My Immortal

By TarableTaralynn

25K 1.2K 466

Dean's a centuries old vampire who hates the monster he's become and others of his kind; which causes him to... More

Author's Note :)
In The Beginning
Uncovering Secrets
Meeting Him
Telling Him The Truth
Found Out
On The Run
Chosen One
Telling Him
Returning To Them
New Discoveries
Letting Them Help
A New Attack Plan
Hunting His Kind
Going To War
Learning Of His Past
The Search Continues
Figuring Things Out
Saving His Life And Mistakes Made
Getting Help
Break Out
Coming Back Together
Going Hunting
Countdown To War
A New Ally
Trusting Him
Training Day
Losing One Of The Family
Making Plans
Choosing To Fight
Ambushed And Taken
Finding A Way Out
Out Of Time
A New Ally And Home
Problems And A Change Of Plans
Moving And Keeping Things From Them
Stronger Together
Hurtful Words
An Attack And A New Ally
His Story!
The Truth And A New Enemy Revealed
Going On A Vamp Hunt!
Breaking Him
A Secret Meeting
A Deal Is Made!
A Secret Discovered!
An Uncertain Future
Breaking Down
Forgiveness And Coverups
The Truth And Fighting Each Other
A New Problem Appears
One Problem Solved
A Secret Mission
Fights And Nightmares
Trying To Save Rose
Nightmares Come To Life
Plans Coming Together
Plans Exposed
Plans Work Out For Once
A New Offer Is Made
Finding Inner Strength
The Battle Within
Past Lies Uncovered
The Battle Begins
The Begining Of The End
One Step Closer To The End
The Battle Draws Closer
Family Reunion
A New Reign Begins
Author's Note

Making Decisions

120 6 4
By TarableTaralynn

 Dean sighed frustrated, as he paced the basement; despite getting the Raven under his control, he was still having a hard time figuring out the rest of his damn powers. Time was running out and he still didn't have even the tiniest bit of control over his powers yet. The only thing he did have figured out was that he knew his trigger for them which was happy memories of Roman and his family. He has been down here for the last couple of hours working with Keeper to strengthen his connection with the Raven and to master his powers. So far though, the only thing he managed to master was his frustration, anger, and a massive stress headache.

 "Are you even listening to me, Chosen One?" Keeper's annoyed voice spoke from behind him, breaking into his thoughts.

 "Dammit, Keeper, I told you to stop calling me that!" Dean said angrily, as he stopped pacing and turned to face him clenching his fists.

 "Oh, you mean stop calling you, Chosen One?" Keeper taunted smirking, as he crossed his arms and stared at him.

 "Stop, dammit." Dean ordered. "I'm warning you."

 "Chosen One." Keeper said still smirking, unmoved by Dean's anger.

 "You son-of-a-bitch!" Dean yelled angrily, as he lifted his hand to throw Keeper, but instead of sending him flying, he made a chair fly into the wall breaking it, Keeper didn't even flinch.

 "Wow, Deano, you really showed that chair how powerful you are, didn't you?" Keeper mocked smiling.

 "You did that on purpose, didn't you?"

 "Of course I did." Keeper admitted. "Look, I know all about your little discovery about happy thoughts keeping you focused and it's stupid and useless."

 "Why?" Dean questioned. "Don't like the fact that I have to think of my family to help me focus?"

 "Yes!" Keeper replied frustrated. "That's exactly why! Happy thoughts are fine if you're facing any other Vamp, but you're not, dammit! You're going up against the second most powerful Vamp; second only to you, and you think he won't realize what you're doing? The minute he gets you angry and sees how useless your powers are then, he'll use that against you." He explained.

 "Well, what the hell am I supposed to do then, huh?" Dean demanded frustrated, as he went to a chair, sat down and ran his hands over his face sighing, as his Raven flew to sit on his shoulder.

 Keeper sighed, but didn't say anything, as he sat across from him, he knew exactly what Dean needed to do to beat Vassago, but knew he wouldn't like it. Dean looked at him confused, he could suddenly sense something strange coming from Keeper, he was definitely keeping something from him. For some reason Keeper wasn't telling him what was going on and that not only worried him, but it also pissed him off. He already had a damn tension headache and the strange vibes coming from Keeper was only adding to his stress.

 "Alright, Keeper, I can't take it anymore, dammit." Dean said annoyed, as he stood.

 "What are you talking about?"

 "I'm talking about whatever the hell it is you're keeping from me!"

 "I don't know what you're talking about."

 "Stop lying to me, dammit!" Dean yelled. "Just tell me!"

 "Fine, you're right, I' am keeping something from you." Keeper admitted sighing. "I'll tell you, but you're not going to like it."

 "If it's coming from you, then I know I won't like it, but tell me anyway." Dean said sighing, as he leaned against the wall across from him and crossed his arms.

 "I know how you can defeat Vassago."


 "The only way you're going to defeat Vassago is by going...dark, you'll have to go full Vamp."

 "No!" Dean said angrily, as he got off the wall and began to pace, his hands clenched into fists at his sides.

 "I told you that you wouldn't like it." Keeper reminded him sighing, as he leaned back in his seat, staring at him and crossed his arms.

 "I'm not fucking doing it, dammit, so think of a different way!"

 "Dean, you know as well as I do that this is..."

 "Don't finish that damn sentence, Keeper!" Dean warned, as he stopped pacing and pointed at him. "Find. A. Different. Way!" He said drawing out each word.

 "There might not be time to figure something else out, Dean! We have no idea when he's going to attack, so we might not have time to get your powers under control."

 "I don't fucking care, Keeper!" Dean yelled angrily. "Find another way, dammit, cause I'm not doing it!" He added, before he left the basement, his Raven quickly following him.

 Keeper didn't follow him; he leaned back in his chair sighing and seconds later Roman came into the basement. Knowing Dean had been down here alone with Keeper, the asshole had to have done or said something to piss Dean off.

 "What the hell did you do?" Roman demanded angrily.

 "Want to be a little more specific, big man?" Keeper replied smirking, as he stood and began walking towards the stairs.

 "What did you do to Dean, dammit?" Roman said, as they went upstairs to the living room, where the others were except Dean, Rose, and Violet.

 "Oh, goody, the whole family is here." Keeper said smiling.

 "Answer my damn question."

 "I simply told Dean the only way we can defeat Vassago is to go..."

 "No!" Zander said firmly, cutting him off, Keeper sighed and rolled his eyes, before he sat on the couch and crossed his arms. "There has to be a different way!"

 "Wait, what the hell are you two talking about?" Seth demanded.

 "Since none of you will let me finish a damn sentence, Zander, why don't you tell them?" Keeper said smirking, as he leaned back, Zander glared at him.

 "Zander?" Paige said confused.

 "He's talking about Dean going...dark." Zander said sighing.

 "Dark?" Father O'Conner repeated confused. "You mean..."

 "I'd have to go full Vamp." Dean said bitterly from behind them.

 "What?" Everyone said together shocked.

 "I can tell by Dean and Zander's reactions that that is a bad thing?" Father O'Conner said confused.

 "It's more than bad, Father; it's the worst thing Dean could ever do." Zander stated looking at Keeper angrily.

 "Hey, in my defense, I did tell him he wouldn't like it." Keeper said shrugging.

 "What would happen if he did?" Roman asked.

 "By going dark, I could lose what makes me, me." Dean answered.

 "What does that mean?" Paige asked.

 "It means I could lose my humanity."

 "We could lose you?" Roman asked worried.


 "Look, I get it, I do, but realistically, this may be our only chance to defeat him." Keeper said frustrated, as he stood. "There's a chance, yes, that he could lose his humanity, but what's worse, losing your humanity or losing to Vassago?"

 "Are you seriously comparing them?" Roman said upset.

 "Oh, come on, this is war, dammit, what part of that don't you all get?" Keeper said frustrated.

 "I said no, dammit!" Dean said angrily. "We find another way or nothing!" He added, before he walked away.

 "There might not be time to do that." Keeper stated.

 "You heard him, asshole, we find another way!" Roman said firmly, before he went after Dean.

 "Why would you even suggest that, Keeper?" Zander questioned, as he walked away, Keeper stood and began walking away too.

 "Keeper, wait!" Seth said stopping him.

 "Yes?" Keeper asked, as he turned to face him.

 " that really the only way to defeat Vassago?"

 "Does it really matter, since Dean won't do it?" Keeper replied.

 "Dammit, Keeper, can you just answer the damn question for once?" Paige demanded annoyed.

 "Fine, no, it's not the only way, but it is the quickest and guaranteed way to defeat him." Keeper said sighing. "Dean has powers he hasn't even tapped into yet and I truly believe the only way he can is by going dark. He doesn't need to though, if he can master the powers he has now, but that will take time and that's something we don't have a lot of."

 "Could...could we really lose him if he does?" Seth asked quietly.

 "There is a possibility, yes, but Dean isn't your average Vamp, so there might be a good chance that whatever humanity he has could be strong enough to fight the change." Keeper lied. "I need to go think of the proper course of training, so I'll be outside if you need me." He added, before he left.

 Meanwhile, after leaving the living room, Dean returned to the basement and began pacing, his Raven in its usual spot on his shoulder. He was so angry that not only did Keeper even bring up him going dark, but that he also told the others about it. It didn't matter though; he wasn't doing it, dammit. He knew the risk involved; he could lose his humanity, the one thing that made him who he is. If he went dark he'd not only lose himself, but he'd also lose his entire family...his whole world would end! On the other hand, Keeper was right though, to beat Vassago he needed to do whatever it took. He knew he was strong enough to beat Vassago without going dark, but to do that he needed to learn to master his powers and that was next to impossible. Going dark though, Dean's natural instincts would kick in and take over and he could tap into powers he didn't even know he had. He knew Vassago was going to do whatever he had to do to destroy Dean and the others.

 He stopped pacing, his back to the stairs and ran his hands over his face sighing. Suddenly, the once silent Raven began to cry out and seconds later the basement door opened; Dean realized that the bird was warning him about whoever it was and that could be very useful. He turned around to see Roman and Zander come down the stairs, sighing he walked to the table and sat down in a chair, not in the mood for another damn pep talk or lecture.

 "Hey, baby." Roman greeted him, as he sat beside him and took his hand, Zander stood beside Roman's chair.

 "I know why you're here and you really didn't need to, I'm fine."

 "Dean, we..."

 "Dammit, Zander, I said don't!" Dean said frustrated, cutting him off. "I don't need another fucking pep talk and no, I don't want to talk about what happened!" He added upset, as he stood and began pacing.

 "Whoa, Dean, we aren't the enemy here." Roman said upset by his outburst, as he stood too.

 "Dean, brother, I know what Keeper said got to you, but like you said we'll find another way to defeat Vassago." Zander said gently.

 "What if we can't, huh?" Dean demanded, as he stopped pacing and looked at them. "What if he's right? The truth is I...I don't think I'm strong enough to go dark if I have no other choice. Going dark means I'd lose myself and all of you, there's no going back from that, dammit and I...I don't think I could do it."

 "Dean, you've always done whatever you needed to do to win in every situation you were put into." Roman reminded him. "You'll never lose us, baby, even if you go dark, we love you...I love you and nothing will ever change that." He added, as he went to Dean and took his hand.

 "It's not that easy, Roman." Dean said bitterly, as he pulled away. "This isn't like the damn bloodlust, can't be cured, I'll never be the same again."

 "You're right, but you're forgetting that you aren't a regular Vamp, Dean, you're the Chosen One." Zander said smiling.

 "Oh, believe me, Zander; I didn't forget that, I could never forget that, dammit." Dean said angrily.

 "I just meant that because of that, going dark might not affect you the way it would a regular Vamp."

 "Come on, Zander, you don't really believe that crap, do you?" Dean asked bitterly.

 "Yeah, Dean, I do actually." Zander replied.

 "Well, don't, because it's bullshit!"

 "Dean!" Roman scolded him angrily.

 "What, Roman, what?" Dean yelled upset. "I'm not going to just pretend that after I go dark everything will be the same or that our lives will be the same."

 "You don't know what will happen, Dean, and neither do we. You can't just..."

 "I'm not doing it, Roman, so leave me the hell alone!" Dean said, cutting Roman off. "It's not going to happen, so we don't need to have this conversation, dammit!" He added, before he went upstairs.

**Two Days Later**:

 Dean threw both of his machetes at the same time into his makeshift target made out of a tree, both machetes hit the bull's-eye. He sighed, as he slowly walked towards the tree and pulled them out, before he went back to his line and threw them again. He was training alone, needing time by himself after he had spent the last two days working non-stop with Keeper on mastering his powers and strengthening his connection with the Raven. He had made great progress with the Raven, but no real progress with his damn powers. So, after getting too damn frustrated, he had told Keeper he was taking a break and came out here to do a little fight training, it always helped clear his head and focus.

 He threw his machetes again, but this time instead of retrieving them, he left them in the tree and sat down in the grass. He hasn't spoken to Roman and Zander since their fight two days ago; actually, besides Keeper he hasn't really spoken to anyone in the family. He had done a lot of thinking over the past couple of days and with his lack of progress with his powers, he was beginning to think that he might not have a damn choice, but to go dark and that scared the hell out of him.

 "Dean?" Zander's voice spoke from behind him.

 "What?" Dean said sighing, as Zander sat beside him.

 "I thought maybe you could use a sparring partner?"

 "That's not why you're really here, Z." Dean stated sighing again, not looking at him, as he played with the grass.

 "You're right, but I don't want to argue anymore, brother." Zander said sighing too.

 "Me neither." Dean agreed sighing once more. "Look, Zander, I'm sorry for what happened, I...I shouldn't have taken my anger and frustration out on you and Roman."

 "It's alright, Dean." Zander replied, as he patted Dean on the back gently. "Do you want to talk about it?"

 "Nope, not really." Dean answered. "But, not talking about it doesn't seem to be working too well for me." He admitted.

 "Dean, I know the idea of going dark scares you, it scares the hell out of all of us too."

 "It's not fucking fair that I have all this pressure on me to save the damn world just because I'm this all-powerful Chosen One! I never asked for this responsibility, dammit and I sure as hell don't want it! I've never had a family before, even when I was mortal; my mother abandoned me when I was a baby and I grew up in an orphanage. I died without ever knowing what it felt like to love or be loved, then when I became a Vamp I finally found my family and, it could all be taken away from me because of a damn war! Dammit, Zander, I have to choose between my family or saving the world, I...I can't have both!" Dean said upset, as he stood and began pacing. " I be selfish, ignore the prophecy and keep my family; the only happiness I've ever known? Or, do I give all of that up, follow the prophecy, go dark and end this war for good?"

 "Dean, you're right, brother, that is an unfair burden to be placed on you, a burden you didn't ask for." Zander said gently, as he stood, Dean stopped pacing and looked at him with tears in his eyes. "I' am truly so very sorry that you're being forced to make this choice. I can't tell you what to do though; no one can, it's your choice to make, brother. I know you'll make the decision that's right to you, you always do; they might not be the easiest to make and others may not agree with them, but they're what feels right to you."

 "That's the problem though, Zander, I don't know what the right choice is. Do I be selfish for once or do I be a damn hero?"

 "You'll figure it out, Dean, and no matter what you choose to do all of us will be behind you 100 percent."

 "Thank you, Zander, I love you, brother." Dean said, before he hugged him.

 "You're welcome and I love you too."

 "Really, brothers, you two have been around these pathetic mortals entirely too long." Keeper's disgusted voice spoke from behind them, as the hug ended they both turned to look at him annoyed.

 "What do you want, Keeper?" Dean demanded sighing, not in the mood for his bullshit.

 "I was looking for you, Dean, so we could get back to our training."

 "I told you I needed a break."

 "Yes, well, you've had long enough; besides, I think I've found a way to help with your little focusing problem."

 "Wait, I'm confused, I thought you said using my memories was pointless and stupid?" Dean questioned, as he crossed his arms.

 "Oh, I do and they are." Keeper answered.

 "Then why help him perfect it?" Zander asked confused.

 "Well, since Deano, here refuses to go dark, I don't see any other choice, but to help him with his foolish choice; but hey, who am I to judge, I'm only here to help you prepare." Keeper said sarcastically, as smiling he leaned against a tree, both Dean and Zander rolled their eyes.

 "Right." Dean replied. "So, what did you come up with?"

 "Well, I was thinking about your stupid, little decision and as I thought about how foolish, stupid, naive..."

 "Alright, dammit, just get on with it!" Dean said annoyed, cutting him off.

 "I knew that with Vassago trying to keep you angry; the complete opposite of your disgusting, happy, little memories, you'd need a way to keep them around, without you doing any of the actual thinking."

 "Okay, and how do you plan on doing that?" Zander questioned.

 "Simple, brothers, with the Raven Of Mourning."

 "What?" Dean and Zander asked together confused.

 "It's rather simple, we'll give the feathered pain in the ass your happiest memories and during the battle you can use your connection to use its...your memories." Keeper explained smiling.

 "Wow, Keeper, that's actually a...good idea." Dean said shocked, Zander agreed.

 "You sound surprised?" Keeper said confused.

 "That's because we are." Zander replied smiling, as Dean agreed.

 "Well, I' am The Keeper, dammit, I'm always right and I always come up with excellent ideas; that's why I'm here." Keeper said smiling proudly. "Alright, shall we begin?"

 "Alright, what do we do first?" Dean asked sighing; fighting the natural urge he felt to beat that smug smile off of Keeper's face.

 "You need to mindlink with the Raven, of course, you wouldn't know what that is or how to do it, so I'll need to teach you." Keeper explained sighing, as he turned and began walking away.

 "Yeah, I have no idea." Dean lied smirking, playing dumb, as he looked at a smirking Zander, both men trying not to laugh.

 "What are you two doing just standing there? We've got work to do." Keeper said annoyed, as he stopped walking and looked at them.

 "Look, asshole, let's get something straight." Dean said firmly, as he walked closer to Keeper and pointed at him. "You are not in charge around here, dammit, I' am, do you understand? Your only job is to help and train me, I don't take orders from you and neither does anyone else in my family."

 "Yes, yes, I understand, Dean, no need to get so worked up about it. You're in charge and I'm merely your guide and teacher." Keeper replied sighing, brushing him off.

 "I'm going to..."

 "Dean, no, not yet." Zander said, cutting him off, as he put a hand on his shoulder to stop him from attacking Keeper.

 "Oh, put your macho ego away, Deano." Keeper said rolling his eyes. "Now, if you're finished marking your territory like a wild animal, we have work to do to get this pathetic, little band of misfits ready for war." He added smiling, before he walked back inside.

 Once he was gone, Zander let Dean go and sighed crossing his arms, as he watched Dean scream in rage, before he punched a tree twice.

 "Better?" Zander asked smiling, as he watched Dean get his machetes from the tree and put them away.

 "A little." Dean admitted, as he flexed his now injured hand.

 "If it's any consolation, you killed that poor tree." Zander said laughing, as he put his arm around a laughing Dean.

 "I pretended it was Keeper." Dean said, as they laughed again and went inside to join the others.


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