The Past (fem Reader x My her...

By ChibiMorel

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(Y/N) has had a terrible past A years later she gets into U.A on a recommendation but none only then Aizawa a... More

Who are you?
U.A here i come!!
Singing in the park
First test of the year
Nurses office already!
Help me! Please!
Blood and Bruises
Sports Festival and finally free
I have a Niece!
Gifts for you!
Sonething that I shouldn't have known
New cover & Q&A???
What High School?
The Start Of Camp
Kota's backstory and birthday!
A Villain!!?!
Why Me and Bakugo?
Will I be saved?!
What is happening?!
A new friend!
Back to U.A
Is this Disapointment?
Regression quirk?
Night Terrors
Capture the Flag!
Leaving for a while
My Voice.... Its gone..
Back to school
I love you Katsuki Bakugo


282 6 0
By ChibiMorel

"(Y/N) wake up we need to start training!" I hear a voice yell from downstairs. I sit up in my bed as I yawn and stretch my arms. I grab my hero costume and start to get changed into it.

I look in the mirror to see myself with my beautiful (F/C) hero costume. It kinda looks like a two piece Japanese kimono mixed with a sumo bottom. My shoes are boots that went to the tops of my shines. There were marks on the back of it that made it look traditional.

I walked down the stairs to the kitchen and had some breakfast of pancakes that I guess Sasha made. I head into the living room to find everyone was there and ready to go.

"Wow, (Y/N) you look amazing!" I hear Jean say from the couch. I look towards him and give him a closed eyed smile. "Thank you! It actually is my first time wearing it!" I say to them with excitement in my voice.

"To begin today we are going to see how you have been going with your quirks. So first off you are going to use your quirk dragon against Eren like when we were little." Levi explained as we begin to walk outside.


I transform into my dragon form as big as I can go. Eren across from me gets into his titan form.

"Ready? Set! Go!" Mikasa yells out to us. He starts running towards me as I fly up to the sky with great speed. Eren then jumps up and then grabs my tail.

Fire then comes out of my snout and he lets go and falls to the ground. I fly down to him and pick him up from his leg with my snout then fly up really high. I let go and then let him fall to the ground.

When I get back to the ground to find Eren's titan just laying there I look around to the others to see if he is there. He wasn't so I knew I had to get him out of his titan form or he will burn alive. I fly to him and then turn him over.

I bite into his nape and then pull him. I spit him out straight away before he burns even more. I transform back to myself and run to him to make sure he is okay.

"Eren can you hear me?!" I say as I start to worry. Did I go to hard? Everyone else arrive to Eren and I as he is laying down on the grass. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. This is all my fault!" I say as tears threaten to fall down my face.

"It's okay (Y/N). This happens all the time." Conny says to me. I look at him confused. He never did this when we were younger. Levi carries him back to the house on his back.

"That's adorable. They are definitely soulmates!" Hanji says as we walk behind them. I look around to see if anyone else knew what she said but it looked like I was the only one who didn't know.

"What's a soulmate?" I ask them all.

"It's a..." Jean starts. "Well it's like a best friend, but more." Jean finishes.

"It's the one person in the world that knows you better then anyone else." Mikasa says as she is walking in front of you without looking back.

"It's someone who makes you a better person." Conny says.

"Actually they don't make you a better person, you do that yourself, because they inspire you." Armin explains.

"A soulmate is someone who you carry with you forever." Jeans explains.

"It's the one person who..." Conny starts. "Who knew you and accepted you and believed in you before anyone else did, or when no one else would." Mikasa finishes.

"And no matter what happens, you'll always love them. Nothing can change that." Hanji explains.

"That is what a soulmate is." They all say at once. I think to myself. "Will I ever find my soulmate?" I ask them. They all look at each other then smile. "Of course you will!" Armin says.

"When we get back we are going to talk about your love life as well!" Hanji yells out loud.

Levi turns around. "Shut up will you! Titans can come at anytime if you just yell!" He yells at us. We all keep walking until I hear some stomping coming from the forest. I stop and look towards the forest to see nothing. Everyone looks back at me to see if I'm okay.

They see me looking towards the forest. "(Y/N) why are you looking towards the forest?" Conny asks. I look towards him until I hear stomping again. I jolt my head back to the forest.

"Do you guys hear that?" I ask them. They look at each other. "No I don't hear anything?" Mikasa says. I look away for a few seconds and continue walking until it gets louder and I recognise the stomping sound. "RUN!" I yell to them as they run on my command.

I transform into my dragon form to find a 10 meter titan running towards me. I fly up, go behind them and bite their nape off. I keep doing that to all the titans until there is none left. They should be back by now so I start flying to the house. I fly over the walls and land to only transform.

I walk into the house to find everyone sitting in the lounge room with the exemption of Eren of course. They all looked really worried until they say me.

"Oh god your okay. I thought you died!" Mikasa starts yelling at me. "I'm sorry?" I say. "I'm going to go to bed now, Goodnight." I say as I walk to the stairs.

"Goodnight!" They all say in unison. I walk up the stairs and head to my room. I walk to my bedside table and place my phone on charge. I grab my ukulele and start to play.


What a strange being you are
God knows where I would be
If you hadn't found me
Sitting alone in the dark
A dumb screenshot of youth
Watch how a cold broken teen
Will desperately lean on a superglued human of proof

What the hell would I be, without you
(What the hell would I be)
Brace face talk so lightly, hide the truth
(Hide the truth)

'Cause I'm sick of losing soulmates, so where do we begin
I can finally see, you're as fucked up as me
So how do we win?
Yeah, I'm sick of losing soulmates, won't be alone again
I can finally see, you're as fucked up as me
So how do we win?

We will grow old friends,
I've promised that before so what's one more
In our gray-haired circle, waiting for the end?
Time and hearts will wear us thin
So which path will you take, 'cause we both know a break
Does exactly what it says on the tin

What the hell would I be, without you
Brace face talk so lightly, hide the truth

'Cause I'm sick of losing soulmates, so where do we begin
I can finally see, you're as fucked up as me
So how do we win?

I won't take no for an answer
(I won't take no for an answer)
I won't take no for an answer
(I won't take no for an answer)
I won't take no
(I won't take no)
I won't take no
(I won't take no)

'Cause I'm sick of losing soulmates, so where do we begin
I can finally see, you're as fucked up as me
So how do we win?
Yeah, I'm sick of losing soulmates, won't be alone again
I can finally see, you're as fucked up as me
So how do we win?


I place my ukulele back to where I had it. I then change out of my hero costume and lay on my bed. I open my phone to find the message that I didn't answer last night. So I decide to answer.


You may not remember me,
but we were really good friends
when we were younger.

I may remember you
if you give me a better hint


I put my alarm on for me to wake up. I then place my phone on my bedside table.

A few days later

I grab a dummy to start training with. Until I hear my phone go off. That's Midoriya's message tone. I walk towards my phone and pick it up.


Hosu city
Dark ally way


Is he in danger! Did he send that because that was the only thing he could do for back up? I need to find Jean.

I run to the house to find this certain horse face friend. "Jean! Jean where are you?!" I start yelling throughout the house. Jean then walks into the room I was in.

"What is it (Y/N)?! Is something wrong?!" He says as he sees my stressed face. "Can you send me to this location!?" I say as I show him the place. "I think one of my friends are in danger!" I say. He nods and looks around the opens a portal to what I guess to be the location. "Thank you! Tell them I am training and if I don't get back before dark just tell them that you saw me go to my room, and that I was going to bed early. I'll text you when I need a portal back." I say as I walk through the portal.

I end up in a dark ally to find Iida on the ground all bloody. I then look to my right to see a pro hero. If I remember correctly his name is Native. I then see Midoriya fighting off Stain the hero killer. I run up to Midoriya to help him.

"What did I miss?" I say as I punch stain in the face. "Make sure he doesn't consume your blood!" Midoriya says to me. That is going to be easy I hope. I transform into my dragon form big enough to fit in the alleyway. I then surround him is fire so he is stuck. Suddenly he is behind me and trying to stab me. I quickly transform back. Stain is then stuck to the ground with ice on his legs.

I turn around to see a tall white and red headed teen. I turn back around to stain to find him out of the ice running to Midoriya as he is facing towards Todoroki. He goes to stab Midoriya in the back I rush to his side and push him out of the way. I then trip over my own feet to meet the tip of the blade in the side of my torso.

I started bleeding out as stain pulled the blade out. "Please don't hurt my friends they deserve to live!" I yell to stain as I feel the pain start to take over my body. "悪魔の女王があなたを呼ぶ!" (Demon Queen calls You forth!) I yell out and my eyes turn a shade of red as I transform into a demon. I put a protection spell on the boys and the pro hero then I sit down against the wall as I slowly fade out of consciousness. The boys fight stain and every time stain try's to cut them his blade bounces off.

Iida gains his control over his body and joins the other two. I then see in the cornered my eye a Nomu looking towards the boys. I turn towards the fight to see stain is defeated. "RAAA!" I hear the Nomu scream out as it runs towards my body. It picks me up and starts to fly off. As it picked me up it's claws scratch across my left eye. "(Y/N)!" I hear the three boys yell out as I am pulled to the sky.

To the surprise of the Nomu I turn into a dragon but I am to weak to go big enough to get out of his grip. I then suddenly start falling to the ground to be grabbed by none other then stain himself. "You are a true hero." He whispers into my ear as we land towards the ground. "Thank you." I say with a weak smile.
We hit the ground as I am passed to Todoroki who is all bloody from getting pushed to the wall. I look to Midoriya to see his arm is broken and Iida has cuts all over his arms.

"I'm sorry." I say weakly under my breath. I then lose consciousness and everything is black.


"Why are you leaving? What if mum dies while your gone?" I say to a boy.

"Well you should be all grown up when that happens. Then you won't need me." He says back.

"I think I will always need you." I say with tears streaming down my face.


Dear (Y/N)
I'm sorry for leaving without telling you.
And I hate to do this on your birthday. Happy birthday by the way. It's not you it's me and all that other bullshit. You know that bullshit.
I have wrote more letters that I want you to open each birthday. We will always be great friends

Your one and only friend
Touya Todoroki


I open my eyes to be blinded by all this light. "Ahh, your awake now. How are you feeling?" A voice is heard from the left of me. I look in the direction to only realise that I can't see out of my left eye. "What the Fuck! Sorry! I can't see out of my eye!" I yell in my room. "Calm down. Do you wanna hear the good news or the bad news?" The doctor says to me as he calms me down.

"The bad news I guess?" I say to the doctor. The doctor looks down to his click board and looks back up to me. "You have now gone blind in left eye and have a scar across your eye." He says.

"And the good news." I ask.

"Stain has been captured and taken into custody." He says with a smile. "When your ready you can make your way to the boys room if you want to that is. Their room is 207b if you do decide to go. Their is a change of clothes in your bathroom if you feel uncomfortable in your clothes." He explains to me before he leaves.

I head to the bathroom to change. They give me some black leggings, a sports top and lastly a U.A jumper. I look in the mirror at my face to see a scar cut diagonally from the left side of my forehead to at least my jaw. My eye was now a white kind of colour.

I walk out and find it hard to get used to since I can't really see the left side of anything probably. I walk out of my room and ask a nurse to guide me to room 207b so I can see the boys. They take me to their room. "Thank you miss." I say as she walks off.

"(Y/N) your okay!" I hear a high male voice say as I walk into the room. "Of course I am why wouldn't I be." I say with a wide smile. "Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida are you okay?" I say as I look at each and everyone of them. Midoriya and Todoroki frown at me. Iida smiles and says that he is fine thanks to us three.

"Why don't you call me Izu~Chan anymore?" Midoriya says to me.

"Why don't you call me Shouchan at all?" Todoroki says to me.

I look at them both. "Well Todoroki at the start of the school year you made it clear that you didn't want to be friends with me at all, and I stopped calling you Izu~Chan because my father said that it was rude to call people nicknames what ever you do and that I need to be a good female and call them by their first names or call them names like master, boss or other things." I say as I sit down on one of the beds.

Thank you for reading! I'm sorry this wasn't out ages ago and that it took me this long to write it. I have been busy with school.
I hope you enjoyed!
Have a wonderful day, night, evening, morning, sleep.
If it is late as well take this as a break and go to bed. You have a big day ahead of you!

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