「 Girls' Frontline 」Nikolay's...

By Dualpen

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After several years of living off his survival skills and scavenger instincts to come around trouble, weather... More

Attention all readers, new and old, before you read!
Ch. 1: Keep it Going
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: First contract
Chapter 6: New faces on sight
Chapter 7: Fallen falcons
Chapter 8: Hunt
Chapter 9: Liberation
Chapter 10: Frozen Journey
Chapter 11: Snowy Relaxation
Chapter 12: Cry of the eyass
Chapter 13: Old time jabs
Chapter 14: New year, new life
Chapter 15: Settling down
Chapter 16: A calm day
Chapter 17: Preparations for the play
Chapter 18: Starring the puppeteer
Chapter 19: Start of the red show
Chapter 20: Introduction
Chapter 21: Crux
Chapter 22: Denouement
Chapter 23: Good morning
Chapter 24: Daily life continues
Chapter 25: Springs notice
Chapter 26: A timely arrival
Chapter 27: Getting back on track
Chapter 28: Old but gold
Chapter 29: Lockdown shenanigans
Chapter 30: Talkful day
Chapter 31: A hint of distrust
Chapter 32: New thinking
Chapter 33: Paperwork
Chapter 34: Bitter memories
Chapter 35: Working day
Chapter 36: Cloudy
Chapter 37: Recruting
Chapter 38: Little tour
Chapter 39: Arrival
Chapter 40: Release

Chapter 2

1.1K 26 4
By Dualpen

[North-east of the abandoned city, abandoned mountain resort|
[16:14 Eastern European Time|

OTs-12: Yeah that's the Tigr

Type97: Strange, why would they leave it here? Also that snow...

9A-91: Looks like if a helicopter landed, the oval like shape looks very similar

P-Doll: I will circle back and try and leave you somewhere close to this, I can't risk landing directly there

OTs-12 and her team found themselves in their helo, circling the mountain top as they inspected the area from the sky above, in OTs-12 hands a tablet that allowed them to track any G&K vehicle, something that let them follow their robber's trail, and by the looks of it they picked up more people as the footsteps on the snow let them see that in the area there were at least five people and not only two.

OTs-12: Get your guns ready, they might as well left a trap or set up an ambush in the worst-case scenario

The four dolls got ready, revising their equipment before disembarking and in a matter of about three minutes, their designated pilot left them near the road that leads up into the abandoned resort, taking off immediately as soon as they exited the aircraft and started monitoring their movements from the air as they walked to the now abandoned Tigr.

When they reached the resort's area however their eyes darted around, looking for any clues of an ambush or trap that they might have left but through their pilot's confirmation yet again they knew now that the stolen vehicle was truly abandoned and used as a one-way ticket to get here.

Type97: So, they just used it, got to some sort of chopper and that's it?

Said Type97 looking around, a bit mesmerized by the scenery, it's rare, very rare, that she gets to see so much snow in just one place. It all almost looked like they were the pieces of art in a big white canvas.

OTs-12: Seems like it, and the buildings over there are buried under the snow to the point it would be noticeable if someone dug his way into them to take refugee, there isn't any other tracks or footsteps around so they truly just stole our Tigr to quickly get around here

AS Val: W-Well look at the bright side, we got it back

OTs-12: Yeah, let's just get it started and get out of here before SF tracks us as well

Simply replied OTs-12 and slung her gun around her shoulder, walking calmly towards the Tigr's driver door and opening it. Upon opening it however the entire team could hear a loud ping, the one of a pin being pulled, their eyes widened as they realized the booby trap. OTs-12 quickly slammed the door back closed and run away from the car, jumping deep into the snow to cover herself from the imminent explosion. Her team who was relatively far away from the car at the time did the same and before they knew it, in just ten seconds, their car erupted into a big flame that died out as quickly as it appeared. Glass shards and shrapnel escaped from all sides of the vehicle, the driver's door being blown right off its hinges, and the insides of the vehicle becoming just a simple strainer, rendering the entire car useless. Luckily no one got hurt, that being most probably achieved because of the setup the grenades inside were left in, leaving the team a window of time enough for them to take cover.

"My god, the hell happened, are you all alright?!"

The voice of their pilot buzzed into their inter-links, the sound of the helicopter hovering over their heads in circles invading their already deaf ears as the mere explosion of the car left them ringing.

OTs-12: ...

OTs-12 breaths were short and quick, this was the last thing she was expecting, the sheer cold she felt from lying on the freezing and stinging snow wasn't comparable to the adrenaline that pumped into her as soon as she saw that the driver's door laid broken beyond repair stuck to the floor almost beside her.

AS Val: Are you alright?!

Her team was recomposing themselves finally, AS Val being the first to see their squad leader lying motionless on the snow beside the car's door, making her way quickly towards her to check on OTs-12.

OTs-12: Call the heli and tell him we need evac...

She simply said raising her hand with a thumbs up to let AS Val know she was fine. If that explosion wasn't delayed she would have simply died, the trap was set like this on purpose, to not kill them even if it could come close to it.

OTs-12: ... I will need a good break after this...


[Inside Ivan's Mi-8MVT-5|

Ivan: So what did you do with the vehicle in the end?

Nikolay: Ah well, Sveta's own thing

Ivan: Hmm, anyway, how's the wife doing?

Nikolay smiled slightly and raised his eyebrows while giving him a side look.

Nikolay: You just saw Nadya moments ago

Ivan: Yeah I can see her you smug dumbass, I meant how is she doing, ya know I would get my shit kicked in if I tried to initiate a conversation

Nikolay rolled his eyes and looked down at the scenery again as he answered.

Nikolay: Well she is still improving I guess, she finally talks with the girls, well at least answers them if they direct their voice to her

Ivan: Yeeey, surely this is why you call this thing you have a family ey, Ilya

Nikolay: They are my family yeah, so that leaves you no right on saying how should I treat them

Ivan sighed and simply adjusted the speed of the aircraft upon Nikolay's response, continuing the conversation as soon as he stabilized the helicopter.

Ivan: Yeah, yeah, yeah, do whatever you want with your dolls, dropping that topic though, you mentioned a keycard, are they after you because of that shit?

Nikolay: Keycard? Oh yeah, the keycard, well... Yeah, I'm pretty sure they are after it

Ivan: Did you even try and tell them the thing is broken?

Nikolay: Nope

Ivan let out a groan, almost as if it hurt him mentally to talk with Nikolay as every time he said something it nearly felt like he stepped on a mine. Nikolay frankly clearly heard his groans, it wasn't difficult to differentiate them from the rotors of the aircraft tearing the sky.

Nikolay: Yeah, yeah, I'm stupid, always in trouble, yadda-yadda... So how's your son doing? Got a job finally or?

Nikolay quickly tried to drop the topics about him as at this rate he might as well have an aneurism listening to the constant rumbling and complaining of his friend.

Ivan: That brat? Goddamn if only you knew, the rascal still refuses to get a proper degree, like fucking hell I'm giving you an opportunity here son, at least try and take it, who the fuck knows maybe it will help in your life!

Nikolay chuckled at Ivan's response, it's been at least 7 years since he saw his son, he should be going to university at this stage so Nikolay quickly understood the problem going around Ivan's household.

Nikolay: Well you could always send him over to our village maybe living rural life for a while clears his thoughts and gets his head straight

Ivan: Knowing him he would fall in love with a chicken Nikolay!

Nikolay: Aw come on, he is a nice kid from what I remember

Ivan: What you remember was about eight years ago Nikolay! The damn kiddo was ten when he still called you uncle Kolya!

Said Ivan slightly exasperated, seems like someone is having trouble being a single father. Although his frustration seemed real, maybe he was still kinda rebellious, this sentiment that Ivan transmitted however became more apparent when he rammed his cellphone into Nikolay's hands and yelled at him.

Ivan: Just go into my messanger and look at his responses!

Nikolay rolled his eyes, knowing full well that as always Ivan was exaggerating and jumping to conclusions when there isn't anything to be concluded. As the two men kept chatting away about being fathers, in the back of the helicopter the girls found themselves bored and tired, but sadly even if they wanted the sound of the helicopter's rotors impeded them from sleeping through the flight, well except for one.

Alisa: How is she even able to sleep...

Alyona: Hm I mean it is Raisa...

Sveta: Well I know another thick-headed individual who could sleep through anything

Said the doll looking over at Nadya who took several seconds before realizing everyone was giving her a glance, starring at how she dearly hugged onto her rifle and with her free hands kept staring down herself at her phone.

Nadya: I already slept the eight hours Nikolay recommends, taking a nap is as unnecessary as Sveta trying to tease me

Sveta: But it seems to kinda work?

Nadya: That something unnecessary works doesn't mean anything when it serves no purpose

Alisa: I don't know if that was a bad burn but I would try to sleep this one off Sveta

Sveta: You shut up little gremlin

The silence between them all quickly invaded. Not for long however as Alisa stood up from her seat and proudly smiled at the two dolls who sat beside her.

Alisa: How about we play some cards while at it to kill off time

Sveta: Since when do you even have a deck of cards?

Alisa: Heh, does this answer your question?

She said quickly and her smile became a sly grin as her hand reached for one of her mag pouches and showed off its content.

Sveta: That's an empty avtamat mag...

Alisa looked at her hand and realized her mistake blushing slightly and quickly turning around while muttering things, desperately searching through her equipment to try and find the deck.

Alyona leaned in slightly onto Sveta and whispered something to her as Alisa kept searching.

Alyona: We found one still in its new box in one of the abandoned apartments so she took it with her...

Alisa: AHA!

Suddenly, Alisa turned around and raised the deck in her hands, showing it off to the two dolls that now stared back at her, Sveta specifically smiling brightly as she also got up.

Sveta: Now we are talking, that is a deck!

Alisa: Well let's play some poker then

Alyona: I don't know how to play though...

Sveta: Ah it's easy you will get it on the go

Alyona rolled her eyes and simply accompanied the two to play, the three of them now sitting on the floor in a triangle and playing normally, however, the matches that would occur would not just kill some time off their flight but would also add salt to their plates.

Sveta: How the hell do you keep winning?! This is rigged!

Alisa: Fufufu, just git gud scrub~

Alyona: *Sigh* Well it's not like I was expecting to win anyway...

Around two hours have passed, in this time Nadya has fallen asleep for the looks of it, and the girls played all kinds of card games they could come up with to try and give everyone an opportunity to win, from Poker to Donkey, Old maid, Blitz, and Sevens, however, luck was today on Alisa's side and she won every match.

Sveta: What the hell you mean by scrub you little brat?!

Alisa: Aw we got a sore loser!

Sveta: Agh!

As their rumbling kept getting slightly louder and louder they reached the point of ignoring the fact that now someone was behind Alisa simply watching the pile of cards on the floor of the helicopter and analyzing Alisa's hand of cards curiously

Raisa: Hm, seems fun, may I join?

The doll's sudden statement got Alisa scared, never expecting someone to be behind her, such an impression she got from Raisa suddenly speaking to her ear that she jumped on the place throwing her hand of cards all around and letting out a muffled scream.

Alisa: Why?! When?!

Sveta: Haah!

Alisa: You shut up, it ain't funny!

Sveta: It is because you are the victim!

Alyona ignored the yelling match that befell soon after between Alisa and Sveta, her attention simply focusing on Raisa who picked up some cards and analyzed them as she herself wasn't one to usually join the others in their game nights.

Alyona: Sure you can join, although I doubt you will win, Alisa is pretty good at everything

Raisa: Hm, its cards, it's all luck and mental power that comes into play

She simply said sitting down and now made the girls form a diamond-like shape as soon as Sveta and Alisa were done arguing. Although no one knew this new addition would drastically change the winning ratio.

Alisa: ...

Sveta: Ha! What now Alisa?! Getting scrubbed in your own territory?!

Alisa: Shut! This can't be! Raisa, I demand a rematch! I can't accept this!

Raisa was spacing out, playing with one of her cards as her expression was pretty bland, almost as if boredom spilled out from her eyes.

Raisa: I will pass, this is quite boring

She calmly replied revealing her hand of cards as she dropped them onto the floor and got up, racking up the last win before abandoning their game session, having stolen all wins as Alisa did hours prior.

Alisa: Coward!

Sveta: Clearly, surely you aren't a sore loser as well!

Alisa: You don't have a saying in this thick-headed cow!

Sveta: ... What did you say...

Alisa: Oh fuc--

The struggling that ensued was loud enough for even the two men peacefully enjoying their talks in the cockpit to hear, so much so that Nikolay decided to cut his talks with Ivan short and prioritized something he wanted to do anyway sooner or later, check on the girls, and to say the least the chaos he saw wasn't enough to send him into a dumbfounded staring of the scene unfolding right in front of him, but the statement Ivan made not so long ago was, "Kids are dumb", and he had the perfect example in front of him.

Alisa: Cheif! Help! I got a hound trying to rip off my neck!

Sveta: You little brat if I catch you I'm going to slap you so hard I will reprogram all your systems in one fell swoop!

Nikolay: ...

Nikolay simply could look at what was happening as the surrealism of Nadya and Raisa peacefully sleeping with so much noise wasn't the only thing that amazed him in a way, but also the sheer energy Sveta and Alisa had left to go on a wild goose chase that will probably end up with Alisa having her face redder than a tomato from getting her cheeks slapped by her older sister. The man's eyes slid towards the left meeting with Alyona's gaze who gave him a sympathetic look accompanied by a gentle smile, but it was clear she is too tired to have tried and stop this herself.

Sveta: Stop running around goddamn it!

Alisa: No!

As these statements were thrown, it was just a matter of seconds before Alisa hid behind Nikolay from Sveta's wrath, the doll in question charging at them like a bull to a red flag. Nikolay, tired, sighed, and simply stopped Sveta before she would try and reach with her hands behind him to grab her sister by the shoulders.

Nikolay: Explain yourselves...

Alisa: Sveta is being a dumb easily irritated bitch again and trying to kill me!

Sveta: Alisa is being a fucking machiavellian brat of gigantic proportions again!

To say the least, the look on Nikolay's face was priceless.

Nikolay: Seriously..?

Sveta: Yes!

Alisa: Yes!--... Oi, wait who you calling a brat you dimwit!

Sveta: Dimwit?! Imma make soup out of your chi--

Nikolay: Don't you girls think is enough already..?

Just the disappointment that leaked through Nikolay's words was enough to make both dolls ashamed, maybe just slightly, but still ashamed of their behavior, both of them relaxing almost immediately.

Nikolay: *Sigh*

Raisa: ... Ghm?

Nikolay: Good morning Raisa, I'm surprised you could sleep through this chicken coop of a scene

Raisa: The sudden lack of noise is what awoken me again *Yawn*

Nikolay rolled his eyes and let go of Sveta, now looking down at how Alisa kept hugging him tightly from the back, her thin arms wrapped around his waist ever so slightly tightening their grip like a belt.

Nikolay: Alisa you can let go now you know

Alisa: Oh... Right, right

Nikolay: Seriously how did you even end up like this

Raisa: They both got salty over card games

"No we didn't!"

Could be heard being quickly yelled out as both dolls became defensively aggressive again, so much so that even Nikolay could feel how the salt rubbed off their skin.

Nikolay: Had to guess... Could you two at least relax for the rest of the flight?

A soft muttering of the word yes reached his ears as both dolls came back to their seat and relaxed entirely. Nikolay having defused the situation rubbed his face and looked at Nadya for a little while, she still was sleeping, guess even she was tired for today.

Nikolay: *Inhale* ... *Exhale*

Having taken a deep breath Nikolay refocused himself on the other dolls, walking up to a seat across theirs and sitting down before looking at them.

Nikolay: You all remember what to do when we come back home right?

He said thinking that it would be a good idea to ask them if they remember their house choirs and schedule for this week to try and get their mind off the previous rumble.

Alisa: Yesssss

Nikolay: Shower turns?

Alyona: Sveta, I, Alisa, Raisa and then Nadya

Nikolay: Hmhm, and before all that?

Sveta: Get some wood and refuel the generators

Nikolay: Hmhm

Sveta rolled her eyes and gave Nikolay a side look, almost the same reaction a kid would give when he is being pestered by its parents with something he either already heard a hundred times or ain't interested in the slightest.

Sveta: What are the plans for tomorrow anyway?

She asked, at which Nikolay gave her back a side look and answered.

Nikolay: Pay a visit to aunt Lyuda

The four dolls in front of him suddenly lit up upon hearing the name of their favorite person after Nikolay, their auntie Lyuda.

Sveta: Could have told me before, we need to get something along for h--

Nikolay: It's already arranged, calm down you bunch

Sveta calmed down upon hearing that, smiling at the news they have received.

Nikolay: But anyway, that won't be the only thing we do tomorrow, I would like to go to the nearby village to buy some more supplies, so you will have to go back home alone while I and Nadya do that

Alyona: Hm understood

As their chatter died out, from the cabin, Ivan's voice could be heard, yelling something at them.

Ivan: Oi Kolya, we are almost there, get ready to get off ma chopper!

Nikolay: You heard him

He simply said and got up walking up to Nadya as the girls prepared their stuff making sure they weren't leaving any belongings behind. As Nikolay neared Nadya he stopped right beside her, looking down at her for a while before sitting down on the seat on her right-hand side and gently moving her shoulder, seeing the movements weren't enough he started whispering her name as well, in the end waking up the doll who now found herself a bit disoriented almost as if she didn't expect herself to fall asleep.

Nikolay: Good morning, who would have said you would have a nap huh?

Nadya: ... *Sigh* Are were there yet?

Nikolay: We will land soon so kinda

Nadya simply adjusted her rifle upon his response and rubbed her face with her free hand as with the other she held onto her AK74. She got quite comfortable in her seat apparently.


[Somewhere in the Ural mountain range|
[19:48 Eastern European Time|

Ivan: Alright, the check c'mon

Nikolay: I know, I know

Both men stood near the cockpit's door, Ivan leaning against the helicopter waiting for Nikolay to pay up, the man in question going through his phone for a while before taking a small piece of paper and noting down a code on it using the helicopter's frame as support to write.

Nikolay: Here

Ivan: You sure it works?

Nikolay: Have I ever lied to you in the many years we know each other?

Ivan: Fair point man, well have fun with your shitty mountain life

Nikolay: What a fancy way of saying plain life dear friend

Ivan giggled and simply got inside the aircraft again, starting the rotors again to take off and leave the area back to his own home. Nikolay backed off from the helicopter and simply looked at how the aircraft disappeared in the distance of the sky as soon as it aired. Upon the silence of the mountainous forest, his eyes darted around as his hands held onto his ballistic mask, a breeze of fresh air hitting his face as soon as he turned slightly to the right upon which he took a deep breath enjoying the pure air the Ural mountains always held.

Nikolay: Hmm, time to get back, I can enjoy the outside later

He mumbled to himself turning around completely and walking down a dirt path he made with the girls so they had easier access to this plain which was great to be used as either training grounds or a heliport.

As Nikolay walked deeper and deeper into the mountains his eyes could already see in the distance hidden between the birch and pine trees the old abandoned hangar he renewed to use as a home, right outside the giant building made out of concrete and metal his eyes caught a glimpse of Sveta between the vegetation, cutting down some wooden logs to power up some of their more antiquated machinery.

Nikolay: You already showered? That was quick if true

Sveta: Ah Kolya, no I told Alyona to go first, there was little warm water left so I thought I better power up the stove before having a shower myself

Nikolay now simply hummed and found himself looking at how the doll used their hatchet to split the small wooden logs effortlessly in half, the staring didn't last for long as he walked up to the door and asked something before entering the hangar.

Nikolay: I guess everyone is inside as well?

Sveta: Except for Nadya who went on a patrol to, "clear her head", yea

Nikolay hummed again with a gentle nod accompanying the soft sound as he opened the hangar's door and entered.

Raisa: Welcome back

Nikolay: Hm, Alyona is still showering?

Raisa: She took Alisa in as well so they both occupied inside the bathroom

Nikolay: Huh, that's a bit unusual, but I guess makes sense when we got little hot water right now

He simply said as he closed the door behind himself and looked around before walking to a coat hanger and relieving himself from his bulky attire.

The handmade lights above them shined brightly except for one that sometimes flickered, this caught Nikolay's attention quickly, the semicircular ceiling high above them was filled with cables and pipes, a rugged look that left a somewhat rustic yet cozy environment because of its almost entirely handmade nature.

The hangar itself was old, pretty old, being a big concrete and steel structure, some of its wear was clearly seen, its construction might as well be as far in their timeline as world war three, even before Nikolay was born, the thing maybe once being used as a secret warehouse, belief that was only reinforced as not far from them, more towards the east, deeper into the forest you could find an abandoned aerodrome, rusted down, looted and left to rot and collapse to time as it wasn't needed anymore probably belonging to the same time period just by looks.

Nikolay: Agh, the lights again?

Raisa: What did you expect this whole place would be thankful if it got a proper renovation

The doll said this still with her eyes glued onto her book, lying with her legs crossed on one of the three couches that found themselves on the more furnished area of the big hangar, polaroid framed photos were all around the walls, carpets of any type that were large enough to cover some areas of the cold hard concrete floor were laid down all around just so he and the girls could walk around barefoot if they so much wished, well that was more as a side effect of them trying to conserve the heat they produced to keep the entire building in a somewhat comfortable temperature.

Nikolay gave the doll a side look, finding her slothfully changed from her work clothes, the buttoned-down shirt wide open, her skirt, as well as her shirt buttons, popped, and to add to the tempting yet most lazy sight he has seen, the rolled down thigh highs that reached her ankles at which point they had the same use as a pair of normal socks would serve.

Nikolay: *Sigh* Don't you think you are letting yourself a bit free when Christmas is almost around the corner?

Raisa: By around the corner you mean around two months from today?

Nikolay: I mean, it's October I think you can count the months left for December yourself Raisa

The female simply turned the page from her book and then gave Nikolay a side look, a little glimpse a daughter would give his father to stop pestering.

Nikolay: *Sigh* I will allow you to go around like that when we actually get some proper heaters around for now at least roll those up

He said simply signaling her thigh highs as he walked up to some workbenches that found themselves against the wall parallel to their door, starting to search around for something, probably a screwdriver and a new lightbulb to change the one that flickered ever so slightly.

Raisa rolled her eyes at his demand and simply did what he told her right after that continuing to read her book while waiting for her shower turn.

As time passed by Sveta finally came back inside, hatchet in hand she looked up to find Nikolay on a foldable high ladder changing a lightbulb and adjusting some cables, something that kinda fascinated her leaving her mesmerized looking up by the open door.

Raisa: You can close the door and leave that tool of yours in its place ya know

Said Raisa still focused on her book not giving mind to her sister who now upon being called out did as said and simply sat down on of the couches as well after being done, doing the exact same thing Raisa did as soon as she reached the sofa as well.

Nikolay: Hm? Oi Sveta, come on have a shred of decency

Sveta: What, is just a skirt

She said getting rid of her pantyhose and skirt at once, leaving the doll with only one piece of clothing to cover her entirely, her buttoned-down white shirt.

Nikolay: And we are almost at fucking November, put on your pantyhose at least while you waiting to shower!

Sveta sighed and did as ordered, then after simply lying on the sofa and looking up at the ceiling lost in thought.

Nikolay: And you two could at least leave your discarded clothes neatly folded back in the place they belong

He said as he climbed down the ladder having finally changed the lightbulb and adjusted the power influx there, putting away the screwdriver where he previously took it from and walking up to the semi-circle of old sofas picking up Sveta's skirt and folding it properly before leaving it be on one of the sofa's arms.

Sveta: Well you did it for me

She simply said a bit cheekily throwing him a smirk as she turned her head slightly, Nikolay sighing again before walking to one of the sofa's himself and sitting down to rest for a while as he inspected his ballistic mask, readjusting the somewhat loose leather strip.

Nikolay: That I did means that you should be more aware of your improper manners Sveta

He simply replied to her at which Sveta rolled her eyes and adjusted herself further into the sofa's comfortable hug.

As this transpired however from the bathroom emerged Alisa and Alyona, who now showered, wore the clothes they used as pajamas. Well except for Alisa, who forgot to bring hers into the bathroom now leaving Alyona being the kind soul to go for them and help her get dressed up quickly.

Alyona: I can't understand how can you forget the only thing you are supposed to bring into the bathroom with you-- Oh you are back Kolya and Sveta

Nikolay simply raised his eyes slightly, his gaze settling on both dolls with their shiny hair from their recent shower, this staring lasting for a second however as his attention diverted back to his mask.

Nikolay: Hmhm, as soon as Raisa and Sveta shower we will make some dinner

Sveta: Aww, I wanted to eat something now

Nikolay: Shower first you big toddler

He said as he finished adjusting the straps of his mask. At this response Sveta rolled out of the sofa onto the floor, getting up lazily and walking into the bathroom while undressing completely.

Sveta: Sureeee

Alyona: Ah here they are-- Oi Sveta more careful with your shirt!

Sveta: Can't hear you~

Alyona inhaled a bit of air as she took Sveta's shirt which landed on her shoulder and folded it putting it away as she then took Alisa's pajamas and helped her get dressed, then after both dolls sitting down and starting to dry and broom each other's hair.

Alyona: Has Nadya returned?

Asked Alyona now to kill the silence and her curiosity while she took the dryer and plugged it into the grid.

Nikolay: No for what I know, but knowing her this little patrol of hers will take at least twenty more minutes

Raisa: She told me she would only check the well we use as an auxiliary water supply before returning so I would say more like in about ten minutes she will be back

Nikolay: The well? Huh, I'm sure we checked it yesterday

Raisa gave Nikolay a side look, now staring at the man for a while before speaking again as she turned the final page of her book.

Raisa: Those herbs growing so near it must have worried her I guess, knowing that water might as well end up in your systems it wouldn't be pretty to have you sip contaminated water

Nikolay got up and left his mask on the same coat hanger he left the rest of his equipment, now walking around with his combat pants, shirt, and combat boots still wrapped around his body.

Nikolay: I doubt those herbs will do anything to the auxiliary water supply, besides we got plenty of purified rainwater bottles stored around for me to drink from instead of the sink

Raisa: No need to brag about your superior planning engineer

She said in a joking manner as she reached the end of her book, lowering it a bit disappointed, while both talked however Alisa and Alyona were listening, the latter precisely remembering something she brought upon the table.

Alyona: Well you did fall ill last winter Kolya, that was a bit worrying

Nikolay: The cold? I won't die from a cold

He said quickly remembering the events as soon as she mentioned last winter, Alyona made a wry face upon hearing his response, although that may be true the fright they got from the unexpected event was pretty memorable still up to this day.

Nikolay: Come on don't give me that look, it just happened because I didn't take the care I usually take, besides that was the first cold I got in at least a decade

He said walking back to the sofa and sitting down to finally relax from any task as he finished pretty much everything he had to do before having dinner and going to sleep.

Alyona: Hmm...

Alisa: Can I brush your hair now Alyona?

Alyona: Uh? Oh yeah, yeah

Raisa: *Yawn*

As time passed by Raisa got up from the sofa and started reading through a new book while waiting for her shower turn, which was rather quick compared to other times as Sveta finally walked out of the bathroom fully dressed and clean, her somewhat wet hair flapping around as she walked up to Alyona and borrowed the currently unused hair dryer.

Sveta: Your turn Raisa

Raisa: Already? You sure washed yourself properly down there?

Said Raisa giving her a dubious look, her eyes gaze sliding down to her pajama shorts, at which Sveta only could stare back dumbfounded at her sister's skepticism about her own hygiene.

Sveta: For your info, I don't spend thirty minutes in the shower playing with my hair or checking on things I could easily check outside a bathroom

At her statement both dolls that were called out simply deviated their eyes to opposite directions and feigned ignorance, those two being Alyona and Alisa specifically.

Raisa: Fair I guess?

Sveta: It better be you punk

Replied Sveta simply turning on the dryer after having pointed it menacingly towards Raisa's general direction. As the doll dried her hair with the electronic device, Raisa swiftly left her book and cleaned after herself before locking the door to the bathroom now occupied by the aforementioned, not really surprising, in this window of time the door to the hangar opened resounding with its characteristic creek as the doll that went on patrol finally returned from it.

Sveta: The emperor of Rome is back

Muttered Sveta upon seeing Nadya, who simply gave her a side look and went ahead to do her own thing, quickly getting rid of all unnecessary equipment on her such as her knee and elbow pads along with her cloak. Nikolay: Welcome back, we will start making dinner when Raisa finishes showering, try and not dwell outside too much

Said Nikolay lying on the sofa he previously sat on, eyes closed and arms limp with his palms resting on his belly.

Alyona: And you don't take a nap now before dinner

Shot back Alyona as she analyzed his posture on the sofa, a low almost inaudible groan coming from the man upon hearing those words.

Nadya: Hmm...

Nadya had her gaze settled upon Nikolay, looking at him for a while before continuing with her before bed routine and just like a ghost silently roaming around and silently doing what she had to do. As time passed by and everyone had his shower turn and sat around the table to have dinner they could hear the local wildlife such as owls start to make their presence around the area.

Nikolay spaced out a bit because of this, his hand in mid-action of taking a forkful of the pasta he made with Raisa freezing in time with him, only to be snapped back to reality by some of the dolls getting up from the table and putting their empty plates inside the sink as they have finished eating.

Nadya: Thank you for the food

Nadya was the last one of the dolls to finish eating, the second to last to leave the table in which Nikolay finally decided to gulp down everything left in one fell swoop to catch up. In this moment of the hangar's silence, Alisa gathered Sveta and Alyona to play yet another card game, this time much easier and fair, that being UNO, Raisa joining them not long after as she finished cleaning the dishes.

Alisa: Hey chief, how about you come and join us?

Said Alisa staring at the man who found himself yet again spacing out, probably due to tiredness, the sight his gaze laid upon however didn't help as he found all four dolls looking at him with puppy eyes so he would join the game session, this however only caused him to sigh, but still sit down on the carpet in their circled position.

Nikolay: Fine but everyone will go to sleep after a few matches, alright?

And just like that another hour passed flying without them realizing, well except for Nikolay who made the dolls finally wrap up their UNO session and go to their bed, which were conveniently the same sofas everyone sat at one point of this now ending afternoon.

As lights were put out and the main grid of their electric supply went to a dormant state, Nikolay went around the hangar and folded their clothes and reorganized their backpacks guided only by the dim lightbulb of one of the workbenches which all used an alternative power grid that found itself always-on, powering electronic and mechanic equipment alike such as computers.

Nikolay: Huh...

As he did this his curiosity was peaked as he found a white torn dress inside Alyona's assault pack, dress which he now gently held in his hands and carefully tried to analyze but it was simply a bit too dark to properly do that.

Nikolay: Guess I will be doing some sewing while watching over them

And so he passed the next half hour sitting on a stool near one of his workbenches, sitting just right across the room from the sofas in which the dolls four dolls slept, stitching with thread and needle the damaged dress, something in which he needed a bit more practice as he grew rusty from doing such activity in so inconsistent occasions, although as he once looked up from his hands patching up the dress he found that not all dolls were asleep and that one stared at him from the darkness and comfiness of her blankets.

Nikolay got up as he noticed this, leaving everything on top of the workbench before silently walking up to Alisa and squatting beside her to get on her eye level.

Nikolay: Can't sleep?

Alisa simply shook her head in denial, making Nikolay ponder about what could they do to get her to sleep, coming with an idea rather quickly he slightly smiled and asked.

Nikolay: Want to hear a story or a lullaby?

Alisa: The latter, please...

Nikolay: Alright then

Soon after in a matter of about five minutes, Nikolay found himself standing in the middle of the hangar, looking at the dolls, now every single one of them asleep, properly tucked in their blankets by him as soon as he finished putting Alisa to sleep with a soft lullaby.

Nikolay: Now Nadya is left...

He muttered to himself as he sobered himself up a bit by rubbing his temples, it probably was already 11 p.m just by the sheer darkness that crept around into the hangar from the outside.

Nikolay: Hm I think some tea would do good for her... And me

He muttered yet again to himself as he walked up to the kitchen and started boiling some water with their electric kettle, noticing in the process how his eyelids felt a bit heavy, having not had a single drop of coffee today it only made sense it would disrupt his usual sleep batteries. While the water kept boiling, Nikolay went ahead and searched for a thin blanket they had around so he could bring it with him when he goes up to the hangar's rooftop to check on the doll, which all happened relatively quickly after the kettle finished boiling the water. Now the man was outside and in his hands two hot cups of handmade tea that Alyona made long ago and right below his armpit the thin blanket he took along. Walking to the back of the hangar he walked up the stairs under the strong and cold breezes of the night and found himself at the top, admiring Nadya who was herself mesmerized by the stars above their heads, with the hangar's rooftop being slightly higher than the treetops, leaving a horizon of uneven lines of foliage that made a sea of autumn colors illuminated by the faint blue moon rays.

Nikolay: Searching for a new star?

He let out approaching Nadya, the female snapping out of her stargazing and simply shrugging as she adjusted herself a bit more, leaning on the wooden boxes slightly more to rest her back and neck. Nikolay hummed at such response and reaction, simply sitting down beside her and doing the same not before putting the hot cup of tea right in front of her and tucking both of them under the warmth of the blanket.

Nadya gave a side look, glancing at him for a while before picking up her cup of tea and instead of leaning and resting her neck on the cold hard wooden crate decided that it would be much more beneficial to lean on Nikolay's shoulder. Nikolay obviously noticed the sudden warmth of her head on him, making him deviate a look towards her as she did previously.

Nikolay: You okay?

Nadya: I guess

She answered quite clearly, not giving much of a second to think about it to her mind, Nikolay however pondered about it for her, humming before taking a sip from his tea, in the process of not realizing how hot it still was, burning his tongue and making a funny face at which Nadya lightly chuckled.

Nikolay: Ahhh... Geez, I don't feel it now

Nadya: At least now I know I should blow it a bit before taking a sip

Nikolay let out a light chuckle as well at this before leaning onto Nadya as well, leaving his head resting against her, using her soft hair as a pillow.

Nikolay: Huh, you didn't shower

He said right after some seconds of having his head against hers.

Nadya: Do I smell?

The doll quickly retaliated at him with a question, which Nikolay didn't doubt in answering.

Nikolay: Well your hair is usually softer and not this dry, is it because we still don't have proper warm water?

He said diverting his gaze downwards from the sky and trying to catch a glimpse of her face as she simply didn't answer. The doll in question was looking away in another direction before taking a sip from her tea. Nikolay laughed at this, in the end, she was a picky child like the rest, at least in spirit.

Nikolay: Heh, guess some things never change huh

Nadya: Shut up, you are the one to talk...

Nikolay: Well at least I try and talk Nadya, which brings me to don't you think you should be more open with them?

Nadya didn't say anything as Nikolay changed the subject to the other dolls currently peacefully dreaming in their sofas, to the lack of a response to his question he simply blew a bit of air on his tea and took another sip.

Nikolay: Just try and take it easy, please

Nadya: I should be the one saying that...

Said Nadya glancing over at him, the several scars around his neck, the one under one of his eyes, the bad left-out burn on one of his ears, and the eyebags under his glassy blue eyes told their own stories about taking things easy.

Nikolay: *Sigh* I can't do much to take it easy Nadya but I do try to

He simply said and took another sip of tea, now raising his head slightly to stare at the night sky, as he did a bit more of his neck was revealed to her at which point she noticed the little black cord that wrapped around it, the cord of a necklace.

Nadya: Pff, don't tell me you still have those worthless things...

Nikolay hummed thinking about what was she talking about before noticing the direction of her glance at which point he took out the necklace from the inside of his shirt and looked at the two rings that were tied to it.

Nikolay: This? Heh, they aren't worthless, besides I'm pretty sure you still have yours

He said cheekily giving her a glance now as she did earlier at which action she blushed and looked away again.

Nadya: Perhaps... Maybe... What about it if I really do have them..?

Her startling made Nikolay laugh again, it was nice to have a bit of time like this, it definitely eased him a bit from the constant motion and surviving going on around them.

Nikolay: Nothing much, but I guess a thank you for supporting my dumbassery even in the hardest of times would be in order

He simply said and took another sip from his tea, Nadya hummed and looked down at her own tea, staring at the contents of the cup for a while before saying something.

Nadya: ... Although I think I should be the one saying thank you... In the end, I don't even know if I would be here if it wasn't because of you...

Nikolay: Heh well you could always reward me instead of acting so shy and depressed ya know?

Nadya: ... Shut...

Nikolay: *Sigh*

Time passed by and again another hour has simply flown out the window without no one noticing, both finished their teas and while stargazing Nadya fell asleep on Nikolay who upon noticing this simply left the blanket be and picked up Nadya carrying her with him back inside the hangar, making his way downstairs into the basement he navigated through the dark rooms below the main hangar floor and entered a somewhat small yet pretty cramped room which was, in fact, their bedroom. Having put Nadya down on their mattress Nikolay walked back to the door and closed it behind them, walking up to a table and lighting some candles to have some light while he prepared himself to go to sleep.

As the fire of the candles lit the room in a dim citrin tone Nikolay found himself starring at the several photos and shrines he had placed around that same piece of furniture the candles stood, faded away faces trapped forever in a memory that will never change or be able to occur again, friends and family alike, however, his eyes gaze was more taken by a single group photo, several military-grade dolls, all grouped up and playfully pestering two men who found themselves trapped in the middle of that madness, one in his captain uniform and the other in his pilot uniform.

Simply looking at it made Nikolay sigh, it was like feeding his dreads every time he thought about it, looked into the photo, or remembered anyone from those times. There were other several photos around such as one with a child sitting on a woman's lap as a man wrapped his hands around the female's neck and smiled at the camera along with them, or another one in which a woman dressed in a military uniform pestered another man in the same woodland camouflage uniform only difference being their ranks. Yet despite the vast quantity of photos around which he could mourn and think about it always seemed like the group photo sucked him in more than any other.

Shaking his head Nikolay finally snapped out of his thoughts, taking off his boots as he sat down on the mattress and adjusted himself on it, now with a pillow below his head he tucked himself and Nadya in with the blanket and turned around with his eyes closed towards the left of the room where the table with candles was located at. However, at this time it was when he felt the gentle warmth of two arms wrapping around him and pulling him a bit closer from behind an action that put him at ease, at least a bit more than he was before.


[Hangar, Basment, Nikolay's bedroom|
[7:30 Eastern European Time|

As morning raised upon the misty mountain range and the few birds that didn't migrate for winter started chirping their way into everyone's ears with their singing, Nikolay opened his eyes a bit dazed, blinking twice before his gaze settled upon Nadya sleeping against his chest, almost glued onto him. Sighing he put he raised his limp right arm and put it on his front, waiting a bit as he reincorporated himself into the woken world.

Nikolay: Hm... *Yawn* ... Wake up sleeping beauty

Nadya: Ghmmm...

Nikolay's poke only made her mumble nonsense, it was apparent she didn't want to leave bed nor this position, a sight that made Nikolay sigh.

He shook her slightly up to the point she at the end of what felt like an hour finally released her grip on him, moving to her side of the bed and with her head now laying on the pillow simply stared at the man a bit annoyed.

Nikolay: Really giving me this show so early in the morning..?

He muttered softly, to which he got no reaction other than the starring continuing to try and pierce his soul. Nikolay simply dismissed this and searched around with his arm for his phone without getting out of bed, unlocking the screen he stared at the clock, as he expected 7:32 a.m already.

Nikolay: Come one we got things to do today

He said to the doll and untucked himself from the blanket's cozy grip, getting instantly hit with the somewhat cold temperature of their hangar, much more noticeable inside the basement rooms.

Nadya: I will get ready later...

She replied stealing the blanket all for herself and turning around, now facing the wall as Nikolay looked at her a bit dispirited by her attitude.

Nikolay: Okay then, just don't fall asleep again

As he said this he himself started getting ready, firstly getting dressed up and then making his way out of their bedroom up into the main area of the hangar, walking towards the sofa's and clapping quite loudly while his lips opened and closed in a quick motion repeating the same thing until the dolls started waking up.

Nikolay: Come on, it's morning, everyone up, come on

A loud groan could be heard from Raisa's end who stood up on the spot almost instantly and rubbed her eyes, soon after the rest followed, Alisa simply adjusting herself where she laid and stretching up while yawning, as per Sveta she opened her eyes to find herself yet again hugging onto Alyona who because of this already had a bad morning mood drawn across her face.

Nikolay: I will do some quick breakfast while you all get ready, as soon as you have eaten and Nadya gets ready we will leave to Lyuda's estate

His words were concise and clear the dolls simply muttering okay's or nodding as they started doing their own thing while getting ready, Nikolay stretched out himself a bit before walking to the kitchen and starting to make some toasts and tea for everyone. As Nikolay prepared breakfast the dolls didn't take long in getting ready, most of them already dressed up for the exception of their cloaks and boots, Nadya got up as well in this timeframe, now the doll being found sitting in a dining chair already dressed up and ready to leave like the rest.

As the group ate their breakfast and finished their tea they got their final preparations ready before heading out. It was now around 8-9~ish in the morning the sun still slightly clouded by the darkness of the approaching winter and those annoying rain clouds that hovered around the region the entire month now. Lyuda's state wasn't really far from them, only about three to four hours on foot, getting there early was important if they wanted to come back to the hangar early as well. Although the journey seemed a bit tedious and long it was somewhat smooth, they only had to go down the mountain until they reached a river and from there they would cross it into the plains that laid below that section of the Urals, in which they would find Lyuda's estate and a small village that was near the area.

The group as expected emerged from the mountains around more or less lunchtime, their gazes set upon the plains in front of them, in which laid the big fenced up domain. Walking up to the chain-link fence gates they were gritted by a rather noisy German Shepard, who barked at the group for a while before recognizing them and wagging its tail, barking even louder now that he knew who they were.

Nikolay: Hey there little bud go call your stupid mom

Said Nikolay to the dog with a smile as he approached the gate slightly more and looked down at the dog who kept barking demanding to go outside to meet them. This noise in such a peaceful day achieved to get a woman out of the house, looking from the porch at the group by her properties gates, she recognized them instantly unlike the dog, and quickly made her way towards the gate, yelling as soon as she was close enough for them to be able to hear her.

Lyuda: Nikolay?

Nikolay: Who else, the KGB?

He yelled back with some snarky low tone to his response now before completing his statement and waving at her with a quick hand movement to diss miss his earlier sarcasm.

Nikolay: Of course, it's me open the gates already!

The woman rolled her eyes as she laughed slightly, reaching the gates she gave a little look to all the dolls behind him and simply opened the gate, the dog quickly slipping through the opening and throwing himself at the girls behind Nikolay to play.

Lyuda: What are you even doing here?

Nikolay: We agreed we would visit today, did you really forget?

Lyuda: O блядь (Oh fuck) you are right, yeah you are... Come in, come in

She let out at first, she looked a bit beaten up. Lyuda was a woman around her mid-thirties more or less, an exotic dye colored her hair black obsidian along with some silver locks, leaving only one lock of her natural hazel nut-brown colored hair to show. But well, to say the least, her fashion choices were weird, to begin with anyway. Simple black sports shorts that accompanied her also black shirt, in which the flag of the Soviet Union was displayed, added into the already strange mix, she wore an aviators jacket on her shoulders shielding her slightly from the cold, in that same jacket you could find an American flag strapped to the side of one of the sleeves and most importantly who could ignore the black crocs she was wearing instead of her more usual sneakers.

Nikolay: Hm you were drinking yesterday weren't you?

He said after analyzing her as he followed her to the house, Lyuda laughed at his question probably because of how obvious it was from just the lingering fragrance of vodka that stuck to her.

Lyuda: Of course, it was Friday yesterday after all wanted to relax for the end of this week's work

Nikolay: *Sigh* Let me guess, Klim's vodka again?

Lyuda: Hell yeah..! Ah-a... Ouch...

Her sudden surge of enthusiasm got taken down by the headache that stroke her at the same instant she upped her tone, Nikolay laughed at this and simply kept walking giving her two pats in the back to recompose herself. Soon enough the dolls caught up with them, now all of them inside the house, everyone has found a comfortable place to sit as Sveta went into the kitchen and returned with some glasses and 2 bottles of vodka. And their talks are now being accompanied by the strong drink Sveta just brought.

Lyuda: Ah it's been a while girls, you all so grown up now

Nikolay: They are t-dolls Lyuda they don't grow up

Lyuda: Ай ебать (Ah fuck) you're the one making mad shit around her not me

Nikolay: Yeah, yeah, you can pinch their cheeks later, you got the supplies?

He said changing the topic cutting to the important matter at hand and the reason for their visit after all. Lyuda rolled her eyes, as always Nikolay was the direct fuck she knew.

Lyuda: You doubt me? They are back in the first hangar unloaded and stored in those easily carried boxes you asked, the question here is though, you have the money?

Nikolay: Same bank account as always Lyuda

Lyuda: Good, good

He simply said, Lyuda looked at him how he stopped leaning against the wall and started to walk out of the house, grabbing the door's handle and announcing something before opening it.

Nikolay: I'm going to go and check the contents

And just like that, he left the girls alone, Lyuda growing a smirk on her face before looking at the dolls.

Lyuda: Eyy~ *Fingerguns*

Sveta: Eyyy~ *Fingerguns*

Alisa: Eyyyyyy~ *Fingerguns*

Raisa: Ey *Fingergun*

Alyona: Eyy *Fingerguns*

Nadya: *Sigh* ... Ey *Fingergun*

Lyuda: Hell yeah, I missed you bunch, how is life treating you?

Sveta: Great

Said Sveta raising her glass in a toast and gulping it down, Raisa did the same and both dolls gulped down the hard alcohol in one go, Nadya looked at them for a while before looking at her own glass with doubt, inhaling a bit of air she also raised the glass slightly and closed her eyes as she gulped down the entire glass, her head feeling a spinning feeling as it hit her stomach.

Lyuda: Y'all thirsty ey?

Said Lyuda in a cheeky manner, hinting towards several meanings of the word at which attempt of a tease Sveta simply laughed while Raisa ignored the comment, as per Nadya she found herself in her own world now, staring at her now refilled glass.

Sveta: Nah, we will never get that type of action most probably

Lyuda: Hah, I see, I see, the hangar is still holding up?

Alyona: Hmhm, life is good in general we do struggle a bit but it could be a lot worst in a situation like ours

Raisa: Hm agree on that, it would be nicer if we could eat every day, we still have some days where we don't eat because food runs low and we just use the charging stations

Lyuda: That must suck... Hmm

Lyuda took a sip from her glass of cold water, the stinging feeling yet refreshing sensation wrapping around the insides of her throat. The dolls kept taking sips once in a while from their glasses as well, except Alisa who didn't drink because she didn't like the taste of vodka.

Lyuda: Actually, didn't Nikolay do some hydroponic basins or something like that?

Alyona: Tried, it failed horribly, we just wasted scrap and time on trying to develop them besides we are stuck in our learning curve, we are after all stranded on the old learning way, at least Nikolay is a good overall teacher by those means...

Raisa: Still would be nice to actually use that money he has around instead of this "scaving" life, but I guess it's not like we got many options afterall

Lyuda: Hmm...

She took in all their responses, seems like they still tried to live a humble life in the mountains away from society even if it was hard enough to live normally in a situation like that. Lyuda leaned back slightly on her chair supporting herself by resting her arm on the table on which arm's palm she also rested her head her eyes gaze diverting outside, looking out the window and staring at the open hangar in which Nikolay's figure wandered about, looking around the crates and checking things.

Lyuda: And how is he doing?

She asked in a somewhat nonchalant tone of voice, some of the dolls hummed at this question, seems like nothing much changed from the past and the man's manners concerning himself and his integrity.

Raisa: Well... I guess... Better?

Lyuda at this response stopped leaning slightly backward and simply took another long sip from her cold water.

Lyuda: Still clinging to his past? Because hell he got the same pleasant voice as ever

She said, even if the tone didn't discern it, in an over sarcastically manner, after all, more than Nikolay's voice being pleasant it sounded like a depressed alcoholic father who just got back from his office job or even a zombie if you wanted to go the extremes of it.

Rasia: *Sigh* At this point I don't really know anymore Lyuda, he shrugs everything off as always, try and dig something out and the attempt gets deflected or ignored, he is just holding up to something I guess...

Lyuda: Heh, just like with me huh... *Sigh* This man seriously is a troublemaker...

Sveta: Eh, I guess things are like things are, we can't expect sudden changes from all this

Lyuda: Well it probably is like that

She replied and finished her glass of water, soon after the door to the house was open again, and enter Nikolay, that rugged look and indifferent aura around him that Lyuda always felt since those days.

Nikolay: Everything in check so we good to go... Huh, what were you all talking about?

Nikolay just upon inspecting the mood of the room felt like he interrupted something, but everyone simply shrugged it off not giving him any clue or answer whatsoever other than Lyuda's.

Lyuda: Girly things

She said playing with her empty glass and looking over at the only doll that seemed to be feeling tipsy already from drinking. The group chatted now with Nikolay about anything they could come up with as long as they were sharing some drinks, this whole little relaxing time taking away from them about an hour and a half, and by the point, they had to get going they had a little problem as one of the dolls certainly couldn't manage the alcohol and got piss drunk.

Nikolay: Hey Nadya you can still catch up with the other's back to base I can go alone...

Nadya: I'm *Hic* perfectly fine...

Nikolay: ... You sure about that statement honey?

Nadya: You *Hic* doubt me Nikolaivich Ilyad? *Hic*

As she stated this quite disgruntled at his doubts about her current condition she walked in front of him with clumsy yet quick dashing movements, her face beat red and sense in a state not really seen usually from her.

Nadya: See *Hic* I can perfectly *Hic* walk, let's get those supplies already...

As she said this she took forward to big steps that looked at best pretty unstable. Nikolay walked closely to her, vigilant to try and avoid her getting hurt by her stupidly stubborn attitude. In all seriousness, the poor woman can't even manage two bottles of beer yet again don't put her near five full shots of vodka, why she keeps trying to drink alcoholic drinks like the rest is still a mystery up to this day.

Nadya: Also! *Hic* What was even that response to Lyuda before? *Hic* Geez

Nikolay: *Sigh* Nadya go home please, you are drunk

Nadya: I'am *Hic* as fresh as *Hic* a rose in the *Hic* morning mist!

She replied turning around slightly and pointing at him with her index finger, announcing her own imaginative state proudly at which Nikolay could only sigh as he looked at her clumsy walking.

Nikolay: *Sigh* Here Nadya, come on

As he said this the doll turned around and looked at him with squinted eyes, only to see him ducking slightly and leaning forward, the female not realizing his intentions of carrying her on a piggyback ride for at least 1 minute straight before it hit her.

Nadya: I can walk myself! *Hic*

Nikolay: Come on, don't be a tsundere and just hop on

Nadya: Agh! Fine *Hic* just once though!

And just like that Nadya hoped on, Nikolay now finding himself walking to the village about 2 km away from here with a drunk doll on his back, who muttered nonsense and did anything she felt like just like a parrot would when he lands on its owner's shoulder.

Nadya: Why are *Hic* you like *Hic* not...

Nikolay: Drunk?

Nadya: Yesh! *Hic* Also I'm tired... *Hic* Hmm...

As she said this she simply leaned more against him, her head now resting against Nikolay's black uncared hair.

Nadya: Your hair is *Hic* scrubby, hehehe~

Nikolay: Why do you keep trying to get drunk at any opportunity..?

Nadya: I'msh-not drunk! *Hic* I'm... I'm just high on potato juice!

Nikolay: That is also known as Vodka dear...

Nadya: It's still juice!

As they kept walking she kept throwing tantrums on his back and then going back to being all touchy again, at this point his neck was a bit in pain from the constant tightening of her pale white arms, that although felt nice to the touch, just didn't let you ignore the fact you were being choked each time she moved a bit too much. This was gonna be a long walk.


[Hangar, main area|
[19:37 Eastern European Time|

Sveta: So what's inside the box?

Alyona: Don't be impatient...

Simply replied her sister who held onto a crowbar between her hands, analyzing the boxes for a bit to see from where would be the ideal spot to open them.

Raisa: *Yawn* I guess Nikolay and Nadya will take longer still to get back... I'm going out for a stroll I will be back in twenty minutes if you all need me

Alisa: Sure~... Hmm...

The dolls have returned not so long ago from Lyuda's state, having finally settled back on the hangar they started doing their own thing as currently, it was already around 8 p.m when they came back, and as they expected Nikolay would take a lot longer to get back with some other supplies from the village with a drunk Nadya on his back.

Sveta: Just open it already jesus

Said Sveta taking away the crowbar from her sister's hands and doing the hard work herself, if you want things done do them yourself they say.

Alyona: Hey wait a secon--... *Sigh*

Sveta: Too late yeah, shouldn't have been thinking so much on how to open a damn nailed down box

The box popped open, the wooden and metallic reinforced lid coming right off strangely alike to those easy to open cans of sardines. The ruckus called Alisa's attention who left the sofas and approached the duo, trying to look over their shoulder to see what was the fuzz about for them to be discussing over the simple action of opening boxes.

Her eyes settled upon the contains of the boxes as she finally went to the right side of Alyona and peeked from there, between all the straw and wrapping materials were the so precious contents, cores, emotional modules, saving devices, and a whole plethora of difficult to find and more importantly buy items for the use of upgrading and making of dolls.

Sveta: Guess this is just Nikolay's stuff, lemme open the other four left

She simply said before changing her stance and staring down at the other four boxes left unopen with crowbar in hand, at this sight Alyona quickly stole the crowbar from her, still fearing that her quite certainly not delicate approach could potential damaged the contents.

Alyona: I will do it, just be patient for a bit, geez

Alisa: Hm, did Kolya buy anything else from Lyuda?

Sveta: From what I heard components and some equipment for us which I'm quite excited to get my hands on

Alisa: Ooooh, huh, hmmm

Sveta: Anything wrong with you?

Alisa: I don't know, I just felt weird outside and can't get my finger on why is that so it kept me on the edge

Sveta: On edge?

Alisa: Like if someone analyzed me up and down

Alyona: It could have perfectly been an owl or some other sort of animal, don't give it much mind Alisa

Said Alyona simply, focusing back on the boxes, taking one away from the pile, carefully opening it thereafter, the contents of this box however weren't electronic and mechanical components.

Sveta: Aww it's just the ammo crate

Said Sveta approaching it and squatting beside it, taking some shotgun shells which then quickly after fell back inside the box through her fingers out of her palm, making that so familiar sound of brass hitting brass.

Alyona: Guess the equipment is somewhere inside the other boxes

Muttered Alyona and got to them. Alisa watched her two sisters tinker with the boxes and their items not really paying much attention to the purpose of it all, just watching them move.

Meanwhile, as the three dolls kept at their own thing, messing around with the new supplies, just outside Raisa walked aimlessly, looking around as the dark night was already trying to settle in, leaving little to see to the normal eye.

Raisa: *Inhale*

The pure, fresh, cold air of the mountain filtered into her lungs as she stopped for a second to stretch out and breathe deeply, opening her eyes again as her arms started to lower back to their original position, her gaze set upon the distant mist that started to form that already tried to surround her feet, becoming denser and closer with each passing minute as the night's veil revealed the whitish haze.

Raisa: *Exhale* ... Hmmm

Raisa stood there in the same spot looking deep down into the uneven forest that painted the Urals green, her concentration not long after taken away by the mumbling of a feminine voice and the heavy steps of someone approaching from afar. Turning around she observed Nikolay and Nadya walking towards the hangar, Nadya bumping sometimes onto Nikolay as she still was kinda drunk while the latter occupied his hands by carrying the box filled with food, fresh milk bottled up in glass containers, and other canned goods. Apparently, they didn't notice her through the ever-arising mist.

Nadya: Aghhh, why can't, I, carry the box?

Said Nadya, looking over at the wooden crate Nikolay has been carrying for hours now, the man taking a glance back at her as he looked at her small pout across her face.

Nikolay: Because I don't trust you with glass and a drunken state

Nadya: But I'm not drunk anymore!

Nikolay analyzed her a bit, her cheeks still with a pale red that appeared on her face and didn't leave right upon her getting piss drunk.

Nikolay: I would argue about that...

Raisa: Need help with that?

Nikolay almost jumped in place as Raisa approached them and stared down at the box, only gifting a 3-second glance to their faces as a hello.

Nikolay: Goddamn didn't notice you... Yeah thanks

Nadya squinted her eyes and gave a short glance at Raisa before deviating said look towards Nikolay, converting it into a deep stare.

Raisa: Hm, oh you bought some eggs as well

Muttered Raisa quite pleased as she looked into the contents of the box he bought from the villagers as she accompanied him inside, Nadya, following them right behind a bit irritated.

Nikolay: Thought some scrambled eggs would be a good breakfast this season seeing almost all of you grew fond of them

Raisa: Hm... There's a bit too many thought... What's in the backpack?

She asked as Nikolay opened the door and let her enter the hangar first, in this instance of moves her eyes catching the sight of the big hunting backpack he brought along strapped tightly to his back.

Nikolay: The rest of the tushonka and shelved goods, Nadya got one as well, I pondered about it and decided to buy a bit more than usual, don't really want to go grocery shopping a lot of what is left of this year

Raisa: Hm I see

As they got inside the other dolls turned their looks towards the three people that entered the hangar, Alisa smiling almost instantly and running up to Nikolay as she curiously overlooked the box that Raisa carried beside him.

Alisa: Chief you took too long what happened?

Nikolay chuckled and simply ruffled her hair before walking towards the kitchen to unpack the heavy backpack he was carrying.

Nikolay: Ask the lovely dork that's behind us

As Raisa accompanied Nikolay to the kitchen to unpack and store the supplies in their corresponding place, Nadya finally entered the hangar a grumpy long face plastered across her as the effects of the alcohol ingested some hours before still slightly persisted. Closing the door behind herself she quickly went ahead to take a shower, apparently not wanting to talk with anyone. Nikolay shook his head slightly as he took a deep sigh at the scene unfolding, Sveta and Alyona simply overlooked everything from the sofa, both of them just scrolling away in their phones to kill time as they long ago opened all the boxes they carried themselves here from Lyuda's estate.

Nikolay: Hmm... Ah well, can you take care of all this yourself Raisa?

As he asked this Raisa simply shrugged and kept at her own, another one of her many silent yeses she displayed through such indifferent motions. Nikolay however to make sure he was correct with his judgment stared at her for a while before she rolled her eyes and muttered a low-hummed yes so he could do whatever he wanted to do.

Nikolay: Thank you

He said walking over to his workbenches and opening a toolbox from which he took a pack of cigarettes he had always hidden and at hand without anyone noticing, and right then after putting it tucked away inside his trenchcoat's inner pocket. Leaving his mask on the workbench he wow turned away, his eyes looked around, finding Alisa helping out Raisa in unpacking supplies as she herself was still curious about what food they brought along, meanwhile, this happened, Sveta and Alyona were still on the sofa scrolling through their phones.

Nikolay: You all took a shower already?

Sveta: Nope

Nikolay: *Sigh* Make sure to take one after Nadya gets out of the bathroom, I will start making dinner after I get back from stretching out

He said receiving a rogered from Alisa and Sveta along with the low affirming hum of Alyona, now leaving the dolls with their own doings as he himself went outside and closed the door behind himself, looking aimlessly at the forest in front of him.

Taking a deep breath he searched for the pack of cigarettes inside his inner pocket and took it out, opening the packet with a slick and fast motion with which elevated the cigarettes butts upwards with the lid making it easier to pick, even though there were few options left from the twenty there originally were.

Nikolay: Hm... *Sigh* Thrice a week doesn't hurt anyone...

He said taking one and bitting it down between his lips, his hand reaching back into his inner trenchcoat's pocket and storing the pack back while taking out his old Zippo lighter with a silvery engraved pegasus as a decoration.

Nikolay: At least I dropped it down considerably, doubt I will ever drop it entirely though

His thoughts scrambled around his brain randomly as the cigarette was finally lit, the metallic characteristic sound of the Zippo lighter closing and opening resounding to his silence-filled ears while he stored it back inside the pocket it belonged.

Nikolay now walked away from the hangar's auxiliary door, making his way towards a far away birch tree in which he leaned on his back to rest while he smoked, taking a puff as his free hand grabbed his sides which he used as a support for his right arm to rest its elbow while he wasn't taking a puff from the cig.

Nikolay: Heh, and to think I used to smoke a pack in just four days before having them around...


[Outside the hangar, south-eastern elevation|

???: That's him

???: Hm, looks like they are back from their trip... What a wasted opportunity...

"This is Command speaking, Command speaking, do you hear us Angeln-0? Over"

???: *Bzz* Angeln-0 spritch (speaking), hearing you loud and clear Command

"Inform of the current mission status, over"

???: Mission is uncompromised, the tango is in our sight and no signs of our detection have been made by the assailants, awaiting further orders

"Rogered Angeln-0, Haifisch-2 is in the air, ETA 8 hours, we will inform you of any changes, out"

The hooded doll shook her head as the transmission ended, her companion who laid cloaked on the ground with her GOL-sniper's scope hovering over Nikolay's heart muttered something in german, making the doll who was squatting with her hands gripping tightly to her G41 look back at the sniper.

???: Yes Command again, the other duo will be here in some hours

???: Gut (Good)

The spotter didn't say anything to her answer, simply taking back with her free hand the binoculars and analyzing the man smoking away time by the tree, turning off her thermal imaging as it was getting severely diminished by the suspending mist that became even thicker. It almost looked like he was looking over this way, something that alerted the doll slightly but in the end, didn't put her on alarm as it was impossible to have seen her or her companion through the thick mist in this darkened forest forsaken from any moonlight other than the few rays that achieved to break through the foliage.

???: They better get here soon...

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