A Thin Line between Love and...

By ChantalAndrea01

235K 12.8K 5.2K

Jasmine and Megan have always been best-friends since childhood. Now that they are older, they are both YouTu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chpater 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
CHAPTER 49: Epilogue
Character Info

Chapter 25

4.3K 268 95
By ChantalAndrea01

Jaxon's POV  *One week earlier.  The day right after Jasmine rejected him*

Marcy was truly something else. When I thought she couldn't get any worse she did. Soon after Jasmine rejected me, Marcy in boxed me on social media. It was the only way she could communicate with me since I already blocked her number. 

Marcy: Look at this gem I found. *Insert pornographic video* If you want to protect her, you'll meet me at Starbucks on 109th St tomorrow at 4:30pm. 

I was totally blind sided by her message. The contents of the video hit me like a ton of bricks. At no point in time did I ever expect to see a video of Darnell fucking Jasmine in my inbox. I nearly lost my fucking mind. After just a few seconds of the video playing, I turned it off and gripped my phone until the blood drained from my hands and my knuckles turned white. Gripping my phone was the only thing I could do to stop myself from throwing my phone across the goddamn room. That was absolutely one of the last things I ever expected or wanted to see. So many thoughts began to run through my mind. How recent was that video? And how the hell did Marcy get it? I swear to god, after this, I promised to never date online again. 

The next day, I begrudgingly met up with Marcy at the Starbucks. I even contemplated not going. But if she had a video like this, god only knew what she was capable of. I pulled out a chair and sat down while Marcy smiled at me devilishly. I could no longer see the beauty in this woman, all I saw was a demon. I didn't smile at her, I just sat down quietly waiting for her to explain.

Marcy leaned in and tried to grab my hands. I immediately pulled them out of her grasp and placed them under the table. 

"Hey baby. You look good." I don't say anything. I just stared at her with disgust. She exhaled loudly before placing a false smile on her face.

"I know your mad babe, but you have to understand I needed to get your attention anyway that I could." I'm still sitting silently waiting for her to get to the point. 

"Jaxon, I want us to be together. I need us to be together and if this is the only way I know how to get you then so be it. You need to stop being selfish and think about our child." I just stared at her, this bitch was truly delusional. I spoke slowly this time. I needed her to understand what I was saying to her. I stared her dead in her eyes before I spoke up.

"Marcy, listen closely to what I'm about to say to you. And I'm about to say it slowly so that it processes in your thick head. I. do not. want. to be. with you. That. baby. is not. my. baby. Leave me. and Jasmine. THE FUCK. ALONE!" After I said that, I observed her reaction to see if she actually understood the shit that just came out of my mouth. She didn't say anything so I began to push my chair out and get up. I had nothing else I needed to say. I thought I said how I felt pretty clearly. But Marcy grabbed my arm to stop me. Her voice was low and menacing.

"If you care about Jasmine, you'll sit down." The smile was gone from her face and she was more serious now. I sat down, worried that this wasn't going to end right. She cleared her throat as I stared at her, trying to read her.

"You don't understand Jaxon. I will go to any lengths to have my family together." She leaned in even closer towards me. "So here's the deal. We both know Jasmine has a decent level of fame on social media." She paused to read my reaction. I schooled my face to stay blank before she continued. "Now listen to what I'm going to say. And listen closely Jaxon because I'm not going to repeat myself." She mimicked me. "I. Will. release. Jasmine's sex video. across. the. entire internet. if you. walk away. from me." She leaned back and smiled mischievously as my heart sank. That would completely devastate Jasmine. It was NOT an option.

"What do you want?" 

"Be with me Jaxon. You're mine and I'm yours." I nearly laughed. This bitch really wanted an in-genuine relationship with me? Was she really that desperate. 

"No." I said sternly. "I won't pretend to be in some fairy tail relationship with someone I don't even like." I tried to call her bluff but she got me. Without saying anything, Marcy pulled out her phone and typed in several phone numbers before showing me. The people included in the thread were, Luke, Imani, Darnell, Daniel, and Brent. She then attached the video and stared at me dead in the eyes before pressing send. Fuck! This wasn't good. 

"You think I won't send it to her parents next?" She asked. "Try me!" At this moment, I finally realized the depth of crazy I was dealing with.  This bitch was completely and utterly insane. There was no talking or reasoning with her. I needed to come up with a plan before she really hurt Jasmine. I threw my hands up in defeat and  conceded to her demands.

"Ok, you've won. I'm your boyfriend and you're girlfriend. Yada yada yada. But, Marcy. I'm warning you, if you send that video to anyone else, we are done for good!" Marcy smiled genuinely happy. She had no clue that I was only agreeing to do this until I could figure out how to help Jasmine get out of this mess. Marcy clasped her hands with happiness before leaning over and kissing me on the lips. I immediately wanted to puke but I held it in. 

"By the way Jaxon, my phone was on airplane mode. You can breathe easy because I didn't actually send the video." I sighed relieved. "But cross me again and I promise you Jasmines reputation is done." She smiled disgustingly and my blood started to boil.  It was the first time that I ever fantasized about hitting a woman. 

After that encounter, Marcy was attached to my hip. She insisted that I posted on social media so that our relationship would feel more "real". I hated having to do it but until I could come up with a plan to deal with Marcy I had no choice but to go along with this farce. 


One week later and I moved out of my sisters home and into my own town home. Marcy insisted on bringing her things over and having her own drawer in my room. I drew the line at that. I told her she was moving too fast. The more this went on, the more I had to keep reminding myself that this was all temporary. I just needed to come up with a plan first. 

It had been a week since I last saw Jasmine and I was missing our feisty banter. I smiled at the simple thought of her threatening me with a knife. I shook my head at our last conversation. It was hard to believe that she loved Darnell; it was such a hard pill to swallow. 

Today, I was headed back over to my sister's house to retrieve the rest of my things. All week, Jasmine avoided me like the plague. When I was moving yesterday, she conveniently wasn't home all day. Yes, it was frustrating. But I tried to give her the space she needed. 

When I pulled up to my sister's house, I was instantly annoyed at seeing Darnell's car in the driveway. Even if she didn't see us having a future, why him? It just didn't make any sense to me. 

When I entered the house, Darnell was downstairs playing video games. I didn't even acknowledge him and I was glad when he didn't say a word to me. I went upstairs to my old room to gather a few things when I heard the shower turn off. The angel on my shoulder tried to talk some sense into me. You're only here for your things. Leave Jasmine alone, she made her decision. But then the devil was so much more tempting. Forget what she said, go in there and talk to her. You know you're dying to do so. 

I turned away from the bathroom door and began to gather the rest of my things.  I shook my head to clear my thoughts and ran my fingers through my hair. I was warring with myself. Finally the devil on my shoulder won. I dropped everything in my hands and headed into Jasmine's room without knocking. It was either I talk to her now or it would be never. 

Jasmine gasped in shock as she pulled the towel back around herself. Damn she looked good.

"What are you doing here Jaxon?  You need to leave, Darnell is downstairs." She whispered angrily. She looked overly anxious. 

"I needed to talk to you."

"About what? There is nothing to talk about. Now GET. OUT!" Jasmine's eyes bulged with every syllable.  'Darnell could come upstairs at any moment."

"Fuck Darnell Jasmine. Seriously? Fuck. Him!" I walked even closer to her and she took a step back hitting the back of her knees on the bed. 

Jasmine began to whisper yell. "No Jaxon. He is my man and you need to respect that. Last time I checked, you and Marcy were back together. So do not judge me for being with Darnell when you are with someone 10x's worse!"  I moved even closer to Jasmine ignoring everything that she just said. I expected her to try to move away but she stood her ground while staring daggers at me with her deep brown eyes. She looked over to the door hesitantly before looking back at me. My voice was lower now. 

"It's complicated with Marcy. We aren't actually together."

"Then what was that picture the other day?" I smiled at her and she eyed me skeptically.

"Why are you smiling." 

"Because I love to see you jealous even when you don't need to be." I walked into her personal space causing Jasmine to lean back so much so that she eventually sat down. I hovered over her, taking in her natural beauty. She looked flawless without any makeup. I cupped her chin and lifted her head so that she was looking up at me. I missed touching her skin. I caressed her bottom lip with the pad of my thumb as her lip quivered under my touch. 

"What do you want Jaxon?" She asked quietly. She sounded so defeated. 

"Fuck woman. You know what I want....I want you." 

"Darnell is down-" I cut her off by leaning all the way over and planting a deep kiss on her luscious lips. I don't give a fuck about where the fuck Darnell was. I hoped I conveyed that through my kiss. I broke the kiss and guided Jasmine back into a standing position before pulling her bottom lip into my mouth and sucking on it slowly. Jasmine gasped. 

"Damn I missed these amazing lips woman. It's been too long." I kissed her thoroughly and passionately, my hands making there way under her towel. I began to caress up and down her body as we both drank each other in. The way she was kissing me back, I knew she didn't mean what she said the other day.

She broke the kiss.

"We can't do this Jaxon. You want me to cheat on Darnell so bad." I closed the distance between us.

"You're not cheating if you're not his to begin with. You're mine. Tell me you're mine." I said against her lips. I placed one hand back under Jasmine's towel and slowly moved downwards towards her womanhood. I paused and stared at her in the eyes, my blue gazes piercing hers. I wanted to see the look on her face the moment my fingers entered her tight little pussy. I slid one finger into her wet heat and watched as her mouth gradually curved into an O. I lifted an eyebrow at how wet she already was and she blushed innocently and looked away. It was cute. I couldn't help but kiss her lightly on her brow. My voice deepened with need.

"Look at me Jasmine." She reluctantly looked into my eyes while I finger fucked her slowly and sensually. "Does Darnell touch you like this?" I asked as I stuck another finger inside of her warm heat. Jasmine gasped out in pleasure and bit down on her bottom lip to silence herself. I didn't want her quiet. I wanted him to hear everything. I continued my assault on her pussy and this time a deep moan escaped her lips. That's right baby, moan for me. Let him hear how a real man pleasures his woman. I moved my hand back and forth while my thumb expertly played with her clit. Jasmine's head fell back and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. 

"That's right baby. Take it all in." I kissed her hard again, before trailing kisses down her neck to that sensitive area on her throat that I knew she loved so much. "Does he make you cum all over his fingers like I'm about to? Does he know about this little sensitive spot on your throat?" I nibbled the area lightly before sucking hard. I had an intense desire to mark her for everyone to see. Especially, for Darnell to see. 

"Mhhmmmm baby. I've never felt this good Jaxon. What are you doing to me?" The adrenaline rush of knowing Darnell was downstairs and I was about to fuck Jasmine right under his nose got me hard instantly. I needed to erase the image of him lazily fucking her while she laid there like a dead duck. She needed to know what a real man felt like and I was going to show her. 

I held Jasmine's throat gently as her head fell back in ecstasy. Her moaning sent shivers straight to my dick. She sounded so sexy. 

Just like she needed me, I needed her and I didn't think I could hold out from having sex with her any longer. She needed to tell me what I wanted her to say before we continued. I pulled my fingers completely out of her and let go of her. I took a step back and stared at her as she opened her dazed eyes. 

"wh-what? Why did you stop?" She asked confused. 

"I told you what I needed you to say before we can continue this baby." She closed her eyes tightly; she looked to be contemplating her next words. She bit her lip hesitantly. It seemed like we stood in silence for way to long. I was becoming worried she wouldn't say it.

"I'm-....... yours Jaxon." My heart began to beat rapidly in my chest. I knew what she said but I needed her to say it even louder and stronger without all of the hesitance.

"What?" I asked. She looked down at her feet before looking up and finding my eyes.  She looked me directly in my eyes before continuing.

"I'm yours Jaxon Robinson. I want to be with you! No..no." She shook her head. "No. I need to be with you." She smiled brightly before continuing. "Fuck! Was that good enough casanova??" She asked sarcastically. I couldn't help but smile before I cupped her face and slammed my lips into hers. Fuck Darnell! Fuck Marcy! Jasmine was finally mine and I aimed to please. 


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