I'm The One • Drinny

By KitKat_Mikaelson17

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"I'm sorry" he said and I shake my head slowly. "It's not your fault" "It is" "I could've said no..." "But y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Book 2 - Summary
Chapter 1 | Remember Me
Chapter 2 | It's him
3 | Aww, dont you want to share a bed with me, weasley?
4 | Draco, you smell so good! Can i kiss you?
5 | Like what you see, Weasley?
6 | Please don't get killed
7 | You can never be too sure
8 | You didn't get laid or something?
9 | I'm definitely going to hell for this
10 | I will not let you bring an enemy into my bed!
11 | Only Us
12 | Did you sha**ed her?
14 | It consumes me
15 | Stormy Eyes
Book 3 Addition Characters
1 | Ginny, will you marry me now?
2 | F.uck My Life
3 | Those beautiful grey eyes
4 | Ogling her like a lunatic
5 | Weasley, what happened to your hair?
7 | Close your goddamn mouth
6 | oh yeah? it's fucking stupid
8 | My red
9 | one suicide
10 | stuck with me
11 | this moment is perfect
Another Aesthetic ✨
12 | Hump and Dump
13 | Wedding massacre
14 | The One
~ Epilogue ~

13 | Let's kill that b*tch

463 17 12
By KitKat_Mikaelson17

Fair warning ⚠️ this chapter is quite emotional (it is written in Hermione's POV and as you guys know she's pregnant so prepare yourself for an emotional ride)

Meanwhile on the other side of battlefield.


I hold Harry's hand tightly while we're running through the corridors.

We just checked upon Pansy and Ron who went to the secret chamber and succeeded on destroying one of the Horcruxes.

They have joined the others in the battle while Harry and I are searching for a Horcrux that we believed is inside the Room of Requirement.

We reached the seventh floor and I feel nauseous when I saw trail of bloods in the ground. What surprise me is a locket that's inside the puddle of blood.

It's Ginny's necklace. The one she always wore because that was a gift from Draco.

"Hermione come on" Harry tugged my hand and I blinked my eyes, looking at the door in front of us.

"Umm, Harry.. you should go first. That's the necklace Ginny always wore, I'm just gonna look around real quick and then I'll follow you inside"

Harry looks displeased but he let go of my hand anyway.

"Don't take too long. I don't like the ideas of you out here all alone"

I kissed his lips lightly and caress his cheeks.

"I will be quick, my love"

Then I turned around and reached for the necklace while Harry get inside the room.

When I leaned down to reached it, I also saw strays of platinum blonde hair in the ground.

I take then raised it to my eye gaze.

It's a long hair. Most definitely a girl's hair. It can't be Draco's.

Then I saw strays of red hair as well.

Oh Merlin. What happened here?

I looked around and see that there's a blood stained on the wall as well, but the stained on the ground leads to the stairs.

I followed the trail while holding Ginny's locket tightly, bracing myself to see the worst but my heart still hurts when I saw her.

She's leaning on the wall with her hands clutched her stomach.

Her face is bruised and bloodied up as well but not as bad as her stomach.

I rushed through her and put my hands on her face.

"Ginny?" I whisper with shaky voice.

I waited for five second before I speak again.

"Ginny? Ginny please wake up" I said, already sobbing by now.

Her eyes flutter opened and I can't help the cries of relief from my lips.

"Ginny! Oh thank heavens, you're awake"

She coughs and from the corner of her lips, blood coming out of it.

"It... hurts.. Mione..."

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Gin... I'll try to stop the bleeding with my shirt"

I throw my jacket to the floor and then unbuttoned my shirt, thankful that I'm wearing a tank-top underneath and then put the shirt on her wounded abdomen.

"Can you walk? I'll take you to Madam Pomfrey"

"My... leg.. broken.."

"You poor girl. You wait here and I'll get Harry. He'll carry you. We're gonna get you some help"

"No... Don't... leave .... me"

"Ginny, If i stay for another minute you'll die! You're bleeding heavily and you needed medical help as soon as possible"

"Mione.. heal.. me... I.. know.. you.. can"

"Ginny, I can't. I'm too much of a mess right now, I can't even think of a healing spell to.."

"You.. can.. do.. it"


"Help.. me... Mione"

Her eyes pleading at me and I know we don't have much time left. She's dying as we speaking.

I raised my wand and pointed at her abdomen.

Conjure up a spell that came into mind, with tears still streaming down my face.

I tried my best to keep my emotion away and focusing on healing her.

It took me five minutes but thank the heavens her abdomen stop bleeding.

I looked at her legs and then looked at her face with sorrow expression.

"I'm sorry.. I don't know a spell that can heal a broken bone"

"It's okay... at least.. I'm not bleeding.. anymore"

"Ginny? Who did this to you? One of the death eaters got you?"

"No.. it was that girl.. the blonde girl... we saw her.. at the cafe"

"What? That girl who was arguing with her mother?"

"Yes.. she's Draco's half-sister... she's going to... kill them all.. tonight"

"What?! Oh merlin! We need to stop her!"

"I tried.... I'm done Mione... he was.. f*cking her.. he betrayed me... lied to me"

Heart broken written all over her face and I felt really sorry for her. I know how much she love Draco.


"I.. i believed him.. I think we were meant to be... stupid... stupid girl.."

"You are not stupid. You were in love with him"

"I thought it... would be... different this time..."

"Ginny, I'm really sorry"

"I fought for him... i got stabbed because of him... my legs are broken because of him... I'm done Mione.. I am completely done with Draco Malfoy"

I know that it's wise to stay silent, that she's already hurt too much but I don't want her to regret not doing anything to save Draco from his terrible fate.

"Ginny, I know you're angry. I know you're hurt. But have you considered why he did that? What if she was lying to you? To tore you apart from Draco so her plan worked perfectly? Perhaps she exaggerated it to make it looked like Draco's.."

"Mione.. don't make excuses for him.. I said.."

"I know, he had his faults. But Ginny, are you ready to live in a world without him? To let him go completely?"

She didn't answer to my questions, just silently crying and somehow this broke my heart more.

"HERMIONE?!" Harry's screaming is heard and I wiped my tears, standing up and make my way to the stairs.


He turns his head so fast and quickly run to me. He holds me so tight and I cried in his shoulder.

"I was so worried when you didn't came in to the room"

"I'm sorry.. oh merlin, I'm so glad you're safe" I hugged him tightly and feeling so grateful that he's alright.

"What happened? Why are you crying?"

"It's Ginny.."

"What? What happened to her?"

"She got into a fight with Draco's half-sister, she found out that he was sleeping with her and that he lied to her"

"Dear lord, how bad?"

"So bad. She gave up on him. Her abdomen was stabbed, but luckily I stopped the bleeding. Her leg is also broken, but I think her heart is damaged the most"

"Let's get her somewhere safe, I really hope Madam Pomfrey is still alive so she could help all the wounded and most importantly she could help Ginny"

"Yes. But Harry.."

I hold his hand tightly, staring at that beautiful green eyes that always bedazzling me, i know it's time to tell him the truth.

"You're going to be a dad" I whisper and for a minute he didn't say anything, then everything happens all the same time.

He scooped me up and twirling me around.

"I know" he said with a glint on his beautiful green eyes and a wide smile on his face.

"What?!" I asks after he stop spinning me around and he put his hands on my waist, bringing our bodies closer.

"I heard you and Ginny.. at the kitchen.. I've known since a long time, I always followed you when you went to doctor appointment, wearing my dad's invisible cloak.." he paused to chuckle but there's tears on his eyes as he continue speaking.

"I understand the reason why you tried to hid it from me, and I'm not angry. That makes me love you more, that you are so considerate of my feelings, to not burdened me, and I am so grateful, that I'm not only going to have you but also another half of you in my life"

I cried harder and pulled him into a tight hug. He caress my hair lovingly and I snuggled into his neck.

"I love you Harry Potter"

"I love you Hermione Granger"

"Remember what we promised earlier?" He asks me and I chuckled, remembering our fight earlier.

"Yes. That if we see the sunset tomorrow, we will get married right away"

He chuckles and intertwined our hands. Then raised it to his lips and kissed it gently.

"I intend on keeping that promise, future Mrs Potter" He said that causing me to blushed heavily and he chuckles.

"So beautiful" he kissed my cheeks and my heart beats twice as fast.

"Uhh.. Harry? I.. hate it to break our moment but.. Ginny needs help.. we have to help her.."

He stopped and nodded his head at me.

"Okay love"

After we got Ginny to the great hall, apparently there's where they tended the wounded, facing the hysterical Mrs Weasley (My girl! What happened to you? Oh, my baby girl!), Harry, Ron, Pansy and I start making our way back to the battle when suddenly Harry fall on his knees while holding his head tightly.

The three of us exchanged concerned look but keep silent.

Finally after three minutes, he opened his eyes and looked at me, then looked at Ron and Pansy.

"I know where he is. Let's go"

All of us nodded our heads and start following him.

We watched the scene in front of us with terrified looks on our faces.

Nagini keeps on biting Snape's neck and I grabbed Harry's hand for support. I felt really nauseous and wanted to puke but I hold it in. If he knows we're here then we're all doomed.

Finally he told Nagini to stop and then they both apparated from there.

I run away from the others and start puking inside the nearest crate.

I felt someone's hand caressing my back and after I'm done, I looked back and see that it's Harry.

"I'm so sorry love. I.."

"It's okay. I'm okay now" I said with panting breath.

"You're my strong girl" he wiped the sweats from my forehead while I tried to stabilize my breath.

"Harry! Come here quickly!" Ron said with panic tone and Harry helps me standing up.

"You just stay here, okay? I don't want you to see.."

"Okay.. if you need anything just asks me"

"Sure thing love" he walks inside while I put my hand on my forehead. I close my eyes and tried to calm my self down. My anxiety is rising every second.

The stress is not good for the baby. Think of her!! Control yourself!

"Hermione, i need a vial" Harry said, emerging from the room and I opened my eyes. Quickly search through my jacket and let out a content sigh when I found it then give it to him.

"You look really pale, after this I'm taking you to Madam Pomfrey"

"No! I want to help you!"

"I know love, but think about our baby girl. She needs you more than I do"

I cried and shake my head.

"No! Don't asked me that! We're in this together"

"HARRY!" Ron screams from the room and He looks at me apologetically before walk inside the room and I cried harder.

The three of them walked out of it with solemn look on their faces and I heave a heavy sigh.

"Come on Mione. Let's go see Madam Pomfrey" Pansy said after helping me up and Harry caress my cheek.

"I'm just gonna go check on this" he raised the vial that's filled with Snape's memory and I nodded solemnly.

"Okay" I whisper, still feeling like I should accompany him but then he lifts my chin up and lay a kiss on my lips.

"Hermione, I know you want to come with me, but I need you to take care of yourself first. After that we'll meet and face everything together, okay?"

"Harry, please be safe"

"I will. I'll see you soon, love"

He kissed my forehead before walked away from there with Ron.

I cried into Pansy's shoulder and she caress my hair. We both stayed in that position until I felt calm and she wiped my tears.

"Can't believe the day comes when I calmed you down, Granger"

Both of us chuckles lightly.

"Stranger things have happened" I said and she furrows her eyebrows.

"Like what?"

"Like the day when I help you gave birth to your son"

"Oh Merlin! That was a day to remember, wasn't it? To be honest it hurts like hell, now I'm not saying this to frightened you, but to prepare you. But when you looked upon their face, your baby's face, it's like.. seeing a whole new world. Like, your world will never be the same again. They're part of you, and in another way, you felt like reborn to this world. You want to be better person for your child, you want to protect them from any harm, and you will feel love like never before. The purest love you'll ever know. The love of a mother to her children"

"Like Harry's mother"

She nodded her head and then extending her hand.

"Let's go and get you some help so you can reunite with your beloved Potter again"

I chuckles and accept her hand.

"Let's check up on Ginny as well. I hope Madam Pomfrey has given her potion for her broken leg"

Pansy gritted her teeth.

"I still can't believe she endured all that and then gave up so easily on Draco"

"She didn't gave up so easily! she.."

Before we opened the door to the great hall, Ginny Weasley emerged from there with walking stick and I can hear Mrs Weasley's screaming.

"Ginny?!" I shrieked, clearly didn't expect this.

"What the hell are you doing?" Pansy asks her, as shocked as I am.

"No time to talk. You guys want to help me or just standing in my way?"

"And where do you think you're going?"

"To save Draco"

A smile appears on my face.

I know she still loves him.

"You know where he is? Where she took him?"

"She said she was going to ruin Malfoys legacy, I'm assuming she'll do that in Malfoy Manor. To bring down Malfoy name once and for all"

"But you're not.."

"I don't care Pansy!! Look Mione, you asked me earlier if I'm ready to live in a world without him and my answer is no. I can't and I don't think I ever will. I'm going to save him and no one will stop me"

Pansy and I shared an understanding look before we face Ginny.

"Alright, let's kill that b*tch" Pansy said while smirking and Ginny let out a relief sigh then the three of us apparated from there.

Random question : would you rather have a Unicorn or a Hippogriff?

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