13th Doctor OneShots S2

By JessicaSongAQ

5.1K 149 183

I don't Own any of the characters that belongs to the BBC Doctor Who. Hey Fam, So because these Oneshots/fic... More

Spyfall Part 1.1
Spyfall Part 1.2
Spyfall Part 2.1
Spyfall Part 2.2
Orphan 55
Nikola Tesla's night of Terror
A dilemma ?
Another nightmare?
Head over Heels.
Can you Hear me?
A Virus!
The Haunting of Villa Diodati!!
11th/Amy/Rory/River and J.
Doctor Who?
Inner feelings!! T|W
The Master!
13th/10th/Rose and J.
Happy Halloweenβœ¨πŸŽƒ
Ascension Of the Cybermen.
The Timeless Children.
Revolution of the Daleks! (Part 1)
Revolution of the Daleks! (Part 2)
Baby J.
Unnamed Title
Secrets come out!

Fugitive of the Judoon

131 3 5
By JessicaSongAQ

"Are you all just gonna stare at her like she's from the circus or something" J sits on the step beside Ryan.

She interrupts Ryan talking, Graham shakes his head, "I'll ask her"

"Ask her what?" J was confused.

"Hey, Doc, What are you looking for?" Graham asks

"Oh" J says "Yea, I'd like to know that too Pa?" She looks at the Doctor as she looks over at them.

"How long have you been there?" The Doctor asks.

"Twenty Minutes" Yaz says J puts her hand over her head.

"Seriously" J whispers.

"You haven't" the Doctor says

"Well"J says "Not me about a minute or not even for minute"

"What you looking for?" Ryan asks

"Not looking for anything." She lies.

"Don't lie to us." Yaz calls her out.

The Doctor sighs softly and turns her head. "The Master." She says.

"Wait what? Why?" J wonders.

"Why would you do that?" Graham had to ask.

"The Kasaavin took him." Yaz says.

They were just worried but J knew deep down he probably got away somehow.

"Yes, they transported him to their dimensions and I can't get there in the Tardis, but I thought... if he escaped I could track him. There's no sign." The Doctor says, she sounded disappointed than anything.

"I thought he'd be the last person you'd want to see." Ryan speaks up.

"He left a message for me." The Doctor says she looks upset, worried, angry, sad, confused all in one. J knew exactly what she was talking about.

"Saying what?" Graham wonders

"It's personal." Is all the Doctor replied.

Yaz "Is that where you go? When you leave us to explore and you say you'll be back in an hour but you never are? Are you looking for him? Where do you go?"

There was a moment of silence "Home" the Doctor says with a lot within her words only J could understand. She saw it, she saw how it looked.

Doctor "on my own."

Yaz "Why? Why not with us? Why not with J" she looks up at J.

Doctor "Cos you ask too many questions"

J "Rude" she mumbles under her breath.

Yaz sighs.

Graham "Maybe because we're worried about you? I mean, one minute you're all smiles, Next minute your mind's somewhere else."

The Doctor looks at J, J looks down at Graham not meeting her gaze.


'Kro Kro Tro Kro So Fro So So To!" Is all that can be heard.

The Fam panic, Even J she knew what it was but didn't understand why they could hear them.

Ryan "what is that?" The Tardis flashes between blue and red.

Doctor "A Judoon warning Transmission. The cheek!"

J laughs at the 'The Cheek' the way her Pa said it just she couldn't control her little giggles.

Yaz "Judoon?"

Graham "Are you just saying that to shut us up?"

Doctor "Dangerous intergalactic police for hire. Notice... of a zonal enforcement field on Earth, no-one can get in or out." She goes over and looks into something. "What? They're preparing to beam down there." She was so surprised and worried at the same time.

"A platoon of Judoon. Near the moon. They can't do that. They've got no jurisdiction there. Right in the centre of Gloucester! I am not having that! If I can match the TARDIS's rotation to the frequency of the enforcement field's refresh rate, I might just might be able to skip us in before anyone gets killed."

Graham, "I thought you said they were the police."

Doctor "Trigger-happy Police."

J "Yep, meaning if they don't find what they are looking for anyone in their way will be killed."

The Doctor nods and pulls the lever, the Tardis is sent swirling. She swaying side to side, the Fam, hold onto the console. J walks round to The Doctor.

J "Are you okay?" She asks her Pa.

The Doctor ignores her, she rolls her eyes at her Father's childness to her. "Love you too." She says annoyed.

The Doctor glared at her, she sighs and shakes her head turning her attention back to flying the Tardis down to Earth.

They land in a small cafe.

Doctor "Through here."

They all walk through to the man behind the counter. "What are you doing in my kitchen?!"

Doctor "Stay inside. Keep the foot closed. Do not let anyone in, especially Alien police in helmets and black leather."

J walks out as Ryan starts to talk, she looks around her around this small town.

The man who was just in the cafe runs out and nudged J's shoulder "HEY" she yells at him annoyed.

The Doctor, Yaz and Ryan then come out. J follows them.

They approach some Judoon pointing a weapon at a house.

The Doctor "I hope you've got a permit for that." She shows her Psychic paper.

A Judoon moves forward to read, "You're an imperial Regulator?"

J shakes her head and whispers "What even is that?" Yaz nudges her.

"Hey" she mumbles under her breath Yaz just smirks and crosses her arms and looks forward.

Doctor, "Yes. And there's plenty here to regulate."

J shakes her head.

"For starters, you don't have jurisdiction here." The Doctor says, "so, why you're using a Class Seven Endorsement Field around this city bothers me a lot. More importantly, this temporal isolator is an outlawed piece of kit. Reduction leakage and civilian Casualties." She turns to her Fam. "Designed to freeze time but causes horrific collateral damage to anything and anyone that gets in its path. Horrible thing."

Ryan "Hey, you're not using that thing here, pal, so consider your rhino backside imperially regulated."

J snorts.

The Judoon leader as it seems just Snarls at Ryan.

"It sounded tougher in me head." Ryan admits.

Judoon Officer "Fugitive is highly dangerous. Precarmusf be taken."

Doctor "Not that weapon, Not here. Humans will die, and you captain, will have racked up enough violations to ensure that your troop never get hired again.

The Judoon growls at the Doctor.

Doctor "Look at you and your platoon of Judoon near the..."

J "Where are you going with this?"

Doctor "...that lagoon."

Yaz "More if a canal."

Ryan "yeah"

J giggles the Judoon growl at her now.

"What's your pride?"

The Judoon Growls again.

Doctor "Where's your respect for the rules? I'm very disappointed in you."

This makes J just laugh a little bit too much inside the 'I'm very disappointed in you' sounds like when the Doctor tells her off. Like a father/mother way of saying I'm disappointed in you but I can see why you did it, type way.

"So, we will take over from here." The Doctor says.

"Negative! Mission must be fulfilled by the contracted troop. Judoon engagement Article 163B!" Said the Judoon.

Doctor "That Article... is overridden by local Earth law...12..." the Judoon grunts again. "Which clearly states that any potential arrestee is entitled to arbitration with a third party."

J awaits Graham's 'She is just making you stuff now' she turns around looking for him. She is confused.

She went to say something but the Doctor was not finished. "Isn't that correct, Liaison Officer Khan?"

Yaz "Absolutely correct. 100%. Rule 12? Massive."

J shuts out the rest of the conversation. She walks around looking for Graham around the area, not going too far so the Judoon does not shoot at her. She can sense one or two of their eyes on her.

She catches the Doctor saying 'where's Graham'

J walks back over.

Doctor "We haven't started yet. Common" J follows them into the building.

They get to the door they are needed to be.

The Doctor knocks on the door and it opens, the woman looks a bit confused "Pay attention, cos every word I'm about to say is true."

Again, J shakes her head.

Doctor "There's a nasty bunch of alien police outside. They're pointing a highly dangerous cannon at this flat, and they'll fire it in about er, four minutes."

J is more confused as to why this woman doesn't seem to be bothering?

"I might be able to stop them, but I need to understand exactly why they're here, so you need to let us in, quick." The Doctor finishes what she is saying. The woman opens her door and let's them in.

Doctor "Right, tell us everything."

Lee "Who are you? We need to leave!"

Doctor "Right into the arms of intergalactic mercenaries who seem to think you are Fugitive from justice."

Lee "They've got it wrong."

Doctor "Sure about that?"

J "Hey, wait ain't he the guy from the cafe? He nudged me on the way out, bet I've not got a bruise."

Doctor "Not now J"

J "Well excuse me" she says annoyed.

Lee "Sorry, I was in a rush. And Yeah! It's Mistaken Identity."

Ruth "He works at Bathrooms4U, for God's sake!"

Doctor "You better be telling the truth, both of you, otherwise the Judoon will have you for harbouring the fugitive, and their justice is brutal."

Ruth "I'm not harbouring anyone!"

J shakes her head and goes and looks around the flat there is not much to really see just a standers flat with two 'Humans' living here. She heads to the fridge and she opens it and hums happily as her stomach rumbles. She makes herself a ham sandwich and grabs the milk pouring herself some.

While Yaz, Ryan and the Doctor ask about the box J continues to eat away, she found some crips. She sits and watches as they discuss what the Box is after the Judoon threw in a warning device.

Ruth asks Lee what the device is and he clearly knows exactly what it is, why they Judoon is here and even though it says he's human J is rather more confused than she has ever been in her life.

Suddenly J is being dragged with The Doctor and Ruth.

"Were you eating my food?" Ruth looks a bit shocked

"Erm... Yes. I was hungry." J laughs awkwardly.

The Doctor "J!"

J "What?"

The Doctor shakes her head.

They get into the Cathedral.

Doctor "All clear. Now, you need to tell me everything you know about Lee, how long you've been together, and what was that metallic box?"

Suddenly Ruth's phone goes off, she looks at it and kinda spaced out.

J waves her hand in front of her face The Doctor shakes her head.

J "Hello? Earth to Ruth?" She shrugs then Ruth comes back to reality.

"Is that from Lee?" The Doctor asks

"No." Ruth says "it's... nothing"

J didn't buy it, and she doesn't think her Pa did either.

They walk forward and suddenly a Judoon can be heard.

"This Cathedral.is under Judoon Control."

J "Er.. wit?"

The walk on but suddenly Judoon appears around them "All occupants must surrender immediately. There will be no escape this time. We have you surrounded."

J "Aye, we can see that."

Doctor "Shh!"

She turns "How can I help?"

Judoon "You interfered, Regulator."

Doctor "You know what they say, one person's arbitration is another person's interference."

J "Huh? That makes no sense at all." She shakes her head.

Doctor "Very blurry line. This is a place of worship. Show some respect, or I'll overload those guns and make it a bad day for everyone. Now, let's go, and nobody needs to get hurt."

Ruth "What have you done with Lee?"

Judoon "Information request Granted." He then Taps his chest and shoes Lee being killed.

J gasps. "Holy~"

Doctor "You murdered him."

J looks round to Ruth, she stands almost like she is spaced out once again.

Doctor "That is a violation of your contract!"

Judoon "Incorrect. Contact stated retrieval of fugitive" he scans Ruth "Fugitive identified."

J and the Doctor both look at Ruth and in union "What?"

Judoon "Biological shielding decrypted." He walks for Ruth, she still looks spaced out. "Fugitive positive."

She suddenly grabs his arm and defends herself. From all Judoon.

It went so fast, J and The Doctor were so confused, stunned, shocked.

J "Wow, wow, wow, this woman has some major skills."

Ruth "That's it. Back up or Daddy Rhinoform gets it!"

J shakes her head again "Why the Daddy" she cringes.

Doctor "What are you doing?!"

Ruth "Feels like... instinct against the bullies. Cos you know the thing about bullies? There's always a weak spot." She moves forward grabbing the Judoon horn and yanks it off.

J "No, no. Absolutely not good, oh heck no." She wanted to swear madly at this but it didn't come out the way she needed.

The Judoon Roars.

The Doctor gasps with no sound and Ruth hits a button in the Judoon check "Bo! Ko! Fo! Jo! To!"

J "Who the hell is this woman" she was shocked

Doctor, "I... I don't know."

The Judoon was now gone.

Doctor "Do You Know what you've just done? Who are you?!"

Ruth looks at one hand with the Rhino horn and the other fun. She looks shocked like she had not just done what she had just done.

J "I need some fresh air."

Doctor "Okay, do not go far, and if you need me yell okay? Or run back okay?"

J nods and goes outside. She sits on the ground and looks up, she shuts her eyes and sighs. "Oh god." She laughs.

She sits for almost five minutes a long five minutes before Ruth and The Doctor come out.

Doctor "Let's go J"

J "Where too?"

Ruth "My family lighthouse"

And with that they headed to the Lighthouse. With the whole journey J had headphones in. She hates long journeys and she gets car sick. So it was a great distraction.

When they got there they went inside, J felt a bit queasy so she stayed outside, she walked along to the Grave stone she found it weird it was like she was being pulled to it with somesorta energy. She looks up at the lighthouse and sees her Dad standing at the top. She waves up at her.

"Hey" she laughs.

Doctor "Does that graveyard seem weird to you?"

J "Yes!"

Suddenly the Doctor disappears and J knew she'd be coming down soon enough so there she was. She comes over with a shovel.

"Erm?" J looked concerned.

The Doctor puts the shovel down.

"Pa, No you can't that's her parents." J Looked shocked.

"I don't think so." The Doctor takes her sonic out.

Doctor "Why have a blank gravestone" she says to herself

J shakes her head and looks "Oh."

"Because it's not a grave." The Doctor says and J says it with her as she knew she was going to say that after scanning with her sonic.

The Doctor starts to dig up. "You going to help?"

J rolls her eyes. "How? Not like I have a sonic shovel with me" she laughs

"Okay... okay..." she goes over to the other side moving dirt out the way, then she notices it.

"Um? Pa?" She says the Doctor stops what she is doing and looks.

They both stand back in shock.

Ruth "You're probably a bit confused right now." They turn around.

"I broke the glass." Says Ruth "It's all come back to me."

The Doctor turns back around "This. What is this?"

J just thinks 'Duh the Tardis obviously'

Ruth "That's my ship."

J "No" she says almost like a whisper.

Doctor "What?!"

Ruth "Let me take it from the top. Hello, I'm The Doctor."

J's mouth drops "Impossible right? No? What?" She was so confused she stepped back a bit.

She looks at her Pa and back to her what? Pa?

Ruth "I'm a traveller in space and time, and that thing buried down there is called a TARDIS. Time and Relative Dimension In Space." Ruth walks forward, one Gun in and she goes up to the Doctor "You're going to love this." She takes her hand and they are gone.

J stands stunned "HELLO WHAT ABOUT ME?" She felt a little hurt.

"Well, this is a bit of a urg." Suddenly she is in the Tardis.

She looks around the Tardis, "wow" she says

Ruth "Amazing right?" She looks at the Doctor then Ruth "What's going on?"

Doctor "Past? Future? Me? Unsure"

Ruth "Future" she points at the Doctor

"I don't think so. I don't know." The Doctor looks confused still.

The Doctor scans herself and Ruth, they argue about themselves really, J's mind is boggled.

"This is so confusing" no one listens, they are busy arguing. Suddenly the Tardis shakes.

Doctor "Oh" the Ship is being pulled out from the ground.

Doctor "What's Happening?"

J holds onto the Console.

Ruth "She's here. The Judoon have got us in a tractor beam, dragging us aboard their ship. Now listen to me, Doctor, let me do the talking. Do not get involved. Because if you really are me and Gat figures that? She'll kill us both." She turns to J "You stay here. No arguments, your companion stays." J was about to protest.

Doctor "Yes that is fine." She smiles at her daughter.

She uses her contact link with her 'Just stay have a look around if this is the Tardis you will be able to find your room.'

J 'How?'

Doctor 'Time and Relative Dimension In Space. Anywhere in time and space she will have your room if you look hard enough.'

J 'Okay'

With that Ruth and The Doctor leave the Tardis.

And with that J goes looking for her room. And old behold she comes to the door, purple on the outside, with Gallifreyan writing that says her birth name 'Jessica Song' and under it 'Jamielee' her name from her parents on Earth.

She smiles and heads in. It really was her room, in fact just the way she left it before she headed down to see Yaz, Ryan and Graham. She wonders how they are. She hopes they are all okay.

She feels the Tardis move meaning they are back on the ship. She heads down to the console room.

Ruth "Where were you?"

J "found the kitchen" she lies looking at the Doctor she knows she found her room.

Ruth "Is she always this hungry?"

Doctor "Yes!" She laughs.

"Hey?" J protests. "So what happened?"

Doctor "All good for now. Tell you later" she didn't plan on it.

They land. J and The Doctor head back to the Tardis.

"Doesn't make sense" Says J but the Doctor remains silent.

"How is she you though?" J wonders.

"I don't know, I just don't." She says a bit snippy as the Fam appears.

J groans and stops back towards the Tardis. The Doctor sighs.

She heads to her room and lays on her bed she sighs, and closes her eyes as she feels the Tardis flying through the Vortex.

But then the Tardis alarms go off again, she groans and heads back to the Tardis console.

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