Assassin, until the first mom...

By april_writes1

35.4K 2K 1.4K

Magnus Bane leads a double life: By day, he is the son of Asmodeus Bane, the Duke of Edom. But when night fal... More

Will I see you again?
The morning after
The blood oath
May I have this dance?
The agreement
Is everything alright?
Looking into your soul
The high price
Poison in the Shadows
A visit to an orphanage
Naga Hitam
Follow the whispers of your heart
A zoom into the truth
A kiss of fire
A call at midnight
The Full Moon Murderer
Fallen roses
Don't lose hope
In the shadows of truth
Tears of darkness
Caught in the net of emotions
The Cinta Kekal Promise
Ritual of the Bayang Hitam
Together, until the last moment
Thank you

Do you trust me?

1.5K 93 27
By april_writes1

Alec leant back relaxing into the soft leather of his armchair, rotating his shoulders to loosen the tense muscles in his back. The pounding at his forehead, which had accompanied him throughout the day, had been continuous, but had now abated slightly; which had Alec more relaxed, as he gazed absentmindedly through the darkness in his bedroom, he suppressed a yawn that threatened to escape.

The full moon, that had been hidden behind a blanket of dark, heavy clouds for most of the night, broke through the thick layer; bathing the room in dim white light, throwing eerie shadows on the bare walls of his bedroom.

Alec had made no effort during the last five months to decorate the rooms of his flat, he had only bought the bare essentials and necessities. He would leave this flat permanently, eventually. Alec would move back into the family house, on the fateful day of his father passing; but until then, he will remain living here; much to his father's dismay.

Thinking of his father, his mind flooded with memories of his childhood; a time in which Alec hadn't always been happy. The relationship between himself and his father had always been strained and had turned more negative a few days after his fifteenth birthday when he had told his parents he wasn't interested in girls but only in boys. Although Robert Lightwood had reluctantly accepted that his eldest son was gay, he had on more than one occasion clarified that he wasn’t at all happy about it.

Fortunately, his mother, Maryse and sister, Isabelle had always assured him he need not be ashamed of anything. Their support has helped Alec to build up the self-confidence to be proud of his sexual orientation and open about it outside of the safe embrace of his family.

This also helped him to withstand the five years of military duty, which he had started at the same time as Jace; to fulfil one of their aged traditions. But, when he had reached the legal age, he had turned his back and renounced his homeland and all of its rigid, strict and uncompromising traditions.

Alec remembered it very well, how he had triggered turmoil and uproar with his decision to emigrate to North America, only a few days after his 21st birthday. It doesn't happen often that a family member from one of the five dukedoms, skedaddles their country to live elsewhere, but Alec had never cared about the whispers and gossip of the noble society and their archaic ideas. He just wanted to live his own life.

Despite everything, Alec had remained faithful and loyal to his family and to his duties, visiting his mother and sister on the regular and taking part in the most important events in Idris.

When his mother had called him six months ago, telling him with a mournful and tearful voice that with every passing day, his father had been feeling worse and could no longer perform his duties efficiently as Duke anymore.

Without hesitation, Alec had taken steps to move back to Idris. His homecoming was mostly uneventful, people had only spoken about him in whispers here and there, but no one had dared denounce him in public because of his seven years-long absence.

During the last few months, Alec had not only proven that he was more than capable of fulfilling the tasks as Duke of Alicante but he could also do it efficiently and reliably; gradually the members of the noble families had accepted him back into their circle. Even so, some of them were still gossiping about his sexual orientation on the quiet, but Alec tried his best to ignore them.

His thoughts returned to the present and a lazy smile tugged at his lips when he thought about today's events; namely the dance with Magnus. Alec had enjoyed the dance, and he had almost wished that the moment would never end. They had agreed to talk about the delicate issue of the previous night at a later time to avoid being overheard by the King's hundreds of guests.

Hence, they had only spoken about irrelevant, mundane topics. Magnus had told him some amusing stories about the other noble families. Alec hadn't laughed so much in a long time as he had tonight. For a few moments, he had even forgotten that Magnus was a hitman.

Alec fiddled restlessly with the half-full whisky glass in his hand, letting the amber-coloured liquid slosh back and forth. He and Jace had left the King's ball after a few hours; they had stayed only until it wouldn't be deemed impolite to leave; much earlier than most of the other guests.

That had been hours ago, and Alec had been trying to keep his eyes open and not fall asleep since. When will Magnus appear? he asked himself again.

Alec reached for the remote control lying on a small side table next to his armchair and turned the TV on, hoping that it would help him stay awake. In order not to wake up Jace, who slept in the room next to Alec's, he quickly turned down the volume, but only so far, just enough so he could still hear what was happening. Alec casually flicked through the channels eventually stopping on a news station, a young blond woman was reading out the news. Alec listened to her for a few minutes but despite all his efforts to not fall asleep, his heavy eyelids dropped slowly, he dozed off being lulled to sleep by the newsreader's soft voice.

Alec didn't know what had stirred him from his slumber, it could have been the worried tone on the young woman's voice? Or the feeling of being watched? As he opened his eyes, he caught sight of a dark figure that was standing close and leaning over him.

Before Alec reacted, a hand covered his mouth, muffling the startled sound falling from his lips. It felt like his heart stopped beating for a few seconds, only to beat faster than it ever had in his life.

“It's me, Alexander,” a low but familiar voice said.

Relief flooded Alec's body when he recognized Magnus' voice. The assassin took his hand away after a few seconds, straightening himself.

“God, Magnus! You really scared me,” Alec said with a shaky voice.

"Well, I beg your forgiveness, Alexander. That wasn't my intention."

Alec blinked a few times, wiping the tiredness from his eyes. He realised that his whisky glass was now sitting on the side table, but he hadn't recalled putting it there.

"What time is it?" Alec asked, still feeling dizzy and disoriented from sleep.

"It's three in the morning," Magnus answered, dropping into the second armchair, that was opposite to Alec's. Alec noticed that the assassin was still wearing his festive evening wear and guessed that Magnus had come straight from the ball directly to his apartment.

"How did you get in unnoticed?" Alec wondered.

"Professional secret," Magnus replied, winking at him coyly.

"Of course", Alec deadpanned, rolling his eyes. He grabbed the remote control to turn the TV off, but Magnus stopped him with a wave of his right hand. Alec arched an eyebrow inquisitively but said nothing, then turning his attention back to the newsreader who was looking into the camera with a furrowed brow and a slightly worried expression on her face.

"... according to the information we have just received from the police, the suspect, has, unfortunately, fled the scene. Again, they didn't leave any trace evidence at the scene which could have helped to identify the murderer. The police have told us, they have taken the victim to a forensic scientist for further investigation, but the identity of the victim has not yet been confirmed by the police. Although, we have heard from an unofficial source, that the victim is a 20-year-old student named Victor Aldertree..."

Alec turned off the television, and it plunged the bedroom back into darkness. He stood up and walked over to his bed to turn on the bedside lamp, lighting up the room in soft light.

When Alec meandered back to the pair of armchairs, Magnus was still staring at the black screen, his eyebrows furrowed, lost in thought. Alec sat down into his armchair again, pouring whisky into his glass and also into a second glass, Alec handed one glass over to Magnus in silence.

Magnus winced slightly as if he had forgotten that Alec was there, but the assassin quickly relaxed, taking the glass with a thank you. Magnus' rings tapped against the glass, creating a quiet clinking, the only sound that broke the silence between them.

Their fingers touched, as Alec passed the glass off, he felt a pleasant tingling sensation moving over his skin from his hand and up his arm until it reached his shoulder, dissipating up the back of his neck. It felt intense, the same way it did a few hours ago when they danced together. Alec stared at his hand for a few seconds, wondering if Magnus felt the same thing. Raising his gaze to find the assassin with a similar perplexed and somewhat baffled expression on his face, meaning that he too had felt it, whatever it is.

Alec cleared his throat.

"Do you know the victim?" Alec asked, trying to hide his inner turmoil.

“No, not personally,” Magnus said, looking at him seriously, his eyebrows still furrowed, “You?”

Without reply, Alec shook his head.

“That's already the fifth victim. It's so sad that these things happen,” Magnus said, his voice barely audible.

Alec snorted disbelievingly, surprised to hear such a statement from an assassin.

"Oh, you think I'm not able to feel compassion when someone has died?"

"Well, you also kill, taking the life of innocent people. So, how am I supposed to believe you feel remorse when someone dies?"

"How would you know if the people I killed were innocent?" Magnus asked, ignoring Alec's question.

"You tried to kill me. I'm not saying that I'm innocent, but I have done nothing in my life that would warrant my life be forfeit."

"Well, Alexander... I didn't kill you, did I?"

Alec leant back, sipping at his drink. The typical smoky taste of the whisky exploded on his tongue and the liquid burned warm down his throat. He looked at Magnus, studying his face Alec was taken aback by how the assassin didn’t show any sign of tiredness or anything that would indicate just how late it was already; quite the contrary. Magnus remained styled perfectly, his makeup unsmudged and his eyes shimmered attentively, he was wide awake. How does he do that? Alec wondered.

Alec almost choked on his whisky, when Magnus stood up in a sudden but gracious movement, moving silently over to the window. The man was as smooth and moved as lithe and agile as a cat, Alec wondered whether Magnus could maintain that elegance and grace in bed. Alec could feel an unwanted heat spreading in his body caused by his thoughts, and he hoped that the sudden desire didn't show on his face but seeing the amused smile on Magnus’ lips, Alec wasn't sure whether that was the case.

"Well," Alec began after a short moment of silence, clearing his throat again. "Who has the fervent wish that I kick the bucket prematurely, that they would even commission an assassin for such a job?"

"You begin with the one question that I cannot answer."

"Why not?" Alec asked, astonished.

"It’s very simple. I do not know their name."

Alec arched a brow sceptically.

"You expect me to believe you?"

Magnus shrugged his shoulders as if to make him believe that he doesn’t care whether Alec believes him. The assassin turned his back to Alec, his hands folded behind his back, the same way, Jace always does.

"Our identity is the biggest secret, which we normally protect at all costs. We grant the same privilege to our clients.”

Alec braced his right elbow onto the armrest, turning the whisky glass in his hand.

"Are you at least able to tell me why someone wants me dead?"

A queasy feeling spread through Alec's stomach at this question but he tried to ignore it as best as he could.

"What do you know about the Full Moon Murders?" Magnus asked instead of answering the question.

“Well, for five months, young men under the age of 21 have been killed during the night of the full moon, being brutally raped before but otherwise their bodies didn’t show any injuries. There are no leads on who the murderer is, and the only thing that the police seem to know is that the suspect is male and only strikes at night. There are four victims… no, five with the murder that happened tonight,” Alec outlined.

"That's correct. This is the information known by the police and shared with the public.”

Alec narrowed his eyes, asking himself what the five murders have anything to do with him but before he could say anything, Magnus continued to speak.

“There is information which is not available to the police.”

“And that would be?”

“The identity of the suspect.”

With a jerk, Alec sits up staring at Magnus’ back in surprise. He didn’t like the direction in which this conversation was going and an unpleasant thought was forming in his mind.

“And that would be?” Alec asked again, his voice sounding breathless.

“Isn’t it obvious?”

“You mean” Alec’s eyes opened wide.

Magnus turned around to face him and nodded. Their eyes met and Alec had the feeling that the assassin was looking into his soul for the third time within a few hours.

“That’s why they sent you to kill me? Because someone told you I’m the murderer? You and your people believe someone you don’t even know and are willing to kill innocents? “Alec had to force himself not to raise his voice. He didn’t want to wake up Jace, and he definitely didn’t want his best friend to find out he was talking to the assassin who tried to kill him.

"Are you innocent then?" Magnus folded his arms across his chest.

"Of course, I am. I would never kill anyone. Never." Alec assured him.

"Good." Magnus simply said, nodding.

"What do you think, Magnus? Do you think I'm innocent?"

“I wouldn’t have stopped if I hadn’t been sure that you’re innocent. I would have killed you if I’d thought otherwise. The documents we’ve received from our client are clear though, but…”

“There is clear evidence?” Alec asked the assassin with a tone of shock in his voice.


“What kind of evidence did you receive?” Alec asked with a shaky breath.

Magnus didn’t answer, signalling him to be quiet. The assassin left his place by the window and Alec watched him straining his ears. He tried to identify what Magnus had noticed but couldn’t hear anything.

"Do you trust me?" Magnus suddenly asked Alec blinked in surprise.

"Alexander, do you trust me?" Magnus repeated his question when Alec hadn't immediately answered.

Before his mind could answer the question, his heart had already decided and Alec nodded slightly.

"Yes, I don't know why but I do,'' Alec whispered. The words barely slipped his mouth when Magnus grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him out of the armchair in his direction.

"What…?" Alec began but Magnus’ lips swallowed his next words, pressing on his mouth.

Alec’s world went up in flames when the assassin started to nibble at his lower lip, insistent for Alec to return the kiss. He didn’t know why Magnus suddenly wanted to kiss him but he had asked him to trust him, so Alec gave into the kiss. Magnus put his arm around his neck when Alec kissed him back with the same intensity Magnus was kissing him with. The assassin buried his hand in Alec’s hair, pulling at his locks playfully, causing a shiver after another to run down his spine. Alec put his hand on Magnus’ hips, bringing their bodies closer than they already were, Alec felt his body becoming reactive and alive.

Alec was so distracted by the kiss he didn’t notice that someone had entered his bedroom. Alerted only as they loudly cleared their throat, when his clouded mind realized that they weren’t alone anymore, Alec pulled back from Magnus’ lips, seeing his best friend standing at the door and staring at them with an astonished expression on his face.

"Jace, what are you doing here?" Alec asked breathlessly, feeling sudden heat staining his cheeks. Magnus was still standing in front of him, shielding his body from the eyes of his bodyguard; something Alec was grateful for at this moment because his body was still very affected, demanding for their activity to continue.

“You’re serious? What am I doing here?” Jace asked with a stern tone in his voice, shaking his head. “Alec, I heard voices and thought someone had broken in again,” Jace said, speaking the last words hesitantly.

Alec knew that Jace was talking about last night’s attempt on his life.

Alec watched Jace studying Magnus sceptically. “But obviously I was wrong, well, regarding the burglary at least. Nice to see you, Magnus, although I must say, it’s a little unconventional for a visit, considering the time.”

"Hello Jace," Magnus replied, snuggling further into Alec, his arms now wrapped around Alec’s waist. Alec inhaled with a low hiss when he noticed that Magnus had been affected by the kiss just as much as he had. Alec gulped heavily. The assassin definitely knew what kind of effect he had on him, seeing the smug grin on the assassin’s face from the corner of his eye.

“Well, seeing that no one broke in and now I’m sure that there is nothing wrong, I’m going back to sleep. Uhm… continue where you were both doing.” Jace said, waving his right hand into their direction, leaving the room as quickly as possible. Alec gazed at the closed door, wondering what had just happened.

“You heard him, Alexander. Let’s continue what your bodyguard interrupted,” Magnus said, pulling him out of his thoughts, laying his hands on Alec’s shoulders.

Magnus warm breath prickled on the skin at his neck, sending goosebumps down his spine. Alec wanted to say something, but the words stuck in his throat and it was becoming increasingly difficult for him to keep a clear mind.

He took a few steps backwards, bringing a desperately needed distance between the assassin and himself. Magnus’ hands fell from his shoulders and Alec heard a small disappointed sigh fall from Mangus’ lips.

“You knew, didn’t you? That Jace was awake? You wanted him to see us. Why?”

Alec pointing between them back and forth, clarifying that he meant the kiss.

“It’s the simplest solution.”

“For what?”

“Alexander, there is a serial killer outside, raping and killing young men and I don’t know why but someone is trying to implicate you, make you out as the suspect, and they want you dead.

Believe me or don’t, I swore to protect you, but, I have to prove that you are innocent and I have to do so as quickly as possible. Whoever sent us the kill order on you, won’t stop and I’m sure that others will be commissioned to fulfil what I could not.” Magnus stepped towards Alec shortening the distance between them laying a hand on Alec’s right arm as if to comfort him.

“I know that you are not the murderer and I was able to convince my father of this, but as the leader of our order he must follow the rules, that means, if I can’t prove that the evidence we’ve received was falsified, I will have to honour the original mission. I have thirteen days, which is not much time, therefore I need to spend as much of that time as possible with you and around you.”

“So that means, you will make everyone believe that we are… Uhm… like, together?” Alec ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, turning his back to Magnus. “Magnus, we only just met today and everyone will know that this… us.... isn’t real; your father as well.”

“I will tell him that being in a relationship with you was my plan from the beginning. He will believe me. I will tell him I tempted you, that you have fallen for me, head over heels. I mean, who could resist my charms, anyway?”

Alec rolled his eyes and snorted. Magnus must not know how much his charm gets under his skin.

“And what about the rest of Idris? Or my sister? She will instantly realize that this is fake.”

“Well,” Magnus purred quietly, wrapping his arms around Alec’s waist he snuggled him from behind, pressing his warm and hard body against Alec’s back. “Then we have to be absolutely convincing, Alexander.”

Alec bit his bottom lip, suppressing a moan as he closed his eyes. Magnus stroking gently up and down his arms, his nimble fingers eventually drifting to his chest. Despite the fabric of his shirt, Alec’s skin quivered and vibrated everywhere that Magnus touched him.

"It's time that Your Highness went to bed", Magnus whispered into his ear, starting to unbutton his shirt. The moan that Alec had repressed moments ago, he could not hold back any longer, it came falling from his lips, mixing with his assassin's heavy breathing. Alec wasn't sure that he would survive the night if Magnus continued like this.

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