Assassin, until the first mom...

By april_writes1

35.4K 2K 1.4K

Magnus Bane leads a double life: By day, he is the son of Asmodeus Bane, the Duke of Edom. But when night fal... More

Will I see you again?
The morning after
The blood oath
May I have this dance?
Do you trust me?
The agreement
Looking into your soul
The high price
Poison in the Shadows
A visit to an orphanage
Naga Hitam
Follow the whispers of your heart
A zoom into the truth
A kiss of fire
A call at midnight
The Full Moon Murderer
Fallen roses
Don't lose hope
In the shadows of truth
Tears of darkness
Caught in the net of emotions
The Cinta Kekal Promise
Ritual of the Bayang Hitam
Together, until the last moment
Thank you

Is everything alright?

1.5K 81 25
By april_writes1

Alec balled his hands into fists, clenching and unclenching, again and again, digging his fingernails into his skin, it took all his effort to keep his raging emotions under control. Anger and sadness pulsated through his body like hot and equally cold liquid fire, Alec didn't know how long he could keep listening to the report the Police Chief of Alicante was giving them. For the last twenty minutes, Luke Garroway had been propounding the latest results from the previous investigation that took place including the status of the Full Moon Murders, just as before, he wasn't leaving out any details. Fortunately, this time he hadn't shown them any photos.

Alec let his gaze drift across the room, noticing that the other council members were struggling with the chief's elaborate report just as much as he was. Lydia, the King's most trusted advisor, had trouble keeping her feeling and thoughts behind an expressionless mask. Alec could see the welling of tears in her eyes, which she was trying to hold back. Normally, she wouldn't have been present at this meeting today, but the King had stayed away from the council meeting, saying that he was too unwell following the early morning.

Will Herondale, the Duke of Brocelind and Jace’s older brother, sat next to Alec, facing away from him and although Alec couldn't see the other man's face, he could tell from the duke's posture that he was finding it hard to maintain his self-control, clenching his hands to fists just like Alec was doing.

Opposite to Jace's brother sat Valentine Morgenstern, a serious expression on his face. The Duke of Renwick tried to appear as if the murders didn't affect him at all, but the deep frown between his brows apprised Alec that the elderly Duke wasn't as cold-blooded and detached as he pretended to be.

And then there was Magnus, sitting directly opposite Alec on the other side of the table, listening intently to Luke's report with an emotionless expression on his face. Normally, the Duke of Edom would usually be represented by the family lawyer in this setting, but Magnus had made a request for his father to allow him to attend the meeting in Ragnor Fell’s stead. Alec knew that it had been easy for Magnus to convince his father, doing it this way the younger assassin wouldn't need to reveal his identity as a member of the Bayang Hitam and could protect Alec and fulfil his oath. The head of the assassins still didn't know that Alec was aware of the secret that the Bane family held, and if Asmodeus were to ever find out that his son had broken the most critical rule of the order, Alec would immediately be put to death at the hands of the assassins.

Magnus must have felt Alec’s gaze on him because seconds later their eyes met and it felt like he was being seared by the dangerous blaze that flared in the other man's eyes, revealing to him that the assassin was as furious as hell, all but betraying the emotionless expression on his face.

Alec nodded towards him, his movement so slight that the other Dukes wouldn't notice, showing Magnus that he knew what he was thinking and that he was feeling the same way. They held each other’s gaze for a few seconds and Alec was beginning to wonder if Magnus had even noticed his acknowledgement, but then it was reciprocated, telling him that the assassin agreed on doing whatever it cost to find the murderer and that they would both make sure that the culprit would get their due and righteous punishment.

Alec returned his attention back to Luke as the chief started to describe the victim's injuries. Although all victims had been raped before they died, the five men were almost free of any other injuries much to the dukes’ surprise, but according to the police, all five victims had been drugged, leaving the hypothesis that none of them had put up a fight.

Luke told them that the drugs used by the Full Moon Murderer were known as, "The Devil's Breath" and anyone who inhaled even a minimal amount of the powder would be turned compliant to any activity. Devil’s Breath leads to a total loss of inhibition, meaning that a person could persuade someone under the influence to give away all their belongings or to perform sexual acts and the like.

A cold shiver ran down Alec's spine. Knowing that the suspect could have forced the victims to do anything that they wanted them to do, without expecting any resistance, made the deeds even more disturbing to him.

"I regret to inform you, that we still have no leads on the suspect's identity. As expected, the murderer left the scene spotless. There is not even a single trace of DNA that would help us to deduce the suspect's identity,” Luke said, finally concluding his report.

An abrupt silence developed throughout the room as each of them dwelled on their own thoughts for a moment, trying to process the chief's report. Alec had hoped that this time the police would be able to finally find a lead, but disappointment set in when he realised that yet again, they had nothing. The Full Moon Murderer was like a shadow and if there hadn't been any bodies, one could almost believe this man didn't even exist.

"Do you have any questions about the report? Luke asked after a few minutes, breaking the silence amidst the council members.

All but Valentine dismissed the question and Alec groaned inwardly, hoping that the Duke of Renwick would have no further questions about the actual circumstances of the crimes; because Alec could well do without any additional detailed descriptions and as it appeared, he wasn't the only one.

"Valentine. Don't you think that the chief has explained everything sufficiently?" Will asked with a tense tone on his voice.

"Don't worry, William. The detailed descriptions are enough to give me more than one nightmare. I have no interest to get more details of what transpired to the victims," Valentine reassured the younger duke while leaning back further into the soft cushions of his chair, he then turned his head in the chief's direction. "But, what I'm still surprised about, however, is that after five months of investigations, there are no results. Even if you say that the crime scenes have been left without any evidence, I find it hard to imagine that there is not a single trace. I mean, we have five bodies after all. There should have been enough leads to find the murderer."

Alec watched as the police chief's face darkened at the criticism of he and his staff's work and Luke was about to respond to the Duke's reproaches when Valentine continued to speak.

"I'm starting to wonder if you're adequately qualified for this job. How many more bodies must there be before you finally find the murderer?"

Luke's voice was surprisingly matter-of-factly when he answered and Alec felt great respect for the police chief, being able to stay calm in this situation and under the circumstances.

"I assure you, Your Highness, my detectives are conducting a thorough investigation, but the suspect seems to be a professional and knows how to cover his tracks. I give you my word that we are doing everything possible to find the murderer."

"Very well, then. If you give me your word that you and your detectives will do everything to track him down, then we can expect the murderer to be caught soon, but…" Valentine left the rest of the sentence unspoken, but everyone present knew that if the police chief and his team didn’t close this case soon that the Duke of Renwick would make sure that Luke would be cleaning out his desk, and likely discharged.

"Do you have any evidence of the murderer's motive?" Lydia asked, trying to divert attention from Valentine's reproaches against Luke.

"Unfortunately, we can only hypothesise and make our own assumptions," Luke replied.

"And what are they?" Will asked.

Before Luke could formulate an answer, Valentine cleared his throat indicating to everyone that he intended to speak again. The Duke of Renwick would probably have fallen from his chair dead in that instant if looks could have killed. Luke's eyes glistened with suppressed anger. Alec could see that the chief was practising extreme patience and exerting all his efforts to control his emotions.

"I think it's pretty obvious, isn't it? It seems to me that the suspect wants to act out his unnatural sexuality, picking weak men to amuse himself with."

"Even if that were the case, it still doesn't explain why he kills his victims afterwards," Lydia countered.

"I think it's quite simple," Valentine rebuked her as if he were talking to a child and not to the King's closest advisors. "They don't want anyone to find out their identity. We’ve already had this discussion, Lydia. Didn't you read the minutes from the last meeting?"

Alec rolled his eyes internally at the way the Duke was speaking to Lydia, who chose not to answer Valentine's criticism. The Duke of Renwick just shrugged his shoulders and continued with his monologue.

"Perhaps it would be helpful if someone would explain to us how it is even possible that men like to have intercourse with the same sex. Maybe then we can draw conclusions about the motive for the crime. What do you think, gentlemen?"

Valentine looked around expectantly. "My lady?" he added when he glanced at Lydia.

None of those present responded to Valentine and Alec hoped fervently that the Duke of Renwick wouldn't pursue the subject incomparably; regarding the disinterest of the other councillors. Unfortunately, Valentine wasn't someone to be easily dissuaded from his purpose. Alec had learned this about the Duke over the last five months.

The elderly Duke looked at each of his colleagues directly in the eyes, as if he wanted to push them to answer his question. When Valentine’s eyes finally landed on him, Alec had to stop himself from moving uneasily back and forth in his chair, the other man's gaze was so intense. Alec knew exactly what was about to occur, but he saw no way to avoid what was to come without being discourteous.

"Even if neither of you feels it necessary to know more, I would very much like to be enlightened as to how it is even conceivable that a man desires to have intercourse with another man. After all, mother nature had something else in mind, right? It would interest me to know what the incentive is for two men to have sexual relations with each other. Maybe the Duke of Alicante could tell us more about it."

Lydia gasped audibly at the duke's words and she was about to give Valentine a piece of her mind but Alec saw from the corner of his eye, that Magnus had placed a hand on her arm in warning, preventing her from interfering with the conversation.

Alec exhaled in relief when he saw that Lydia shut her mouth. Not that he didn't want Lydia to defend him or speak for him, they'd been close friends since childhood and Alec held Lydia in high regard, but in the eyes of most of the men in Idris, especially those from the noble society, it was frowned upon for a man to let a woman defend him. Most people living in Idris still hadn't arrived in the 21st century and concealed themselves behind the old social forms. Even after the youngest generations had fought for Idris to become an open and modern country, they were still a long way from achieving their goal.

Valentine also belonged to the generation that held on to old traditions and in his eyes, Alec would seem weak and incapable if he allowed Lydia to speak for him. The fact that the Duke of Renwick had consented to have Lydia represent the King in the Council was quite astonishing, but Valentine couldn't say anything contrary, he would make it known to be doubting the King's decisions.

Alec shifted his attention back to the elderly duke, making himself hold Valentine’s gaze. If he breaks eye contact now, he will only show Valentine how uncomfortable the current situation was for him, and he didn't want to give the Duke of Renwick the satisfaction, wondering what the Duke's intention was with this question.

"Don't be so shy. Please enlighten us. Why do you think it's better to have intercourse with a man rather than a woman?"

Alec would have liked to wipe that smug grin off the other Duke's face at that moment, but he pulled himself together, choosing to dissimulate and not to hear the sarcastic tone underlying Valentine's words. Alec leaned forward resting his forearms on the table in front of him and still holding Valentine's gaze he answered his question.

"As you probably know, I have absolutely no experience when it comes to sexual intercourse with a woman. I'm afraid I can't enlighten you on the differences."

"What a pity," Valentine replied over theatrically.

Alec just shrugged his shoulders, trying to appear as indifferent as possible, hoping his answer would end the conversation, unfortunately, that wish was not come to pass.

"But you sleep with men, am I right Alexander?"

Alec flinched slightly with Valentine’s use of his full first name. Alec doesn't allow anyone to call him Alexander, except his parents. Alec immediately realized that was not entirely true. He had had no objections when Magnus called him Alexander, in fact, he didn't mind it at all. From Magnus' mouth, his name sounded more like a gentle caress than a reprimand.

Alec looked expressively over to the assassin and when Magnus winked at him with a ghost of a smirk on his lips, Alec finally answered the question positively.

"Yes, I do."

Alec couldn't help but smile when he saw the surprised expression on the elderly Duke's face, but Valentine recovered quickly, and from this new discovery he clapped his hands almost happily, and Alec was once again asking himself what Valentine Morgenstern’s motives were concerning this ridiculous spectacle.

"Then the rumours are true? The Duke of Alicante and his Lordship Magnus Bane have been sharing a bed."

Alec glimpsed Magnus from the corner of his eye, catching the narrowing of the assassin’s eyes, he had the feeling that Magnus was also asking himself what Valentine was up to, but it was Lydia who finally voiced the unspoken question.

"Your Highness, I'd like to know where you're going with this. Your questions are highly inappropriate and I don't understand why it would help us to know with whom the Duke of Alicante is sleeping with."

"My dear Lydia," Valentine began his explanation, "Our dear Alexander has just admitted that he is only interested in having intercourse with men and he has confirmed that he fulfils his personal needs as well." The duke looked around, glancing at each of the council members before continuing to speak his views. "Don't you all think it's a little strange that the murders started when the Duke of Alicante returned to Idris?"

An astonished murmur resounded through the room, but nobody dared say a word. Alec clenched his hands to fists once again, feeling the eyes of those present staring at him. Being confronted with this accusation for the second time in a few days surprised Alec, but it now transpiring in front of the council members and in public could provoke a precarious situation.

Alec suddenly felt sick. How could this happen? That anyone could think him capable of taking a life? And of one of these young, innocent men or even desecrate them against their will.

He took a deep breath, trying to push away the feeling of nausea that was threatening against the back of his throat.

"Well..." Alec started, searching for the words and trying to buy himself some time to get his thoughts in order. He had to be careful with his choice of words.

"It is indeed suspicious that the murders started at the same time of my return to Idris, at my parents’ request to take over my father's duties. I do agree with you, but I assure you it's just pure coincidence. I didn't commit these horrible murders, I could never." Alec was relieved to hear that his voice was calm and didn't reflect his inner turmoil.

"Can you prove this?" Valentine asked.

Alec was about to respond when Magnus suddenly spoke for him.

"Don't you think the question should be whether there is any evidence that could prove the Duke of Alicante is guilty, Your Highness?"

Alec almost choked. That this question was coming from Magnus of all people, it was almost paradoxical. Alec knew that Magnus had the evidence with him that could lead to Alec’s swift arrest. Alec had still not seen this fabricated evidence, but Magnus had stated that it was very damning. The assassin had promised Alec that he would show him after the council meeting adjourned, which was called on short notice.

"No, I don’t have evidence at this time," Valentine finally replied, after looking for a way to substantiate his accusations, which extracted Alec from his thoughts. Alec exhaled a quiet breath. For a moment he had the thought that maybe Valentine was the mysterious client that they were looking for.

"Then I would be careful who you accuse of these heinous murders. I think you know we can also hold those false allegations against you."

The Duke of Renwick furrowed his brows sullenly but eventually nodded.

"So, now that we've got that cleared up, I suggest we consider how we can prevent any further murders from happening," Lydia said resuming the council meeting, moving forward immediately and leaving little opportunity for anyone to elaborate further on the unsubstantiated accusations against Alec. The young Duke had a feeling that Lydia wanted to put the conversation behind them as fast as possible and he thanked her in silence. "Do either of you have any new proposals?" She added.

The Duke of Brocelind was the first to speak.

"We could impose a curfew after dark. That way, we could prevent people from being outside at night, and if the suspect strikes again, the chances of finding him will be much higher. I also suggest that anyone who doesn't follow the curfew should be taken into custody immediately."

Alec saw Magnus frown at this idea. It would make it even more dangerous for him and his fellow assassins to be out at night. Alec almost thought that Magnus wouldn't agree to the idea, but instead, the assassin just pressed his lips firmly together, as if he wanted to prevent his thoughts from slipping out.

"I think this is a good idea," Lydia pondered aloud, "but I also believe that the citizens wouldn't agree to have their lives restricted that much, even if it is for their own safety."

"We could limit the curfew to two days before and two days after the full moon. This would increase our chances of catching the suspect during the time when the next murder is due to happen, but the restrictions to the citizens' lives would only be active for a short period," Alec proposed, hopefully assuming that there aren't any other another crimes and that the police or Magnus can catch the murderer.

"Yes, that's sounds workable." Lydia nodded her approval. "All in favour raise your hands, please."

All council members raised their hands unanimously and thus, they decided on the limited curfew. Alec watched as Raj, the council scribe, came to life and the steady clatter of the keyboard filled the room. Raj had been quiet and unobtrusively in the background the whole time, so Alec hadn't even noticed him until now. He sat at a separate desk diagonally behind Lydia, an open laptop covered half of his face, but Alec didn't miss the small unassuming smile on the transcriber’s lips while he was typing the protocols onto his computer.

"Is there anything else we can do besides what has already been implemented during the last five months?" Lydia asked the police chief.

"I will continue to have my people patrol more frequently, but I think we can only keep our eyes and ears open, hoping that someone will provide a decisive lead."

"Alright. Thanks, Luke. I hope that the suspect is caught before he gets the chance to commit another murder. Is there anything else we need to discuss regarding the Full Moon Murders?"

When everyone shook their heads, Lydia declared the council meeting adjourned and the sound of chairs being pushed back pierced the room shortly afterwards.

Alec was just about to follow Magnus out of the room when Lydia put a hand on his arm, directing him to wait a minute. The young duke looked at Lydia and raised a questioning brow.

"I would speak to you privately, Your Highness, if that would be okay with you."

Alec speculated to himself what else of importance they could have to discuss, but when he saw her gentle smile, he realised it had been a long time since he had spoken to Lydia outside of his duties. His new life as a Duke had been busy during the last few weeks that he barely had time for his friends.

Alec leaned over to Magnus, who was standing next to him waiting.

"Wait for me outside, please. I'll join you in a few minutes. Okay?" He spoke so quietly, that only Magnus could hear him.

Magnus grabbed his hand squeezing it briefly, showing Alec that he would wait for him as he asked. Alec watched the assassin following the other council members out of the room until the door closed quietly behind him, leaving Alec alone with Lydia. He turned around to face her and had little time to react as she was already in his arms, hugging him tightly. Alec struggled to keep his balance and took a step back with his right foot to steady himself.

"Wow, Lydia..." he said in surprise.

He grabbed her by the shoulders, pushing her away so he could see her face. She looked worried, unshed tears shone in her eyes.

"Hey, what's going on? Why do I see tears in your eyes?"

"I'm just so angry." Lydia tore herself away from him, spinning around so that her knee-length, dark blue skirt flared around her body like a bell, starting to pace the room up and down in front of him. Before Alec could say anything, she voiced her displeasure.

"That bastard of a Duke... how dare he accuse you of the Full Moon Murders in front of the council members, without even having a single shred of evidence available. I mean, his accusations are far-fetched and no one would ever believe him, but imagine if the King had been here today..." Lydia interrupted herself just to catch her breath. She had barely replenished her lungs with sufficient oxygen when more words flowed. "I would like to kick that pompous ass of his so hard, he would feel it for weeks, no, a month. Valentine, is such an asshole."

Alec watched Lydia’s dramatic spectacle, with an amused smile. Like Izzy, she was always happy to drop all social labels to express her real opinion. Although, because of her position as the King's closest advisor she could only do so when there were no unwanted bystanders; so, when she got the chance, she made the most of it.

"Lydia, please, leave it be. Valentine is not worth a single thought," Alec said trying to calm his longtime friend.

"You're right," She admitted, stopping right in front of him, her hands on her hips. A strand of hair had loosened from her chignon, falling in her face. Annoyed, she blew it out of the way, but the strand fell immediately back onto her face. She tried again, but it was in vain.

Their eyes met and they both suddenly laughed. Seconds later, tears were running down their faces and Alec let himself fall back into his chair, holding his stomach in discomfort, gasping for air. Lydia plonked into one of the other chairs, laughing so hard that she let out a breathless "ouch, ouch, ouch."

Alec couldn't tell what was so funny about the situation, maybe it was because the tension that had prevailed during the meeting was gradually easing; he didn't know. Slowly they calmed down and Alec took a deep breath, shaking off the last of the discomfort that had held him rigid for the last half an hour.

Lydia wiped the tears from her face and grabbed his right hand which was now resting on the table.

"Are you really okay, Alec? You know, you can tell me anything."

An unpleasant feeling ran through Alec's body at her words. Lydia was one of the few friends he truly trusted and besides his sister and Jace, he told her a lot about what concerned him, but he couldn't tell her about the recent events. It would put her in danger and Alec didn't want to risk it; Since Magnus had explained to him that everyone who learned about the member's identities of the Bayang Hitam or anything else about the order would get killed.

"Believe me, Lydia, everything is fine. These empty accusations will not affect me," Alec reassured, covering her hand with his, stroking the back of her hand with his thumb, as if to wipe away her worries. It seemed to work because Alec saw the tension in her shoulders relax a little.

She looked at him in silence for a moment, then nodded, smiling at him.

"But there's one thing I still want to know."

"Okay?" Alec had a hunch of what was coming next and her following question confirmed his suspicion.

"How is it you and Magnus have something going on suddenly, it’s kinda out of the blue?"

"Well... that's simple, Lydia," Alec replied, smiling.

"I'm listening."

Alec lowered his eyes, looking at their adjoined hands.

"Magnus is very charming," he began.

"Go on."

"He's handsome."

"Mmm..." Lydia hummed in agreement.

"He's a good kisser."


Alec raised his head, glancing up to see the biggest grin on his friend's face. When Alec didn't show any intention of proceeding, she raised her right eyebrow, asking him to continue. Alec rolled his eyes theatrically, eliciting a giggle from Lydia.

"And the sex is incredible," Alec lied, knowing that he couldn't tell the truth. "Are you happy now?"

Lydia laughed out loud, nodding contently, Alec could feel his cheeks warming up. He didn't even know why he was blushing; he was normally confident about his love life. After all, he and Magnus hadn't slept together, they had only shared the same bed, but that wasn't the same.

"Do you like him?"

Alec hesitated for a moment. He didn't like lying to Lydia, just as he hadn't enjoyed lying to Jace or his sister, but he knew that there was no other way. So he forced himself to answer her question and was surprised when the words came out easier than he thought.

"Yes, I like him."

"How long have you known each other now? Three days? Don't you think this is all happening a bit too fast?"

Alec just shrugged helplessly.

"I know this all sounds crazy, but when I saw Magnus for the first time at the King's ball, it just clicked. It felt as if everything suddenly fell into place, like a puzzle with one piece missing.

"Aww, that sounds so romantic. I didn't realize you had a sappy side to you, Alec."

Alec ran his hand through his hair embarrassingly. He didn't know what to say.

"I've missed chatting with you", Lydia sighed after a brief moment of silence.

"Me too," he agreed.

"We should do this again soon, but I don't want to keep you any longer. Magnus is waiting for you."

Lydia rose from her chair and Alec stood up as well. She walked towards him and hugged him again. Alec returned the gesture, holding Lydia close to him for a moment, but before they parted, she whispered in his ear.

“Take care of yourself, Alec, okay?”

"I promise." He spoke as quietly as she did, as if they were both afraid unwanted ears might overhear them, which was absurd, considering they were alone in the room.

"Then don't keep your boyfriend waiting any longer."

Lydia winked at him and then they walked out of the meeting room and into the hallway, but before saying goodbye to each other, Lydia made Alec promise again to meet up soon. Alec looked after her until she had disappeared through the exit.

Alec felt someone step beside him and seconds later strong arms were embracing him. He turned his head to the side, looking down into the worried face of Magnus.

"Is everything alright?" the assassin asked.

Alec didn't know why, but Magnus being worried about his wellbeing made his throat suddenly tight. He swallowed, trying to rid himself of the lump forming there, but put his arm around Magnus' shoulder, returning the hug. He holds the assassin close to him, taking comfort in the arms of the other man, just for a tiny moment, bathing in the illusion that their relationship wasn't bogus.

"Yeah. I'm ok," Alec whispered after a moment of silence. His voice sounded a little husky and if the assassin noticed it, he didn't show it. Magnus turned in his arms until they were chest to chest, smiling up at him. Alec was a hundred percent sure that his heart skipped a beat, losing himself in the beautiful smile that Magnus was giving him, staring into those green-golden pools, the vow he made to himself yesterday almost forgotten.

A sudden harrumph shattered the intimate bubble around them and Alec broke away from Magnus' embrace, he saw Jace, standing next to them, his arms crossed over his chest.

"I hate to interrupt you two, but Sebastian has pulled up the car already and is waiting for us."

"Okay, thank Jace. We're coming."

Alec was about to reach for Magnus' hand when the assassin places a hand on Alec's arm, stopping him.

"I have something important to do, Alexander but I'll join you later."

It surprised Alec when he felt disappointment immerse him; he tried to quickly push the feelings aside, but apparently he wasn't quick enough at hiding it because Magnus raised his hand, gently stroking his cheek.

"Hey, darling. Don't look so sad. It won't take long. Two or three hours tops and I'll be with you."

Alec leaned into the touch of Magnus's hand on his cheek, turning his head a little he pressed a kiss on Magnus’ palm. For anyone who was watching, it would seem like they’re a couple with deep feelings for each other. Anyone would find it inconceivable at this moment that it was all fake. Even Alec had to remind himself again that none of this was real.

"Don't take too long," Alec murmured, playing along since Jace was still watching them from the end of the hallway. Magnus nodded at him, a glimmer of a smile appearing on the assassin's mouth.

Alec turned around towards the exit, he had almost reached his best friend when he caught someone's gaze, realizing that it was Baroness Camille Belcourt, looking at him with wide eyes.

"Milady," Alec greeted her but didn't pay her any further attention. Thus, he didn't see the venomous look she gave him when he stepped through the door that Jace held up for him.

"Magnus isn't coming with us?" Jace asked with a quizzical tone in his voice.

"No, he has something important to do, but will come over to us later."

Jace nodded at him, accepting the explanation without saying a word. Alec stepped through the door, being welcomed by fresh air. It had become noticeably cooler over the last few days; the summer was slowly ending, but Alec enjoyed the cool air on his skin, helping him to clear his mind before he walked over to his limousine.

Sebastian jumped out of the car when he saw them, immediately holding the door open for him. Alec gave him a small grateful smile before he got into the car, hearing the door close behind him with a thud. Jace entered the car from the opposite side, dropping into the soft pads of the limousine next to Alec with a tired groan.

Alec had barely put his seat belt on when Sebastian started the car, manoeuvring them through the traffic on the busy streets of Alicante.

Jace pressed one of the many buttons on his door and a dark, tinted window went up in front of them, splitting the limousine in two, preventing Sebastian from hearing what they had to discuss.

"Magnus told me what happened at the meeting. Are you alright, Alec?"

Jace was the third person who asked him that question today and as much as the sympathy of his friends moved him, he was not someone made of porcelain and easily broken by a few baseless suspicions and homophobic statements.

"Everything is alright, Jace. Valentine is just an ass who likes to be the centre of attention and spread unrest."

"But if you want to talk about it... I'm here for you."

"Yeah, I know you are, Jace. Thank you, but I'm okay… really" Alec reassured his best friend, knowing that he could handle what had happened during the council meeting, even though it was unpleasant and not comfortable, he wouldn't let Valentine get to him.

But there was another problem that caused him much more concern than he'd like to admit. A problem he couldn't talk to anyone about, not if he didn’t want to risk the innocent lives of the people who knew about it. The problem that was turning into a bigger problem, was a certain assassin who sneaked his way into his heart against his will and much quicker than he would have liked. It scared him.

Alec had sworn to himself yesterday morning that he would see Magnus for the hitman he was, but just a simple smile from him was enough to test his resolve. Damn it. Alec bit his lower lip, stroking his hand over his right cheek where Magnus had touched him gently only minutes ago. A sigh escaped him as he felt the echo of Magnus' hand on his skin, he pressed his eyes shut as a familiar pain appeared at his forehead.

Lowering his hand and clenching it into a fist, he swore once more, to distance himself and that he would put a wall between them, he couldn't allow Magnus to get too close to him, he needed to stay strong.

"Everything is fine," he repeated and ignored the soft snort that erupted from Jace's mouth.

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