The Unforgettable

Oleh intotheblue22

24.1K 1.2K 539

Nothing ever felt quite right...nothing but her... Her lips fit perfectly with mine, as if God were an artist... Lebih Banyak

New Beginnings
We just "clicked"
The Secret Garden
I felt it
Roti with Curry
What now?
Whenever she's around
It'll be alright
Hot and Bothered
Clean up Woman
Sweet tooth
Ain't no way
The "L" bomb
Liquid Lava Love
Aint nothin but a thing
Unfinished business
Anger Management
Promise me
Birthday Girl (P.1)
Birthday Girl (P.2)
Pandora's Box

To the moon

906 53 19
Oleh intotheblue22

This is the song inspiration for this chapter
Enjoy 🦋💖


I was back at the estate Monday morning bright and early. The usual nanny was out for the week so I was going to be the one to help out with baby Eissa and I was so excited.

I love children and especially that little one, he was so adorable. I brought along my nephew so that Eissa could have someone to play with today.

I set the boys up in the living room with a bunch of toys and snacks to keep them occupied. I made sure to keep an eye on them while I went around straightened up a few things.

A few hours passed and I still haven't seen Janet. I decided that the most reasonable thing to do was just talk to her about it. She was probably just as confused as I was, all I knew for certain was that we had some type of connection and there was no denying that. Over the weekend I had a lot of time to think about the situation and figure out the best way to go about it.

At first I was going to just ignore the whole thing completely and just act like it never happened, but Amara convinced me not to. I wanted to talk to her and ask her how she felt about what was going on, and if she even wanted to continue whatever this was. But I didn't want to come off too forward or clingy I mean all we did was kiss.

For all I know I could just be some little fling to her, or someone she wanted just to pass the time. She is a huge celebrity and she has status, money, fans, and I was just a maid. I was an absolute nobody compared to her and that really scared me, she could leave me at any given time and it would have absolutely no affect on her life. But I know that she would forever leave an impact on mine no matter what.

After feeding the boys I noticed that Eissa was dozing off, so I picked him up and put him on my shoulder rocking him to sleep.

I couldn't get all these thoughts out of my head and it was starting to stress me out. Here I am so stressed out over this woman who was almost a complete stranger to me and I probably never crossed her mind once.

I didn't like this feeling of being uncertain or insignificant, it honestly just made me want to scream. I've always been extremely sensitive and I cry all the time. I know I must look like a fool, being a grown woman crying over silly things but that was just how I've always been.

My father would always tease me when I was little and say that I had a heart that was bigger than my body. He used to say that the only way my body was able to carry it was if I cried and released some of the ache every once in a while.

I didn't even notice the tears slipping from my eyes until I felt little hands wipe them away. I smiled looking at my nephew jojo as he smiled back at me. "Tina-levu! kakua tagica" (aunty, don't cry) he said giving me a pouty face.

"Aw lomana(sorry) my love. Tina's fine I promise"

I started tickling him with one hand, still holding Eissa with my other and jojo went into a fit of giggles.

After he was finished he gave me kisses all over my face and I couldn't help but smile at how cute he was being. Just then the door opened and in walked a man I've never seen before along with the woman who's been cause of my very busy mind.


"I swear Gil, I can't get her off my mind it's ridiculous!" I said, while waving my arms around like a mad woman.

Gil and I were having a 'girls day' which consisted of brunch, and a whole lot of shopping and of course catching up on the latest gossip.

"Yeah I can tell, she's all you've talked about this whole day." He turned around in the mirror,

"Do these heels make my butt look big?" He asked, strutting around in 6inch red bottoms. I laughed and nodded my head "yes."

He gave me a wink, "good."

"Gil you are so stank!" I told him, throwing a shirt his way and shoving him into the fitting rooms. "Try this one on"

"All I'm saying is dunk, you've been talking about the girl non stop so you're obviously into her more than you think. And don't think I didn't see you two in the club that night, practically fuckin on the dance floor"

My mouth just hung open without a response as he read me like a book.

He opened the curtain and stepped out giving me a twirl. "And close your mouth, I know I look good hunny" he flipped his imaginary hair making me roll my eyes oh please.

My driver Joey came in and grabbed our shopping taking it to the car "I just don't know what to do Gil, I feel stuck. I don't know how I'm going to approach her, does she even want me to? I didn't even get to talk to her after that night at the club because her friends pulled her away and I haven't seen her since. I like her but I guess I'm just scared she doesn't feel the same way."

We got into the car and started driving back to my house "Tuh! Janet Damita, you are a grown ass woman not some little ol school girl. This ain't nothing new for you hunny. You go up to that girl and let her know what's good, if she isn't feeling the same then that's her loss." And he was absolutely right. That's exactly what I'm going to do, little miss Davina don't know bout me, but trust me she will.

Maggie, Eissas nanny was out for the week and I knew that Davina would be there at the house filling in for her. She was bringing her nephew to have a play date with Eissa and I was happy to hear that.

My poor baby's been needing some kids his own age to play with. This was going to be my chance to settle things and clear the air of any confusion.

After a short ride we arrived at the estate. We heard laughing coming from the living room and I looked to see that it was Davina holding a sleeping Eissa and tickling a little boy.

She smiled our way as we walked through the door. Was it possible for her to get even more beautiful during the days I haven't seen her? Seeing her like this with the two boys warmed my heart, and the way she smiled at me made my heart flutter. I felt nudge to my shoulder and Gil cleared his throat.

"Oh I'm sorry Gil this is Davina, Davina this is my best friend Gil" He strutted over to her shaking her hand,

"Best friend, baby mama, supreme goddess, all of the above" she laughed as he modeled and posed like a divine statuesque figure.

"A man with many hats, I like it. It's a pleasure to meet you, I don't think I can top that but you can just call me V." She said standing up "If you'll excuse me I'm going to go upstairs and put the boys down for their nap" and with that she was gone.

I looked at Gil and he gave me a devilish grin "I like her"

"Gil you just met the woman, how do you already like her" he gasped dramatically and held his chest.

"I happen to be a very good judge of character thank you very much. And there's just something about her that I like."

I looked up toward the stairs and decided now was the time "Yeah I get that feeling too, I'm going to go upstairs for a minute" I told him

"Mmhmm yeah you go on and get yo girl" He said as we shared a knowing look. We finished our conversation and said our goodbyes as he gave me a thumbs up before walking out the door.

Heading up the stairs I heard singing coming from the nursery. I recognized Davinas voice from the first time I heard her sing. She had a beautiful soothing voice that was so soulful and sweet I just wanted to listen to her forever. The door was cracked open a bit and I could see her rocking Eissa in her arms as she sung the lyrics to him.

Take me to the moon
I wanna be with the stars
Send me
Send me
Into orbit

She smiled down at my son and kissed his forehead setting him down in his crib. His own father never did this with him, Davina was so gentle and loving towards Eissa and it made my heart happy. I couldn't help but think of how great she would be as a mother. She would be such a great mom to Eissa—Wait what the hell am I thinking right now? Janet get a hold of yourself!

She walked out of the room closing the door slowly trying to not wake the boys."You have such a beautiful voice." She jumped holding on to her chest as she looked at me.

"Miss Jackson you scared the hell outta me" She said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you and I told you, call me Janet. 'Miss Jackson' just feels so...Formal" I tugged at my ear thinking about what I really wanted to say.

She gave me a smile and shook her head "Alright then Janet, you're fine, you just caught me by surprise but thank you"

she was about to walk away back down the steps when I stopped her "Can we talk for a minute? We can go for a walk or something outside."

She paused for a moment and looked like she was contemplating something. After a moment she nodded her head and walked down the steps as I followed her outside into the garden. We began walking around the property in silence just listening to the sounds of birds chirping somewhere in the distance. It was a warm day but the sun was hidden  behind dark clouds and it looked like it might rain later.

We continued walking toward the garden when I decided to break the silence "How have you been?" How have you been? Really Janet, is that the best you can do?

She chuckled a bit to herself noticing my lame efforts at small talk. "I've been alright"

"Just alright?" I asked.

"Well okay maybe a bit overwhelmed with my other job, but nothing I can't handle" she had another job? I didn't know that. But then again there was a lot about this woman that I didn't know.

We were now almost halfway through the garden maze "Okay, tell me about yourself. What makes Davina well... Davina"

She thought for a second, and played with her hands  before answering my question. "Well, you already know the story with my father. We were very close, I never really knew my mother, she died when I was just a baby. I live with my aunty and uncle on the other side of town. I love music, and cooking is a great passion of mine. I'm in my final year of culinary school. My dream is to open up a few of my own restaurants, I wanna do well for myself so I can support my family." The ending brought a smile to her lips and I could tell she was getting lost in her thoughts. I noticed that she does that quite often, she lives in her mind most of the time and it was really quite adorable.

Thunder rolled through the sky and the clouds slightly darkened "Maybe we should make our way back to the house, it's going to rain soon" I went to walk away but she grabbed my hand.

"Wait! I just have to ask you something before we go back" The slight contact caused my breath to hitch in my throat and my body began to feel hot. I turned back around and waited for her question and it seemed like she felt what I had just felt, because for a moment she just stared at our joined hands.

She dropped my hand and looked up at me "Janet that kiss that we had, well kisses. Wh-what does it mean for you?"

Before I opened my mouth to respond it started to rain, hard. We were too far from the house so we made a run for the cabana that was in the middle of the garden. It wasn't too far from where we were but when we made it under the shelter we were both already soaked.

I wrung my hair out and she did the same while the rain continued to pour down around us. Davina was squeezing out whatever water she could get out of her clothes and I couldn't help myself from letting my eyes wander over her body. Her clothes were soaked and stuck to her body like a second skin, accentuating her gorgeous frame. Even soaking wet from the rain she was a work of art.

I was so lost in her body that I didn't even realize she was looking right at me. Regaining my focus I met her stare.

"Janet, am I just a fling for you? That kiss we shared in the garden, and at that club. Were those just 'caught up in the moment' type of kisses?"

Was that what she thought of me? That I just wanted to use her? "What? No! Of course you're not, one thing you have to know about me is that I don't do 'flings'. Why would you think that that's what I wanted from you?"

Our voices raised a bit because of how loud the rain was and how tense the conversation became.

"Because, you're you and I'm me. I don't have your level of status, nor do I have money, I have nothing to give you janet. So forgive me for thinking that you want me for the only thing I can give you. My body"
By this time tears were falling from her eyes. And a pain shot through my chest.

Her words shocked me, because yes of course I found her physically attractive but that wasn't what drew me to her to begin with.

It was her spirit, that one part of another human being that you can't see with your eyes, but you feel it in your heart. That's what brought me to her, because something in me could feel how much I needed a person like her in my life. It didn't matter if I only just met her. Things like this were bigger than any amount of time we could count.

"Davina you think I care about stuff like that? News flash I DONT! I have everything I could possibly ever want, and I wouldn't ever ask you for anything. I kissed you those times because I wanted to. Not because I thought I would get something in return. Not because I expected something more from it, I did it because I wanted to. Because I feel something for you, I don't know what it is yet but it's something I can't ignore!"

By now I was mad, not just because of what she was saying but because of how her words were making me react. I always kept my cool, always had everything under control but something about this woman made me lose it all.

The rain settled down a little bit and I took this as my chance to leave. Before I got far I was pulled by my arm and forced to turned around and face her.

As soon as I did she held my face and our lips connected for the third time. This being the first time she initiated it. She kissed me like I was the only person left in the world, it made my knees go weak and I was afraid I would collapse right then and there. I held onto her for support as my hands made their way into her hair pulling on it causing a moan to escape her mouth. Her tongue teased my lips and I opened my mouth giving her more access and she obliged.

I couldn't get enough of this of her, I wanted this all the time. We finally pulled apart to breathe. I looked into her eyes and we shared a look that held understanding of everything the other person was saying and feeling at that very moment.



Okay this one was looooooong, please excuse any mistakes. It's 1 am and I skimmed through the proofread cuz I was on a roll trying to get this update out so y'all won't lose interest 😂 anywayssssss
Thank you for reading I'll be back with more updates very very soon 🦋💖

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