afterglow | natsu x reader


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af·ter·glow (ˈaftərˌɡlō)- light or radiance remaining in the sky after the sun has set. "Tell me that you're... More

Chapter One: Welcome Home!
Chapter Two: S-Class Trials
Chapter 3: Grimoire Heart
Chapter 4: The Black Dragon
Chapter 5: Run
Chapter 6: Acnologia
Chapter 7: Let's Hold Hands
Chapter 8: Seven Years
Chapter 9: Home
Chapter 10: Devils Risen
Chapter 11: Dragon Queen
Chapter 12: Having Your Back
Chapter 13: New Arc
Chapter 14: A drunk mind speaks a sober heart
Chapter 15: Trouble in the Celestial World
Chapter 16: Second Origin
Chapter 17: Sting Eucliffe
Chapter 18: Fairy Tail B Team
Chapter 19: Hidden
Chapter 20: Hoping for Better Days
Chapter 21: Chariots
Chapter 22: God is a Woman
Chapter 23: Natsu and Y/N vs Sabertooth
Chapter 24: Erza Scarlet
Chapter 25: Fairy Glitter
Chapter 26: Playing Dirty
Chapter 27: Four Dragons
Chapter 28: Number One
Chapter 29: Dragon Graveyard
Chapter 30: The Eclipse Project
Chapter 31: For Fairy Tail
Chapter 32: Jura vs Y/N
Chapter 33: A Dark Future
Chapter 34: The Opening
Chapter 35: The Ultimate Dragon Slayer
Chapter 36: The Dragon Tamer
Chapter 37: Your Majesty
Chapter 38: Thank You
Chapter 39: The Grand Banquet
Chapter 40: Natsu and the Dragon Egg
Chapter 41: of the Dead Meeeeeeen
Chapter 42: Welcome Back, Frosch
Chapter 43: A Fairy Tail Christmas
Chapter 44: Sign of Rebellion
Chapter 45: Leo the Lion
Chapter 46: Library Panic
Chapter 47: Hisui Rises
Chapter 48: Astral Spiritus
Chaoter 49: The Snake Charmer
Chapter 50: Y/N vs Leo
Chapter 51: When the Stars Fall
Chapter 52: Celestial King
Chapter 53: The Ten Demon Gates
Chapter 54: Tsubaki
Chapter 55: Face
Chapter 56: Master Hades
Chapter 57: Alegria
Chapter 58: Dragon Force
Chapter 59: Necromancer
Chapter 60: Wings of Despair
Chapter 61: Absolute Demon
Chapter 62: Memento Mori
Chapter 63: In A While Crocodile
you're gonna say more, more, more, more, more, and more
read this

Chapter 47: Time Machine*

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a/n: this is not an "official" chapter you could say. just something i thought i'd post until i figure out the next chapters.

this chapter takes place before the s class trials!


"This is stupid!" Lucy whines as she places another book into the shelf.

"It's not so bad." I say as I hand Gray another stack of books.

"It's our punishment... for destroying the city on our last job." Erza said.

"But you were the guys who destroyed the city—!" Lucy's eyes turn to Natsu and we all follow her eyes.

"Natsu... where's your scarf?" Bonnie asks.

"I'm thinking...." He answers.

"We can totally see your panties from up there!" Gray blurts out randomly. I look up at Lucy and he's right.

"Stop starring!" She yells. I giggle and look back at Natsu. He's still in deep thought. Without his scarf I realise something.

"Natsu... where did you get that scar?" I ask and point to his neck.

"Now that I think about it, I don't know either. Tell us the story." Erza gets a closer look at the scar.

"I forgot too." Gray comments. Natsu then starts shaking and starts sulking, "I-It was a m-monster." All our jaws are to the floor. Someone who makes Natsu scared?

"Nat—! Wahhh!" We turn to Lucy and see ladder wobbling.

"Lucy!" We all exclaim and all dive beneath her to catch her. Sadly though, while diving, we all crashed into each other's head. Lucy lands on top of our pile. Thankfully, safe.

"Whoa! What's that?!" Gray yells and a purple light starts shining. Before we could do anything, it blinded us and we couldn't move.

We all feel the ground below us feel different. Gray, Lucy, Erza, Bonnie, and Happy get off and I'm able to stand up since all of them were stacked onto Natsu and I. Speaking of Natsu. Poor guy was at the very bottom.

"We're outside the guild?" I question.

"Guys!" Bonnie exclaims and points to the guild. It's back to how it was....

"Did we go back in time?!" Lucy shouts and picks up a white book that came with us.

"We have to hide!" I tell them and start pushing them behind a bunch of boxes in front of the guild. Four little figures come out the guild.

"It's a tag battle then!" One of them shouts. As they step into the light, we get a good view of who they are.

"So cute!" Lucy gushes. It's little Natsu, little Gray, little Erza, and little me! A tiny Bonnie also comes out a second.

"Nope! I'm just here to watch." Mini Erza tells Gray.

"You're making me handle them on my own?!" My younger self asks Erza. Erza nods.

"Today is the day Gray..." Natsu cracks his knuckles and Gray smirks. Both charging at my younger self.

"We beat Y/N!" Gray finishes as his fist is ready to collide with me. It was so fast you couldn't see it. I took the two out so fast. If you blink, you'd miss out.

"It'll take years to beat me!" My younger self starts bragging.

"Hey!" Natsu and Gray yell at me. I sweat dropped.

"Get up... Stand up... My younger self will say these things." Erza says quietly. We turn to her and then back at our younger selves. My younger self was trying to help Gray and Natsu stand up. Younger Erza stepped in and stopped me, telling Bonnie and I to scoot back.

"Stand up! Get up!" Younger Erza yells and she kicks both Natsu and Gray.

"That's nothing like how you remember it!!" Gray and Natsu yell at Erza.

In the background, Erza is chasing Natsu and Gray for eating her strawberry cake. My younger self with Bonnie, we're laughing our butts off.

"Y'know... instead of watching this, we should find a way back to our time." Bonnie says. Erza, Lucy, and I agree with her.

"They're gone!" Lucy then exclaims. We look to find Natsu, Gray, and Happy gone.

"Those idiots! Lucy, Y/N, Bonnie, go find them!! Now!!" Erza orders us.

"O-Ok!" Lucy said and we start making our way. Erza grabs us by the back of our collars though.

"You'll need to disguise yourselves." Erza uses her requip magic to give Lucy a sexy bunny suit. I got one similar to hers except my bodysuit is black. Bonnie uses transformation magic to turn human. Due to time, these are the only outfits could give us.

"Alright. Go and I'll read to find a way." Erza orders. The three of us nods and start heading inside the Fairy Tail guild. We look inside.

"Wow!" I say and look around. I look and see everyone so young. Shadow Gear, the Strauss siblings, Macao, Wakaba. Lucy was admiring everything too.

"Remember, Erza said we can't make contact with people from the past!" Bonnie reminds us. Lucy and I both nod, before we could leave though, Master appears at the door.

"Two bunny girls!" Master says and it catches the attention of everyone else. I place my hand over my thigh, where my Fairy Tail emblem is placed.

> time skip

"Do you know what year we're in?" Lucy asks me as we walk through the town of Magnolia.

"X778." Bonnie answers for me since I had no clue.

"When did you join?" Lucy asks me. I think back at the day I joined Fairy Tail. A table hit me. Natsu hit me with the table.

"After Natsu. Maybe late x777. Erza, Gray, and Natsu had already joined the guild when Bonnie and I joined." I answer.


"Really?! It's okay?!" Pinkie asks. I nod.

"It's not okay!" A strong voice booms. "You hit a girl with her cat! For that, you'll pay." A girl with scarlet hair says and a sword appears in her hand. She's very pretty.

"Erza!" Pinkie exclaims and gets behind me, hiding from her. Erza. The boy with midnight hair was laughing his ass off. Finding pinkie being scared was amusing to him.

"Erza! How about we continue our fight, huh?" A girl with white hair chimes in. She's pretty too, but scary.

"H-How about you take us to your master?" I say, trying to calm everyone down.

"Master? Why?" A girl with brown hair and orange dress walks up to Bonnie and I.

"I want to join!" I tell her. She smiles and another girl with short blue hair walks up to me.

"What magic do you use?" The blue hair girl asks me.

"Dragon Slayer." I answer.

"You're a Dragon Slayer?! I'm Natsu! Nice to meet you!" Natsu comes from behind me and in front of me. He grabs my hand and starts shaking it like crazy.

"Lemme take you to master!" A girl with short white hair and a pink dress walks up. She takes my hand and starts taking me to the Master's office.

~end of flashback~

"And why did you decide to join Fairy Tail?" Lucy asks.

"I heard rumours about it while exploring with Bonnie. How crazy and powerful it is." I answer. She smiles at me and as she's about to say something, some town people start shouting and panicking.

"A carriage and the horses are going crazy!" They yell. Lucy and I look in the direction and there is a carriage going crazy. Just then, we hear the screams of a little girl.

"A girl is on! Y/N and Bonnie, keep looking for Natsu, Gray, and Happy! I'll deal with this!" Lucy assures us. Bonnie and I nod, running from the situation and going to find the boys.

"Bunny girl!" I hear. My feet and Bonnie's skid to a stop and we turn around. It's my younger self with a tiny Bonnie.

"You saw that carriage and you decided to run! Why?" My younger self questions.

"B-Because I... I was getting help!" I tell her.

"Hm... by the time you'd be back for help, the carriage would've crashed and killed the poor girl inside. Anyway, the reason I stopped you was because... you dropped this." My younger self steps closer and sticks out her hand, revealing my little bunny tail.

"Thank you so much!" I say. I take it from myself. "Y'know..." I squat down to look eye to eye with my younger self. I tell myself, "I sense strong magic from you. What do you use?"


"What type of Dragon Slager magic do you have?! What's your dragon's name?! Did they disappear July 7th this year?!" Natsu asks all these questions.

"Uh..." I think for a second. Do I want him knowing all the magic I use? Would it be too much? Would they question me even more? Do they know Acnologia? Do they like him? Most people don't. "Ice Dragon Slayer." I answer.

"Whoa! Another ice user!" The half naked boy raises his hand for a high five. I high five him.

~end of flashback~

"Ice Dragon Slayer. I learned from the best." My younger self smiles at me.

"You shouldn't be ashamed of your magic... it's powerful. You're powerful." I wink. She takes a step back.

"What do you mean?" She asks, confused. I shrug and take Bonnie's hand.

"We're running late! Have to go!" I say and start running, with Bonnie behind me.


"Uh..." It's been two years since I joined the guild. It's been eating me inside. The fact that the guild doesn't know what magic I truly have. Bonnie had also told me it was time. I knew it too.

"Tell us!" Natsu says with a smile. He takes my hand, assuring me that it's okay.

"I actually lied about my magic." I say. The guild goes quiet.

"So?" Natsu says.

"What do you mean so?! It's a big deal! Lying for two years. You guys don't deserve it." I say.

Natsu shrugs, "2 years is long. It's not like you're a demon or something. If it took you two years to be honest then whatever. What magic do you use?"

"I use every Dragon Slayer magic and more!" I answer.

"Show us!" Gray encourages. I nod and stand up from my seat. Ready to show them everything Acnologia taught me.

~end of flashback~

I take the book from Erza's hands and chunk it at Gray and Happy. "We have to find Natsu!" I say. They ask why as they rub their heads. As they lead us to Natsu, Erza explains,

"The book "Memory Days" only lets one person travel back to the time he/she doesn't want to remember and that the person will be the only one who would be able to return to the present time. In this case, Natsu was the only one who was supposed to be transported to the past and the rest of us only managed to come with him because we were touching him the moment the magic was released. If we are not touching Natsu by the time the six-hour limit has expired, we will be trapped in the past."

We run as fast as we could. "There!" Gray points as we reach the location. Natsu looks up as us as we run down. Smaller Natsu was also there.

"You guys are monsters!" Younger Natsu yells as he runs away. I jump on top of Natsu and the seconds tick. Lucy takes a hold of his hand, Erza grabs the other, the exceeds share a leg, Gray gets on top of Natsu and I, touching onto Natsu's arm.

It started glowing purple again.

> time skip

"I think it's a good thing the past happened the way it happened. It made us who we are." I say after Lucy tells us how she wishes she could change things.

"Fun adventure! However, you still have to finish the cleaning the storage!" Mira tells us. We all groan as we head back to the storage.

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