
By booknerd1203

37.1K 2.3K 285

Rebels demand freedom while their oppressors are not willing to let their slaves go. Decisions have to be mad... More

Please read
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
Character List
chapter four
chapter five
authors note!!!!
chapter six
Making a new cover
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
chapter nine
Chapter ten
tentative cast list
chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
update coming soon!!
Chapter twenty three PART ONE
chapter twenty three PART TWO
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
update coming soon!!
chapter thirty
lap top almost fixed!!
chapter thirty one
Chapter 32
chapter 33
Untitled Part 45
chapter 34
Untitled Part 47
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter thirty eight
Watt pad mess up
chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 40.5
Authors note

chapter twenty four

393 35 10
By booknerd1203


***Caroline's Point of View***

Elizabeth is still lost in her memories and I have to find a way to keep Landon busy. Maybe if I convince him that we will leave tomorrow? Yes. I will tell him we live tomorrow night. That way we can get our provisions together. It will have to do for now. Elizabeth is now staring at William in horror and I am afraid of what she remembered. "Ellie it's ok. What did you remember?" He asked softly while holding her closely. "The middle daughter is supposedly able to manipulate someone's memories." She whispered. "Kind of like a mind reader in a way. She would be able to search someone's mind for a specific memory and change or erase it completely." She finished while burrowing into William's chest. Why on earth is she so scared right now? So I can manipulate memories that's good. I can deal with Landon easily. Take away the memory of hearing about this foretelling or prophecy and problem solved. "There's a catch." She said sadly. "If you take away Landon's memory of the prophecy which is about you he will in turn forget every memory he has that you are involved in. He will forget all about you." She sniffled.

My heart dropped to my stomach. How can one little memory cause so much destruction? "Maybe you don't remember correctly." I demanded. "That doesn't make any sense." I demanded. "She's right." William sighed. "It's kind of like the child hood game dominos. When you knock over one memory it takes down all the memories." He said somberly. "He'll forget about me?" I croaked out. Tears were pooling at my eyes. This can't happen. I love Landon so much I can't make him forget about me. I don't want to lose him. Please there has to be another way.

I fall to my knees and mumble no over and over again. "Caroline we can find another way." Elizabeth tries but I just starts laughing. "You think Landon is going to let me die? He didn't even waste any time before deciding we were running." I say bitterly. "I know a vampire who has this gift he has been researching for decades trying to find a way to change the way it works. There is no going back if you do this Caroline." Williams explains hesitantly. There is only one way to save my people. I can't put myself first. My love for Landon has to come second. I stand up while trying to shed any sadness I feel. "It's for the good of my people." I announce while wiping the grass off her knees.

"You have to concentrate on the memory. Once you see it in your mind you imagine a hand wiping it away. Once the memory is gone you replace it with what you want him to remember. Basically you can make him remember a whole new life." William says. "I can just give him a new life?" I asked surprised by how simple it is. "You can make him remember whatever you want. It's a horrible, but great gift." William says while shrugging. "Let's go find Landon and Allison.

We find a pacing Landon outside William and Elizabeth's tent. "Where were you?" He demands while pulling me into his embrace. I let myself stay in his arms and breathe in him for all it's worth. I'm going to miss him so much. I want this one last memory. I need it to get me through this. "Where is Allison?" I ask into his chest. "She's in the tent packing her bag." He says. I nod in response while pulling away slightly. "William, will you and Elizabeth take Allison to the planning tent. We will meet you there shortly." William nods. "Take her to the practice field William you will understand soon." I whisper lowly. William heard though he shot me a questioning look, but nodded. Elizabeth went and grabbed Allison. She had scout in her arms. She seemed excited for the journey. "Go get the picture we have of our family." I say while rubbing her cheek softly. She nods and heads off with them. Landon and I head into the tent and sit on one of the cots.

I look at Landon and take in his face one last time before I break my own heart. "Landon I love you so much." I whisper. He smiles softly and pulls me into another hug. "I love you too Caroline. So much. I will always protect you." He whispers. I close my eyes and let him hold me. I enter his mind and after a few seconds I see the memory of him hearing the prophecy about me. "Caroline?" he questions softly. "Please just hold me?" I beg. He holds me tighter and softly rubs my back. I see my hand cover the memory and I force myself to wipe it away swipe by swipe. Landon's arms fall from my back and he leans back slightly looking at me in a confused kind of way. My heart tears in two when he let me go. It felt as if my entire being was torn apart. I try to hold back my tears and force myself to focus. "You have a very good life. You never want to give up to the vampires. You don't want to live in the villages either. You are strong and loyal. You are courageous and funny. You are so kind." I can't hold back the tears anymore. I let them freely fall while I force away the only man I have ever loved.

"You are a skilled hunter who has lived off the land all your life. You have a younger sister named Allison." I sob out knowing this is the only way. "She was taken one night and changed, but you saved her and have protected her ever since. You two live in the woods moving around to stay safe. You love Allison and have always protected her and always will. Your parents died, but you and Allison will always have each other. You spoil her so much, but it's only because you love her." His confusion fades slightly and he whispers the name Allison. "Yes, Allison and you, Landon, only came to this village because you were being hunted, but you are safe now. You hate this village and what it represents. You don't want to fight. You are content keeping Allison and yourself safe. You will leave once you find Allison and you will never come back to this village or think about it again." I quickly place several memories of times that they have shared together. This makes me smile and the pain lessens slightly. I finish letting my focus drop and force myself to dry my tears. He shakes his head slightly while taking in his surroundings. He seems like the same person. Maybe it didn't work. Hope builds in my chest.

"Have you seen my sister?" he asked kindly. "I seem to have lost her." He admits sheepishly. It worked. This has to happen I remind myself. "I believe she is in the food shelter." I tell him trying to keep my voice from cracking. "Thanks." He say's while leaving the tent without looking back once. I fall to the ground and the sobs over take my entire body. Landon. I love him and I just wiped away every memory we have ever had. It had to be done. It had to be done. Landon I love you. I will always love you. Please forgive me. Landon. Landon. Landon.

*William's Point of View***

Allison is happily playing fetch when a crying Caroline makes her way onto the field. "It worked." I sighed while she just nodded her head slightly. "Allison." She called while trying to pull herself together. "What's wrong?" Allison inquired while picking up scout. "Nothing. I love you. I love you so much and I only want the absolute best for you." She said shakily while holding Allison to her. She is going to change her memories as well? Oh Caroline. This girl should not have this much in her life. I can see where she is coming from. She is protecting those who she loves. Caroline's eyes focus and I see Allison stiffen slightly. "You are the younger sister of Landon. You were turned two years ago. You were taken, but he saved you. He loves you very much and you love him so much as well. Your parents are gone, but it's ok because you have each other. You can always trust Landon. You listen to him always. You have become a great hunter and can survive off of animal blood. You don't believe in drinking human blood and you don't struggle with blood lust." She pauses a few seconds trying to calm herself as she cries and her whole body shakes.

"You are so beautiful and kind. You always think of others. You have an annoying puppy scout who you have just found. Landon will let you keep him if you give him your puppy dog eyes. It works every time." Caroline laughs through her tears. "Now you are going to go to the food shelter and find Landon and you are going to leave, because you are no longer being hunted. You can go back to your life with Landon. Tonight you two will talk about all the fun memories you two have shared." She smiled fondly at her sister as Allison turned and headed towards the food shelter. Caroline fell to the ground as she sobbed. Ellie quickly pulled her into an embrace and Caroline leaned into her while she cried. She cried for loss. She cried for love. She cried for a future that will never happen. She cried for a past that no longer exists to two people she loved. She cried for strength and with every tear that fell she became the person who knew exactly what the prophecy meant. When the time comes she will being willing to do what it takes because now she knows what that feels like.

***Landon's Point of View***

There you are!" I exclaim when I finally find Allison. We can finally leave this village and she decides to get herself lost. "I'm sorry Landon." She says sweetly while holding something behind her back. "What is that?" I ask suspiciously. "I love you Landon!" she squeals while pulling a puppy out from behind her back. I sigh while dragging my hand over my face. "Allison." I groan. "Oh come on Landon. Please?" She begs while forcing her lip out in a pout. Oh god. I hate that look. I always give into it. She makes her eyes wider and I know I am a goner. "Fine." I give in. "But, if that thing causes trouble it's gone." I say even though I know it's not true. I would do anything to make Allison happy. "Thank you Landon!" She yells while hugging me. "Come on let's go now." I laugh while the pup licks her face. "We have a long journey ahead. I don't like this village. I want to get as far away as possible. I can practically feel all the bad things that will happen here soon." I shudder. "Please, I'm not the one who is going to need to stop for breaks." She brags while pulling her bag over her shoulder. I scoff while pulling a strand of her hair playfully. "I am so sorry I do not have vampire endurance." I say dramatically. She laughs while skipping ahead of me into the tree line.

We had walked for a bit when we came across a pond with beautiful flowers floating on top of it. I had a sense of déjà vu. The flowers were being gently swayed by the current, but none of them actually tipped over. I felt like I had been here before. I obviously never have though. Perhaps we passed one that just looked similar to this one before. That's probably it. Besides I would never forget something as beautiful as this place. "Come on slow poke!" Allison giggles from up ahead. I laugh while leaving behind the pond.





Please don't kill me!!! I promise that this is not the last we see of Landon or Allison. We are maybe mid point in the book right now. plenty of time to answer all your questions. Can anyone remember why this pond is so special?? This update is a little shorter then usual, but a lot of stuff happened. I'm not going to lie I got a little emotional writing it. Please comment and let me know what you think. If you liked it vote!!


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