The illegal One

By Staceylove21

10.5K 424 66

My name is Anastasia Light and I haven't been outside in sixteen years. I've never felt the sun on my face or... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
chapter nine
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine

Chapter ten

302 14 6
By Staceylove21

~Chapter ten~

Okay, so I looked up where it's gonna be and the directions for it and it's close by to our house so I was pretty excited for this. But I was also nervous. I mean I have no idea what's gonna happen.

What if I get caught? What if there are extra guards there?

Okay Ana, calm down. This is not how I should be thinking, I need to make up a plan and leave, take this opportunity. I quickly turned my heels and went back to the living room, I turned on the TV and decided to hear more about this shooting star. A shooting star comes very rare here and people always celebrate it when it comes with food and dancing. I grinned at the idea of this.

I couldn't believe I was doing this again! I mean it was pure luck the first time but for me to do it a second time? I pray to God I don't get caught.

I've waited until night to get my things packed. I had everything I needed. I wore a thick sweater, sweat pants and Uggs, coat, scarf, hat and gloves because it is winter time. I've never felt cold air before, I mean sometimes when it's really cold, I can feel it through the window and it's freezing, but Nate always kept the heater on so I've never really felt that cold before. So for me to feel actual cold air is extraordinary. I grabbed my book bag that contained my map, a blanket, my sketchbook, my pencil and pen, and my watch. I raced up the stairs to my room and opened the door to my room.

I quickly walked over to my bed and grabbed the bed sheets and made rope out of it again. I dragged the robe towards my window and I opened my window. A blast of freezing cold air hit my face and I immediately shivered.
How did people survive this!? It's freezing!

Nonetheless I put the rope out and climb down the rope. I finally made it outside and it's really cold. I breathed out and saw puff of air come out of me. I giggled when I saw it. This is amazing.

I walked over to the fence and put my hand on the fence and hoisted myself up and jumped over it. I closed my eyes and then I realized I was outside the fence again. Outside of my house for the second time. This is so exciting yet terrifying at the same time, I took out the map and I unfold it, okay so it's at the same park I went last time but I just don't remember the way. I looked at the map and read that I have to go North. I smiled and walked towards the direction I was suppose to go.

I inhaled for a bit and then exhaled. It smelled like winter, freezing winter. I twirled around on the sidewalk. I looked at the houses and saw Christmas lights, I smiled at them. Nate never really put up Christmas lights outside of the house which I never understood why. We did however , put up the Christmas tree. I was always fond of putting up the ornaments on the tree because I was able to do something different for once. I never asked for much on Christmas, all I wanted was to go outside and be free.

I walked until I saw the park. It was filled with so many people, different from when I went to the fair. The grass which used to be lush green, was a little bit white now. I smiled at the grass. I walked inside the park and made sure to not step on anyone that were sitting on the floor. I made sure to duck my head and pray to not be seen by any police.

I sat down by a tree which no one was sitting by and looked up at the stars. They were a lot clearer when it was winter time and more beautiful. I always painted the stars on my wall whenever I saw them but Nate always had to take them off. He ended giving me a notebook to draw in but I never really liked it.

I wonder if Nate enjoys the stars as much as I do? Does he ever have time for himself?

I sighed and closed my eyes for a few minutes, humming as I did. I was so entranced by my humming that I didn't hear someone beside.

"Can I seat here?," Someone asked. I jumped up and looked fearfully at the person. It was Jasper.

I stared at him fearfully, my breathing labored. He stared down at me, worried plastered on his face.

"Hey I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," He said bending down at my eye level. I didn't answer him, fearful of what to say. He looked at me, a sign of recognition filled his eyes.

"Anastasia?," He asked. I looked at him and I slowly nodded my head. He smiled at me and sat down.

"Hey, long time no see, how have you been?," He asked and I gulped. I gave him a thumbs up and a smile. He laughed and shook his head at me.

"Still shy, I see," He said and I smiled. He had such a nice laugh, those nice laughs that are contagious. Those are the best kind of laughs, but I held mine in.

"So what have you been up to? I haven't seen you since the fair?," He asked and I gulped. He looked at me, curiosity filled his eyes. I stared at him for a couple of minutes before I answered.

"I-I-I've just been in my house because I don't like cold weather," I stuttered while staring at him. He nodded his head at me and smiled.

"So how come I haven't seen around school? Or are you homeschooled?," He asked sliding a hand on his hair. I froze at that question. I didn't know how to answer him, sure I've been educated by Nate before but never in my life have I ever been to this so called "school".

"I'm uh homeschooled," I answered and he nodded his head in understanding.

"Your parents must have given a lot of money to all those tutors," He said and at the mention of my parents almost brought tears to my eyes. I didn't allow the tears to come though. I just went along with it.

"Uh yeah, they did," I said tucking a hair behind my ear. He smiled at me and my heart skipped a beat.

"So what do you do on your free time?," He asked and I gulped. Why was he asking so many questions? I don't understand this!

"I like to draw and paint things," I said slowly. He raised an eyebrow and smiled, propping his elbows on his knees.

"Really? I like art too," He said and I looked at him in surprise. There was someone with the same interest as me, it

"Wow, I thought I was the only one who liked art," I said surprised and he laughed. I frowned at him, what was so funny?

"What's so funny?," I asked and he wiped the tears from his eyes. He looked at and grinned.

"There's a whole bunch of people who like art at my high school," He said and I looked at him, intrigued.

"Really? What's it like?," I asked and he looked at me, confusion filled his eyes.

"What's what like?," He asked and I smiled at him, I put my elbows on my knees just like him.

"High School, what's it like?," I asked and he grinned at me. He chuckled and leaned in. I smelled his cologne and it smelled great.

"Well it's big and really crowded, sometimes it stinks and it can get pretty loud, there's a lot of fights, drama, teachers are annoying, your peers are annoying sometimes, lots of relationships and a whole bunch of stress," He said and I widened my eyes in fear. High School sounded terrible, I'm so happy I don't go there.

"That sounds horrible," I whispered and he chuckled.

"It can get pretty wild but it sometimes great," He said and I shook my head.

"I don't believe you," I said and he chuckled again.

"It's true, you should stop being homeschooled and come to our high school," He said grinning. I froze at that, and shook my head repeatedly.

"Oh no no no, I can't, I'm too shy," I said and he put a hand on my shoulder. He smiled at me and winked.

"Hey don't worry, with me around, you'll be just fine," He said and I was about to answer him when I heard a voice.

"Ladies and Gentleman, the shooting stars will appear soon, so please enjoy!," The announcer said. The crowd clapped and I slowly clapped too and smiled.

It was almost time. The second best thing that was going to happen to me.

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