The Other Summoner Fairytail...

By Gladecavalier_16

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There is a Universe called Imen but it is been destroyed by a phenomena called the "DOOMED" the whole univers... More

Nathaniel's Past
Welcome to Fairytail
Nathaniel's Profile
Nathaniel's Profile ver. 1.5
Special Chapter


893 21 3
By Gladecavalier_16

Laxus has been expelled from the guild and go on a journey to find himself. The guild is shocked to know that Laxus is a dragon slayer but Master Makarov explains that since Laxus was a child his dad use a dragon slaying magic lacrima to make his son stronger. Then after that the Master tries to step down to be the from his position but he was convinced by Freed and Nathan to stay at Fairy Tail.

A recently opened restaurant in a corner of Hargeon, 8island.

Lucy: "Welcome to 8island! Have you decided on your order?"

Customer 1: "I would like a blue-sky with meat sauce, and a holly soda-poyo."

Customer 2: "I'd like the beast-man curry."

Customer 3: "Then I'll also take one of these ruby parfaits-poyo."

Costumer 4: "Same for me."

Lucy: "Coming right up."

Customer 5: "Please take my order, too!"

Lucy: "Yes, coming! Wait What the heck am I am I doing?"

Natsu: "Lucy."

Lucy: "What?"

Natsu: "This is part of the job, you know."

Lucy: "I don't see how this is a job for wizards at all! And what's with this embarrassing getup?"

Natsu: "How should I know?"

Licy: "Well, I do look pretty damn good in it, actually."

Natsu: "Right, whatever."

Happy: "The chef at this restaurant uses magic to cook. That's why he wanted his waiters and waitresses to be magic users as well."

Natsu: "Yup. We're helping out too, you know."

Lucy: "Don't eat the customers' food!"

Happy: "And don't throw the serving tray!

Gray: "Sometimes dressing up like a waiter is pretty nice."

Lucy: "Try saying that after you put on the outfit!"

Natsu: "Come on now Whose rent are we doing this for again?"

Gray: "Sorry And besides Look."

As they look at where Gray face direction is they see a girl or should they say Nathaniel dress like a complete girl.

Lucy: "How did he end up in a maids uniform by the way?"

Gray: "Well Nathan always has a feminine part of his mind he sometimes act like a mom of the guild when there is a heated argument"

Lucy just look at Gray and chuckle.

Lucy: "You like hiiiimmm"

Gray: "Stop talking like Happy!!!"

Then they look on the other way they can see Erza attracting mush costumers too.

Erza: "Let's hear your order. What is it you desire?"

Costumer 1: "Come Tell me Uh I-I want! Yes! Please give us one of everything!"

Erza: "Oh? That will be a great help. I must give you my thanks. Glad to be of service!"

Lucy: "We got someone really into it I'll work hard too"

After their shift is over they are in the back of the restaurant. Natsu is sitting with his huge stomach they are all tired but the one who left to be energetic is Erza. And Nathan is back on his regular clothes

Happy: "She's into the outfit"

Gray: "I think I understand better how Mira-chan must feel"

Nathaniel: "Her work requires alot of energy and ethics but anyways we got the money for you Lucy"

Lucy: "Yeah thanks for the help guys"

Nathaniel: "Your welcome"

Natsu: "Man, what a feast!"

Nathaniel and Lucy: "You ate too much of the store's food!"

Natsu: "What's the big deal about it? What's with the attitude?"

Erza: "By the way, Yajima-san What has happened with the Council?"

Yajima: "Well, I've already retired."

Gray and Natsu: "The Council?!"

Lucy: "What, you didn't know? Yajima-san used to be a member of the Council."

Nathaniel: "This two are dumb as a rock what do you expect"

Gray and Natsu: "That's kinda harh"

Yajima: "Zuuku Or was it Zullal?"

Erza: "Jellal."

Yajima: " Ah yes, that's right. The betrayal of Zullal and Ultear was quite the blunder for the Council. Now should be the time to establish a fresh, new Magic Council, and the groundwork for it seems to be being laid in all quarters. It caused you all quite a lot of grief, it did I am really sorry about it."

Erza: "No I've heard that you were set against firing Etherion the entire time. And you even retired out of shame for the actions of the Council."

Yajima: "I'm not fit for governing As I thought I have a lot more fun being a cook! By the way, Natsu-kun, Gray-kun There will be a new Council now. I won't be there any longer. That means that no one will be there to speak up for Fairy Tail. Be sure to behave in a way that keeps that in mind!"

Natsu and Gray: We'll behave!

Yajima: "Say hi to Macky for me! Thank you very much for today!"


The next day the whole gang is in the guild hall when there is a huge diagram  of dark Guilds.

Lucy,: "What's this?"

Nathaniel: "It's an organization chart of the Dark Guilds."

Redus: "Yes. I drew it."

Cana: " When you look at it overall, there are quite a lot of them."

Lucy: "Why?"

Mirajane: "Because lately it seems like their activity has increased. We have to strengthen the bonds between guilds."

Gray: "What's the big oval?"

Juvia: "Juvia knows. It is the Baram Alliance. The Baram Alliance is the most powerful force of Dark Guilds, combining the three guilds of Oracion Seis, Tartaros, and Grimoire Heart. Each of them have a number of associated guilds, and they control the world of Dark Guilds. Then there's the guild that acts independently of the rest, Raven's Tail."

Lucy: "Huh? Eisenwald?"

Erza: "Yes. That's the guild that Erigor was in."

Gray: " So that was one of the guilds associated with Oracion Seis, huh?"

Nathaniel: "And dont forget Erigor is still outside his not been captured by the magic council so we need to be in a  extra precautions so we avoid involving in a fight. Got it"

Macao: "There's a lot of names that I remember up there Aren't there some that used to be official guilds, too?"

Mirajane: "Ghoul Spirits, the one that the Raijin Tribe destroyed, was also one of them."

Juvia: "And the guilds Juvia and Gajeel-kun destroyed when we were in Phantom were all from Oracion Seis!"

Gray: " Please, don't go smiling about it"

Lucy: "Uh-oh I hope they're not angry"

Wakaba: " Don't worry 'bout it! There's nothing to fear! From the rumors I hear, they've only got six members!"

Lucy: " Damn, how small a guild is it?"

Nathaniel:  "Dont you dare underestimate them even with only six people, they're a member of the strongest organization. As far as the whole guild concern is how powerful they are on taking Guilds by themselves."

Then after Nathan said that Makarov appear at the entrance of the guild.

Makarov: "About that Oracion Seis We're going to attack them."

Mirajane: "Welcome back, Master! How was the regular meeting?"

As Mirajane said this everybody do the flop.

Lucy: "Way to miss the point!"

Erza: " Master, what are you talking about? "

Makarov: "At the regular meeting the other day, we discussed the recent activity by Oracion Seis. As it is not something we can ignore, we decided that some guild has to fight them. And Nathan we decided with the magic council for you to capture Alibu the great catastrophe wizard dead or alive"

Nathaniel: "I understand"

Gray: "You pulled the short straw again, Gramps? And Fairy Tail will take on that role?"

Makarov: "No The enemy this time is too powerful. If it were only us, then afterwards the Baram Alliance would retaliate only here. And that is why we have formed an alliance ourselves."

Everyone: "An alliance?"

Makarov: "Fairy Tail! Blue Pegasus! Lamia Scale! Caitshelter! These four guilds will each send out members to strike these guys down!"

Natsu: " But we could handle it ourselves, no problem! Or actually, I could even handle it myself!"

Erza: "Naive fool! The Master is thinking about the consequences afterwards!"

Nathaniel: "The masters decision are correct building an alliance is perfect on taking down a famous dark guild even tough there are few of them we cannot let make ourselves to be cocky enough."

Lucy: "So Wait a second The enemy only has six members, right? How crazy powerful are these people, then?"


As the day past by Team Natsu was he one choose

Lucy: "Why do I have a feeling like something really bad is going to happen? And wait Why am I participating in this again?"

Gray: "It's not a picnic for me either, you know. Stop complaining."

Erza: "The master chose who went. Shouldn't we be happy he trusts us with this duty?"

Lucy: " But when it comes to fighting, there's Juvia or Gajeel"

Happy: "Well, the two of them had other jobs to do.

Nathaniel: "And is not just the master who pick our team I also pick the two of you, Gray even your not strong as Erza you can handle yourself all of your own  I also heard that you saved a child back at the Battle of Fairy Tail this qualities makes you a great part of the team"

As Nathaniel says this Gray's face is red as Erza's hair. Then Nathaniel turn to Lucy.

Nathaniel: "And for you Lucy, I know you are not strong as the others yet you always depend on your Celestial spirits to fight. But as The battle of Fairy Tail happens when the whole guild is in a utter chaos because who hit who you unite and put our heads together to finish the job and that is enough to show that you can be a strong wizard Lucy just trust yourself you'll be fine"

Lucy: "Thanks Nathan that really means a lot."

Then Natsu ruin the moment with his  motion sickness.

Natsu: "So Are we there yet?"

Lucy: "Way to ruin the moment Natsu"

Erza: " In the end, it's the usual gang. Don't you think that's for the best? This will be the first time teaming up with other guilds. The first thing that's important is forming better ties with the other guilds."

Happy: "I can see it! There's the meeting place!"

The gang enter the doors of the villa.

Lucy: "This place's decor is seriously creepy"

Erza: "This is Master Bob's villa, from Blue Pegasus."

Gray: "Him? I-I'm not so good with him"

Erza: "Now, now, don't go there. He's powerful enough to give our own master a run for his money,"

Lucy: "despite I see"

Natsu: " Are we there yet?"

Nathan smack Natsu's head and Natsu rub his head.

Nathaniel: "Were already here dummy"

Happy: "Yes, we're here, Natsu."

Then a group of men starts to get their attention and give shivers down to Nathaniel's body.

Nathaniel: "Oh no not them"

???: "Yes, you've arrived! Arrived! Hey, hey, hey, hey! Welcome! Fairy Tail folks!"

???: "Sorry to keep you waiting!"

???: "We are the representatives chosen"

???: "Blue Pegasus, Trimens!"

Hibiki: "Hibiki of the Hundred Nights!"

Eve: "Eve of the Holy Night!"

Ren: "Ren of the Silent Night."

Nathaniel: "Erza stab me with your swords now I beg of you I cannot stand this people"

Erza: "Why would I do that"

Lucy: "Trimens from Blue Pegasus? How cool! And the one called Hibiki He's always at the top of the "I wish he were my boyfriend" ranking in Weekly Sorcerer! You're that Hibiki Laytis!"

Gray: "Crap! I forgot to put on clothes!"

Lucy: "Those guys? Not a chance Your beauty doesn't do the rumors justice."

Hibiki: "How do you do, Titania? And Nathan"

As Hibiki says this he his arm around Nathaniel. And Nathan just grab his arm and smash Hibiki on the floor.

Nathaniel: "Stop being TOUCHY!!!"

Hibiki: "You're still a beautiful men Nathan"

Happy: "Wow even his face is been buried in a hole I can still hear him"

As for the information on why Nathaniel is not much of a fun of the famous Trimen is that they work together in a magazine before and something bad happened that makes Laxus go on a rampage and almost raid the guild with the Thunder Legion. Then a big sofa appear and Erza is now sitting with Hibiki and Eve. And Nathan, Gray, aswell as Natsu is in the corner.

Hibiki: "Now, come this way."

Eve: "Have a hot towel."

Hibiki: "Are you hungry?"

Erza: " No"

Hibiki: "We have cake. How about some?"

Erza: "I'll pass."

Natsu: " What's going on here?"

Ren: " You Have a seat yourself. And hey You're just too damn cute."

Gray: "What's with them?"

Natsu: "Who are they?"

Nathaniel: "Why it feels like something is missing?"

Erza: "Let's work together for this plan. We need to combine our strength and-"

Eve: "So cute That demeanor of yours it's wonderful. I've always looked up to you."

Ren: "I-It's not like I made it specially for you, or anything"

Lucy: "Now he's tsundere?!"

Hibiki: "Come You must be tired from your long journey."

Trimen: "Spend tonight with us Forever!"

Then a voice came from upstairs and a figure of man came down.

???: Guests Stay right where you are.

Lucy: "What's that silky smooth voice?"

Nathaniel: "Oh there he is"

Hibiki: "It's Ichiya-sama!"

Erza: " I-Ichiya? Nathan stab me with my swords please I'm begging you"

Nathaniel: "Sorry Erza but you didn't help me a while ago"

Ichiya: "It has been quite a while, Erza-san and Nathan-kun"

Erza: "I can't believe it You're joining us?"

Nathaniel: "Hey Ichiya how is your experiment going do you discover new today with your scent"

Ichiya: " Yes Indeed I also improve my skills on this past years I might even surpass your healing skills and I've longed to see you, My Honey. Ichiya is here, at your service! *sparkle*

Lucy and Happy: "My Honey?"

Lucy: "Erza is shaking!"

Ichiya: " What an unexpected reunion! reunion!"

Trimen:  "Wasshoi! You're Ichiya-sama's girlfriend? How rude of us!"

Ichiya: " I deny it, with all my might! Clean up! We didn't come here to play around."

Trimen: "Right, Boss! Right, Boss!"

Lucy: "Weren't they calling him "Ichiya-sama" before?"

Happy: "They're not consistent, are they?"

Nathaniel: "Well happy is not that wrong but as all of you might know Blue Pegasus is known for their hospitality on their guest and one of the wealthiest guild in fiore. Our guild is lucky to be one of the Alligned forces of this guild"

Ichiya: "I've heard about you. Erza-san Lucy-san and the rest. Excellent parfum!"

Lucy: "You're freakin' me out, you know"

Erza: "Sorry I can't really handle him either. He may be an incredible wizard"

Gray: "Listen up, you crappy Blue Pegasus boy-toys! How about you stop makin' passes at our princesses, huh?"

Ichiya: "As crystal now you two can go home now."

Trimen: "Thanks for coming!"

Gray: " They send posers like you on an important mission?! I could wipe the floor with you!"

Trimen: " Try us. We're strong."

Natsu: " A fight? Let me join!"

Lucy: "Ummm....Nathan are you gonna stop them"

Nathan: "Not this kind of situation which is intense only one man can do the trick tough"

Erza: "Stop it, you two!"

As soon Erza says taht she feels something on her back giving her shivers.

Ichiya: "Erza-san Your parfum is incredible, as always"

Erza: "Stay away from me!"

Erza delivers a right hook on Ichiya that make Ichiya fly towards the door.

Ichiya: "Men!"

Lucy: "Nice right hook"

Then Ichiya's face is been frozen by someone.

???: "Men This is quite the greeting. You consider yourselves equal to Lamia Scale?"

Gray: "Lyon?"

Lyon: "Gray!"

Natsu: "So you joined a guild?"

Then Lyon just throw Ichiya back and No one catches him.

Ichiya: " Men! Men Men Handsome men"

Gray: "What the hell are you doing?"

Lyon: "He started it."

Then as Lyon turn right he see a man that make his heart pump like crazy.

Nathaniel: "Is there something on my face"

Lyon's face is redder than Erza's hair that makes Gray pissed.

Hibiki: "What do you think you're doing with our General?"

Ren: "How awful!"

Eve: "I think all the men should just leave."

Then a voice came from behind Lyon.

???: "Oh? But there's a woman here as well. Doll Attack! Carpet Doll!"

Nathaniel: "Lucy watch out!"

Lucy: "Me?!"

Nathaniel leap and draft Lucy with him to avoid the attack. Then she let go of Lucy.

Lucy: "Thanks for the save Nathan and wait That magic Shelly! You also joined Lamia Scale?"

Shelly: "I won't allow you to say you've forgotten me. And please, forget who I was in the past! Make up your mind! For Love, I have been reborn!"

Nathaniel: "Is she always like this"

Lucy: "Yeah all the time"

Then the troll starts to go towards Erza and Erza equip herself with a spear.

Ichiya: "M-More parfum for me!"

Erza: "Stay back! I'll cut you!"

Gray: "Lyon!" 

Lyon: "Gray!"

Natsu: " Bring it on!"

Shelly: " I cannot love you."

Lucy: "Well the feeling is mutual!"

Now that the air around them is intense Nathaniel went to Natsu side.

Nathaniel: "Happy stay on my back ok so you've get protected"

Happy: "A-aye"

???: "Cease this! We are making an alliance to defeat Oracion Seis! This is not the time to be fighting amongst ourselves!"

Lyon: "Yes, Jura-san"

Erza: " Jura?"

Hibiki: "He's the ace of Lamia Scale Rockiron Jura."

Natsu: " Who?"

Happy: " He's one of the 10 Great Wizard Saints!"

Jura: "Looks like our paths crossed again huh? Nathan-sama"

Nathaniel: "Yeah sure looks like it how's the life of a wizard saint going"

Jura: "As you say before it's a quite a lot of responsibility and also you know it would be fun if you are there with us"

Erza: "Wait! Nathan you've been invited to became one of the ten wizard saints?!"

Nathaniel: "Well long story short Jura and I went for a mission to stop a sea monster to devour all of the marine life in the south of Magnolia and we succeeded"

Jura: "But none of us know that we are been watch the the wizard saints so as the mission ended we've been given a opportunity to be a wizard saint but Nathan refuses and say he just would be rather in the guild doing some paper works"

Lucy: "Even I've heard his name before"

Shelly: " The Fairies had Five and Pegasus have four people But for us, just three is more than enough."

Nathaniel: "Umm...Its actually six since Happy is here"

Happy: "Nathan is the only one who is counting  me"

Jura: " With this, three of the guilds have gathered. All that is left are the people from Caitshelter."

Ichiya: "People? I have heard it is only one person."

Erza: "One person?"

Gray: " They only sent one person for a mission as dangerous as this?"

Nathaniel: "Chill Gray I'm sure their master sent that person because he/she can do it"

Lucy: " Wait How crazy dangerous is this guy?"

Then a a little child run towards the villa and trip.

???: "Owwy Um I'm sorry I'm late."

Nathaniel rush towards her but as near as he gets he feels the little girls magic which us similar to Natsu. So he knows why the Caitshelter guild sent her instead of the other members of the guild.

Nathaniel: "Here let me help you out, What's your name?"

Wendy: "I'm Wendy, from Caitshelter. It's nice to meet everyone!"

Lucy: "A kid?"

Lyon: "A girl!"

Natsu: "Wendy?"

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