriend, but we wanna be with you" Hwall said.

I laughed while shaking my hand, then patted my bed signaling them to come.

They closed the door and jumped on the bed, while snuggling close.

"What you talking about" Younghoon asked.

"None of your business" I said pinching his cheek.

"Just the past" Jihoon said.

"The past is the past" Hwall said and they all agreed.

"Yea I know..." I said looking down at Jihoon.

He's the only one I talked to Everytime I got into fights with Jinyoung. He was one of the bestest friends. Jinyoung once even wanted my to stop being friends with Jihoon cause we were so close. I was to blinded by love and started pushing Jihoon away to please Jinyoung but I'm glad that's the past.

We were all on our phones while doing our own things, Younghoon was texting someone (probably Hyuna), Felix was playing games on his phone with Hwall and Jihoon and I were holding hands and still talking.

There was another knock on the door and I yelled to come in.

The door opened revealing Q

He was a little taken back by all the guys laying in my bed and Jihoon and I holding hands.

"Hyunjae said it's time to go" Q said while standing in the door way.

They all nodded and got up.

One by one they walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek.

I was shocked.

"YAH! Why did you do that!" I said laughing.

"Cause we LOVE you" they yelled throwing up finger hearts and blowing kisses.

I laughed and Q waved bye and I waved back.

"Who was that" Jihoon asked.

"Oh Q, just one of the guys" I said looking at him and moving my hands to his shoulders.

"You seem awkward with him" he said.

"He likes me, but I don't know how I feel about him" I said looking down.

"Well you know okay it day by day" Jihoon said lifting my head up.

I smiled and pinched his nose.

"Let's go make dinner" I said and we went down stairs.

We started making pizzas and we were having a good time.

Once we were done we took it back upstairs to my room and ate on my bed while watching a movie.

It was a romantic comedy and everytime something romantic happened we would tell at the screen.

It was a really good time, after the food and movie it was time to go to sleep.

I walked him out and gave him a hug.

"Thank you for today" I said while hugging him.

"Of course my sweet plum" he said hugging back.
(It was a nickname he used to call me)

We pulled away from the hug and I kissed his cheek and he left.

As he left i was about to go back inside.

"Y/n!" I jumped and bit and turned around to see Q.

He came up the stairs.

"Can we talk?" He asked showing his puppy dog eyes

I bit my lip and thought for a bit then let him in.

Sangyeon was gone but I didn't mind. I knew he'd be back later.

I walked up to my room with Q following.

I closed the door and we sat in my bed.

"What's up" I said facing him.

"Are you and Jihoon dating" he asked looking in my eyes.

I felt like I was drowning in his eyes.

"N-no" I said with a bit of a stutter.

"We're just close" I said and he nodded.

"Have you thought about it" he asked.

"About what?" I asked confused.

"About me" he said.

"I-i don't know" I said looking at him.

He out his head down and scooted closed to the center of the bed. I scooted so I was straight in front of me.

I don't know what I was thinking but I lifted his head up with my hand and looked into his eyes.

"What" he said looking at me.

I could see him looking at my lips but I did nothing cause I was looking at his too.

"You really are a pain" I said and he laughed looking away.

I don't know what got into me but once he looked away I grabbed his face and turned his face back to face mine.

Then I went in...and kissed him.

He was shocked but soon responded to to kiss.

He wrapped his hands around my waist while I out my arms around his neck. We were in sync during the kiss as I played with his hair.

I then fldt his tongue go into my mouth. I didn't want to fight for dominance cause I knew he would win. He pushed me back onto the bed so he was on top of me.

He caressed my face while smiling into the kiss. I smiled back. He then moved his hand down to my body to the bottom of my shirt and was about to lift it.

"Y/N IM HOME!" Sangyeon yelled from downstairs.

I quickly pushed Q off me and told him to go onto the couch. He moved fast and we fixed ourselves just as Sangyeon entered.

"Hey Y/n I-" he noticed Q and shot s look at me.

"Why is he here" Sangyeon asked.

"He had something to talk to me about" I said.

"I was just leaving" Q said as he quickly got up and left.

Sangyeon looked suspicious

"I..." Sangyeon started.

I was so nervous, I hope he doesn't think anything.

"I...I'm guessing he needed dancing tips" Sangyeon asked.

Thank GOD!!

"OH yea just that" I said laughing nervously.

"Things still awkward between you guys" he asked with concern.

"Yea a bit" I said giggling a bit.

"Ok well I'm gonna go, see you in the morning" he said whole waving

"Oh but I forgot, this was at the door" he said handing me a small box and a note.

"Must be the admirer" he said laughing and then leaving.

I held the box, it was sliver with a light blue bow.

I opened the card, it says:

"My love Y/n, I hope you're ready. Let's meet Thursday. I know you have your suspicions, but I know you'll be happy. Thursday I'll give you a couple clues to find me.
Love, the love of your life💕"

I smiled whole reading the card, then I opened the box.

It was a necklace, a crystal star. Light blue with a diamond next to it. It was gorgeous. I smiled then felt my eyes I suddenly felt tears. Crying...why?

I went to sleep short after, next morning I got a call saying school was cancelled cause of a bursted pipe.

I called the girls over, we spent the day talking about the admirer. 

Q was texting me but I ignored it cause I couldn't handle that at the moment.

I showed them the necklace and card.

"Damn he must really like you Y/n" Jennie said.

"Yea why can't I find a boy like this" Rosé said and all the girls a whined agreeing.

Jisoo helped me out the necklace on amd it was beautiful. Truly beautiful.

"So you're meeting him tomorrow" Jisoo asked.

"Yep, I'm scared but excited" I said getting goosebumps.

Then I remembered last night with Q.

"Oh girls I have to tell you something" I said nervously.

They all looked at me and waiting for me to talk.

"Last night Q came over and wanted to talk, and we kissed a lot..." I said looking down

The girls were shocked

"Wait why"
"I thought you didn't like him"
"You're so confusing"

"I know I know guys, but I don't know what came over me. It just happened. I didn't stop it, it wasn't so bad" I said blushing a bit.

"Woah Y/n, you're crazy" Jennie said.

"Yours truly" I said laughing

"What does this mean for you and Q, and your secret lover boy" they said.

"I don't know, but I'll figure that out tomorrow" I said throwing myself into the bed.
They laughed and laid with me.

Tomorrow...meeting day.

Word count: 2296

Thanks guys for support, can't wait to write the next chapter. Hope you guys are the excited!!! Love you💕💕💕💕

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