Love Contract - A Love Sick f...

By DaniAurie21

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I have always wondered what life would be like after Phun and Noh's book ended. Here I can create a future fo... More

The Intro to my version of Phun and Noh
Plans for a Reunion
Old Friends
Words and Actions
P'Noh in Person
Some Doubts and Concerns
Hidden Thoughts in the Open
The Semi-Finals
The Time In Between
The Act of Facing Reality
The Greatest Love
Mick's New Job
The Pain and the Hope
Fi's Revelations
The Contract
Another Kind of Reunion
Separate Yet Together
Family Ties
A Glimpse Into The Past
A Time of Coming Together
The Confrontation
Lies and Manipulations
We're Famous Here Too?
The Hindrance and The Help
Trust, Guilt and Forgiveness
Full Disclosure
Games of Cats vs Mice
Love Oasis
The Accident
Gulf, the Highrisers, and a New Leap Forward
P'Tear Variety Show Revelations
Tearing It Up
The Night Before...
Live Stream Antics
Kirisat Ngonkomdhon
Fian Charoenpakdee
Stating My Intentions
The Date
5 Million Views in Just One Day
Baby Shower
The Passage Of A Term
The Interview With Sempai Mel Pt 1
The Interview With Sempai Mel Pt 2
Secret Time
Noh Steals A Slogan? Elevation Is The Revolution?
Phun's First Work Trip
Unwavering Love
Ending On A Sour Note
Clearing Out The Cobwebs
Visiting Jack And Getting Back On Track
Reuniting With Ohm
Self Discoveries
Catharsis And Carry On
Catching Up (A Time Skip?)
Addressing Some Allegations
Welcome Home My Star
Catching Up With Per and Meeting Khom

Midnight Meeting

549 47 12
By DaniAurie21

Phun's POV because why the hell not

With Fi gone every night, I'm alone in my room with nothing to worry about. I don't even ask him how he's feeling because even thought he has a bit of a limp, his face is glowing and it's noticeable. I just wonder if he gets enough sleep but my best friend is a professional so he power naps for an hour after work before leaving to be with Oil.

I'm really happy for him. I just hope there will be no repercussions from this because Oil's father is a freaking devil and thinks he owns his son's life.

"Phun!" I laugh at Noh's excitement when I answer his call during my break. I can hear the band behind him.

"Hey baby. You guys just arrived?"

"Yeah. We are so close now. I wish I could come and see you but there is so much going on."

"I'm not surprised. Your popularity is really soaring. That small venue might not be sufficient any longer."

"That's the thing. We got an upgrade so we actually have extra work to do."

"But we'll see if we can spare him for a couple of hours!" Ohm shouted in the background. I laughed.

"Shut up. I will try to come and see you. Ok?"

"Yes but don't push it. I'm just happy that your having fun."

"I love you." Saying this now means he has to go. His voice is soft so there are people he doesn't know in the room now.

"Love you too baby." I reply just as softly. I smile to myself and finish my lunch. Then I join Fi.

"You look rested today." I can't resist teasing him a little bit.

"Yea. We just talked last night and we were both tired so we turned in early."

"I'm really happy Noh and I were able to set this up for you. It's doing you a world of good. Your aura is shining, your pores are clear, skin smooth, smile gleaming." I got this one from Pang. 

"Shut up. You sound like my niece." Fi rolls his eyes but he can't help the smile on his face.

"I'm ok with that. So you going over again tonight?"

"We have a dinner date. Usually we eat in but this time he's taking me out."

I smile, pleased. I understand the need for secrecy but I'm still glad that Oil is taking Fi out to eat. They deserve it and I hope they don't encounter any trouble.

"Good. I'm happy about that." Fi smiles softly and I haven't seen him this shy in a long time. Not since the day he came up to me and asked me about what could happen during sex. It had been an interesting conversation to say the least.

Sigh. "Phun. I didn't think seeing him would make me want to give up everything and just be with him, you know. I wish I could be here or he could come back home with me."

"I think I understand you a lot more than you think Fi. It's like a little part of you dies every time you have to look at their back. I wish so much some times that neither of us lived the lives that we did and were just regular 9 to 5ers who come home to each other every night without fail. The only thing is that sounds boring."

Fi chuckled a little. "It does. That and sometimes I think if I did do that, Oil might take me for granted. He already had to wait for me for 4 years. What's a few more months? It sounds mean but I want him to remember how much of a treasure I am always."

I laugh and pat Fi on the back. I can't deny that I appreciate Noh now more than ever. I hope that I never took him for granted. We struggled just to be together in the beginning and even then, Noh struggled beyond that because he worried that his friends wouldn't accept us or would ridicule him. They are unpredictable lunatics. Still their faith in Noh was much larger than either of us expected. It still is or my face would have been plastered all over the media already.

Since Fi would be out again, I decided to have dinner in my room rather than with everyone at the restaurant. I knew I secretly held out hope that Noh would come to me because I couldn't go to him, but I was also realistic that it may never happen. I find that loving Noh has made me accepting of a lot of things because our love is stronger than I ever expected. 

I wouldn't say I have never been in love. I loved Aim. The difference is my feelings for her were much more shallow. I loved her beauty and how much she seemed to need me. Our love came easy and she fit the expectations that my parents would have in a future daughter-in-law even thought my father had already chosen the daughter of a friend of his for me. She was not that different from the other girl as they were both pretty, soft spoken, kind and came from a good family.

I would have been perfectly happy living the rest of my life with Aim.

I just did not anticipate Noh coming into my life the way he did. Looking back, I will admit that Noh was always special to me. He had a pull that drew me and kept me orbiting in the peripheral of his friend circle. We were friendly and had mutual friends but I wouldn't say that we were close enough that our relationship progression would made sense.

Still we were close enough and I trusted him enough to immediately see that he could help me. The idea I came up with was never a fake idea. It was the only plan I had because everything hinged on Pang and she hated Aim. Noh just happened to come at the right time. But if you asked me, the results would not have been the same if it was someone else. I would definitely had still been with Aim to this day. 

I showered and watched some TV. There was some interesting shows on and I settled on a police drama. This one was dubbed back home so I was fairly familiar with it. My phone suddenly rang.

"Hey Fi. Everything ok?"

"Yeah. Did you have dinner already?"


"Oh. I thought you would have. Did you want to join us anyway?"

"Nah. Milk this all you can. I'm chill right here."

"Ok. I'll see you at breakfast."

I smiled and put down. I had suspected they would invite me which is why I had eaten so early. I wouldn't mind joining them but not right now. They needed this time together. 

I watched a couple more episodes of the show before I started drifting off. The sound of the door opening startled me awake and I sat up, confused and worried.

"Fi? What happened?"

The person moved closer and I saw their silhouette. This was not Fi. My heart leaped in fear for a second before it hit me.


"I woke you up huh." Was all he said.

"Yeah you did. Ohm run you off?" I watched him put his backpack down by the side of my bed and take off his cap and mask. 

"That fucker pissed me off. He told me they only needed me to show up and sing. As if I'm so terrible at setting up equipment. I know he was trying to help but I do take this gig seriously."

"I know. He does too but I think he's also thinking about the fact that it will be a few more months before you see me again and I'm just about an hour away from you right now."

"Yeah but he still annoys me." 

"Aww. Come here." I pull him into my arms and just hug him. Noh is a weird one. He may be a goof and a loudmouth but he takes his work seriously now more than ever and he's matured a lot. There are some habits he can't change and that's ok. It makes him all the more endearing. 

"When's the first performance?" I run my hands through his long hair. He's chopped a bit of it off since I last saw him but I'm ok with that. 

"Tomorrow night. We do two nights before we move to another venue. This will be the only chance we get to see each other."

"How many more states?"

"Just Georgia, Florida and California then we head to Europe. We were supposed to hit Texas for one night but there was a mass shooting and the perp is still at large. We cancelled and did refunds."

"I heard about that. I didn't realize you had Texas on your itinerary."

"We have a fan-club there. They reached out to us and everything but then when that happened, they became concerned due to the nature of the incident and we made a mutual decision to cancel."

"Ok. You have a fan club huh." I teased him with some soft kisses.

"We have several and it's all thanks to Mel. A lot of them discovered us through her fics. She really has a huge following and insane connections. A lot of fans asked about you in the pre-show meet and greet." Oh. How come he never mentioned this before?

"Did you tell them I was fine and waiting for you to come back to me?"

"I told them you were a spoiled brat and waiting for me to come home to you."

"That's fine too," I kiss his forehead. Despite not seeing him for a couple of months, I'm not in a rush to make love. It's not the only connection we have. Tonight I just need to feel him by my side and talk to him.

"I missed you beside me." Noh speaks my thoughts and makes me smile.

"You know. Earlier I was thinking about us. I was thinking that if someone else had come in that night, I would still be with Aim today."

"You think so?" Noh looks up at me, his face blank. He is always careful not to show too much when it comes to Aim.

"I know it." I say with conviction because it is true. "No other guy drew me to them like you did. We have always been together in the same schools. I even remember the first time we met."

"The tug of war and we went to the nurses office together. I remember it too because I felt so bad that I made you hurt." No smiled at the memory. It was so long ago.

"Well you hooked my heart since then. The only person who came marginally close was Aim and the depth of our feelings couldn't match what you and I have had from the beginning. Noh. I was so happy it was you and I never considered why. I just assumed it was because you fit the ideal type for what I needed."

"You have given this a lot of thought." Noh whispered. "I never really looked at the root of us that deep. I always thought of you as a friend. You where Phun and you were dependable for certain things like ticket sales and partnering in school obligations like the yearly shit we had to do until we got into the senior department. I always turned to you for many things.

"I know a lot of people, now that I think about it. I knew almost everyone in school but outside my friend group, if I had to rely on someone I would pick you and Earn. You were both equal in my eyes as friends. Then we did that and I realized that you meant more to me than anyone else but that I also had to let you go. That was the easiest part actually because everything in me wanted you to be happy and if that meant that I could only be your happiness as your friend then I would figure out how to do that because what else could I do? What other options did I have? I didn't think I was good enough for you at that time and I felt guilty that I caused the both of you to be hurt. I didn't want that."

"That's why I always think you are better than me. I couldn't make that kind of sacrifice. If you had asked me to, I would have kept the both of you and that was selfish. At the same time, once I was with you, I couldn't be with Aim anymore. I knew that as well but I thought if she was there then others wouldn't see us. I started planning all the ways I could use her to keep you closer. But then you said that you would let me go. I wanted to fight you but when I saw your face, when I saw you in pain, I couldn't. Because I loved you, I gave you what I thought you needed."

"My love was all about sacrifice and yours was all about protecting me. Aren't we silly?" Noh kisses me softly on the neck. I smile. This is the way I like us best, cuddled up and loving.

"We were young. When did you even realize that you liked me?" I suddenly thought of this. It's strange but we have never really discussed this before.

"The day we almost kissed. Didn't I tell you this before? Oh wiat. No I did tell the band thought. Anyway, I pulled away because I realized how badly I wanted you to kiss me but I wasn't sure that I wanted you to take that step if that makes sense."

"It does. I pulled away because you did, otherwise I would have definitely kissed you Noh." I heard Noh make a soft sound and chuckled to myself.

"I wanted you to kiss me but in the end I resolved to be your friend so that's why I decided to act like normal on Monday only you were freaking out on me and running away. Phun if you hadn't held my hand that time_"

"I know. I know." I wrapped myself around him tighter and pulled him as close as I possible could. "That's when I finally admitted to myself that I loved you too. I saved us from damnation."

"Whatever. I love you." He said the words while burrowing into my chest so they came out muffled but I understood him so clearly.

"I love you too." We held on like that until we both feel asleep. Noh's alarm went off at 4. It woke us both. Instead of leaving the bed, we kissed, savoring the last of our moments together for the time being.

"Want me?" Noh whispered. I kissed him as an answer. We both shimmied out of our cloths and Noh grabbed his bag, pulling out a pump bottle. 

"Ohm packed it," He told me by way of explanation and gave it to me. I pumped into my hand, warming it a little before stretching Noh who opened for me. He was so easy and trusting and I appreciated it more than I could ever say. Coating myself properly. I slipped inside him slowly then just kissed him long and deep as we both adjusted. Noh whimpered into the kiss after a while and I rocked my hips, knowing where I needed to touch inside him. 

"Please Phun," He begged me and I could only comply. I hovered over him and pulled out before slamming back in, making the bed squeak and Noh cry out. If the neighbours could hear then they were in for a treat because I didn't let up, and by his greedy begging, Noh didn't even care enough to be careful either. 

I wrapped one of his legs aver my hip to open him up more and went all out, skin slapping, loud moaning, with some more begging. We kissed until we couldn't breath then kissed some more after that. When Noh started gripping me in that tight way he did, I know he was close and let myself go. 

"Reach for it baby. You know what to do." I panted out, unable to stroke him.

"Don't_ don't need_ Ahhhhhhh! Fuck!" Hands free, Noh came and my eyes widened as he clamped down on me, holding me there, his walls milking me brutally until I came with a groan, shocked at the feeling.

"Noh_ That_ that was_"

"So. Fucking. Good. Fuck. I've never come like that before." He sighed as I eased out of him, his body still trying to suck me in.

"You must have really missed me." His body was being really greedy. It wouldn't even let my come slip out.

"I did. Can't manage more though. I have way too much to do today." He looked at him with so much disappointment that I had to chuckle.

"I know." I quickly pulled him up and carried him to the bathroom. Noh had lost more weight on the road. I could feel it even though it wasn't so obvious.

we both got into in the shower and I helped him clean up thoroughly before we dressed. It was 5:30 so we held each other on the couch and waited for Fi and Oil. The two came just before 6 and Noh gave Fi back his room key. We went down together with Noh and Oil taking the lead and catching up quietly.

"You two are ok?" I looked at Fi and smiled. He smiled back and nodded. Nothing more was needed.

Since there was hardly anyone down yet, we sat together and had breakfast before Oil organized his car for Noh. It seemed he was also the one who organized to get him here. I went to the parking lot with him and got in. I closed the door then just hugged Noh.

"It's ok. I'll be back in no time." He whispers to me. I try to smile because I know time can crawl but it can also fly.

"I know. I miss you already." Noh pulled back and kissed me. It wasn't a long kiss but it was deep and told me so many things. I nodded and got back out of the car then headed back in to meet Fi. 

Don't worry about me. I am ok. Even if I couldn't see Noh, he was just a phone call or a text away. I didn't have to worry about not being able to even speak to him because we were back together now and that mattered most right? 

Still, separation hurts like a bitch...

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