the new year


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Two people meet. One with a job that's not so ordinary, the other with a name that's not so ordinary. He is n... Еще



38 13 11

N I N E :

oak_rivers added to her story

Harrison nodded in approval at the songs that Oak had put on her story, it seemed they had similar music tastes, which meant it was the superior music taste. He decided that this was his way to have a conversation with her by complimenting her music taste.

Luckily for him, he didn't have to be on set until six PM today, this scene that was being filmed was needed in the dark as it was a scene where two schools get into a fight after an American football game because apparently someone from their school purposely tripped someone from the opposing team up; it was a pathetic excuse to have a fight but they were all angsty teenagers.

He couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face whilst he spoke to her, she made it so easy for him to feel comfortable because usually, he found it hard warming to new people.

It was in good time that Oak had announced that she needed to go because so did he, he had to be on set in precisely forty-seven minutes and it took him around fifteen to twenty to get there. Thankfully, Eoin had pre-booked a taxi for twenty past five that would get him there in good time. Eoin was the sensible one out of the pair, he always scheduled things with great precision and timing. It was a good job he did otherwise Harrison would be constantly backtracked.  

Frantically, he dashed around his temporary sitting room grabbing everything he needed, which included Cameron Fin's classic bandanna that Harrison had accidentally brought home with him just yesterday. The stylist wasn't all too bothered because out of all the lead cast she trusted Harrison the most to bring back anything that was taken home that was meant to remain on set.

Eoin Ramsey
You better be in that sodding taxi lad.

Harrison Stiles
It's just arrived, I'll be in it in a matter of seconds

Eoin Ramsey
You bloody well better be

Harrison Stiles
I'm in it now alright?

Eoin Ramsey

Eoin Ramsey
What I actually need to tell you is that today you'll be properly reunited with the full cast for the fight scene.

Harrison Stiles
That's cool, do you know how long the fight will be?

Eoin Ramsey
Not a clue mate, I reckon it won't be too long considering you're doing your own stunts and there's a risk that you'll get injured.

Harrison Stiles
Ah fair enough, thank you, Eoin

As the taxi drove through the illuminated city lights, Harrison's eyes were trained on the outdoors; he loved his life but he often wondered what it'd be like if he wasn't himself, maybe even just for a day. The media didn't help how he felt, there were always all sorts of articles being posted about him and his cast members, most of them not in the slightest bit true.

He remembers last year when he brought his family over to New York to see the set, the director said it was okay, and he and his sister went into a McDonald's to get something quick to eat and the paparazzi had taken a picture of the pair and there was obviously dating rumours, which repulsed him because it was his sister—he knew that it wasn't strictly their fault because one always makes assumptions but Jesus Christ.

——— ••• ———

Harrison's dark brunette hair was getting sculpted into Cameron Fin's classic hairstyle that was gelled with a small strand hanging over the red bandanna. He was currently sporting a plain black t-shirt and some black ripped jeans that Cameron's character was also well-known for. He was more or less an edge lord--well, Cameron was. Dark and mysterious is what people often described his character as. 

Despite him being on set for what felt like two hours he was yet to see any of his cast members, possibly because another scene was currently being filmed that involved some of them. He'd be lying if he said he didn't miss them because they all made him feel so comfortable when he felt the most awkward.

"That's you done and dusted Mr Fin," The stylist, Kirstie, said with a light tone and patted him on his broad shoulders. She really enjoyed styling the cast of Self-Indulgence because they were all so different and their characters had such broad styles that it was always interesting to pick out different things for them.

"Thank you," He said to her genuinely as he stood up from the seat that was across from a light-up mirror.

"Harrison, we need you by the bleachers!" The casting director called him out, he stuck his thumb up and quickly jogged outside of the dressing room and across the schools' gymnasium that leads out near the bleachers.

The football teams were running around the pitch playing a game that was coordinated by the director beforehand. There were three main cameras currently on the scene, one within the crowds of students, one that focused on the football players and the final one, which was slightly smaller that was focusing on Cameron Fin.

Harrison was on his fifth run of the scene because the true emotion wasn't being shown enough, or it was too much for Cameron's character and the stunts were hard to get right dead on. He took a deep breath then turned around to face the entrance, which was his starting point.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I didn't touch your fucking money!" Cameron's voice was slightly raised in rage at the accusation.

"Well, who else would it have been? Cameron,  I'm not a complete moron, you were the only one in the fucking house," The other end of the phone yelled back in anger.

"That was when you left, your new girlfriend was there before. I don't know why you gotta blame me all the time for shit," Cameron sighed heavily, his anger riling up. His dad always pinned the blame on him every time something inconvenienced him, Cameron never did anything wrong, he lived his life pretty solemnly.

"I blame you because you're a waste of fucking air boy, I have regrets in life but my biggest one was meeting your mom and having you!" His dad bellowed at the other end, Cameron's grip tightened on his black phone, like his jaw.

Before he hung up he heard a rise in voice from the football pitch, slowly he turned his head and saw the two schools rioting, people who were meant to remain in the bleachers were now beating 'Hall-woods High School' to a pulp. Cameron hung up his phone and approached the scene without a second thought. Some random guy dressed in blue approached him at full force and punched Cameron in the face immediately making his nose bleed.

The 'running' stylist quickly ran in and dotted Harrison's nose in fake blood, making it as realistic as possible before the scene resumed. Cameron instantly put his hand to his nose then looked down slightly, brought his hand down to see blood. His eyes locked with the opposing school's students eyes, moved his jaw to the side, let out a little chuckle and lunged straight for his jaw, gaining a successful hit. The stunts looked good from the eyes of one of the co-directors, the punches looked very realistic.

The blue team's character looked at Cameron as if he didn't just ignite the fight "I'm finna beat yo ass!" He yelled and pounced forward, spearing Cameron to the ground, which was actually layered with a mat that was to be edited out, Cameron reacted quickly and reversed the move by climbing on top of the guy and continually punched him.

"Cameron!" Ethan's voice emerged as he saw what was going on, he ran over to his classmate beating up the opposing team but it was like Cameron was fixed in a trance. Ethan called over a few of his other classmates and out came Francisco and Kingston.

"Holy shit, go on dude!" Kingston chuckled clapping his hands at the sight of Cameron beating a blue. Ethan and Francisco both looked at him like he'd done a shit on the ground and nodded towards the pair, they both went and tried to grab their classmate off of the enemy but he was a strong guy.

"Cameron!" Francisco called but got no response.

The blue was punching back, trying to get on top of Cameron but it wasn't working. Cameron thought that this idiot shouldn't have started something he couldn't finish. "Don't just stand there Kin, fucking do something!" Ethan raised his voice at the amused boy behind him.

"Cameron!" Ethan shouted again "Let him go!"

Kingston approached the two fighting teens and bent down beside them "Hey, hows about I hook you up with a little something to help heal those knuckles?" He offered with a wink to his classmate, who looked at him then continued punching and receiving punches. Eventually, Ethan and Francisco had lifted the boy off of the blue and dragged him away.

"Get off me!" Cameron squirmed out of the two boys' grasps and stared at the guy who ignited the fight in the first place.

"Come on. . ." Ethan tried to direct him away but his anger got even higher if that was possible.

"I'm fucking sick and tired of these entitled assholes thinking they can do what they want because they've got a bit of money that their parents feed them on gold dishes!" He shouted, pure fury in his tone as he looked at the blue, and the scene was done as soon as Cameron disappeared back into the school.

——— ••• ———

"It's good to see you again, bro!" Julian hugged Harrison as the full cast was properly reunited, it was nice for Harrison to see them, they always made him feel like he was part of the family even though he felt like an outsider at times.

They were all in a group chat that consisted of them messaging such random things, they named it after the show because they were unoriginal and couldn't think of anything massively creative. The group were sat around in a private bar discussing anything and everything about how Ajay had been caught with his top off on a beach and the press decided that he'd become a stripper—it was insane, some of the stories the paparazzi compress.

"I saw you on the Summer Wills show, you handled her prying well," Elle chuckled lightly, she'd been in the firing line multiple times by Summer and every time she found it harder to keep her cool, she was such a nosey bastard that the questions she asked really infuriated some of her guests and made them feel very uncomfortable.

"I wasn't too bothered, her assumptions are too dramatic to be real," Harrison replied with a little laugh, it didn't bother him as such but it didn't make him feel undeniably uncomfortable. "She'd probably be better off as a fictional author," He added earning himself a few chuckles, the group had consumed a few alcoholic beverages so found anything somewhat funny, even if it was far from it.

The director had given the cast a day off tomorrow because they'd been working nonstop for the last two weeks, sure they all wanted it done as quickly as possible because it was insanely tiring, most days they had to do five AM until two PM, which really wasn't that bad, it was quite generous in all honesty, they also had breaks between takes so they weren't exhausted and most of the time they weren't all needed for the full nine hours.

The bar was dimly lit and wasn't that busy, it was still probably too early for people on a Friday night, the booths were in almost every corner of the bar and there were a few high tables dotted around the main floor, because of how many of them there were they had to get a booth if they wanted to sit all together. The seats were made of red leather that was nicely cushioned and the table was a black wood giving it a chic vibe, it was cosy and welcoming, which was good, Harrison had heard good reviews about this place but had never been in.

"The other day I saw a video of you," Evan chuckled at the memory "and it was that interview with Summer Wills and I think one of your fans had edited it with memey sound effects and there was that one part where she asked you if you were going out with that girl from the band and it zoomed into your face and then the voice over was like shut the fuck up," Evan laughed even further, he was slightly intoxicated but that was the point of having a day off, to have fun.

"I don't actually know why I found it so funny. . ." His laughter stopped and his voice trailed off making Harrison laugh, Evan was hilarious even though his jokes were shit.

"Oh my god! Can I get a photo with all of you?" Sudden a random feminine voice screeched at the sight of the table full of self-indulgence cast members, they all smiled and agreed, their fans meant the world to them.

wrote; friday 24th january 2020

(partially) edited; wednesday 5th august 2020

published; thursday 6th august 2020

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