An Inch Of Infinity (Short Ve...


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In the near future the entire world is conquered by a group of people known as Royalties, or the Royals for s... More

Heads up
CHAPTER 1~Life In Block Three
CHAPTER 2~Rebellions
CHAPTER 3~The Market
CHAPTER 4~The Alley Jackpot
CHAPTER 5~A Normal Morning
CHAPTER 6~Meeting Up With Coral
CHAPTER 7~The Map, The Truth, And A Plan
CHAPTER 8~The Plan
CHAPTER 9~The Pieces Come Together
CHAPTER 10~The Work In Progress
1 YEAR LATER~The Final Details
2 YEARS LATER~Preparations
CHAPTER 11~The Day Has Come
CHAPTER 12~Escape
CHAPTER 13~Little Emma
CHAPTER 14~Seeds of Friendship
CHAPTER 15~Sugar and Death
CHAPTER 16~'Sneaking' Around and Lots of Fish
1 WEEK LATER~Storms and Sunburns
CHAPTER 17~Battening the Hatches
CHAPTER 18~ Nowhere to Hide on the Open Ocean
CHAPTER 19~Bullets, Explosions, Fear, and Pain
CHAPTER 20~Hazy Blur
CHAPTER 21~After All of the World Went Away
CHAPTER 22~New Digs, New Problems
CHAPTER 23~Secrets and Scheming
CHAPTER 25~Land and Hidden Secrets
CHAPTER 26~Adventurous Emergency
CHAPTER 27~Questions
CHAPTER 28~Answers
CHAPTER 29~The Story Comes
CHAPTER 30~The Boy
CHAPTER 31~Slightly Upset
CHAPTER 32~Crocodiles and Tears
CHAPTER 33~Day Off
CHAPTER 34~Upgrading My Looks
CHAPTER 35~Dangerous Prank
CHAPTER 36~Duties, Theft, And A Lot Of Bananas
CHAPTER 37~Voodoo and Clay
CHAPTER 38~Old friends on Crock-pot Day
CHAPTER 39~Bitter Cranberry Juice, Sweet Milkshake, and Bitter Tears
CHAPTER 40~Congratulations?
CHAPTER 41~Searching
CHAPTER 42~Keeping Secrets
CHAPTER 43~Shadows in the Dark
CHAPTER 44~Kadek's Tale
CHAPTER 45~ 12 Dozen Volunteers, Some Inspiration,One VERY Scary Location
CHAPTER 46~Survivors
CHAPTER 47~Surprise and Supplies
CHAPTER 48~New Years Eve
CHAPTER 49~In Which Beans Are Split
CHAPTER 50~Mistakes Were Made.....
CHAPTER 52~Hindsight 20/20
CHAPTER 53~ Lies Are Uncovered
CHAPTER 54-Chased
CHAPTER 55- Waves of fatigue
CHAPTER 56- Surprise
CHAPTER 57- Terror
CHAPTER 58- Faith Takes Control
CHAPTER 59- Recollection and Risks
CHAPTER 60- In which blood is spilt
CHAPTER 61- A recap
CHAPTER 62- Kari Returns
CHAPTER 63- A Visit
CHAPTER 64- Breaking Deals
CHAPTER 65- Desperate
CHAPTER 66- Mixing Potions
CHAPTER 67- Flat Lined
CHAPTER 68- Moving on
CHAPTER 69- Settling in
CHAPTER 70~ Realizations and Shocking News
CHAPTER 71~Babies and Namesakes
CHAPTER 72~As Time Goes By
CHAPTER 73~Lots Of Running & Fear To Be Honest...
CHAPTER 74~Hidden Walls That Aren't There
CHAPTER 75~Hiding
CHAPTER 76~In Which Sacrifices Are Made
CHAPTER 77~Remembrance
CHAPTER 78~In Which Goodbyes Are Said
EPILOGUE ~The Keepers Headquarters~
Attention All Readers

CHAPTER 24~Dreams and Nightmares

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     I was permitted to visit Emma's ship. She doesn't have a lab anymore, but she only shared her room with one other girl, so she is allowed to grow small and simple plants. She has basil, tomatoes,baby carrots and mint growing in their large window. She still has her box but it's on her dresser with an environment adapter. It does almost everything her plants need, like sunlight and temperature, but it doesn't water them.She was watering her plants when I came in. She saw me and started to cry.

"I'm so sorry! It's all my fault! I am the reason you got hurt. I'M SO SO SORRY "she blubbered and wailed. I opened to a hug, and we embraced.

"You know, you're like the sister I never had, you are an incredible kid. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it! You have nothing to be ashamed of. Do you remember what I told you"I say "Tomorrow is a mystery, yesterday is history, today is a gift, that's why they call it the present. Alright ? That's all behind us. I chose to cover you, and if given the chance I would do it again."She looks at me with her round big green eyes. They were moist with tears.

She understands, I can just tell. We go to the kitchen for the stew creating competition.I think the cooks are running out of food ideas. We joined as a team 22, and make a stew. We write down the ingredients. After an hour and a half of pinching and pouring a picking and tasting, the time was up. We made a yummy, thick stew. We called it Emma's Stew. It was a big hit, and we wrote our recipe down.

We won second place for our stew, and we got to keep a bowl each. We gave the cooks our recipe, like everyone else. It really is an awesome stew. I gave my bowl to Lilly. She ate it with haste and with a loaf of bread.

Emma has been sorta cautious as of late. She is especially nervous of crossing the bridge to come see me, so I usually come over there. She has a map of shark territories, and we are apparently going through a shark hotspot. She will not even look over the edge of the railing out of fear! I think her fear is rubbing off on me. Every time the cooks dump fish guts over the side, I stay away from the edge.

I've been sneaking my extra bowls of stew,soup, and/or rice to Lilly and Tyler. Lilly has been almost kind, so I suspect something's up. She does seem to appreciate food though, so maybe she's in her own way asking for more, or saying thank you. I think it's the first option, because I can't imagine Lilly saying thank you, unless it's sarcastic.

Faith and I thought by getting Lilly to leave we wouldn't have such a cramped room, but a new girl moved in. Her name is Zoey and she is a navigator. She likes to tell us lots and LOTS where we are, how far we've come, and how much she misses her little brother who is on another boat.

Knowing how far we've come is interesting. We have gone somewhere around 200 miles until we're halfway there. Half way in five months, not bad.

We still haven't seen the royals again. I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Do they think we're dead? Are they preparing for another attack? We might know soon enough. I hope not.

We are almost to an island that shows up on Emma's shark map. We are in 18 different shark species territory. We are where a country called Indonisia once was. The royals were going to use it as a resort, but it's vegetation life was flattened when the bombs were dropped on Australia, or so we are told. We will not see each other until tomorrow.

I go to my room, and get ready for bed. That night I had a very strange dream. In my dream I was running down the hall of another boat and got lost. Then I heard Emma starting to scream. I raced toward the sound, but it started coming from another direction. Eventually I found Emma, and she was staring at me, calm. Then she turned into Coral and jumped through a window that appeared randomly. The world spun, and I was in Australia. The land was covered in about two feet of water, and crocodiles and sharks were swimming in it. The dream ended with a shark the size of a boat jumping out of the water, mouth open. Aiming straight at me.

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