The Other Summoner Fairytail...

By Gladecavalier_16

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There is a Universe called Imen but it is been destroyed by a phenomena called the "DOOMED" the whole univers... More

Nathaniel's Past
Welcome to Fairytail
Nathaniel's Profile
Nathaniel's Profile ver. 1.5
Special Chapter


866 29 16
By Gladecavalier_16

Gray is running around Magnolia to find Warren

Gray:Warren! Where is he?

Meanwhile at the Southern part of Magnolia.

Nathaniel is still struggling on producing more arrows. He is tired even with Sylphs's magic apply on himself he needs to heal the others but he knows she have to keep moving.

Nathaniel: "Damn it! If I want to destroy them all at once, I still need more I'm already out of magical power. And I'm also out of time. What should I do? There's not even three minutes until the Thunder Palace activates!"

In the Cathedral

Natsu is trying his best to defeat Laxus but he is already use the half of his magic power while Laxus is isnt even trying his best.

Laxus: "What'll you do, Natsu? The Lacrima will exploded in anytime now the game is over"

Natsu charges towards Laxus again

Natsu: " Ain't nothing gonna happen so shut the hell up!"

In the Northern pet of Magnolia

Erza is pushing herself to the limits but even with Nathan's magic supporting her she is still tired.

Erza: "Unless I have another 100 blades I can't simultaneously"

Then out of no where a voice came to her mind.

????: "Hey, can everyone hear me?"

Erza: "Warren?"

Warren: "This is an emergency! Look up at the sky!"

Erza: "It's in my head? Telepathy?"

Warren: "Wake up you lazy bums!"


Jet: "What's in the sky?"

Droy: "What the heck are those?"

Warren: "And if there's anyone still fighting, hold up for now! Rest so we can all heal up with the help of Nathabs magic"

In the nearby tower of Magnolia

Lucy: "What's this? There's a voice in my head"

Happy: " That's Warren's telepathy. He can speak directly into people's minds."

Warren: "Listen up, everyone! We gotta destroy those things floating in the sky with all the magic power we got! It's a magic spell from Laxus that'll attack the city! There's no time! Everyone we have to work together"

Wakaba: "What's this? Those are Laxus's"

Back in the Northern part of Magnolia

Erza: "Warren, why do you know about the Thunder Palace?"

Gray: "That voice Erza? You're okay?"

Erza: "Gray! I see, so it was you."

Gray: " Yeah. Took me a while to find the guy."

Nathaniel: "Good job Gray"

Erza: "Are you ok?"

Nathaniel: "Yeah just a little tired but nothing I can't handle"

Droy: "Erza? You're not turned to stone?"

Jet : "So, if Erza's okay are the others? Is Levy?"

Cana: "Don't worry everyone is safe."

Juvia: "Worry not. Juvia is also okay."

Mirajane: "So is Bisca, Alzack."

Alzack: "I see Thank goodness"

Warren: "Really Sorry. My telepathy can't reach all the way to the guild. We'll have to do it with the people who can hear me. Destroy those things up in the sky!"

Max: "Damn you, Warren! Did you forget what you did to me?"

Warren: "Max? I'm sorry about that, man I was, like, really trying to save Erza and the others"

Droy: "This is Droy! Can you hear me, Alzack?"

Alzack: "I-I hear you. I'm sorry about before."

Jet: " You think that's gonna cut it? You hit me with a sneak attack!"

Then the whole guild is starting to argue with each other.

Gray: "Save the fightin' for later! You're one to talk! There is no time now! Destroy the things floating in the sky!"

Guild members: "You don't get it, do you? When I don't hold back, I'm way stronger! What? As if! You always attack first, think later! That sounds more like you!"

Lucy: "Everyone, listen! This isn't the time to be fighting! The people of the city are in real danger! We have to all work together to protect the city of Magnolia! If we combine our powers, we can overcome anything! That's what I've learned after coming here. I know I just joined Fairy Tail recently. But my feelings for this guild are as strong as anybody's! Fairy Tail has been my dream since long ago It's always been my goal. Even now. So, please Let's all work together Let's protect our guild and our city!"

Erza and Nathaniel: "Lucy"

Lucy: "And if that won't convince you I'll destroy all the lacrima myself!"

Cana: "Listen up people! You really gonna let the newbie one up you like that?"

Nathaniel: "She's not new any more She's got more Fairy Tail spirit than any of us! But she acts more mature than others"

Droy: "Lucy, you're exactly right. We'll settle things later."

Jet: "I can't argue with that, now can I? Thanks to you, I'm thinking straight again."

Max: " Are all you folks ready? You guys Everyone Warren, we'll settle this after those things are destroyed. "

Wakaba: "Macao, you can't handle this!"

Macao: " Take a nap! Oh, yeah? Wakaba! You sure prance around a lot for an old man."

Then the whole guild starts to focus their head into one goal.

Lucy: "Let's go, Happy!"

Happy: " They have Body Link magic protecting them! If you attack them, you'll get damaged yourself! It's gonna hurt!"

Lucy: "Even if it hurts, I'll do it anyway! I always looked up to Fairy Tail And I've gotten to be such good friends with everyone Sure, a lot of things have happened But everyone has always been so warm. This guild is where I belong. It's my home. My heart yells out "This is where I should be!" So I'm going to fight! Because it was Fairy Tail that made me strong!"

Happy: "Right on!"

Lucy: " Let's go!"

Happy: "Aye, sir!"

Lucy jump on the top of the building and Happy catches her and fly towards the lacrima.

Erza: "I'll handle the 200 to the north!

Nathaniel: "I handle the 200 in the south!"

Erza: "Everyone take one on the east and the west don't leave a single one left!"

Gray: "Ice Make Lance!"

Mirajane: "Demon Blast!"

Erza: "Go forth, my blades!"

Nathaniel: "World of wind come to my arrows swarms the skies Sylphistia!"

Happy: "Max Speed Attack!"

All of fairy tail members attack the lacrima that provides the town with wonderful sight to the people in town

Man 1: "What's this? Some kind of fireworks?"

Man 2: " Fairy Tail just keeps doing things flashier and flashier each year."

Then all of the members of the fairytail guild is been zap by lightning that came from the lacrima. But little they know that Nathan heal himself with the help of Undine as his Armatization form worn off and head towards the Cathedral. Undine spell is undone after the lacrima's explosion.

Nathaniel: "We did it See? I told you so."

Erza: " Yeah your right Nathan we did it. everyone okay? Honestly You people are so reckless."

Gray: "Birds of a feather, you know"

Erza: "We really are a great guild."

Macao: "And we'd be even better if Laxus got over this rebellious phase."

Wakaba: "No kidding."

Droy: "Alzack, are you okay? Droy?"

Alzack: "Yeah. Thanks."

Back in the Cathedral

Laxus sees the runes are erased then Natsu spoke up

Natsu: "What part of this guild needs to be changed? As far as I can see we're all in the same circle of friends. You never even tried to join that circle! How're you gonna become the master, Laxus?"

At this phase Laxus has one thing in his mind after hearing those words. Then he charge up again.

Laxus: " How am I going to become the master, you say? By force!"

Natsu: "Laxus, that's enough!Laxus. Fairy Tail will never be yours now."

Laxus: "Oh, yes it will. Yeah Trying to force a bargain was pointless I should have relied on my own power from the start! This overwhelming power is my very identity! So when I beat that power, you'll finally give in,"

Then Natsu charges lunge towards him.

Natsu: "Laxus?! Fire Dragon's Iron fist!"

Laxus: "You'll be first! Bring it on, Fairy Tail! I'll devour you all!"

As the both of them jump in the air just to punch each other Natsu fails to hit him so Laxus punch Natsu's stomach then kick his left side and Natsu falls on the floor then Laxus summons lightning bolt that hits Natsu now his in the ground paralyzed

Natsu: "Crap I can't move"

Laxus: "Fall from the heavens and turn all to ashes! Raging Bolt!"

Laxus says as he throws a large amount of lightning towards Natsu and as the smoke came off from the blast of lightning all Laxus can see is piles of ashes.

Laxus: "Natsu! Who was the strongest in the guild again? Oh, I'm sorry. You can't answer because you've been turned to dust!"

But suddenly a voice speaks.

Gajeel: "Weren't you his ally? Something's wrong with you being happy he's wiped out. Although he ain't been. Gettin' rid of him is my role."

Natsu: " Gajeel"

Laxus: "I have an another challenger anyone who stands in my way will disappear"

Natsu: "I'll handle Laxus. Stay back."

Gajeel: " I've got a personal grudge with him and also I owe shaman some favor from our last mission. His monstrous strength is the real deal though. He's got Makarov's blood running in him. I don't like it, but we've got no choice. We'll fight together!"

Natsu: "You're joking, right? I'm gonna defeat Laxus! I mean, how could I ever team up with you?!"

Gajeel: "Take a look. Is that the Laxus you know?"

Laxus: "What scared? Good you should be"

Gajeel: " That's an enemy of the guild. We have to stop him here to protect the guild. The rest of them are down for the count after the counterattack from the Thunder Palace. Do you realize what will happen if we don't stop him here?"

Natsu: "Since when it comes to your mind that you're gonna protect the guild?"

Gajeel: "Whether I protect the guild or destroy the guild, it's my choice!"

Natsu: "Didn't you say that there wasn't room enough in the sky for two dragons?"

Laxus: "There isn't. But with all this annoying lightning, you can't fly in the sky."

Natsu: "Okay, but I'm only teaming up this once, Gajeel!"

Gajeel: " You got that right! We'll settle things one day!"

Gajeel and Natsu: "Let's do this!"

The both of them charge towards Laxus and the three of them attack each other then Laxus has the opportunity that Natsu is open so he zaps him. Natsu flies towards Gajeel. So Gajeel catches him and put Natsu on his back.

Gajeel: "Use your breath!"

Natsu di as he told.

Natsu: "Fire Dragon's Roar!"

Gajeel: "Iron Dragon's Pillar!"

Laxus just jump to dodge then Gajeel look on backwards and see him.

Gajeel: "Iron Dragon's Sword!"

It miss again then Laxus throw some lightning balls towards Gajeel but from behind of Laxus. The salamander came to attack.

Natsu: "Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame!"

It hit Laxus he was about to fall and Gajeel use this opportunity to attack

Gajeel: "Iron Dragon's Lance Demon Poles!"

Then Laxus is on the floor then the two Dragon Slayers ready themselves for a big blast.

Gajeel:  "Iron Dragon's Roar!"

Natsu: "Fire Dragon' Roar!"

But as the smoke clears out what they see shocked them Laxus didn't any have a scratch on him.

Laxus: "That's the power of you working together? I'm shocked you can call yourselves Dragon Slayers."

Natsu: "Didn't we damage him at all? Impossible!"

Gajeel: "No matter how strong he is, after being hit with all that Dragon Slayer magic I can't believe it."

Then Laxus just smirked at their reactions.

Laxus: "Well, it's simple really. I hate the old man's lectures, so I kept it a secret. But I'll show you special."

Laxus body is getting huge by the second he developed his teeth sharpens and importantly he became more powerful.

Natsu: "N-No way You've got to be kidding me.  You're also a Dragon Slayer?"

Laxus: "Thunder Dragon Roar!"

Laxus send them a thousand volts of lightning as the view clear Natsu and Gajeel are down on the floor paralyze. Then as Laxus see what is their condition he walks towards the two dragon slayers.

Laxus: "Oh? Still alive? Just stay down already."

Natsu: "My body I'm all numb"

Gajeel: "Me either"

Laxus:  "You two, Erza, Mystogan, the old man, the trash in the guild, all the people in Magnolia I'll make them all disappear!"

Nathaniel: "Hold it right there"

As they hear this voice the three dragon slayers look at the man at the front of the Cathedral its Nathan.

Natsu: "Get out of here Nathan"

Gajeel: "Save yourself, his a dragon slayer"

But this didn't stop Nathaniel he walks towards the two and carry them in a side.

Laxus: "Finally someone that is worth a challenge"

Gajeel: "Shaman"

Then the two dragon slayers just look at Nathan they never seen him as serious as before.

Nathaniel: "I give up, I taught you will be turn over a new leaf, to become a better person but that hope is gone"

Laxus: "Finally I can see you now fighting me seriously"

Laxus charge up his electricity and he raise his arms up in the air creating a ball a large amount of electricity on it.

Laxus: "Raging Bolt!"

Natsu: "Watch out!"

Laxus threw it on Nathaniel's direction and the attack flashes on Gajeel and Natsu's eyes so they close them but as the smoke disappear Nathan is standing there completely fine with someone on his side.

Nathaniel: "I call upon the Red Giant, Ruler of hell fire. Efreet"

Efreet is on Nathan's back enveloping themselves in fire.

Efreet: "It's been a while Laxus"

Laxus: "Yeah it's been a long time Efreet"

Nathaniel: "Efreet you have my permission to go all out"

Then the fire on Efreet's body became larger then Laxus charge up. As the electricity and flames go down they look at each other and attack.

Laxus: "Lightning Dragon's Break Down Fist!"

Efreet: "Burning Beak!"

As their punch collides it creates a huge explosion that makes Gajeel and Natsu push againts the wall.

Gajeel: "What kinda rank the two of them have?"

Then Efreet lunch forward through Laxus but even with a incredible speed Laxus out matches him and attack Efreet quickly witha heavy blow.

Laxus: "Is that all you've got you pile of charcoal douche bag!"

As Laxus says that Efreet caught him and grab him and smack Laxus in the floor then he created a magic circle.

Efreet: "If there is a douchebag on both of us it will be you narcissist dumbass. Eruption!"

Then flames came upwards that directly hits Laxus. After that Efreet return to the front of Nathaniel.

Natsu: "Is he finished"

Nathaniel: "Nope his just getting to get serious."

Then Laxus charge up again.

Laxus: "I'm gonna bring you all DOWN!!"

Gajeel: "What's with this crazy magical power?"

Natsu: <This power It's Gramps's>

Gajeel: "His insane that magic It targets everything the caster sees as an enemy Master Makarov's Ultimate Spell of Judgment! Fairy Law!"

Laxus: "That's right! Fairy Law!"

Gajeel: "The spell that destroyed Master Joze in one hit"

Nathaniel: "Hey Natsu, Gajeel"

Natsu: "What is it?"

Nathaniel: "If I'm not gonna make it out alive take care of the Guild okay"

Natsu: "What are you saying?"

Nathaniel put one of his knees down and he put both of his hands on the 4 red magic circles pop up and concentrates his magic power.

Natsu: "What are you doing?"

Efreet: "Trying to stop your friend from casting the spell"

Gajeel: "But how can he block it that magic is so powerful that even my previous master lost to the old geezer"

Efreet: "Fairy Law is a powerful spell but it takes time to cast, but In Nathan's case he can block Laxus' magic by the spell I taught him but every spell has a huge toll when used improperly"

Natsu: "Nathan Dont do it!"

Nathaniel: "Oh hell fire that punishes the sinners reveal thy aspect decipher the laws of nature let inferno obliterate thy enemy in my path"

Then in that moment Levy came. All the males look at her

Levy: "Stop it, Laxus! Laxus! Stop it, Laxus!"

Gajeel: "Levy! You idiot! Why are you here?"

Levy: "Laxus! The master is The master Your grandfather is on death's door! So please, stop this! Come see him!"

Natsu: "On death's door? Gramps? He's gonna die?"

Levy: "Laxus!"

Laxus: "Perfect timing! Now my chance of becoming master just went back up!"

Gajeel: " The bastard"

Laxus: " Disappear, Fairy Tail! I'll build it up again from scratch! It won't lose to anyone! Everyone will cower in fear before my ultimate guild!, Fairy Law!"

Nathaniel: "Concerto Inferno: Explosive Nova!"

Then a supreme light came down from the skies and a large darkness with a crater of flames are on the ground the two spells collides.

But when it is over a large smoke disappears revealing that all wizards and the town of Magnolia are all safe.

Laxus: "That's Why, you How could you? Fairy Law is invoked!"

Gajeel: "You okay?"

Levy: " Yeah, I'm fine. How about Natsu as well as Nathan?"

Gajeel: "Natsu is seems okay to me. But I can't tell Nathan's condition tough"

Laxus: "After using all that magical power"

Freed: "All the members of the guild and the people of the city are safe as well."

Laxus: "Freed"

Freed: "Not a single person has been killed."

Laxus: "That shouldn't be! My Fairy Law was perfect!"

Freed: "What Nathan protected are the citizens of Magnolia, It was your heart, Laxus. You inherited more than just the master's strength and magical power. You also got a heart that feels for your friends! Fairy Law only affects those the caster sees as his enemy. You understand what this means, right Laxus? The feelings he has deep down are revealed through his magic. Magic never lies, Laxus. This is what you really feel."

Laxus: " No! Everyone who gets in my way is my enemy! My enemy!"

Nathaniel: "Just quit this already, Laxus. Go to the master."

Laxus: " Who gives a crap about that old man? I am me! Not just some old man's "grandson!" I'm Laxus! Laxus Everybody knows that."

Natsu: "Don't get so puffed up, you jerk! Does being Gramps' grandson make you so different from the rest of us?! Quit screaming about blood relatives! Everybody in the guild is in the same family! And what the hell do you know? So I don't know! Aren't we guildmates anyway?! None of us know! That's why we help each other out! Laxus!"

Laxus: "Shut up, Natsu! Disappear off the face of the earth!"

Then as they speak the both of them is flying above the cathedral. Nathaniel helped Freed and heal his arm.

Nathaniel: "Freed, Levy cast an enchantment spell to trap all of us here, I have a plan"

The two wizards look sceptical at first but they did what is told to the both of them.

Gajeel: "What the hell are you planning?"

Gajeel says as Nathaniel heals him but he just whispered him the plan.

Natsu: "I'll be the one to stop you! Even if the guild dies, it'll never be yours.Because it's our home to return to!"

Natsu is on the floor beaten by Laxus.

Laxus: "Can't you even die right?! Do you honestly think you could beat me? Natsu!"

Nathaniel goes in front of Natsu

Nathaniel: "You want him You have to get through me"

Laxus: "Is that a challenge because I'm not even scared Thunder Dragon Halberd!"

After that Laxus gives a large amount of electricity and throw it to them.

Nathaniel: "I call upon the Red Giant the Ruler of Hellfire let our be passion be us one to defeat thy enemy. Armatization"

Freed: "What us this I never knew that Nathan is capable of this!"

Levy: "His like a demon"

Gajeel: "Stop chatting and do what is said to you"

And as Laxus throw a giant ball of Lightning, the lightning curves. And hits on Gajeel.

Gajeel: "Go get him you two"

Then Levy and Freed catches Gajeel.
Nathaniel and Laxus charge forward and attack their punch collides in each others fist but Nathan power up his punch by producing a large amount of flames in his elbow. And the punch goes through Laxus' face but Laxus take this opportunity and hugs Nathan and produces a huge amount of electricity but Nathan just do the same thing with fire but he releases a huge amount of flames on his feet also cause them to fly. Laxus let go of him because of the burns inflicted on him. Then Nathan is Falling from the sky then his facing the ground as he fall he is nearby the roof of the Cathedral facing Laxus and say something and created 5 red magic circles. 3 on his front and 2 on Natsu's position.

Nathaniel: "Darkness blacker than black and darker than dark, I beseech thee, combine with my deep crimson.
The time of awakening cometh. Justice, fallen upon the infallible boundary,
appear now as an intangible distortions! I desire for my torrent of power a destructive force: a destructive force without equal! Return all creation to cinders, and come frome the abyss!

And Laxus dodge the Attack. And it creates a large explosion and the Cathedral is covered with Enchantment so it didn't obliterate.

Laxus: "You missed"

Nathaniel: "Who said I'm aiming for you Natsu finish him now!"

Natsu: "The guild isn't yours. Just think about it, Laxus."

Laxus: "Shut up!"

Natsu: " How dare you! Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon! Talons! Wing Slash! Sword Edge! Flaming Elbow!"

Levy: That magic will shatter a dragon's scales, crush its innards, and cut down its very soul."

Freed: "Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Blazing Crimson Blade Lotus!"

Freed: "Laxus lost."


Everyone in the guild is having fun after the battle of fairytail. But there is one person who is isn't there.

Erza: "Thanks to Poluchka, it seems his life has been saved for now. Worry not. The master is safe."

Lucy: "Thank goodness! I didn't know what was going to happen for a little while there."

Gray: "That old man isn't gonna kick the bucket so easily! But the master is quite old. But there is one problem now"

Lucy: "Tell me about it Nathan dont want to get out of his room I wonder If his gonna be fine"

Gray: "I'm sure he'll come around someday he needed is some time"

Erza: "Stressing our Master's heart more will only make his health worse. Don't forget that, everyone."

Lucy: "But are we really doing the Fantasia under these conditions?"

Mirajane: " It's what the master wants. It's precisely at times like this that we should do it."

Juvia: "Juvia is also looking forward to seeing the Fantasia!"

Cana: " You'll be participating."

Macao and Wakaba: "There you have it!"

Juvia: "But Juvia just joined"

Wakaba: "Is she troubled or happy about it?"

Macao: "Which one is it?"

Cana: "She's so cute"

Happy: Well, we do have a lot of injured people.

Lucy: "The rule is: anyone who can still move has to participate? Then I guess I'll participate too!"

Gray: "Are you happy about it or not? Looks like those guys can't participate, though."

Gajeel: "No kidding. I don't wanna hear that from you."

Lucy: " I have no idea what you're saying."

Happy: "I doubt it's anything important."

Gajeel: "Not a chance. No way you can participate, trash."

Natsu: *Speaks even he has a bandage on his mounth*

Gajeel: "What does that have to do with it? Are you some demon?"

Lucy: "I wonder how he can understand him?"

Happy: " I seriously doubt it's anything important."

Lucy: "Sometimes your cold-hearted feelings scare me!"

Erza: <But with this, we've fixed one of the problems in the guild. Just please Nathan be strong and stay determined>

Then Laxus came into the front of the guild. The members of the guild stops on what their doing.

Wakba: "Laxus! Why, you-"

Laxus: "Where's the old man and also Nathan?"

Guildmembers: " How dare you No matter how much you hang your head, you think we'll let you see the master? Yeah, that's right!"

Erza: "Stop it! He's in the inside clinic."

Then Natsu vock Laxus path and says something which the whole guild didn't understand except Laxus and Gajeel.

Laxus: "H-Hey Natsu."

Lucy: "Natsu... Some interpretation, if you please?"

Gajeel: " This time was three against one, so I ain't satisfied. I ain't gonna lose next time. I'll fight you anytime, Laxus! He said.

Lucy: "But I thought you guys won?"

Gajeel: "Nathan for sure might beat him but if it just Natsu and me I wouldn't call that winning either. He's a monster. Ever since I was in the war with Phantom, it gives me chills."

Then Laxus walk pass from him as Natsu looks at Laxus. Laxus just raise his hand that make Natsu quite.

Erza: "Okay, it's time for everyone to get ready for the Fantasia!"

At the Clinic

Makarov: "Do you understand what you have done? Look me in the eyes. Guilds, you see They're a place where friends gather They're a place where you can get work And to kids with no place to go, they can be a home. They're not something you can own. A guild is the confidence and good will of each individual, and from them the tough bonds that are formed. You went against that good will and threatened the lives of your fellow members. This is not something that can be forgiven."

Laxus: "I know. I wanted to make this guild stronger You're so awkward. Try relaxing a little, would you? If you do that, maybe you'd see things you can't right now."

Makarov: "You'd hear words that you can't hear now. Life is more fun! Raising you was like a new lease on life for me. You don't need power. You don't have to be smart. Just be happy and healthy. That's all I ever wanted for you Laxus You are expelled!"

Laxus: "Yeah Sorry for the trouble Old man Take care of yourself."

Makarov: "Aren't you gonna tell me something important before you leave?"

Laxus: "Yeah I'm gay. Take care gramps"

Makarov: "Get out! And make sure you apologizes to him. I dont want that child to bury any sadness in his heart."


Evergreen: "You've got to be kidding me! Why are you the only one that's expelled? Aren't we just as guilty? Aren't we?"

Laxus: "It's what the old man decided."

Bickslow: "Then we'll quit! Without you, we're-"

Laxus: "What a pain you guys are. What? Can't you just say goodbye?"

Freed: "Why are you trying to take all the responsibility on yourself?"

Laxus: "That's not the case. Unlike you, I don't have any attachments left to the guild."

Evergreen: "We'll ask the master!"

Bickslow: "I'm sure Natsu and Gray will be against your expulsion!"

Freed: "So you really decide huh"

Laxus: "Stay well!"

Evergreen: "Laxus!"

Bickslow: "What the hell?! What'll happen to the Raijin Tribe? Damn it"

Freed: <We'll see each other again. Laxus>

In Nathaniel's Apartment

Laxus came upstairs of Nathaniel's apartment since he has a spare key. He knocks on the door of Nathan's Room.

Laxus: "An I come in I want to talk to you about something"


But little does Laxus know Nathan is sitting and leaning on the door trying to keep himself not to cry.

Laxus: "I know that I hurt you and our friends so I wanna say I'm sorry okay. You know way back when you met me I dont really have something to called a family you know my father and mother. The old geezer was the one who is taking care of me as well you didn't forget. He always told me that I'm not alone. But even tough that is what I feel tough. But since you came every time of my life has been bustling and some where I find a piece of mind. Somehow I feel warm. Back in the day I was always dreaming someone that can bring happiness to my life. I always thought that I end up alone but you just came. But it feels like everytime I see you I'm not scared anymore. I don't know where I'm going with this, but all I wanna say is thank you for coming to my life Nathaniel. I hope you will forgive me someday"

With that Laxus leaves his house and closes the door. Nathaniel wants to follow him but he dont know what to say to him.

In the parade

Makarov: "Master!"

Gajeel: "You're not gonna join in?"

Gajeel: "Ain't my style."

Makarov: " Oh yeah, Mr. Shooby doo Bop?"

Gajeel: "Master, here. Master Ivan, your son. I found out where he is."

Makarov: " Sorry about giving you such a dangerous job."

Gajeel: "Eh, don't worry about it. No screw ups here. He has no idea I'm a double agent."

Makarov: "You did good. I can't let him do as he pleases."

Guildmember: "Master, are you ready?"

Makarov: "Well, I'm off! It's the master!"

Flash back

Young Laxus and Makarov are in the streets of Magnolia.

Laxus: "Gramps, aren't you going to participate in the Fantasia this time? This is your big moment."

Makarov: "I'll be watching from the stands."

Laxus: " I wonder if I'll be able to see where you are"

Makarov: "Don't worry about me."

Laxus: " Then, in the middle of the parade I'll go like this!"

Makarov: "What's that?"

Laxus: " A message. It means that even if I can't see where you are, I'm always looking at you, Gramps!"

End of Flash back.

After the performance of each member they all raised their hands just like the picture above.

Makarov: <Laxus Did you see it, Gramps? Gramps Even if I can't see you Even if we are separated far apart I'll always be watching you. I'll watch over you forever.>

Laxus: <Yeah Thank you.>


Laxus is about to get to the station when he hears someone calling his name and as he teurns around he sees Nathan his neck and left forearm is wrap by bandages.

Nathaniel: "I finally catch up with you"

Laxus: "You didn't have to it's my fault that you're in pain right now okay"

Nathaniel: "I never says good bye didn't I?"

Laxus: "Yeah, but seeing you here is good enough"

Laxus continues to walk towards te train. But he stops when the make starts speaking.

Nathaniel: "I want to stay with you forever. And you know I'm not good at this talking about this stuff but I want to feel your warm too because I am also scared of being alone even with Erza I know there is  a time that she will leave. Ita just pathetic because I am really bashful and cant say anything about this stuff. So....until you decided your future as well I decided mine please promise that you will stay with me. And if one day you decided to leave me that's fine but I want us to be together okay"

Laxus just drop his bag and run towards Nathaniel and kiss him. It feels like forever even it just takes a second. Then Laxus just hugs him.

Laxus: "Yeah I promise that I will stay with you when I came back to the guild okay"

Nathaniel: "Okay"

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