Dieux Grecs✔

By shirimasenpaii

4.7K 188 24

human au][̲̅̅[̅̅ dieux grecs {french} = greek gods "i'm not normal spins." ... More

f i n a l💥


180 9 0
By shirimasenpaii

"tell me the status of my brother hades." ruler of heavens and olympus spoke to the hermes the guide of the underworld. "your brother has been silent ever since he got the underworld." hermes stated.

"where is hephaestus? i need him to work on a new weaponry." zeus was about to head our to his palace and head to hephaestus' workplace.

"uh. . . about that—"

"hello. . ?" a soft and small voice was heard from the palace doors, zeus went ahead to see if it's a pegasus playing around.

but it isn't.

a child, a human child stood at the foot of the palace with a timid demeanor. "oh child, why are you going here?" zeus kneeled down to meet the child's eyes.

they have (eye color) with a little hint of red.

"i. . i was looking for papa but the horses distracted me." the child mumbled, hermes looked over zeus's shoulder to see the child himself.

"i see, want me to bring you back to him?" zeus asked but hermes intervened.

"aren't you going to ask how a human child got into olympus?" zeus shook his head as he turned to face hermes. "hermes, this child is obviously hephaestus' child. he perhaps brought her along, you know how he can be. now let's bring her to her father before hera sees her."

zeus carried you into his arms and called one of the pegasus to bring him to hephaestus' forge.

as you and zeus arrived at the forgery, zeus walked inside and intense heat instantly hit them but the both of you aren't affected by it.

"hephaestus!" zeus called out and his voice echoed throughout the forge, hephaestus stuck his head out one of his machines. "papa!" you called out, you got out of zeus' arms and ran to your father.

"hey fireball!" your father rubbed your head, you giggled and hugged his leg since that's the only thing you can reach. "you should take an eye for your child hephaestus, good thing she came into my palace." zeus said.

"yes of course father." hephaestus picked you up and made you sit in his broad shoulders. "why did you even bring your child here?" hephaestus smiled softly.

"her mother suggested to let little y/n see the forge." your father pinched your little nose to make you giggle and attack him. "you know that is forbidden hephaestus, no mortal child should enter olympus." zeus said strictly.

"but she's half god, you did the same with poseidon's child." hephaestus defended. zeus sighed and headed out of the forge "don't let other gods see her." then zeus left.

hephaestus sighed and looked at you, "you wanna make a giant robot?" your eyes lit up and raised your arms in the air. "yes!!" hephaestus settled you on his big work station where there's alot of scraps of metal and stacks of blue prints.

"okay, let's see. .  y/n? y/n!" you were near a pit of boiling lava and you were about to touch it. "oh gods, don't touch that fireball!"

"but papa, i don't know those metal thingies." hephaestus hummed and looked at the blast furnace. "how strong is your fire?" you smirked and set your fists on fire.



"i can't believe y/n gave all of her money. that girl is always excessive." spinel said as she sweeps the glass shards from the incident earlier. "you're a lucky girl spins!" peeps said as she tied a trash bag.

"hey peeps. when's gonna be right time?" spinel said she sat down in one of the chairs. "well. . . it's completely up to you." peeps smiled but instantly dropped.

spinel noticed this "what is it?" peeps frowned and a raspy high pitched voice soon became louder.

"spinel, hide behind the counter now!" before spinel could respond, a bunch of winged devils came in the cafe. peeps grabbed spinel and pushed her behind the counter.

one of the harpies sniffed the air and looked down at peeps. "i smell a puny god." peeps narrowed her eyes at the harpies and summoned her bow and arrow.

"oh what are you gonna do with that? make us fall in love with each other?!" they mocked and laughed, peeps smirked and aimed at one of the harpies

she lets the arrow fly and it directly hit the harpy in the heart. the harpy fell like a fly, the others looked at their fallen comrade and then back at peeps.

"i can do more than making ships sail. want me to demonstrate?"


"come on! let's not disappoint lord hades!" s harpy said, trying to lift it's comrades' spirits before getting burned into ash.

"you already did." you rubbed your hands together, there's a swarm of harpies from left to right, you opened your rubbed hands and a wave of fire instantly obliterated them.

then you overhead a dying harpy said to another harpy that is hiding. "tell the others that the west wing is burned." the harpy yelped and tried to fly away but you grabbed it's leg and pulled it close to you.

"where are the others?" the harpy shook it's head, you growled and started burning it's legs. it cried and tried to bite your hand off but you only worsen the fire.

"t-they're in the cafe!" your eyes widen, you slammed the harpy on the ground and jumped high enough to top all of the surrounding buildings.

you used your fire as boosters and tried to head to the cafe as fast as you can.

you spotted the cafe, as you landed near it you can an arrow going out with a harpy impaled to it. you raised your eyebrows at it, you ran towards the scene and to your shock.


peeps looked back at you, she nervously smiled as she shot the last harpy in the eye. it screamed in agony.


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