「 Girls' Frontline 」Nikolay's...

By Dualpen

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After several years of living off his survival skills and scavenger instincts to come around trouble, weather... More

Attention all readers, new and old, before you read!
Ch. 1: Keep it Going
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: First contract
Chapter 7: Fallen falcons
Chapter 8: Hunt
Chapter 9: Liberation
Chapter 10: Frozen Journey
Chapter 11: Snowy Relaxation
Chapter 12: Cry of the eyass
Chapter 13: Old time jabs
Chapter 14: New year, new life
Chapter 15: Settling down
Chapter 16: A calm day
Chapter 17: Preparations for the play
Chapter 18: Starring the puppeteer
Chapter 19: Start of the red show
Chapter 20: Introduction
Chapter 21: Crux
Chapter 22: Denouement
Chapter 23: Good morning
Chapter 24: Daily life continues
Chapter 25: Springs notice
Chapter 26: A timely arrival
Chapter 27: Getting back on track
Chapter 28: Old but gold
Chapter 29: Lockdown shenanigans
Chapter 30: Talkful day
Chapter 31: A hint of distrust
Chapter 32: New thinking
Chapter 33: Paperwork
Chapter 34: Bitter memories
Chapter 35: Working day
Chapter 36: Cloudy
Chapter 37: Recruting
Chapter 38: Little tour
Chapter 39: Arrival
Chapter 40: Release

Chapter 6: New faces on sight

431 14 6
By Dualpen

Where are you Nikolay...? Where are the letters you used to send?... Are you leaving us? Are you leaving me?... Do you hate us? Nikolay... Nikolay! Nikolay!

Nadya: Nikolay wake up goddamn

Nikolay alarmed backed off against the seat and looked around to just see Nadya looking at him. The complete darkness and voices were gone.

Nikolay: ... *Hyperventilating* ... Ah... It just you... Is something wrong?

Nadya: It's morning already, you didn't eat anything yesterday... Are you okay?

Nikolay: Just... Got out of a bad dream... Nothing to worry about...

Nadya: ... You have been having a lot of them lately...

She sat down near him in the car and looked at him.

Nadya: You sure anything is bothering you?

Nikolay: ... It's... *sigh* I think I just dreamed of Nasha and Dasha...

Nadya: ... *sigh* You're not gonna forgive yourself for that never, do you?

Nikolay fell silent and then shook his head in denial, Nadya sighed and hugged him.

Nadya: You need to... It wasn't your fault and I know you want someone to accuse but accuse yourself isn't the way to go Nikolay...

Nikolay: I know... So what did you all cook?

Nadya: Alisa made you a mushroom stew with Raisa's help go eat it or its gonna get cold...

She stopped hugging him and left him alone in the car. Nikolay sighed as he took off his mask and headed towards the tents and campfire. They were all sitting there chatting like always except for Sveta, she was cutting some wood to keep the fire alive.

Raisa: Thanks for waking him up

Nadya made and ok sign as she sat down near her tent and inspected her equipment. Raisa looked at Nikolay as he picked up the stew and started eating.

Raisa: What did I tell you about taking care of yourself?

Nikolay: That I must take care of myself and my health a little bit more

Raisa: And what exactly are you doing?

Nikolay: Eating stew in the morning

Raisa: ... Don't be a jokester about that Nikolay...

Nikolay: *sigh* I will take care of myself when we can rest without guard duties

Raisa: ...*sigh* I'm not gonna pester you further about that... So what are the plans for today?

Nikolay: You all have a free day today, we getting back to the hangar and afterward I'm going to go with Ivan and see some places

Raisa: Is it about the base?

Nikolay: Yeah, basically yeah, I need to do all today and contact the construction company tomorrow morning

Raisa: Hmm... Do you want me to come with you?

Nikolay: Take a break Raisa... I don't want to overwork you

Raisa: ... As you say...

Alisa: Do you like it?

Nikolay: It's nicely cooked... I like its flavor

Alisa smiled energetically as she always does and swung from side to side happily. Nikolay sighed and finished eating, after that, they rested for a bit of time before packing up and starting to store everything in the jeep. As they finished they all got in the vehicle and accommodated themselves, now all being comfy in their sits, Sveta started up the engine and drove off direction, their hangar.

Sveta: So... When should we arrive at our destination?

Alyona: It's now almost 7 in the morning we should be at the hangar by 14 midday sort of

Sveta: *sigh* I hate these long ass journeys...

Alyona: Then why do you drive?

Sveta: It keeps me entertained

And so the hours passed, and minutes ticked. As Alyona said they arrived more or less at midday to the hangar. As first, they had to leave the car in the village and then walk the 3-hour cruise passing through the forest, river, and mountains they already know. They entered the hangar after Nikolay and as the last time, he opened the lights when they got in.

Raisa: Sweet oh sweet home...

Alisa: Can I go take a shower?

Nikolay: *chuckling* Yes, yes you can Alisa, but first leave your equipment where it belongs

Alisa: Okay!

And so they all started doing their own thin while Nikolay went up to his workstations and started packing up some things in a backpack and suitcase. He then went down and returned with his laptop and extra batteries.

Nikolay: Laptop... Extra batteries... Papers... Working material... Phone... Rulers... Okay, well girls I will see you probably tomorrow if not then the day after tomorrow

Raisa: Take. care. Nikolay.

Nikolay: I will, you all try not to burn the hangar to ashes, please

Sveta: Don't worry we will just destroy some walls that's all

Nikolay: Yeah, yeah... Well I'm off, take care

And so he closed the door and put on his mask and started walking towards the landing site he uses for Ivan to pick them up.

Nikolay: Well let's call this bastard meanwhil... *facepalm* He does not know where this place is...

Nikolay stopped right in his tracks and started thinking.

Nikolay: Maybe I can ask Kryuger for transport... *he dialed the number he used the 2 last times to contact him*

Kryuger: Kryuger speaking, be quick

Nikolay: Mr.Nikolay on the phone

Kryuger: Oh well, well I really felt like I heard this voice before... Do you need anything from us?

Nikolay: I would appreciate someone picking me up and dropping me off by the areas of S-05, I need to start working on the base in the spots you issued me

Kryuger: Huh and I was wondering when will you start, okay I'm sending a recon helicopter from a base nearby to pick you up, it will take around 30 minutes for it to arrive, please don't move from your current location

Nikolay: Thank you very much... Also

Kryuger: Yes?

Nikolay: I hope you didn't pinpoint my current base location with my phone...

Kryuger: Who knows? Maybe yes, maybe no, it's all business at the end Nikolay

He hanged up, Nikolay looked at his phone knowing that they already know where he lives right now.

Nikolay: I need to move all this quickly...

Nikolay sat down on the mountain plain and waited for his transport. As time passed he heard a Helicopter approaching the area, he looked up and saw an AH-6 Little bird preparing to land, he got up and backed off as the helicopter started descending. When its supports bumped against the dirt Nikolay approached the cabin and a woman wearing a flight suit got out of it.

Helen: Heyooo~! Pilot T-Doll Helen A345 reporting in! Sorry for the noise Mr.Nikolay was it?

She shouted for her voice to be heard over the potent propellers.

Nikolay: Yes, Mr.Nikolay indeed, thanks for coming here and helping me out

Helen made a thumbs up and got in the cabin again, Nikolay sat in the co-pilot seat and accommodated his things in the rather small space of the cabin. As soon as both where comfy on their seats she took off and started cruising at medium speed towards the designated area.

Helen: So the rumored guy that broke into mother base successfully, Mr.Nikolay, now seating in my chopper, what a day!

Nikolay: I ain't that exciting to meet in reality, miss Helen

Helen: Call me Helen, I can't stand 10 minutes straight of formal talks

Nikolay: Helen then, but as I said it just happened out of the blue

Helen: Yeah, yeah, you and your girls didn't plan that at all, I'm impressed someone had the balls to break into a mother base with a small team as yours

Nikolay: *laughing a bit* If you wanted to flatter me you achieved it Helen

Helen: Not really but thanks, at least I know I can achieve that

Nikolay: Well you know where to drop me off?

Helen: Absolutely! S-05 near the squares W34 WS45 and finally WE56 plus K23

Nikolay: Yes, I'm surprised they still teach these things to pilots, I thought it got limited to the navy now

Helen: Well it's really when they just can install you a chip with the data, also in my base, our commander likes to use this system more, he says its more reliable than other methods

Nikolay: I see, who's your commander?

Helen: Commander Reznai sir, I'm one of the 4 pilots he uses for recon missions and quick troops retrieving

Nikolay: And how is he?

Helen: Really stern but I like him, he knows his place and power and knows what's the deal and what should be done for the best results, it's relieving to have him really, better than some other commanders around you know?

Nikolay: Yeah the higher-ups are pretty much all assholes...

Helen: Wow there! Relax they might hear you *laughing*

Nikolay: *laughing* Ghm... But oh well it's the truth, especially here, so did he get any battle scars or it's a new one?

Helen: Hm? What are you talking about? Commanders don't fight alongside their T-Dolls, although there are some rare cases, but oh well it's really Kryuger's decisions with their way to command

Nikolay: ...There aren't any field commanders?

Helen: There are some rare cases but yeah mainly no, they have their own commanding center from which they control and command their troops

Nikolay: Huh... Well... Changing the topic, how many years have you been piloting?

Helen: 7 years of flight experience with combat and non-combat helicopters

Nikolay: That's a pretty significant milestone huh

Helen: Yep! Before joining G&K I was a helicopter pilot for tourists, pretty boring right?

Nikolay: *laughing* Well... I really can't tell, I haven't piloted an aircraft in my life

Helen: Well, it was boring, just fly and see stuff with the tourists in the back of the chopper taking pictures, oh I wanted to ask what are you? Like they told me you're a semi-commander so... You know it feels strange to call someone, semi-commander and not, a commander on training or official commander

Nikolay: I'm something like a publicly unaffiliated commander to G&K or a contractor for Kryuger's shenanigans, when I settle a base on S-05 I will take contracts of other commanders to aid them

Helen: Ohhh~ Basically a support commander or something like that?

Nikolay: Kind of... So how much until we arrive?

Helen: You don't want to chit-chat with me anymore?... Haha I'm joking, we have 2 hours left until we reach the first point

Nikolay: Well let's talk about something else then

And so the minutes passed as Helen piloted the chopper towards their first destination, as soon as they reached the first point Helen pointed it out and Nikolay looked out the windows.

Nikolay: This is?

Helen: WS45 sir!

Nikolay: Let's see the others

Helen: Copied!

As so their next destination was W34, after seeing it they flew towards WE56 and finally passed by K23. After they just flew aimlessly by the area.

Nikolay: Land on K23, please

Helen: In some seconds Nikolay

As they landed Helen turned off the motor of the chopper and got out with Nikolay who looked at the area they were currently at. It was a plain near the main road probably connected to some of the bases they saw earlier while flying. It was getting a bit dark and cold but as it was autumn. There was a forest near the road by the left side. On the right was the plain which was covered by some small mountains leaving the plain exposed from the south and south-east.

Helen: Pretty cold here huh?

She approached him and looked at how he analyzed all the plain with his eyes. He then turned around to her and laughed.

Nikolay: Yeah winter is coming it's not surprising

Helen: Well should we take off again, it's getting late and I won't be able to pilot this thing after the sun se--

Nikolay: Oh no, don't worry you go back, I'm staying here

Helen: ...Are you out of your mind? Do you know how close we are to the borders of the hotspots? SF could slip any moment her--

Nikolay: I know what I'm doing, I'm the madman who broke into Kryuger's office barrel raised, you should go, your commander was the stern one wasn't he?

Helen: ...*sigh* Well I won't get scolded if you die anyways so okay, stay safe Nikolay, let's see if we can cooperate in the future

Nikolay: The feeling is mutual, don't crash

Helen: Hahaha I won't!

In a matter of minutes, the helicopter took off and left Nikolay alone in the plain. He sighed as he left all his equipment on the ground and searched for some tools in his bag.

Nikolay: So what were the important things about doing blueprints... Knowing the basics... Basically check the terrain Nikolay, then think how to distribute everything...

He took some tools with him and started inspecting the plain and mountains nearby. The terrain was pretty soft, a double-edged blade as it would be easy to dig but really hard to build underground and the main pillars. The mountains seemed pretty normal to him, nothing out of the place. He spent all his time inspecting and taking notes of the terrain until it got dark to the point he couldn't explore more safely. He took all his equipment and chopped down a tree and within an hour he made himself a little campsite on the plain near the road. He used a great part of the log to make himself a crude table and chair on which he was sitting now. He had a small campfire near him in a safe distance from the table and other flammable equipment. He now with a quick makeshift lamp, made out of sticks and a flashlight was messing around with his computer and had everything ready to start drawing some plans of the main complex of the base, at least he wanted to sketch out the foundations of it.

Nikolay: This shouldn't take long... So let's see how much does cement and steel cost?...

And so with the help of his laptop and a pen and pencil he used the night to draw the plans of the foundation of his base. It was rough but it worked for now.

Nikolay: It's a 1:10 scale... this should go well for now... let's see... Entrances paths... I should make a sketch of the areas use... Also, I should consult the underground facilities with the company... Moreover, I need to design the first buildin--

A beep-beep sound of a message made him drop his pencil scared and looked at the laptop before calming down.

Nikolay: Incoming call... Accept?... Who the hell...

He accepted the call and the screen turned black before a female voice spoke up and the screen now showed a woman wearing a lab coat over a beige buttoned-up shirt, she had a pinky messy long hair and quite the black bags under her red-brown eyes, she had a pretty tired face to her all in all, not to mention the most outstanding thing about her that she had cat ears. Nikolay looked at her, then looked aside took off his mask and rubbed his eyes before putting it back on.

???: Called in a bad moment?

Nikolay: ... Eh... I... *sigh* No... She has cat ears really, I'm not daydreaming... Who are you and what do you want from me?

Persica: Well, my name is Persica, I'm the administrator of 16LAB former member of 90Wish also I'm working under IOP's great name, you?

Nikolay: ...

Persica: *chuckling* I'm joking... Eh... So you're mister Nikolay as Kryuger mentioned you... Hmm... You seem pretty unfit for being a commander...

Nikolay: ... *sigh* That's a lot of judging from someone who looks like a closed-in 24/7 coffee drinker

Persica: It hurts... A lot that you hit bull's eyes... Ouch... Well, how about he have a chat mister Nikolay? I heard you wanted to do some deals, and well after hearing from you I'm also interested in talking with you

Nikolay sighed before putting his flashlight at full power and then taking off his mask, Persica looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

Persica: Huh... That's interesting, for what they told me they don't know how your face looks like

Nikolay: Well feel flattered to be the first one to see it, and also I don't see the point of hiding it from you, as for I know you aren't obligated to sell of my image to G&K

Persica: Wow we have the smart one here huh?... I like the metallic plates, look quite stylish

Nikolay: A shame I need them to live and not for style, so Persica huh? Quite the beautiful name

Persica: Are you trying to hit on me, mister Nikolay?

Nikolay: Ha... I'm married for your info cat girl

Persica: That's a good nickname, well less warming up more chat... So

She poured herself a cup of coffee and took a sip.

Persica: I heard you want to cooperate with IOP to get some equipment, exactly what are we talking about? More important I really don't mind helping out our friend G&K but seeing you are not entirely a griffin, what are you offering?

Nikolay: Hmmm, I don't know... Those codes you have looked kinda juicy, wouldn't mind taking a closer look at them, what your 90wish published in the web some years prior was pretty interesting, but well blueprints are enough I suppose but I really don't know what I might give... Maybe you can enlighten my path a bit and say what you want out of this?

Persica had a cunning face as she looked at Nikolay.

Persica: What a smooth talker we have here... Well did you heard the saying "Data moves the world"?

Nikolay: You just made it in the spot right?

Persica: Yeah... Well doesn't matter right now, we always are hungry for more data, G&K is enough but they really don't seem to like my toys and I need to field test them regularly you know? Well, they do like the force shields...

Nikolay: Basically... You're saying that I risk my ass off for some field data of your crazy inventions?

Persica: Well they might prove useful as I early said force shields are really appreciated by the troops, but weapons as my ion-sticky grenades seem a bit... Over the edge for their safety measures?

Nikolay: *sigh* I don't mind testing your things as long as we are in good terms for trading info and supplies

Persica: Seems fair to me... *takes a sip of coffee* I forgot to put sugar...*she muttered*

Nikolay: It's a deal then?

Persica: As long as you don't die I think it will last

Nikolay: Such a jokester, aren't we?

Persica: What can I say... Hm, well Nikolay you know why you interest me?

Nikolay: I don't know but as I told you earlier I'm married

Persica: Not love interest goddamn it... *sigh* I heard you manage a team of 5 custom T-Dolls made all by yourself from scrap... So we have a fellow life creator with us or did we get false info?

Nikolay: They ain't wrong but it's an exaggeration that I made them all, just four of them are really constructed by my hands and means

Persica: Still quite impressive... And really interesting who one of them didn't hesitate to point at Kryuger's face

Nikolay: I feel like you want not just data of your toys

Persica: Well as an engineer of life myself it really grabs my attention how a supposed scavenger made T-Dolls out of scrap and nothing else but his hands and brains

Nikolay: Hmmm, If you wanted to see them its a shame as I can't enter cities legally

Persica: *Raising an eyebrow* Hm?

Nikolay: I don't have an identity, basically I don't exist for the world or the government

Persica: Huh, that's interesting and quite rare nowadays... What a shame, maybe one day I can come over to visit?

Nikolay: How about we talk that later on? As I think you can quite clearly see I'm in the middle of nowhere

Persica: Oh... I just noticed *rubbing her eyes* Well *takes a sip of the coffee* you will have a base sooner or later am I right?

Nikolay: You're not wrong is what can I say

Persica: Then I will come over for a visit when you have at least a shack and a coffee machine

Nikolay: *chuckling* We will see

Persica: So, do you need something right now? I have some free time as not a single commander or contractor need anything from me

Nikolay: For long term maybe, I would like a bach of T-Dolls to add to my ranks, an assault team would be great as for now I have a hybrid of some sort...

Persica: Ohhhh~ So they are a hybrid team... Huh well, I can do something about the new team, do you have any specifications for them?

Nikolay: I really don't mind as long as they're flexible and skillful enough to handle hard situations in the frontline

Persica: So I can let my creative self let loose? Hoho~ This is gonna be fun... You really don't mind?

Nikolay: ... I feel like you're gonna mess with me with them...

Persica: I would never prank anyone of such rank as a commander, do I really loke like that kind of person?

She said having a sly smile drawn in her face. Nikolay sighed as he really didn't mind being messed with, he just accepted that fate when he made the deal with Kryuger.

Nikolay: Just don't make them such jokester as you... Also, I don't mind when you send them to me, so take your time

Persica: Well maybe next year then~

Nikolay: You know next year is in just in some weeks right?

Persica: ...Well, I played myself, so well doesn't matter much now, so as a gift for new years eve an assault group of 5 T-Dolls efficient in lone missions deep in the frontline?

Nikolay: Sound perfect to me, well If you excuse me I have some plans in need of drawing

Persica: Sure~ Let's talk again soon Mr.Nikolay

And so the screen blacked up again as Persica hanged up, Nikolay sighed and looked at the sky.

Nikolay: Quite the character isn't she? Well... Let's continue working Nikolay...

And so he spent the entire night and morning drawing plans of the base with the help of his trustworthy rulers and laptop. As he looked up at the morning sky he sighed exhausted and closed his laptop starting to pack up everything and destroying the traces left of the now extinguished campfire he had near him as to keep himself warm. As he finished and had everything to go he took out his phone. Opened it and called Anna.

Anna: *yawn* ... Anna here, how can I help you?

Nikolay: Giving me some numbers to contact the construction company

Anna: Oh Nikolay... Mhhh yeah... Wait a sec... So did you finish the plans?

Nikolay: The first stage of the base is done yeah, pretty happy with it...

Anna: And sent... Well as you woke me up now I think I will go and start doing routine...

Nikolay: Huh... Good for you I suppose... And thank you very much...

Anna: No problem... Well I will leave you to your own thing now *hang-ups*

Nikolay: ...Great... Mhhh... So this is the number... *He dials*

After some time someone picks up the phone.

Alex: Alex here from Aedificium, how can I help?

Nikolay: I'm Nikolay... Anna sent me this number to contact your company

Alex: Oh your Nikolay I see, I suppose that you're calling because you already have the plans and terrain?

Nikolay: Spot on... *yawn* So... I have the plans just right here, I would appreciate if you could come here and start working on the foundations of the complex

Alex: Hmhm... Just send us your location and we will come as fast as we can to set a working site

Nikolay: Hem... Okay, wait a sec Alex...

Nikolay takes his time and sends his exact location to Alex.

Alex: We should be there in 7 hours with all the equipment needed for the first phase of building

Nikolay: Okay... I will wait right here...

He hanged up and looked around.

Nikolay: Seven fucking hours... I need to sleep goddamn it... *sigh* Okay Nikolay let's see a safe spot for you to rest while they arrive...

He looked around and just glued his view onto the forest, particularly on the more steady looking branches of the trees.

Nikolay: Bingo~

He proceeded to search for a safe to lay on a branch and as he found it he with his equipment got up the tree and left his equipment hanging from the near branches that looked strong enough to withstand the weight.

He then got himself comfier on the branch and closed his eyes with an alarm set at the hour Alex should arrive. As his eyelids shut the next time he opened them he heard the beeping sound of his phone and the constant roaring of cars, he immediately stretched out stoped the alarm, got his equipment and got down of the branch and headed back to the road, where, he was meet with 4 vans parked nicely at one side of the road and a jeep, of which a man leaned against playing with his fingers, it was probably Alex. Nikolay approached the man waving and he looked at him.

Alex: Ah yes, finally mister Nikolay

Nikolay: Hmhm it's me, Alex, right?

He offered his hand and Alex shake it smiling at him.

Alex: Yes, Alex, so Anna told you were interested in building a... Military complex, was it?

Nikolay: Yeah exactly that

Nikolay opened the suitcase in which he stored the plans and gave them to Alex. Alex opened one of them and inspected it, afterward he did the same with them all and laid them on the hood of the jeep to see them all at once.

Alex: It's quite a decent plan you drew indeed... Do you have experience in this or...?

Nikolay: Well I studied a bunch of stuff related to this when I was in college the main one technic drawing and programming

Alex: A skillful one huh mister Nikolay?... Well, this I suppose is the first stage you want us to start building right?

Nikolay: Yes, I also checked the terrain and made some adjustments in the plans but I'm no expert in that so feel free to change anything you find obstructing your work

Alex: Okay, we will inform you of any changes we need to make to discuss them with you... Mhh? Huh, this is interesting why so many levels underground?

Nikolay: I got some ideas for space managing that's all, hope it doesn't bother you

Alex: It's my job to manage these constructions so I can't complain, but it just catches my interest that you want 3 different underground levels to this, quite the big complex huh?

Nikolay: Inspiration struck me in the most unexpected moment I suppose

Alex laughed and looked at the plain.

Alex: Well, we will start construction tomorrow morning, for now, I would like to bring some excavation equipment and discuss the materials and budget we have for this

Nikolay: Absolutely I have time

Alex: Excellent

Alex opened the door of the jeep and got out a suitcase opened it on the hood and got out a pen and some documents for Nikolay. Nikolay took them and started filling them while talking with Alex, he finished after a while and signed them before giving them to Alex.

Alex: Wow... Okay, that's quite the big-budget we have for spendings mhh... Really easy materials to manage also, well simpler is far better than complex materials I suppose, also should we reinforce the lower levels of the complex?

Nikolay: Could you explain a bit?

Alex: Yes, basically I'm suggesting to reinforce the first underground level to keep the others more protected from collapses or well explosion I suppose, we could use some steel and reinforced concrete as layers to cover the entire first level, well all that if you feel like to approve it

Nikolay: How much more will it cost if I wanted to reinforce the lower levels then?

Alex: Around 20% more on spendings I would say but seeing your budget and what are you willing to spend... *he said looking at some documents* It shouldn't surpass 30K

Nikolay: Hmmm... Seems fair, yes go-ahead

Alex: Understand... *he said noting something down on a document*

Alex: Mhhh... I think this is all Nikolay, we will start marking the terrain immediately call me if you want to make any changes

Nikolay: Thank you very much Alex, oh yes... Do you know when exactly will you finish this first stage?

Alex: Hmm... Puff... *he started tapping the hood with his fingers* I would say we will have at least the exterior and 2 levels done some days before new year eve? You know how work goes around holidays everyone is tired and using his free time for family, making it difficult for me to bring up workers

Nikolay: Yeah I understand don't worry about it I just wanted an approximation to know when to come and inspect how is it going

Alex: Okay, well Nikolay if you excuse me, I need to brief your plans for the workers I have right now and start the marking, have a good day

Nikolay: You too Alex

Nikolay took his things and looked at how Alex started briefing the plans for the workers how listened carefully with their working attire on and some shovels and pickaxes

Nikolay: Hm... It would be nice to be able to move in before this year ends but oh well you can make a silk purse out of a pig's ear *sigh* Now, now... Who will pick me up... Mhh hopefully Ivan is not drunk...


Sveta: Uno!

Alisa: Ah... Ah... Eh... *she looked at her hand* Mhh... Fuck it

Alisa put a green card, specifically a green eight, Alyona started thinking about what color could possibly Sveta have.

Alyona: Please don't have a red one...

Sveta: Ha!

Sveta threw a red two on top of the red eight and got up smiling as she finally won a match, Alisa left her cards angrily and Alyona sighed as she left the table to go and see what Raisa was doing. Meanwhile Sveta messed with Alisa, Alyona went up to Raisa who was sewing one of Nikolay's shirts.

Alyona: He really needs new clothes doesn't he?

Raisa: *sigh* Your goddamn right Alyona... Although I enjoy sewing them it really concerns me what will happen if one day he has to go with a broken shirt to a hotspot...

Alyona: Yes that wouldn't be fun... You know where's Nadya?

Raisa: Patrolling I think

Alisa: I think she didn't leave the basement all day... hey gimme that!

Sveta taunted Alisa with her bandana as she tried to get it back from her hands, quite obviously not reaching.

Sveta: Yeah the punk is right, I didn't see her leave the hangar at al-- Hey! S-st-Stop!

Alisa started tickling Sveta and when she had the opportunity she got back her bandana off her.

Alisa: You deserve it...

Alisa put on her bandana again and looked at Raisa.

Alisa: Does anyone know what is she doing?

Alyona: Cleaning her gun maybe?

Sveta: Let's spy on her if you all are so interested

Alyona: Spying is very rude Sveta you know that? But...

Alisa: I think I will pass... She maybe kills us, so, who wants another Uno match~?

Sveta: ...Well... Now that you say that, probably yeah... I'm in for another one Alisa~


Nadya: ... This is a bit embarrassing after so much time...

Nadya was wearing a white and green dress she had for a very long time now, she also primped herself a bit, she kept on changing positions and looking on the mirror.

Nadya: When was the last time I wore something like this?... *sigh* Its been so long...

She took it off and put on her normal clothes and stored them back in the wardrobe. He then looked at herself in her everyday uniform.

Nadya: Yeah uniforms are far more comfortable for me...

She looked at the hour and started wondering why did Nikolay take so long. He should be already here as it was almost 11 p.m, Nadya sighed and decided to make a quick patrol to see if she maybe meets him while on guard.


Ivan: Well I'm not gonna complain about an early gift but I fucking kill you if you make me come more to that place, like dude they have protocols goddamn it, those Griffins almost shot me down

Nikolay: It's been like 6 hours since that and you still complain are you a child?

He said as he checked the gifts he bought as he thought of taking advantage he was near a city and entering illegally thanks to Ivan and use that to buy the Christmas gifts and the gifts for new year eve, and also to make Ivan shut up by gifting him a Jack Daniells.

Ivan: Is that you only are a... A... *sigh* Forget it... So what did you buy them?

Nikolay: Hmhm~ Raisa wanted some chocolate so I decided to buy her some of that expensive one and then I bought the gifts of Klim, Anatoly, Anna, and Lyuda

Ivan: Wow Anna, been a while since I heard of her, how is she doing?

Nikolay: She's doing good, she wants to get married next year, well at least she thinks of it

Ivan: О блядь... (Oh blyat/: Oh fuck) Really?

Nikolay: As you heard me... Would be nice to assist to the wedding

Ivan: Mah... I had enough weddings in my life already Nikolay

Nikolay: How rude of you to not want to assist Anna's wedding, she will get sad you know?

Ivan: You said she even doesn't know if it's gonna happen, shut up, hey we here already, I will start descending

Nikolay: Great

He started hiding everything in his bag while Ivan started landing the helicopter. As they landed they both got out and hugged.

Ivan: хорошо, братан (Well bro) happy Christmas I suppose as I won't be able to come to Lyuda's place

Nikolay: Yeah happy Christmas to you also, enjoy the alcohol

Ivan: Ha! Don't worry I will *laughing* well cya чувак (Dude)

Nikolay: Cya

Ivan got back to the pilot seat and took off leaving Nikolay alone in the mountain plain he so much knows.

Nadya: Well, well look who came flying

Nikolay turned around and saw Nadya approaching him.

Nikolay: Oh~ You missed me perhaps?

Nadya: E-eh... No... I was just patrolling and thought about checking if you were back as it's pretty late...

Nikolay: Such a tsundere I have with me

He patted her head and smiled.

Nikolay: Do you know what are the others doing?

Nadya: I slept all day if I'm honest... Yeah, I wasn't in our room trying out some old clothes...

Nikolay: Hmm... Well, surely they are playing some boardgame again... Maybe I should get us a Tv?

Nadya: And where will you find the antenna?

Nikolay shrugged and laughed, Nadya sighed and they both started heading back to the hangar. As they arrived Nikolay first hid everything he bought and did some routine before making the girls go to sleep when he confirmed all where sleeping he sighed and got to his room, he took off his boots and left his mask near the mattress. Nadya looked at him as he clumsily laid himself on the mattress near her.

Nadya: Was it a long day perhaps?

Nikolay: I think so... *yawn* I really would like a break to a warm place... Hawaii looked nice on pictures

Nadya chuckled and looked at him still.

Nadya: Summers are great here still

Nikolay: Until it's summer it's gonna be a long while Nadya... *sigh* Also we will move out maybe on January

Nadya: Wow they build quickly huh?

Nikolay: Nah... We will still have to sleep on some rucksacks until they finish off everything, I just want to move out as fast as we can

Nadya: Why is that?

Nikolay: Although I don't want to I think Kryuger knows where this hangar is located now, and I really fear that he might come here so I would like to move every equipment we have to the new base already

Nadya: ... Huh... Well

Nadya tucked herself and him under the blanket.

Nadya: Try to rest your brains, for now, we don't want you to get sick

Nikolay: I will try... Good night...

Nadya: Goodnight Raman...


Lyuda: Hmhmhm~ Is it me or this Christmas tree looks kinda thick? Nah~

She kept on decorating the tree. It was midnight and she thought that getting three shots of vodka and start decorating the Christmas tree was the greatest idea for a Friday night. She kept on decorating and drinking while listening to some old Russian Christmas songs until the barking of her dog irritated her and she got up to the window to look the fuck was happening.

Lyuda: Who the fuck is it now... Mh?... Who the fuck are those figures... Okay time to take the Ak for a walk

She put on her jacket, went up to the couch and opened the create near it taking out an Ak12 fully loaded and an M1 helmet painted white with a sickle and hammer drawn in one of its sides.

Lyuda: Let's hope its not the fucking danish mafia

She pulled the bolt back and put on the helmet. She put on her boots quickly and got out with a flashlight and approached slowly the figures pointing her gun towards the gates, she then turned on the flashlight to see the figures.

Lyuda: Are you the Danish mafia?! I won't give back the fucking drawing I won it legall--... Wow, wow, wow, girl are you alright?

A woman was in front of the gate, seemingly beaten as she escaped from combat or similar, but she noticed that her arm was missing, giving off that she's, in fact, a T-Doll, she was carrying someone else on her back plus two combat rifle. It was an HK417 and a Hk433. The one she was carrying seemed to be unconscious and blood dripped from her head, the T-Doll legs keep on shaking as you could see her artificial skin, as her uniform was torn, being the cause probably an explosion, that would explain also why is she missing an arm.

???: Hel--... Help, please...

Lyuda calmed the dog and opened the gate quickly, put down the unconscious one and grabbed the injured one as she almost felt after leaving the other.

Lyuda: Hey, do you hear me? Hey, keep one listening to me and talk okay? ...Goddamn, how do you achieve this?

???: I... I...

She closed her eyelids as she felt unconscious finally, Lyuda treated them a bit before taking them to her house and leaving them both on her bed. After that, she applied first aid to both of them and detached the destroyed arm of her.

Lyuda: ... Goddamn... I should of listen to Nikolay when he explained to me how to treat T-Dolls...

After a while and with the adrenaline dying out Lyuda finally bandaged them up and sit beside them not knowing what to do, as Nikolay probably was sleeping already. She just kept on looking at them thinking about what to do next.

Lyuda: Well at least I know they die if they don't get recharged... Thankfully they take food as bio-energy... Ugh...

She rubbed her face and went back to the living room to take her vodka and make guard.

Lyuda: This is gonna be a long night...

Or that's what she thought as to when she finished her vodka by morning one of them opened her eyes slowly and groaned in pain as she grabbed her head with her only hand.

Lyuda: Wow, relax girl, take it easy

She laid her back and sit beside them again. The T-Doll looked at her before panicking a bit.

???: Where... W-Where is she?

Lyuda: Beside you, you are both in my room, on my bed, nothing to worry about your safe

???: ...*She calmed down and looked at the other* ... Goddamn it...

Lyuda: Hey, do you remember your name? How are you feeling? Do you want something to eat?

R3s: ... I... Mhhg... My codename is R3s... I... Did someone else come after us?

Lyuda: No you were alone and nobody else has come here since your

R3s: Fuck... This ugh... Why did it all end like this

She covered her face with her forearm and gritted her teeth, Lyuda looked at her worryingly.

Lyuda: So how are you feeling?

R3s: Thanks to you strong enough to keep on walking with her in my back

She sat down and tried to get up, Lyuda stopped her on her tracks and laid her back.

Lyuda: Wow, let's calm a bit lady, do you even understand your missing one arm?... *sigh* Stay here for some days, I have a friend that can help you out, with your arm and with transportation... You really shouldn't rush things now, maybe you're in peril but being out here without an arm and with your unconscious friend on the back is a greater peril, my girl

R3s: I... *sigh* Okay, thank you for everything really... I'm very grateful

Lyuda: No need to be... You really scared the shit out of me the first time, I thought the mafia just snapped out on me finally

R3s: Huh... those are some serious statements miss... miss

Lyuda: Lyuda, Lyuda Kalvenechenko... R3s... What a weird-ass codename girl

R3s: Lyuda... Huh... Thank you very much again...

Lyuda: Don't worry let me call my friend, I will try to bring him here to repair and help you

She took her phone and went outside the room to call Nikolay. The beeps kept on sounding and Nikolay didn't take the call.

Lyuda: Come on Nikolay...


Nikolay sneezed and shivered a bit as he rubbed his arms and left the screwdriver he was using to build some sort of machine.

Nikolay: I need to finish this heater faster goddamn it...

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