Wonderland (Taylor Swift + Ha...

Per anonymoushoe13

22.3K 364 54

*Taylor swift and Harry Styles both have bad reputations. They've been strictly warned to stay away from each... Més

Counter all your quick remarks
Something's made your eyes go cold
Get caught up in the moment, lipstick on your face
I walked out I said I'm setting you free
After plaid shirt days and nights where you made me your own
That face of an angel comes out just when you need it to
You never loved me, or her, or anyone
I'll do anything you say, if you say it with your hands
I watched it begin again
So it goes
Is it cool that I said all that
I miss you to much to be mad amymore
This love came back to me

The moment i knew

762 18 7
Per anonymoushoe13

Taylor was having trouble thinking straight. Here she was at breakfast in a lovely hotel with Harry and she just couldn't focus on a word he was saying.
"Taylor- Taylor!" Harry repeated in frustration. "Have you been listening to anything I just said?"
Taylor snapped out of her trance for a second and desperately tried to remember what he'd been rambling on about. Something about a ski trip?
"Um,yeah. Skiing sounds great." She replied monotonously, shooting him a forced smile before returning to poking her scrambled eggs around.
"Skiing was like 5 conversations ago." Harry spat angrily. "5 conversations I had with myself." He continued to mutter through his teeth.
Taylor dropped her fork down onto her plate.
"Look, do you have a problem?" She said in the bitchiest way possible. Taylor didn't have any justified reason for being so rude to him. He'd been nothing but lovely their whole trip but she just felt like she was letting herself get too comfortable with him. The more attached she got the harder it would be when he left. Which he would, eventually. They always did.
No matter how in love he thought he was with her, it wouldn't last. Taylor had learnt this in her past 6 years trying to date under they intense magnifying glass that was her fame. And the fact that Harry was so famous as well just made their downfall even more inevitable.
"No. Just wouldn't mind having a girlfriend that actually speaks every now and then." He said coldly, reclining back in his seat and putting on that face that he always did. The one where it's like he's looking straight through you and finding it so incredibly boring.
Taylor scoffed and rolled her eyes while signalling to a waiter that rushed over straight away.
"What would you like miss?" He inquired politely.
"The bill please." Taylor answered bashfully while putting on her America's sweetheart smile that strangers melted for. She knew Harry got jealous easily and loved to exploit it. "Oh and also would you mind ordering me a cab?" She added just to piss him off.
"Where are you going?" Harry interrupted, "we have to be at the stadium in like an hour."
Taylor rolled her eyes obnoxiously. "You mean you do." She corrected him whilst getting up from her seat to leave.
"What? So you're just not going to come now?"
He asked in shock. To be fair he had a right to be mad at how Taylor was treating him. She knew he didn't deserve it but she just couldn't help herself. Defending herself from guys was just an instinct by now. The more people called her a bitch the more she started to believe it. And the more she felt like she had to act the part.
"Oh relax." She said condescendingly, "I'll meet you there."
And with that she strutted out, leaving Harry alone with no one to talk to but an empty table.
Taylor felt like shit as she walked through the backstage entrance of the stadium. She shouldn't of acted like that at breakfast. Why was she punishing him for a crime he hadn't committed yet? He hadn't left her yet. So he shouldn't have to put up with her attitude.
Taylor halted as she passed by a security guard.
"Excuse me," she started politely, "have you seen Harry Styles?"
"I'm pretty sure he was in the 2nd door on the left." He responded warmly, pointing towards a corridor leading to the dressing rooms.
"Thank you so much!" She called out as she power walked towards his room. She was determined to apologise to him before he went on stage.
"Harry!" She blurted out as she barged through the dressing room door but, to her dismay, the man sitting across from her was very much not Harry and all too much Louis. Louis fucking Tomlinson. Of course she had to run into him.
"Keep looking." Louis said in that sassy tone that she hates so much.
Taylor closed the door behind her and meant back on it for support. All this worrying about Harry had got her tired.
"Do you know where I could find him?" She asked in the nicest voice she could manage.
Louis finally looked up from him magazine to meet her gaze.
"I don't think he really wants to see you." He replied, a little too pleased with himself. "So you should probably just hop on that jet and redirect yourself right back to snobville."
Right that was it. Taylor stormed over to the sofa so that she towered over him. What was his issue?
"Okay." She started, taking a deep breath in to sustain her for the rant that was coming, " I don't know what I did to make you hate me. But I really need to talk to Harry. So why don't you just be a good friend and tell me where I can find him."
Louis too got up from his seat now so that they were face to face. She was still way taller than him, especially in her heels. Yet she still felt small compared to him. He had a way of making her feel insecure that she despised.
"Don't you fucking tell me how I need to be a better friend." He began, shoving his finger too close to Taylor's face. "Do you seriously think you know what he needs better than I do?"
"Oh my god!" Taylor laughed passive aggressively, " can you spare me the fucking attitude that you've given me ever since you first saw me."
Taylor flung her arms up in the air in frustration.
"Honestly! What did I ever do to you?"
Louis scoffed and looked down at the floor, twitching with rage. "You have no idea."
"Please," Taylor insisted, "enlighten me."
"Fine. You know what? I will." He flung his magazine down onto the ground and pointed his finger so close that Taylor was forced to retreat backwards.
"You're no good for Harry. Shit, actually. All you've done this entire time he's been obsessed with you is give us bad press and before you know it Harry's showing up late, missing flights and skipping dinners to go fuck you in some alleyway."
Taylor opened her mouth to defend herself but he kept going before she could begin.
"And what for? You treat him like shit anyway and it's not like you're going to last longer than a month. I mean just look at your track record."
"Stop it." Taylor pleaded as he bombarded her with insult after insult. It was getting too personal now. What he was saying was true and it hurt too much to hear.
"What? You don't like it when people call you a slut?"
"I said stop!" Taylor shouted desperately with tears starting to swell up in her eyes. Why did they always have to come at the worst times?
"Would've thought you'd be used to it by now. After all all our fans think it. Oh, and the band."
Louis must've seen the effect that last comment had had on her because he gave her the smuggest smile she'd ever seen in her life..
"Didn't you know? We all told him not to date you. Even our management warned him about what a whore you where."
"JUST SHUT UP OKAY!" Taylor begged, tears now streaming down her flushed cheeks. She couldn't deal with all the hate anymore. Being with Harry wasn't worth it. Not when he was bound to break her heart anyway. She might as well save herself now and get it out of the way before the rest of the hate from everyone else got too much.

Suddenly, a sea of people came flooding through the door. Tour managers, make up artists, stylists and- Harry.
"Louis! Where the fuck have you been-" He scolded him before his eyes landed on Taylor.
His green eyes suddenly filled with worry as he noticed the tears running down her face.
"Why are you crying? Are you okay?" He flooded her with questions as he ran to comfort her.
Taylor flung her arms around him and buried her face in his chest, soaking in his smell one last time. She was going to miss him so much.
All she wanted to do was hug him forever and tell him how much she loved him. But she couldn't. She would never get to do that.
"Harry. I- " Taylor began shakily, she didn't know if she'd have the strength to do it.
"What is it darling?" He asked as he pushed her away just far enough for him to be able to stare into her eyes. He wiped a tear off her cheek, desperate to know what he could do to help her.
"I need to break up with you but I can't bring myself to do it."
There. She'd said it. She felt him freeze up as her words echoed through his mind. She felt relieved now that she'd finally said it but now m couldn't bare looking at his green eyes that where newly shining with tears.
"What- why? You don't need to do anything."
Harry grabbed her shoulders in desperation and tried to get her to look him in the eye.
"Just please, think about this."
"I have Harry. I've thought about it so much that I already know how horrible it's going to feel loosing you."
"Then why? Don't loose me." He lifted her chin up so that she had no choice but to return his stare. "Don't loose me." He whispered.

"Harry, come on! You're supposed to be on stage!" Someone from management urged him but he ignored their calls.
"Taylor please." He pleaded. She'd never seen Harry so vulnerable. It killed her to know she was making him feel like this.
Taylor couldn't face him so she looked up at the ceiling instead.
"Harry, we both knew this was never going to work." She managed to get out through the tears. "Everybody hates us together. You're fans, your best friend and every god damn person that uses Twitter."
Taylor took a moment to gather her breath in an attempt to stop the streams rolling down her face. " I just can't do it anymore."
She had to bite her lip to stop herself from sobbing. Out of all the break ups she'd had, this had to be the worst. And she'd barely known him for a month.
"Taylor. Please, don't do this. We can work this out." He pleaded, grasping at her hands as if it would stop her from leaving.
"No. I've tried to imagine a way for us to be happy but it's just impossible with the lives we have."
"Harry! We have to go!" His tour manager shouted at him, tugging at his arm but Harry shrugged him off.
"We've been living in wonderland. Trying to pretend that we're not going to crash and burn."
"Taylor-" He tried to fight her on it but he couldn't. Because he knew it was true as well.
"In another life. Where we're not both famous and the world isn't out to get us. I would be so fucking in love with you Harry. But we chose this life and this love is just one of the sacrifices that came along with it. I'm so so sorry. I tried. We tried. But it has to end now before it just gets harder and harder to let you go."
"No." Harry insisted.
"HARRY!" His management demanded, clearly on their last nerve.
"I said no. I won't let you give up on us." Harry said wrapping his arms around her.
"Why?" She exclaimed desperately, pushing him off of her. "Give me one good reason!"
"Because I love you!" He blurted out.
As soon as he said it the both of them froze. She'd been so afraid of him saying those words but now that they'd come out of his mouth all she wanted was for him to say it again.
"What?" She muttered in shock.
"Taylor-" He tried to say something but whatever it was was drown out by the voices of his team as they dragged him out of the dressing room.
She ran after them in distress, desperate to see his face one last time. But he was gone.
"Sorry miss. You can't go through here." A security guard insisted as he leant out his arms to block her from following them onto the stage.
"Yeah. I know." Taylor said in defeat. And with that she turned around and walked away from it all. The stadium, Harry and everything she'd ever wanted.

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