the new year

By seashoredrift

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Two people meet. One with a job that's not so ordinary, the other with a name that's not so ordinary. He is n... More



14 3 8
By seashoredrift

T H I R T Y - F O U R :

Harrison and his family had planned on going bowling this afternoon, as a family, just so they could spend some time together and have some fun. It was their mums idea and at first, their dad wasn't too fond of the idea but with some persuading he warmed to the idea of throwing a ball down an alleyway.

It had been a quiet week for him, he mainly just chilled out and helped his sister with her photography project that her teacher had given his class for something extra to do, not that the deadline for the podcast was at the end of the following week or anything.

The main prospect of her photography was 'people', she got Harrison to stand in various strange positions with aesthetic lighting shining upon him, it was mainly shadow enunciated because one, it looked cooler and two, she didn't want people to switch up on her because who she was related to. She hated having to keep her brothers identity closed off but she felt as though she had no other option.

She made his face shown but not fully, it was still shadow enhanced, she based her project on emotions like most other people probably did but she tried to make it as creative as possible. Harrison loved helping her as much as he could because he didn't get to spend much time with her when he was in the States so he savoured every moment he got with his family.

It was Isabelle's birthday next Wednesday and Harrison had bought her tickets to the Strings show in Manchester on the twenty-eighth, she loved the band so much but didn't have enough money to buy tickets when they first went on sale, Harrison was lucky enough to get two tickets for her so she could take whoever she wanted, when they first went on sale.

At full pelt the water poured down onto Harrison's body, making him feel instantly fresher, they were going to go to the bowling alley at lunchtime and then go out for some lunch afterwards. He couldn't remember the last time he spent a proper day with his family, he was looking forward to it, very much so purely because of his family orientated attributes.

——— ••• ———

Surprise so shush

Charlie Hugh
I've got an update on the carrots, mainly the venue, I've got that sorted but can cancel if anything goes wrong, there's no rush for an answer about whether you can come or not there's still about three months until the actual thing, I don't actually know why I've organised it so early but yeah, thought I'd let you all know :)

Elle Scott
That's awesome, I can't wait!

Aray Whyte
What time is it at?

Charlie Hugh
I've got the venue from 19:00 until 00:00 with the promise I'll clean it up the next day, it's a long slot but it's just so there's enough leeway

Aray Whyte
I'll make sure I'll be there even if my manager says I can't I will be, peridot.

Joe Marrow
What's going down then?

Charlie Hugh
I was hoping that everyone would arrive at around seven for Oak's seven thirty arrival time surprise her but if not doable then that's fine.

Elias Andino
You're adorable Charlie!

Tom Robinson
I won't be able to give you a solid answer until the day before 'cause James said something about me being in the UK already and that he's not one hundred percent sure about my 'schedule' 😭

Evan Cooper
I'll be there for sure

Julian Ballou
I'm so pumped about this, I've never been to the UK properly before 🤵🏾🤯

Ajay Calasó
Dude you've been to UK

Julian Ballou
Not properly, London don't count as UK

Harper Daviesnok
Trust me it isn't that good here

Julian Ballou
I don't care, it's about the experience

Harrison Stiles
Nicely said Jules

Julian Ballou
Thanks dawg

Harrison Stiles
But Harper is correct

Charlie chuckled to himself as he pictured Harper's reaction to the fact Harrison wrote her name on text and Julian replied to her, she was a big fan of the show and was probably hyperventilating right about now but kept her cool via the texting.

Harper Daviesnok
I mean it's not TERRIBLE here but America is probably miles prettier

Julian Ballou
I heard the people are better in the UK

Harper Daviesnok
Hmm, I'm not so sure about that 😂

Julian Ballou
C'mon you must have something good to say

Harper Daviesnok
I guess some people are polite and we all have the similar banter

Julian Ballou

Harper Daviesnok
I don't know how to explain what banter is, someone help me lol

Alex Jeong
Basically the same sense of humour, I guess ???

Julian Ballou
Oh cool, that's dope

Charlie didn't bother joining the conversation again because it was mainly Julian and Harper going back and forth talking about random things, mainly comparing the US to the UK. He hoped that they had all got the gist of what was occurring in just over three months, he was excited to get the plan in action considering he wasn't a fan of planning things.

The tall Afro-haired man had just arrived at work to do his shift for the day. Today, he was on room service and bag chauffeur, he'd rather keep moving than be stuck behind a desk for the full shift.

Almost instantly he was ordered by his superior, Maisie, to take the bags left at the reception desk up to room one four three, apparently the couple were here because they were going to see a singer called Harriet Kingston live in the O2 Apollo this evening but they had brought bags big enough for a two week stay. Nevertheless, Charlie didn't mind and got straight to lifting the large blue and white suitcases to trial up to the room.

The reception was fairly large, larger than it needed to be, the desk was a sleek dark brown with silver metal writing on the face of it, indicating what it was. On the grey 'granite' floor was a dark blue rug that somehow managed to contrast well with the interior of the place; on the far left was a small dining area near the bar that hardly anyone ever went to, the only time someone would go would be if they were here on business, other than that the alcohol that was stocked was used for room service.

The hallway of rooms had that awful pattered red carpet that all hotels and pubs seem to have so it was less noticeable if something was spilt and the doors matched the reception desk. Most of the rooms were the same layout, some bigger than others on the higher floors and some smaller for the one person.

Charlie pulled the suitcases right in front of one four three and knocked with force, the doors were quite thick so they had to use their full fist. On the other side of the door the brown eyed man heard some rather strange noises, somewhat similar to a cat getting stood on and then a growl that sounded similar to a dog chasing the cat that had just been stood on.

The noises had continued but Charlie didn't bother to question it considering it wasn't his place to but he did knock on the door again, the same decibels as before but the noises just increased. At this point, he felt concerned, what was going on?

Again, his fist connected with the dark brown wood and knocked, he knew he should've said something but he didn't want to interrupt whatever it was that was going on. "Hi, I've got your suitcases," Was the sentence he opted for, then silence radiated both sides of the door except from a few rushed mumbles and some frantic steps.

Eventually, the door flung open and a woman, around five foot four and wearing a t-shirt back to front, her light brown hair messily sprawled out across her head, appeared at the door with a look of confusion. "Sorry to bother you, I've just got your suitcases here for you," Charlie spoke to break the silence and pushed the two cases towards the door, the lady just smiled, quickly pulled the suitcases in the room and then shut the door. That wasn't rude at all.

In dismissal, Charlie left the floor and went back downstairs to deal with any room services or more baggage. Raybeck hotel was right in the CBD of the city so it was usually fairly busy, whether that was from people just renting a room for business or another reason that nobody ever really knew or that was people coming to Manchester to go to a gig or whatnot. This weekend was the busiest it had been in a while because there was a concert by a band called The Holy Jazz playing in Manchester Arena tomorrow night and tonight in the O2 Apollo was Harriet Kingston, there were multiple other gigs going on and this hotel was the usual choice because it was reasonable and near everything.

Lightly, Charlie knocked on his bosses door and waited for him to answer, he thought today was the best day to ask for some more time off considering what he was doing wasn't high in demand at the current time. "Come in," Graham's gravelly voice called from the opposite side, his brown eyes looking up at the Afro-headed man who had just walked in, his body heaved in annoyance. "If this is about that lady the other day Charlie, I don't wanna hear it," The greying man said firmly so the message got across, he really didn't understand all of the fuss the young man made about it, it was harmless.

"No it's not about that, I'm just here to ask if I can get some time off," Charlie spoke, correcting the man as politely as possible, he really was a dickhead.

"You want more time off?" Graham inquired with his brown eyes narrowed and his tone somewhat bitter. The cheek of the man asking for more time off when it was just over a month since he returned from the two weeks off he requested. It was ridiculously brave to ask for more time off.

"Yes please, it's because my band have been offered to be one of the support acts for a band this upcoming tour and it's during April and May. . ." Charlie explained trying to sound as nice as he possibly could in the presence of the dickhead he had for a boss.

"You must be fucking delusional if you think I'd let you have two full months off of work," Graham snapped harshly, he didn't even let the younger man explain in depth. This was what Graham was like to nearly all the staff, minus the ones who had caught his eye. He had no respect for anyone because he thought he was some form or royalty just because he owned the hotel. He was the delusional one, sitting on his high horse spitting at everyone. 

"I won't need the full two months off, I won't need hardly any time off in April if that helps because it's within the UK and Ireland but the Europe one I might, only if that's okay," Charlie explained further telling the intimidating grey-haired man in front of him who hadn't even bothered to stand up, not that was any change.

"I'll have to think about it, if you give me the dates of the tour then I will consider it, I don't know why this other band has even considered yours, you're just a bunch of self-producing kids that are messing about," Graham spoke muttering the last twenty three words but Charlie heard them clearly, he really didn't understand the issue he had with him, Charlie had never slacked at work, he's always done his upmost and never left any task unattended.

"Thank you," Charlie smiled kindly, at least he said he'd consider it "I'll email you the dates this evening," He added.

"Okay, you can go now," Graham said rudely and rolled his eyes before diverting them back to the paper that he'd read over several times already. Charlie just nodded and slipped out of the office to return to working like he always did.


Liked by oak_rivers, charlie.hughh and 50,838 others

stringsband Just found out that London, Dublin, Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester have SOLD OUT! Thank you to all who have bought tickets so far, Birmingham and Newcastle are both close to also selling out. The first show is in less than two weeks and we can't wait to get back to what we love, see you all soon! X
- George, Jack, Eddie & Ollie

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oak_rivers <3
oscarwhinchester Makes us feel more nervous 😬

wrote; saturday 7th march 2020

(partially) edited; tuesday 29th september 2020

published; friday 9th october 2020

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