Only Time Will Tell

By silviaaxox

392K 12.8K 2.3K

"Sooner or later you're going to fall for me." "You forgot the 'never' option." I smiled fakely. He chuckled... More

1. Let Me Introduce You
2. Meeting the Neighbours
3. New Boy
4. Alone with New Boy
5. Welcome to Our Gang
6. Try-Outs
7. Not So Fun Fun Fair
8. Explanations
9. Patience is a Virtue
10. Trying to Impress
11. Can't Sleep
12. You Can Have Him
13. Keep Away From Her
14. What Was That?
15. Sports Awards Dinner
16. The Wedding
17. Need a Ride?
18. Neighbour after Date
19. Carefree
20. Taking Me Out
21. Meet My Mates
22. I Had Fun
23. Three Harsh Words
24. I Want You to Be There
25. The Kiss
26. Confused
27. The Three Words
28. My Prince on a Unicorn
29. Mistake
30. HELP!
31. You Don't Know Anything
32. Shopping Trip
33. Beach Party
34. Just Give Me a Chance
35. This Place Is Beautiful
36. Just Come Out
37. Just Stay
38. Date Night With A Twist
40. Business Thing
41. The Match
42. A Library?
43. What's Wrong?
44. I Should Have Known
45. You Fucked Up
46. Let's Bunk
47. What Is Wrong With You?
48. You Want Me 'Cause I'm Taken
49. Romantic
50. Fight
51. I Don't Know What To Think
52. Remember
53. Think Things Through
54. The Truth
55. Venice

39. The Three Unrequited Words

6.4K 221 39
By silviaaxox

Chapter Thirty-Nine

The next morning I woke up bright and early at 6am. I didnt bother eating breakfast. It was way too early and I was still full from the night before. Instead, I did my makeup and quickly got dressed. I decided on a plain peach coloured bikini. I then put on a bright pink linen tank top and light rolled skinny ripped jeans. Half an hour later I just slipped my pink strappy wedges and grabbed my beach bag before leaving my home silently to not wake up my parents.

Yes, they did know where I was going,  they had just told me that I better not wake them up in the morning.

I could see that Kyle's car lights were on in his driveway so he was obviously waiting for me.

"Good morning." I kissed him as I got in the passanger seat.

"Mornin princess." He started the engine. "The petrol station?"

I nodded.  "I can feel today's gonna be great."

Kyle smiled subconsciously. "Mhhm. Yeah."


"What?" Kyle looked at me suddenly startled. 

I shook my head. "Nothing,  dont worry."


A three hour car journey later we were at our destination. We quickly unpacked our cars and set up on the beach. Even though the weather was perfect,  it wasnt beach season yet, and so there weren't many people,  giving us more than enough space.

"Well guys," Casey clapped her hands once we were finished. "When are we getting into the water?"

"How about," I said slowly, wriggling out of my clothes, "Now?" And with a second thought,  I sped off into the water, the cold colliding with the heat of my body, shocking the system. "Shit!"

I heard Kyle laugh at my scream. "Princess, are you cold?" He mocked.

"HA-HA." I laughed sarcastically. "Laugh all you want, but my body is slowly getting used to it, and you're still not getting any of this." I said trailing my finger seductively from my thigh up towards my chest.

I saw Kyle bit his lip to hide a smile while unbuckling his shorts and taking off his shirt before speeding off in my direction creating a big splash as he dived in.

"Kyle!" I screamed.

"Yes princess?" He reappeared from under the water behind me, grabbing my waist and twisting me around to face him. "Fuck its cold."

I laughed, placing my hands on his toned chest. "You're so easy to bribe." 

Kyle cocked an eyebrow, with a smirk. "Oh yeah?"

I nodded, biting my lip. "Mhhm, you're still not getting any of this."

"Oh I know." He muttered, lowering his face into the craine of my neck, placing a light kiss. "But in case you haven't noticed, our half baked bodies are touching right now, and that's all I need." His breath on my skin made my breath hitch. The next touch of his lips on my skin caused a little moan to escape my lips. My first moan. No guy had ever made me moan before just by the touch of their lips. My eyes shot open in panic as I felt Kyle's lips turn into a smile as he backed away to face me, with a smirk of satisfaction. "Was that a moan?"

"No." I answered too quickly. 

"I made you moan." He teased.

"You're an asshole." I punched his chest faking a smile. Off guard, he stumbled, falling back into the water as I swam to the beach, stomping out the water and wrapping myself in a towel, leaving Kyle in the water, looking confused.

"What was that about?" Layna asked.

"He thinks I'm mad at him."  I laughed.


"Because..." I was not going to tell my friend what had just happened,  "He did something. And I'm pretending it pissed me off."

"But why?"

"Because which guy isn't fun to piss off?" I told her before getting up  to grab a drink.

Soon after, Kyle ran out of the water, looking like those sexy male models that pretend to be lifeguards. I fought my eyes to look away as he came and sat next to me, putting his arms around my shoulder.

"Come on princess,  why are you even mad? It's nothing to be embarrassed about." He winked. "I pleasure you."

I punched him in the arm. "You're so full of yourself."

"I'm surprised you're not." He said. "I know I would if that's how I looked in a bikini."

I rolled my eyes. I wasn't self conscious. Actually,  when it came to my body, I was pretty confident and proud of it. I mean, who wouldn't be after spending the first three years of high school working on its perfection. But the truth was, I didn't know Kyle to be one who gave compliments,  and ever since we started going out, he had given me lots, meaning I had no idea how to reply to them.

"You're not to bad yourself." I smiled.

Kyle smirked. "So we're good?"

"We never weren't." I laughed. "You're so naive." 

"Oh really?" Kyle swiftly grabbed my waist and picked me up onto his laps. His eyes trailing to my stomach. "The tattoo looks perfect." He said, rubbing his thumb around it, giving me goosebumps.

"So are yours. " I told him, cupping his face in my hands. "If only you told me what they mean." I placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"I did." He lifted me off his laps, and took my hand as we started walking down the beach.

I shook my head. "No, you told me what your new one means. But I still don't know what the One Day means." 

"I can't tell you." He said.

"Why not?" I asked.

He laughed subconsciously. "Because its so cheesy, it would ruin my reputation." 

I looked at him doubtfully. "You're telling me no one knows of that tattoo?"

"You and Matt are the only ones." He told me.

"Kyle, please." I pouted.

"Come on." He tugged on my hand to pull my to a nearby log. I sat beside him as he sighed. "Promise not to judge me?"

"I promise." I smiled.

"When I was getting this tattoo I already knew I didnt want to be with Jade, and so I got this tattoo in the thought that one day I'll find the right girl for me, that I will be happy with and possibly spend the rest of my life with, even though I'm not Jake and Mia and I think I'm way too young to be thinking that far ahead. But hey! What's the point of getting into a relationship if you don't intend on staying in it?" He explained. I smiled in aw. It was cute for a guy to get a tattoo with such a meaning behind it. Especially Kyle.

"Well have you yet? " I asked.

"Have I what?" He asked confused. 

"Found the right girl?"

He smiled, taking my hand in his, "I think so."  I grinned, giving him a kiss. "I want to tell you something." Kyle said.

"Go on."

"I don't want you to freak out because I know its early and I dont expect you to reflect what I'm feeling straight away." He told me.

"Kyle please just tell me before you scare me."

Kyle but his lip nervously. "You see princess, I think I love you."

My eyes threatened to jump out of their sockets at tge sound of the three words. My mouth dried out as my jaw dropped. I had no idea how to reply. It wasn't the first time I heard those three words. But coming from Kyle, they were something else. I mean, it was Kyle Richards and he just declared his love for me. It was some thing special,  and my heart crushed at the thought that I couldn't say it back because I hadn't gotten to that stage yet.

"Please don't freak out princess." Kyle pleaded. "I know its early, I mean, we've been going out for a week." Only a week. "But the truth is, as corny as it sounds, somewhere in my heart, I know I've loved you since the moment you opened that door to receive my mums lasagne from me." I chuckled at the reminder. "So I know you're not going to feel the same way just yet, but just know that I'm not going anywhere, I just wanted you to know how I felt." He looked at me, his lips twitching into a smile. 

Without a thought I lunged myself at him, grabbing his face in my hands as our lips collided. He responded almost automatically,  grabbing my waist and readjusting my body into a comfortable position,  in which I was straddling him. His hands tugged at my bare waist bringing our bodies closer, as the kiss deepened. I ran my hands down his naked chest as my lips parted to give his tongue entry. I bit on his lower lip seductively, causing him to moan, as I smiled from success, pulling away. 

"Paybacks a bitch." I told him, getting up from his laps and walking off towards our friends.

"Are you serious?" He called.

I stopped, and turned on my heels, to see him walking towards me. I shook my head, taking his hands in mine. "I like you a lot Kyle. Hell, I don't think I've ever liked someone this strong before." I told him. "And everything you just said to me, means the world, but I cant say it back because it wouldn't be true. Love is a strong word for me and after my last two relationships,  I don't want to have to lie to you."

Kyle nodded. "I completely understand princess. Its okay, I'm not pressuring you into anything." 

I smiled. "Thank you."  I stood on my toes to place a sweet kiss on his lips, earning myself a smile.

"Come on, lets get back." He took my hand as we walked back to base.


Throughout the rest of the day, we all had amazing fun.  Both Kyle and Josh had managed to get to know everyone better which was kind of the original idea of this trip.

We took part in a few competitions taking place on the beach. Like, who could bury they're partner first in sand. Or who could be the first to dig a hole deep enough to reach water. Something that ended up being much competitive than first expected. 

And now, as the sun was going down and the only light at the beach was our bonfire, we sat around it, fully dressed, trying to warm up realising that it really wasn't as warm as we thought it was.

Casey came over and took her seat beside me, giving me a cup of hot cocoa. "Thanks." I smiled.

"I saw you earlier with Richards." She elbowed me playfully. "Things were getting steamy."

I rolled my eyes with a laugh. "Well there was a reason for it."

Caseys head snapped up in curiosity. "What happened?!"

I smiled biting my lip nervously. "He said the words."

Caseys eyes widened. "No!" She said in shock. I nodded. "He didn't." I laughed at her deep shocked voice. "Isn't it early?"

I nodded. "He told me he's loved me for a while now, but was just denying it."

"Thats so sweet. Who would've thought, Kyle Richards had a heart." Casey joked.

"Well actually, I'm the heartless one." I told her.

"What do you mean? "

"Well, I didn't say it back." 

"You didn't? "

I shook my head. "I'm just not at that stage yet. I feel so happy that he has such feelings for me, and I told him how much I like him, but it just wouldn't be right if I lied."

"Well if it makes you feel better, I'm quite sure a heartless person wouldn't care about lying." Casey smiled.

"You're right." I laughed. "I just don't want to rush it you know? Especially not after my last two relationships."

"I understand." Casey said. "Baby steps."

"Thats right." I nodded.

"Well, you've got all the time in the world."

I looked over at Kyle who was already looking my way, as he smirked, I smiled.  "I guess I do."

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