13th Doctor OneShots S2

By JessicaSongAQ

5.1K 149 183

I don't Own any of the characters that belongs to the BBC Doctor Who. Hey Fam, So because these Oneshots/fic... More

Spyfall Part 1.1
Spyfall Part 1.2
Spyfall Part 2.1
Spyfall Part 2.2
Orphan 55
Nikola Tesla's night of Terror
A dilemma ?
Fugitive of the Judoon
Another nightmare?
Head over Heels.
Can you Hear me?
A Virus!
The Haunting of Villa Diodati!!
11th/Amy/Rory/River and J.
Doctor Who?
Inner feelings!! T|W
The Master!
13th/10th/Rose and J.
Happy Halloween✨🎃
Ascension Of the Cybermen.
The Timeless Children.
Revolution of the Daleks! (Part 1)
Revolution of the Daleks! (Part 2)
Baby J.
Unnamed Title
Secrets come out!


86 3 1
By JessicaSongAQ

The Doctor "Planet Earth. Early in the third decade of the 21st century. Population: seven billion. Seven billion lives, separate and connected. From the depths of the oceans... to the edge of the atmosphere."


The Doctor glares at her daughter.

Ryan and Yaz snigger and Graham just watches.

J "What?"

Doctor "Common you guys Ryan, you and J go to Peru, Yaz and Graham Hong Kong and I will go to Madagascar, always wanted to go there. Well I've been, just not really been for a stop though. Maybe I can see some of the sights this time. Possibly.. maybe.. not?"

J "By Yourself?"

Doctor "Yep" she pulls the lever.

First to be dropped off was Ryan and J.

J "So did you hear that?"

Ryan "Yes. Do we have to follow where it came from?"

J "Err... yes something is going on remember birds" she cringes "and whatever the heck else is going on. And why does it smell so bad" she shakes her head and walks on. She sees the girl about to touch a bird.

Ryan "Hey, don't touch it. Something is wrong with the birds."

J "Yeah, what he said."

"If you've touched Jamilla..." she looks at J and then Ryan

Ryan "Hey, I don't even know who Jamila is."

J "Nah no idea either."

"She's vanished. And you two are the only other people out here"

Ryan "Okay, but I swear I haven't seen her"

J "Trust me, if we had seen another person around here we'd let you know. But we just got here."

Ryan "We're here because of what's wrong with the Birds."

"You think I'll buy that?" She questions them.

Ryan "You should, because it's the truth."

J "And hey if you don't want to believe us that's fine too, just don't expect us to help you find her then."

Ryan looks at J with annoyance "What?" She protests at his look.

Ryan "That's not what the Doctor would do. She'd help either way."

J "And do I look like my Father to you?" She groans "Like I'm my own person you know."

"Oi" the Girl looks between them.

"Look, we're not armed. There's nothing in me bag. Check yourself if you don't believe me" Ryan takes off his bag, and throws it to the girl she opens is.

J "Not even a snack in there or a drink" she rolls her eyes.

Ryan "How long has she been gone?"

"I last saw her before I went to sleep last night"

J "Thanks, so much help."

Both the girl and Ryan look a little annoyed at J, she nudges Ryan's arm "Here look, if that was me any sign of any moment as I sleep I'd have woken up. Just saying."

The girl scoffs "I'm not you, and I am a deep sleeper." She hands Ryan his bag back.

J "Alrighty keep your wig on"

"Excuse me?"

J "Nothing never mind sorry" she realises she was being a little rude.

"Stand still." She searches J First then Ryan.

"Have you tried her Phone?" Ryan asks

"Of course I've tried her phone I tried her on everything. I just messaged some contacts on Reddit to access emergency services and satellites." She pats at his chest

"Ohh, You work out?" She asks Ryan

J rolls her eyes 'Please god no' she thinks.

Ryan looked a little too chuffed with himself "I do a lot of running"

J sniggers.

She puts her hand out to shake Ryan's "I'm Gabriela" she avoids J.

J "How sweet." She rolls her eyes again the amount of times she rolls her eyes she is surprised they haven't rolled completely back into her head yet.

Gabriela "I'm guessing you know that?" She smiles

J scrunches her eyebrows,

"Nope and neither does he" she looks at Ryan and nods her head 'Nope he really doesn't either' she thinks to herself.

Gabriela "Two girls Roaming?"

J and Ryan look at one another then back to Gabriela and shrug.

Gabriela "The Travel blog, That's me and Jamila."

J "Nah, still nothing"

Ryan "Sorry. Bit behind. I do a fair bit of travelling myself. I'm Ryan. And the rude sarcastic one is J."

J "HEY!"

Ryan "It's true." He walks along a little "Need to take that bird"

J makes a face "So glad you're the one with the bag."

Ryan "These markings they're not natural." he tells Gabriela.

He sticks a t-shirt over the bird.

Gabriela "What are you doing?"

J "What does it look like he's doing? Collecting the bird."

Ryan "J" He shakes his head and looks at Gabriela "Birds are falling out of the sky. I'm trying to find out the reason."

Gabriela gets a phone alert.

Ryan "That her?"

Gabriela shakes her head "No. But someone's found out there was an emergency call-out this morning. One mile away."

J groans "Why didn't I put trainers on today." She looks at her boots. "Guess we are going to investigate then eh?"

Gabriela "Ambulancia" is all she says.

Ryan "Yep. We are."

J "Then best get moving. Chop chop." She walks on then turns "Uhh... ahh where are we going?"

Gabriela walks in front of her "Just follow me." She says proudly.

They hitch a ride and get to a hospital. "This is the hospital the ambulance brought her to." Gabriela says.

J "Alright then" she walks on further and walks in, it's silent. Like there is nobody here.

Ryan "Hello?" As he and Gabriela come into the building itself. J had just gone straight in but Ryan went up to what looked like and outside reception? But nobody was there.

J "It's empty."

Gabriela "Where are all the staff?" She looks at Ryan

J "Maybe in a lunch break?" She jokes.

Ryan walks up to a dead bird inside the hospital. "Another one in here."

Gabriela "What are you doing?"

Ryan "The same as the River" he yells a little.

J "No need to yell we are behind you."

A door bangs, this spooked J as well she turns around, "What the F-"

Ryan starts walking down the hall with Gabriela J turns back around "Hey, wait on me." She catches up.

They turn and walk down a hall where the lights are flickering "This is not good." J says "Have we gone into a horror film or what?" She makes a joke out of her own fear.

Ryan "Shh." He walks towards the doors that say 'Quarantine'

Gabriela grabs his arm "Hey! The whole point of Quarantine is not going in where it says 'Quarantine'."

Ryan "Do you want to find her or not?"

J "Possibly, Maybe... just maybe a dumb idea but let's." She walks through the doors and there is a body laying on a table.

"Dead body? Gruesome but okay." J says as the other two follow behind her.

Gabriela "Tell me that's not her?"

Ryan goes over and takes the sheet off the body, by Gabriela's reaction this was definitely her friend Jamila. J feels a bit horrible for making a somewhat of a joke just then.

J "I'm sorry." She gives Gabriela a sympathetic look.

Gabriela goes over to her friend "Jamila!"

J and Ryan watch.

Ryan "I'm sorry."

Gabriela "Melhor amiga."

Ryan presses behind his ear "Doctor? I found something that you wanna see."

Gabriela "Who are you talking to? How are you calling a Doctor?" She says emotional

Ryan moves his hand to Jamila's face.

J "Nah, do not do that. Bad idea..." she stands back a bit unsure of what will happen. 'Oh god please don't awaken. No zombies thank you.' She tells herself. It felt like she was in a Zombie apocalypse so her mind went straight there.

Ryan "You've seen these markings before?" He touched them. Her eyes open.

J "I TOLD YOU BAD IDEA" she jumps back as the others do too.

Jamila starts struggling to breathe.

Gabriela "Jamila?"

Ryan "Hey, get away from her!"

Gabriela "No! She's alive!"

J sighs "I, I don't think she is." She looks at Gabriela.

Gabriela starts speaking Portuguese.

Ryan "I agree with J, I don't think that's alive."

Gabriela "We have to help her!"

Suddenly the Doctor runs in "No, Ryan's right, she's not alive."

J 'I said it first' she thinks

Doctor "Not Now J" and takes her sonic out and scans Jamilla.

J "I didn't give you permission to read my thoughts."

The Doctor didn't reply to that.

"Whatever caused her death seems to still be attacking her body." The Doctor looks scared herself and unsure of what is going on too.

J "Great zombies"

The Doctor shakes her head "Not Zombies!"

Gabriela "Who are you?"

Ryan "Doctor, her face."

Doctor "Yeah. I've just seen the same thing on a naval officer in Madagascar."

Jamilla gasps gasps air as the markings spread across her body, and within seconds she combusts.

"WHAT THE HECK. OH HELL TO THE NO!" J looked scared more than ever before "That's nasty! That's horrible. What the..."

Doctor "J, calm down. Remember her friend is still in the room and be a bit more considerate."

J "I'm sorry but.. never mind. I'm sorry."

Gabriela "Jamilla"

Doctor "Same as Zach on the beach."

Gabriela "No, no, no, this can't be happening."

Ryan "Hey, it's ok."

Gabriela "No, it's not!"

Doctor "Two identical deaths on two different continents. It's even more dangerous than I thought, and it's spreading. Which could mean..." she looks up to Ryan in fear.

"Have you heard from Yaz and Graham?"

Ryan shakes his head no. The Doctor looks at J "Nope" she replies.

Doctor "Right come on. You too" she looks at Gabriela and heads to the Tardis she puts in coordinations to Yaz and Graham.

"I see you have the breaks off for once" J says.

"Yes, well yes. She needed it." She taps her ship.

Suddenly Yaz could be heard and the Doctor gets a better reading on them.

Within moments they are in Hong Kong, at Yaz and Graham's coordinations.

The Doctor heads out. J stands and talks to the Ship.

"I hope this is not a weird apocalypse, you wouldn't take us to one right?" She half laughs. She walks over to the door, Gabriela and Ryan stand chatting and she steps out to look around the alleyway they are in.

Suddenly The Doctor comes out from a building, Graham helps a man with helping an astronaut and Yaz comes out last.

Doctor "Through the doors! Past Ryan."

One of the men turns slightly "We're not all going to fit in there!"

Graham "You'd be surprised, Ryan this is Jake, Adam."

Doctor "Come on Yaz"

Yaz "No." The Doctor sounds and walks up to her.

Doctor "Sorry?"

Yaz "There was a device in there. I couldn't get it free I. time. It looked really important to them."

J stands watching in silence.

"I want to go back and get it." Yaz really wanted to.

Doctor "We don't have enough time".

Yaz "You go. Come back for me in, I don't know, an hour or something."

J walks up to them. "I can go with her?"

Doctor "No! It's too dangerous for the both of you." She didn't want her daughter or her what she considers a best friend heck even more than that Yaz was her Family too, she didn't want them to get harmed.

"We need to know why Adam was taken there and what they did to him, and how this is all connected to those other events." Yaz explains.

Doctor "But..."

Gabriela "I'll come with you both. I'm more than ready to fight something." She walks up to them.

The Doctor really didn't wanna risk this humans life either, she looks at how serious Gabriela looks, she looks at J she is the same and Yaz.

"One hour." She tells Yaz and looks at J "ONE!!"

Gabriela walks up to Yaz, J is beside her, "Hey, I'm Gabriela. You must be Yaz."

J just thinks 'Point out the obvious much, you've spent too much time with Ryan.' She laughs at her own thoughts.

Yaz "Come on. He's through here"

J "He what? I thought we were going in for a device?"

Yaz. "Yes. But he was through here and whatever those things were."

J "Ahh okay."

Gabriela "So, I guess you recognise me?"

Yaz looks at J, she shrugs and Yaz looks back at Gabriela "No?"

Gabriela "Two Girls Roaming!"

Yaz "I haven't seen it."

Gabriela "What's the matter with you people."

J "Too much running, not a lot of time chilling." And she looks at Yaz and whispers "The name is a little wrong 'Two Girls Roaming' right?" Yaz didn't quite understand what she meant. she laughs "Never mind" J walks on.

They head into the room where Adam was kept.

Yaz "In here."

They look at the device, Gabriela "Is that what we came for?"

As Yaz and Gabriela discuss the device J looks around the room for any other clues to what's going on.

All J can hear is "Hide" she turns and sees the person? With the gas mask? She quickly hides out the way as well.

She watches as the thing Teleports away.

Yaz explains to Gabriela what just happened "We could follow it" she says.

J "Yes, let's" she steps into the teleport station.

Gabriela "Are you both crazy!"

Yaz walls on into it too, "I didn't think you'd agree." She tells J.

"Why?" J was confused.

"Because She'd tell us not too, incase we get 'Killed' right?" she says

"What is it with y'all thinking I am my Pa?" J groans in annoyance. "In fact I'm not like either of my Parents."

Yaz laughs, she can see The Doctor and River within J but then again, J is also right she is also her own person.

Gabriela "So that is what you and Ryan were talking about earlier. But how can she be your Dad?"

J "Completed story I'll explain if you really wanna know but not right now."

Gabriela "I will keep you to that. I don't understand"

J laughs.

Gabriela "Do you both really want to follow that creature. We're seriously going to do this?"

Yaz "Yeah."

Gabriela "Without knowing where we're going?"

Yaz "Yeah."

Gabriela "What's the worst place we could end up?

J studies Yaz for a moment, the fear in her face yet the courage of proving something ? To who? Herself or everyone else? She could see something else in Yaz as well, something she only understands cause she has felt it too. But she didn't want to say anything.

Yaz "Long list. You don't want to know."

J knew she meant the Unknown where Yaz went.

"You are crazy!" Gabriela says

"Preciously, all the best people are Crazy." J says half singing it.

Yaz turns to her and smiles then to Gabriela "Three girls roaming. Ready?" She turns and presses the teleported and they teleport.

Suddenly they are now in another location.

Gabriela "We're still alive."

J "Well, I definitely am, are you?" She laughs "Joking yes we are."

Gabriela smiles "But we didn't die!"

Yaz "Didn't teleport into an active volcano. Result!"

"Yaz, you realised that, that thing teleported do you think I would say yes if by chance it took itself into an active Volcano? No one wants to burn to death." J cringes at the thought of being in a volcano.

They start walking ahead. "What do you think this is?" Gabriela says

Yaz "Some sort of Alien colony. Look at all this stuff. What even is it?"

Gabriela "If we're on an alien planet, then what is that?"

J and Yaz look up to what Gabriela was looking at.

Yaz walks up to it "That... is part of a submarine."

J just looks around her, she is unsure if she's right but she thinks they are underwater somehow? Can they be? Is that stupid? Mhm possibly but what is around them? She wishes her brains would work the same way as her Pa's something but unfortunately they don't.

Yaz presses behind her ear. And J does the same to listen in.

Yaz "I don't want you to panic, but we followed one of those things through a teleport, and now I think we're on an alien planet."

"Well, you don't do things by halves." The Doctor says through to J and Yaz.

J butts in "Actually.. I think we are under Earth?" Yaz looks at her but ignores that part she said.

Yaz "Also, I think we found the missing submarine. Not sure how that fit here. Oh, and another thing. The Lab in Hong Kong was sending data to two locations. One in the middle of the Indian Ocean"

Then J, thought about that, she looked up and it clicked.

"But the other is in Madagascar, Where you are...right now. Doctor did you hear what I said?" Yaz says.

J "What's going on?"

Doctor "Yeah. Thanks, Yaz. J. Sit tight." And she gone from the signal.

J "That didn't sound good at all."

Yaz looks at J and shrugs "She'll be okay." They walk around a little then Yaz turns.

"She's on her way" she smiles.

J sighs with relief.

Yaz and Gabriela walk on, J stays behind a little then catches up.

J "What's.. oh" she says. Then the sound of the Tardis can be heard. "Breaks back on then." She laughs.

They make their way to where they heard the Tardis.

Doctor "J, Yaz, Found you."

Yaz. "Thanks for coming to get us, Eventually."

Doctor "Look at you two, going off on your own and not getting killed!"

J "Nice to see you too." She laughs.

Yaz "Plus, totally found an alien colony." She says as if she just discovered something new, then it clicked too J.

Yaz wanted the praise of finding something herself, she wanted to show her worth and that she is not useless. And she's not.

The Doctor does a quick scan "Sort of. It is an alien construct, but it's not an alien colony."

Ryan "Then where are we?"

The Doctor was about to say but J interrupts.

"Let me guess? A long way below the Indian Ocean?" She laughs at her Pa's reaction.

"Took the words right out of my mouth J." She smiles at her and J looks at Yaz, her smile was now a frown.

She felt a little bad.

Doctor "Beneath a gyre if plastic pollution."

J "Oh, didn't expect that one." She looks around her "So that's what all this is?" She honestly didn't pick that up.

Graham "We're under the sea?"

J had to compose herself from singing 'Under the sea' she really, really wanted too.

Doctor "It's a naturally occurring hot spot. Where ocean currents trap pollution. There are five major gyres on Earth right now. Praxeus is attracted to Plastic. It's built a whole environment here from plastic, a world of pure Praxeus! This is where it all started. Seabirds infected with Praxeus transporting the bacteria around the world, transferring it to humans when they attack!"

Ryan "But how does the alien bacteria end up in the Indian Ocean in the first place?"

The Doctor takes her sonic and scans.

"There's something else down here, and I think it's connected to our friend Suki. Come on." She says heading forward.

J "I think Imma stay. I need the bathroom." She turns and heads into the Tardis after noticing Yaz's face, she tells herself she will have a chat with her after to make sure she's okay.

She heads in and there is Adam and Jake.

"Oh, Hello!" She smiles "Just going to nip to the bathroom, somehow learning we are under the ocean makes me need to pee." She sprints up the stairs and heads down to her bathroom.

When she is done she heads back to the console room, Jake is panicking. As alarms go off in the Tardis.

"What's happening?" She looks at the Man and the other man the Praxeus was spreading all over him. She really didn't wanna see another person turn to dust.

"Use that." She points to the Tardis table. But he was already on it. He injected it into Adam.

"Come on. Can't lose you now eh? Not after I just got you back?" He tells him.

Suddenly his skin clears, and within moments he is back to what J presumes is his normal self.

Jake smiles and laughs with relief "Oh thank you." He kisses Adam's forehead.

Soon enough they got up, they headed to the doors.

J "Yep, bye nice chatting with you both too." She half laughs.

"We are going to show her it worked" Adam and Jake smile and leave taken the antidote with them.

"Okay.." J runs back up the stairs and down to the kitchen, she is hungry, she starts to make herself a sandwich, suddenly some pain rushes within her head, she grips onto the counter and groans. She sighs, and turns holding her head she walks fast to her room beside the medbay, she goes in and looks through the cabinet the Tardis shows her what to take. "Thank you." She says as she takes the pain meds.

This was it the first time this has happened. And it won't be the last. Suddenly the Tardis is shaking and she makes her way to the Console room.

"What's happening now?" She says as she gets there.

Adam "I hate you." And he kisses his man.

"What happened?" J was a little confused at everyone's facial reactions. But she smiled warmly at the couple and the 'I hate you' reminded her of her Mum and Pa.

Doctor "Yes, I can save him. Just, if I materialise around him in the millisecond before the ship breaks up."

J "What ship? Wait what? What did I miss?"

Graham "Nice work, Doc."

Doctor "What can I say? I'm a Romantic."

Adam and Jake look at the Doctor. J scoffs.

Doctor "Someone is missing her girlfriend." She laughs.

"Shut up!" J laughs, and rolls her eyes.

The Doctor goes and sets coordinations to send the others back. "Alright then." She walks to the doors.

J stays back. When they come back the Doctor smiles and shuts the door.

The Doctor "Seven billion lives, separate and connected. From the depths of the oceans.."

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