Breaking Limits: A DBZ Fan-fic

By Archer__Phoenix

180K 6K 555

She really wasn't expecting things to be this way. She wasn't expecting to die. Not so early. She had dreams... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
To anyone who reads my stuff
Chapter 61

Chapter 8

3.9K 128 13
By Archer__Phoenix

In all her life Sarada never thought she would live to see flying cars become a possibility. And she didn't. She died before it became a reality and she was certain it would not anytime soon. But. She still got to experience what it was like. Despite having the ability to fly, flying car still amazed her. It was a fantastic scientific discovery. How does the car fly? Does it use magnets to push it off the ground? Negative meet negative should do it. She doubt that was it. The cars can take to the sky. Far higher than the road. The electromagnetic field shouldn't be capable of such a thing. She would have to go to the doc about her curiosity. Maybe he would let her break one down to study its build.

"Do you even know where you're going? "

Bulma who was already used to such cars could not understand Sarada's fascination. Why would a flying car get her attention when she could fly on her own? She'll never understand Sarada.

For the past ten minutes the two had been flying east. She could no longer see cities,now it was pure jungle for as far as she could see. Sarada wasn't checking a map or that scouter of hers so Bulma actually started to question her.

"Of course I do, Bulma" Sarada answered all the while marveling at the situation she found herself in.

"Are you sure? Because I haven't see you pull out a map or that scouter thing of yours. How do you know where your family is? "

Sarada chuckled and tapped her head as an answer. Bulma furrowed her brows in confusion. What does that mean?

"I don't get it"

"Do you remember what I told you about Ki? "

"Every living thing has it?"


"What does that have to do with the current situation "

Sarada sighed and glanced at the inquiring Bulma. She thought she would have figured it out by now or at least got a hint about it.

"If one is skilled enough they can sense the ki of others. The bigger ones ki is the easier it is to find them"

Bulma got a sudden look of realization. That soon turned into a face of embarrassment for not being able to figure that out on her own.

"I understand. So how big is your mother's ki? "

Sarada didn't answer that. Instead she reached into her backpack with one hand and handed the scouter to Bulma.

"Put it on and press the button on the side"

The girl did as told and activated the scouter. It beeped and scanned their surroundings. She was amazed. In less than a minute it told her how many people were around,what the gravity on earth was and so much more. On the top right she saw a number pop up. A big number.

"What does 7300 represent? "

"That is my power level"

Bulma blinked in total shock. That's Sarada's power level? It's massive. Should such a thing even be possible? Why was she so calm with this? She said it like it was insignificant.

"How can you say that so casually? "

"Because it's nothing compared to Frieza. His power level is in the millions. And my father's was at 10.000 and rising"

Was this the power of Saiyans? If Sarada planned on taking over the planet she could do it easily. It would be a walk in the park.

"What about me? "

"Yours is at 12"

If there was ever a time Bulma felt more insignificant it was at that moment. 12. That was it? That was her power level. A mere little 12. She was a speck compared to Sarada. And she was older than her. That's hardly fair. Could she ever even dream of coming closer to that number? The number which Sarada sported with such calm,such casualness. The number Sarada dismissed as nothing compared to others? She now understood why Sarada refused to take her on her spacetrip.

"Don't look so down it isn't all bad" Sarada said in an attempt to cheer her up. It really isn't. Twelve is at least two times higher than what the most humans posses. Earth was a very weak planet after all.

"How is it not all bad. I'm at a twelve! Twelve! "

"Yes and most humans stand at ten"

"Really? Is that true? "

"Yes. Earth is a very weak planet. Your gravity is hilariously low and your inhabitants hilariously weak"

"Are you making fun of humans? "

"I suppose I am" Sarada chuckled to herself. Here she was making fun of the race she used to be. She found that it gave her the right to make fun of them at least. "Anyways. I gave you that scouter to locate my mother. She should have the second highest power level"

Bulma nodded and pressed scan again. This time she looked ahead of her. To where Sarada was steering them. It didn't take her too long to find another power level.

"I see a power level of 1500"

"What? " Sarada actually blinked in shock. A power level higher than her mother's? Currently she was following her mother and her level was still the same five hundred. It hadn't grown and if it did I was not by a lot. How could she not pick up on this 1500.

Maybe because she was so focused on that of her mother that she did not think to see if there was a possible higher power level nearby.

She immediately stopped the car and took the scouter from Bulma. She didn't even put it on. She just looked at the number and the direction it was pointing her in.


She handed it back to Bulma and abruptly turned the car around. She needed to find out who sported this high power level. She was not expecting such a thing from Earth. Was it even coming from an Earthling?

"Where are we going? "

"Towards that high power level. I want to find out who it belongs to"

Now that she was aware of the possessor of such high ki she could sense it. How could she be so inattentive? Such a thing was not to be missed. You never know what could happen,maybe that person has a higher ki and knows how to hide it,an ability she hasn't yet mastered. If this person could sense ki she stood out like a lightbulb. That's why she needed that watch for the time being. She'd work on finishing it as soon as possible.

"What is a power level? "

"Ki. Saiyans don't really know what ki is although they use it. That scouter can sense ki in the form of power levels"

"How do you know about ki? "

"I know a lot of things"

The next ten minutes of the ride was spent with Bulma asking questions and Sarada answering. Bulma was so inquisitive. Sarada wondered if her questions would ever stop. Although Bulma did ask important questions and while Sarada could answer them,it also made her think about future choices and such.

Sarada pulled the car to a stop at one point. They drifted above a clearing in a forest. It was very tranquil to look at. There was a beautiful pond nearby that reflected the sun with trees surrounded the cleaning like a protective barrier. Sarada paid such things no mind. Her eyes were focused on the small house built into the biggest tree. That's where the strong ki was coming from. Whoever lived there was quite possibly the strongest earthling.

Sarada was debating whether or not to just jump down there and knock on the door and just hope the person is friendly and greets her. A very foolish idea.

Before she could do anything however, an elderly man stepped out of the house. He was cocoa brown in skin tone. The man had very little flesh covering his bones that she could see the outline of his ribs. His head was baled and one eye was grey while the other was a wize black. Sarada sumized that he could no longer see from his left eye.

"Ah, how is that man alive? "

"That's rude Bulma"

Suddenly the man looked up. His one good eye meeting Sarada's two functioning ones. They stared at each other. Unblinking. It was like they were trying to communicate.

The man was the first to blink. He still stared,however, and smiled kindly.

"Alright" Sarada mumbled as she directed the car down into the clearing

"So we're just going down there? "


"We don't know this man"

"The eyes are the windows to ones soul"

"Don't you dare say stupid wise things"

With the car parked Sarada converted it back to its capsule form and made Bulma store it. The man was now seated at a small table, a kettle of herbal tea in hand.

"Come have some tea children"

Sarada took the invitation and sat on one of the pillows. Bulma hesitated,before following Sarada's lead. She would have to trust in her trust of this weird old man.

Tea was poured and all was silent.

Bulma found the silence awkward. All that was happening was Sarada staring at the old man and the old man meeting her gaze.

Was she missing something?

"You are a very interesting child" the old man said with a very bright smile. "So strong at such a young age and you have a tail,fascinating. "

Sarada smiled in return

"Thanks old man"

"Call me Jun"

"Alright old man Jun"

"So to what do I owe the visit? "

"Well" Sarada trailed off as if she was debating something. She eyed the old man before shrugging and continuing on. "I accidentally stumbled upon your high ki and decided to come find you"

"Ah, I was curious about you as well. A couple of months ago I suddenly felt a very impressive ki present on the earth. I was naturally confused and apprehensive " Jun recalled. "But to see it coming from a toddler" he laughed.

"I feel insulted" Sarada said as she adjusted her gloves. "I'll be five in a few months"

That made Jun laugh even harder and Bulma snicker.

Sarada paid them no mind and drank her tea,it tasted very nice. She wondered what herb the man used.

"Well I suppose I should not tease your age should I? I'm far too old for that. What I can say is that you are very talented"

"She is? "

"Why yes she is. It is already a feat being able to use and sense ki to such a degree at a young age. Ah, you've also played with spirit control although you're not very good at it yet you're learning fast" Jun seemed to take great joy in noting down Sarada's skills. "So much hidden potential and innate abilities"

It seems the old man could sense such things. This raised interest in Sarada. Could he sense the abilities she was not allowed to know about yet? Could he tell her?

"I'm curious, what is it that I possess"

"Innate magic for one" the man rubbed his chin in thought. "And something else but it seems I cannot say"

Of course he tells her what she already knows and refuses to enlighten her on the things she did not know. Well it seemed like she was destined to not know. As frustrating as it was she figured she'd just have to wait. And despite having an innate ability to use magic she couldn't figure it out. It's one of the reasons she wants to train under Korin and Kami. They could teach her the ups and downs of magic.

Sarada was snapped out of her thoughts when the old Jun clapped in a revelation.

"Why don't you train under me,young one?I can teach you the wonders of magic"

Oh? Could he now?

'Interface could you tell me what Jun's level of magic is? '

[Higher than yours]

'Give me numbers please'

[If I were to put it in numbers similar to power level it would have to be around the 6000]

'And I'm at a measly 10. Tell me more about him'

[Jun is also known as the cloud master]

'Why? '

[Are you familair with the nimbus cloud?]

'Well this is interesting'

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