
By BarnesandRogersfics

485K 11.4K 4.2K

Fresh out of a divorce, Y/N moves to Sun Valley for a fresh start, a house left to her by her aunt and a new... More



16.5K 357 76
By BarnesandRogersfics

32 weeks Pregnant
"Im so over being pregnant now Wanda you have no idea!" I moaned as we sat in the newly decorated nursery folding the baby clothes id washed through. The extension was finished and Bucky, Steve and Sam had done a great job of doing the twins nursery.

Wanda had been amazing helping me with the girls, i was always so tired nowadays.
"I bet, it looks uncomfortable now. Im glad I'm only having the one!" She laughed holding a hand against her own tiny bump, she and Sam had found out she was pregnant 4 months ago.
"I told Bucky id be the size of a house with these boys! You've seen the size of him so its no surprise is it!" I laughed shaking my head as i rubbed the side of my stomach.
"You okay?" Wanda asked looking concerned.
"Yeah think I've got a foot digging in somewhere.... they're running out of room in here now"
"Not long now hun"
"Im counting down the weeks, this whole pregnancy has flown by up until now! Now its taking forever"
"You getting nervous?"
"A little bit, but mostly i just want them here already"
"When is Bucky due back from his trip?"
"Later tonight, it was meant to be tomorrow but he won the case, it all got settled a lot earlier than he thought it would, he's driving back tonight"
"Do you want me stay over until he gets home?"
"Its fine Wand he's already arranged for Steve to stay when he gets back with the girls and stay until he's home"
"Thats okay then, i just didn't want you being on your own"
"Im never on my own lately" i shook my head and laughed.
"They're very protective" she agreed, they had been terrible lately! One of them was always with me incase anything happened. The only reason they weren't here now was because Wanda was here!
"I know they mean well but they are driving me crazy! Every time i go to get up their there! I cant even go to the bathroom without questions"
"That would drive me crazy too! I'll kick Sam's ass if he does that!".

We spent another 30 minutes or so sorting the clothes and other bits before heading downstairs for some tea. Not long after that Steve got back with the girls, he had taken them to the zoo for the day and they all looked exhausted... Steve included!
"Hey you guys, have you had a nice day?" I asked as Allie and Brooke came straight over and cuddled up to me.
"Yeah it was soooo good" Allie smiled up at me before stroking my huge bump.
"Hi baby brothers! I missed you"
"I just felt a kick" Brooke laughed holding a hand to the side of my tummy where i had been feeling it before.
"Looks like they missed their big sisters huh?" I smiled at them both.
"Im gonna head home now Steve's back to keep you company. Call me if you need anything" Wanda said hugging me goodbye before saying goodbye to Steve and the girls and heading off.

It didn't take long for me to fall asleep once Wanda had left. Steve ordered some pizza's for the girls dinner because he didn't want to wake me up, when i finally did wake up the pains in my side were back with a vengeance!
"You okay sweetheart?" Steve asked looking worried.
"Yeah just getting uncomfortable.... would you be okay keeping an eye on the girls while i go take a bath, see if it eases off a bit. They might move a bit so its not so bad"
"Yeah sure"
"thanks Steve" i gave him a smile and went up to the bathroom.


I was sitting in the living room watching The Lion King with the girls when i heard Y/N calling for me.
"What??" I called back rushing upstairs to the bathroom "What is it??!" I asked from the other side of the door.
"Erm...I think the babies are coming!" She called back sounding like she was freaking out.
"Oh shit..... have your waters broke?!"
"How do i know im in the tub!! All i know is it hurts like a bitch!"
"Okay. Okay.... let me call Sam and Wanda to come look after the girls and i'll take you to the hospital"
"Call Bucky!! If this is it i want him there!"
"Okay im calling him now" i told her pulling out my cell and dialling Bucky.
"Steve...." she said quietly from inside the bathroom.
"Yeah sweetheart?"
"Im gonna need you to help me out of the tub..... i can't do it on my own"
Oh shit!
"Hey Steve, everything okay?" Bucky answered after the second ring.
"No Buck! No! Everything is not okay! I think Y/N's having the babies and now i have to go help her out of the tub!"
"What?? But its too early! This isn't supposed to be happening yet!!" Bucky said loudly "I'm still a couple hours out.... erm can you get her to the hospital and i'll meet you there?.... call Becca to come watch the kids...."
"Im gonna call Sam and Wanda they're closer, Wanda said to call if we needed anything"
"Okay that works"
"Buck, what about the fact i gotta get your girl outta the tub??"
"Steve!! Will you hurry up for fuck sake!" Y/N yelled through the door.
"Just do it pal, you gotta help her for me"
"Okay, I'm gonna put you on speaker...."
As i opened the bathroom door i stuck my head in slowly and let out a sigh of relief when i saw she had pulled her towel over her to hide her nakedness.
"Did you reach Buck?"
"Im here baby" Bucky said as i put the phone down on the counter and went to help her up from the tub.
"Bucky..... how long are you gonna be?"
"Couple hours tops....i'll be there i promise! But i need you to go with Steve. His gonna stay with you until i get there"
Once i helped Y/N out of the tub i wrapped a dry towel around her and helped her into the bedroom so she could get dressed.
"Im gonna call Sam while you get dressed, i'll be just outside if you need me" i told her with a reassuring smile.

Reader POV
I was still getting dressed when i heard the knocking at the front door.
"Uncle Steve, Uncle Sam and Auntie Wanda are at the door!" Brooke called up the stairs.
"Okay sweetheart, can you let them in please?"
"Steve, you can come in I'm dressed" i called to him, he came in and grabbed my bag i had packed for the hospital and then wrapped an arm around me to help me downstairs.
"You okay?" Wanda asked as soon as she saw me.
"Honestly i have no idea" i shook my head and laughed nervously "thanks for coming"
"No worries darlin'.... i blue lighted it here!" Sam laughed, that would explain how they got here so quick.
"Okay lets get you to the hospital.... i dont want to have to deliver these babies" Steve joked before leading me out to the car.

When we arrived at the hospital they took us straight through to a delivery room and made me change into a hospital gown (which Steve had to help with!) And then hooked me up to various machines to monitor mine and the babies heart beats. Id been here for over an hour now and the contractions were getting so much worse, i was already tired and i hadn't even gotten to the bad bit yet.... I'm pretty sure Steve hates me for squeezing his hand so tight every time a contraction hits, but he smiles through gritted teeth and tries to keep me calm.
"I want Bucky.... why is it taking so long?" I moaned after getting through a rather bad contraction.
"He'll be here soon sweetheart" Steve smiled brushing my sweaty hair back from my face.
"Thank you for staying with me Steve, I'm not sure how id be coping on my own" i told him truthfully "owww! Shit my back is cramping...."
"You can turn her onto her side and rub her back dad" a nurse that i hadn't even noticed til now said to Steve as she checked the monitors.
"Oh... oh I'm not dad, I'm dad's best friend. He's on his way"
"Oh sorry i just assumed. You can still help her out though" she shrugged.
"Sure, i can do that"
"Its fine you don't have to....." i started to say not wanting to make him uncomfortable.
"I got you, come on lets get you on your side" he smiled helping me roll onto my side so he could massage the cramp from my back.
"Oh my god Steve! You've got magic hands i swear!" I moaned as the pressure started to ease.
"Don't let Buck hear you moaning my name like that sweetheart he might kick my ass" he chuckled trying to make me laugh.
"Too late punk" came the voice of the man i was waiting for.
"Bucky! You're here!" I cried as he walked over and kissed me.
"I told you i would be didn't i?"
"I was just trying to help" Steve said quickly holding his hands up.
"I know, thanks Steve. Thanks for looking out for my girl" they exchanged a manly hug before Bucky took his place rubbing my back.
"Anytime, girls got a grip on her just a heads up. I think she broke my hand" we all started laughing at that but the room fell silent when the alarm on one of the monitors started going off.
"What is that.....whats going on?!" I said panicking as the nurse came back in followed closely by the Doctor. The Doctor stood at the machine looking at a print out before turning to face us.
"Lay her on her back please.... at least one of the babies is in distress" the doctor said. Bucky helped me turn onto my back again and the Doctor started pushing around at my stomach.
"Ow!!!" I cried out in discomfort squeezing Bucky's hand.
"What are you doing!?" Bucky snapped at him looking like he was ready to murder the doctor.
"Im trying to turn the babies a bit, i think one of them may have the cord trapped...." he said as he continued trying to manipulate the babies positioning. Suddenly the alarm stopped beeping and he stepped back to the machine.
"Y/N, i think we're going to have to perform a c-section. The babies are in distress and you're not dilated enough yet to do this naturally. Usually we'd give you some medication to help you along but i really don't want to leave them much longer. The quicker we can get them out the better"
"Okay.... whatever you think is best Doc. I just want my babies to be safe"
"Nurse go tell them to prep the OR"
"Yes Doctor" she said quickly before rushing out.
"Lets go have these babies shall we?"
I nodded at the Doctor and turned to look at Bucky "Buck im scared"
"You'll be fine baby, i'll be right there. You've got this" he smiled kissing me quickly.
"I'll wait in the waiting room, good luck sweetheart" Steve beamed down at me pressing a kiss to my head before hugging Bucky. The nurse came back with a porter who pulled my bed out and started wheeling me down towards the OR, Bucky walking along side me holding my hand as we got ready to meet our newest additions.

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