the new year

By seashoredrift

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Two people meet. One with a job that's not so ordinary, the other with a name that's not so ordinary. He is n... More



35 15 14
By seashoredrift

S E V E N :

"One, two, three, action!" The director called signalling the start of filming, the first scene was Cameron in his bedroom listening to music in the dark whilst laying on his bed.

Harrison was in full Cameron Fin character with the fake nose piercing and gelled hair. He lay there his arms by his side as music streamed through his ears quietly, the song playing was none other than the Ramones 'I Wanna Be Sedated'.

"Cameron!" His 'mom' shouted whilst knocking on his door having an accidental voice crack, which of course made herself and Harrison chuckle.

"Cut!" The director called whilst Harrison and his on-screen mum had a little fit of chuckles it sounded like someone slamming the brakes of their car before having to immediately get back in character. There was no space for messing about, it had to be perfect otherwise shit would hit the fan.

Sure Steven was a great guy, very laid back but when it came to work he was as stern as a stone, he could have a laugh but he'd rather not, he was a very serious guy at times, he was quite scary actually. Everyone loved him though.

"Scene one, take two, action!" The director called again, silence filled the room for a few seconds before the scene started rolling.

"Cameron!" His mom called knocking on the door as she waited outside. "Cameron!" She called again, growing more frustrated by the minute. The lady who played his 'mom' was none other than Darria Smith, who'd appeared in many a movie alongside the likes of Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp--so this show was essentially a downgrade from her usual blockbuster type.

Cameron stayed laying there, the music consoling him as his mind took him to another place completely, sometimes he wished he could be anywhere except where he was. "For god's sake Cameron!" His mom came bounding into the darkness of his room. He turned his head slightly and looked at his mom standing there with a look of frustration. "I've been calling your name for five minutes, your dinners ready," She sighed then left, the washing basket tucked under her arms.

He stood from his bed, taking his earphones out and heading downstairs after his mom. The cameras cut to the kitchen where the Fin family sat for their dinner, which consisted of Darria Smith his mom, Harriet Wills his onscreen sister, this was her first proper TV role and Brandon Gregg his onscreen brother, who was pretty successful in teen movies.

"Cut!" The director called, he wasn't happy with the current angle of this part so the cast had to take it from the top, the aim was to have it as smooth as possible otherwise he didn't believe it'd have the same vibe.

By the end of the first shooting day they managed to get episode one, scene one fully complete after having a few mishaps, they managed to get another shorter scene within the school that the director was happy with at the moment but the most likely thing would be that he'd change his mind. They never really filmed in order as they often used natural lighting for scenes similar to this one and when they originally wanted to film it, it wasn't good enough apparently but today was perfect.

"Tomorrow is a shorter shoot, be in for around two PM, it's another school shoot!" The director announced to all the cast that needed to be in tomorrow afternoon. It felt good to be back on set with them all, everyone was super excited about where the show was going this time around. In series one it was the background of each character how they got to where they are, series two was rather dramatic, which primarily focused on the attempted murder case and how many people were suspects, series three was a mystery.

——— ••• ———

When Harrison arrived back at his New York 'home' he looked through his Instagram and noticed that he had some messages, he pressed it in hopes that Oak would have messaged him, he just wanted to have a conversation about anything just something different but he didn't want to ignite the conversation out of nowhere. He felt like he'd be too pushy if he did that and he didn't want to force a conversation onto her.

With a soft sigh, he reached over the table and grabbed his black speaker, connected his phone to it then shuffle played his playlist called 'shower'. He felt so bored despite it being nine PM, he felt full of energy even after the long filming day.

He knew it sounded awful to wish away time but he genuinely couldn't wait until March when he could go home for a few months, spend some time with his family, stress-free. Realistically, he knew that he was really lucky because he did get a decent amount of time off but he always had jobs in-between the show, it was mainly minor roles or sponsorship adverts because he couldn't take on bigger roles because of his stance as Cameron Fin.

"No, no, no, you're going way too fast. . ." Oak complained softly at Charlie, it was two in the morning and the band still hadn't perfected this one song, it was proving to be the hardest one thus far.

"I can't help it, my fingers just moved along the strings," He sighed gently, they were all absolutely shattered but they were determined to finalise this song considering they were hoping to release this as their next 'single'.

"Maybe just try and focus on one note for a few seconds then a quick change etcetera," Oak smiled at her bandmate, she knew how difficult it was especially when they were all so bloody tired.

Charlie tried Oak's technique and thankfully after two tries he nailed it, he was a brilliant guitarist just like Alex was an amazing bassist and Joe a monster drummer. Oak didn't really know what she brought to the band, she always felt like she ruined their talent but she enjoyed doing it and as long as the boys would want her she'd stay.

It had got to three AM, the hour of the devil, and the three of them decided it was now time to leave Joe's humble abode. Luckily, for the Marrow family, the room had soundproof walls fitted, which all of the members chipped in for. "See you later blondie," Oak smiled and hugged her blonde band mate goodbye.

"Soon tree," he hugged her back with a small yawn.

"Are you sure you don't want a lift?" Charlie offered for the fifth time, himself and Alex were going in his car because they lived at the same side of the area.

"I've told you it's fine, it's not that far and you live at the opposite side, you don't wanna waste your petrol," Oak smiled and ruffled his hair making Charlie step back.

"It's late though and I don't mind," He said concerned.

"I'm a big girl Charles, I'll be fine, now piss off," She chuckled lightly, Alex brought her into a small hug to say a bye and Charlie did afterwards.

Sure, Oak was scared of many things, like heights and she wasn't too keen on blood but she wasn't scared of the dark, the dark was the day with a sky like her soul.

In all seriousness, her soul wasn't actually dark. She just deemed it easier to pretend she was stone cold so people didn't bother pestering her; it didn't really work in all fairness, she just didn't need to be one to show all of her emotions in a place where only six percent cared, nobody but those she trusted deserved to see her in every human state. They'd only judge and make up a story anyway.

Eventually, Charlie left, much to his reluctance, he hated leaving her alone to walk home but he knew how stubborn Oak could be when it came to things like this so he decided that it was for the best that he just left her, or so he thought.

Her black Dr Martens paced along the cold pavement as her arms wrapped around her upper body to conceal some of the temperatures. The brisk breeze whipped her cheeks making her full body radiate in a shiver, despite the coldness of the night she enjoyed the feeling.

Slowly, a dark midnight car pulled up beside the curb where Oak was walking, she didn't stop because she didn't know if it was because the person lived in the house opposite the path or what. The window of the car rolled down.

"How much?" A deep voice called out making Oak turn around to see a ginger-haired man hanging out of his car window with a smirk on his face.

"For what?" Oak responded in utter confusion. She was in a pair of black baggy jeans and an oversized jacket, what was it he was even insinuating? There was nothing wrong with sex work, people had to do what they had to do to get by but there was nothing about her appearance that suggested she was a lady of the night-that's what she assumed he was talking about, it'd be awkward if she got it wrong though.

Honestly, she couldn't be arsed with it, she was shattered, which was probably the reason she didn't click on to what he was talking about straight away.

"For me to fuck you in the backseat," He smiled devilishly again, pulling out a brown leather wallet from his glove box. His head jolted the the backseats of his black Suzuki Ciaz.

Good God.

"I'm sorry, I'm not a sex worker," She apologised sympathetically. What an assumption to make about someone, sure, it was after three in the morning and she was walking along the path one couldn't blame him for putting two and two together; did she really look like she was up for sex on a street corner?

Was it even legal to do this?

"Then why are you out so late?" His smirk expanded so far that one would think he was the joker, sadly the only thing that was funny was his attempt at flirting or whatever it was he was doing. She hated to judge a book by its cover but he looked like the definition of a sleaze. He was the type of guy you'd meet in Secondary School who'd tell all of his mates or anyone who'd listen that he shagged half of the city and then call the girls sluts, when in fact he was just rude and obnoxious who degraded women.

"I just got out of work," She told the truth she did just get out of work, despite it not being a proper job as such. She worked in a local restaurant in the evenings of Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, sometimes if she was lucky a Sunday too.

"Hmm yeah, baby and where do you work?" He hummed biting his lip, Oak knew that she should've just walked away but people like him wouldn't just leave her to it. God, he looked ridiculous, his tiny top front teeth munching away at his thin bottom lip, was he hungry? If he was, there was a kebab shop not too far down the road.

"With the police," She said, she thought it was the only way to get him off of her back, it was a severe lie but she didn't want to be harassed. She'd much rather go home and sleep than get tailed by some random horny man.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry ma'am. . ." He fumbled on his apology changing his formality instantly and quickly restarted his engine, speeding off down the street, well, at least that worked. Speeding was also a crime but she didn't actually work in the law so really she was relieved. Oak feared that it would've possibly backfired terribly leaving her with an overly titillated guy chasing after her.

——— ••• ———

Silently, Oak's house was buzzing everyone except the blue-haired girl was up and ready for the day. She got back rather late last night and had no intention of doing anything this fine day.

"Seb, go and wake your sister up," Hurriedly Louise stated as she tidied the kitchen. She was a bundle of nerves about this, she knew how David could be and she knew that Oak didn't get on with him but she wanted to do her best at keeping the tranquillity between the family. There's nothing worse than family grudges.

"Why'd I have to, she's a nightmare," Seb complained with a sigh but nevertheless trudged up the carpeted stairs to his sisters room. He asked the question but saw no point in waiting for the answer, his mum was a very adamant woman. It wasn't like Oak to wake up late but judging by the time she got back last night he's not surprised. Seb had come back home to stay for a few days because he knew about the lunch that was happening today and he saw it to be easier to just sleep here rather than do a full blown travel.

Roughly, Seb banged on Oak's bedroom door, which seemingly didn't make her stir awake, she felt so tired from coming home so early this morning that she slept past her alarm. "Oak, wake up!" Seb knocked again with a call, this time the blue-haired girl arose with a stretch and a bang as she fell right off of the edge of her double bed.

Whoever that was she was going to kick them, she was peaceful and was having a cool dream, she had powers and everything until some bastard ruined it.

With a sigh and a rub of the eyes she made her way to her bedroom door to unlock it and see what her older brother wanted, when she opened it she was greeted by Seb stood there in a shirt and smart trousers, she was confused as to why he was dressed like he was going for a meal with Prince Harry and why he was here. "What?" She asked, her eyes still coming to terms with her being awake.

"Hurry up and get dressed we need to leave for quarter past twelve," Seb huffed at her cluelessness, clearly she didn't remember why they were going for lunch. She looked over her shoulder to look at the time to see that it was five to twelve, her eyes almost bulged out of their sockets, this was the latest she had ever woken up and she hated it.

She was still shattered but she didn't have much time to argue back if they were to leave in twenty minutes.

"Alright, get out!" She announced and quickly dashed around her room in hopes to find something to wear. She was internally grateful for the short notice, it was very much appreciated, she just loved to run around like a headless chicken.

"Make sure you look smart!" Seb called to her as he made his way down the stairs, Oak rolled her eyes, why did she have to dress smartly? They weren't going for a meal with Prince Harry, were they?

Oak's overall attire wasn't smart, what could she possibly wear that was smart? The day she wore a dress to a shitty event the day pigs would fly, she was going to dress how she saw fit and if Prince Harry didn't like it he could just get his Grandma to chop her head off.

Nevertheless, Oak scanned rapidly through her wardrobe, which mainly consisted of dark colours. She opted for a smart white shirt and some black and grey checkered trousers with some plain black Chelsea boots that she got for her birthday last year. Hopefully, this was smart enough for whoever they were meeting.

As fast as she could she grabbed her towels and darted straight for the bathroom, she didn't have enough time to wash her hair, it didn't really need washed anyway considering she washed it yesterday but she wanted to wash her body. The hot water spurted out at her soaking her from head to toe almost immediately, she grabbed her coconut scented shower gel and quickly washed herself.

"Is she seriously having a shower?" Louise asked frustrated as she heard the water running from upstairs. Sebastian had specified what time they needed to go by, she'd heard him so why the hell was she getting a sodding shower?

"Mum, does she even know what this lunch is?" Tom asked slowly because he knew how Oak felt about their dad and what he stood for, he wasn't a great man in terms of certain beliefs but he didn't properly understand why they clashed so much.

"No, she doesn't and let's keep it that way until we get there because she won't come otherwise and we can't have her showing us up," Their mum sighed again, she was rather stressed out about this whole meal thing because of previous problems. She was civil with him and was happy that he was able to move on so swiftly after their divorce. She didn't mean to say that Oak would show them up, she just knows they have some underlying disagreements and she doesn't want Kathrine to think poorly of her because Oak's a great girl.

"When she finds out she's gonna flip," Seb responded factually, he understood why Oak felt the way she did about their dad but he hoped for the sake of peace that she maintained any grudges she held.

"Well, we'll deal with those consequences when we reach them," Louise smiled sarcastically at her eldest son. Honestly, she kind of found it pathetic how even the mere mention of David's name made her daughters toes curl in annoyance, he was a dick but he wasn't that bad.

Just in the nick of time, Oak's footsteps ran down the stairs to be greeted by all three of the people in the house. They looked at her, her hair done in a neat bun with small strands of hair falling down her face, she looked nice, her mum thought at least she managed to find something quick enough and appropriate for the place they were going.

"Where are we going?" Oak asked inquisitively as they all looked sketchy and were acting in as they climbed into their mums space grey Range Rover. Had they killed someone? Were they secretly part of some gang and were now finally including her into the business? Jesus, she hopes not, she could barely kill a fly let alone a sodding human being.

"For lunch," Her mum replied briefly. They were definitely in a gang. Holy shit. What was she going to do?

"Okay. . . But why?" Oak couldn't help how sceptic she was being, no one had mentioned a lunch beforehand. This whole thing was dodgy as fuck and it was scaring her quite a bit.

"We're meeting your dad and his new family," Her mum smiled a half smile, Oak's full demeanour changed at the mention of that vile specimen. Honestly, she'd rather they were in a gang, it'd be much easier for her to deal with than that piece of shit.

"Are you serious?" She chuckled sarcastically. She could barely believe it, after everything he did to this family, after everything he didn't do for this family and they were going to frigging lunch with him. Fury raged every inch of her, why would they make her go when they knew how she felt? When they knew how he felt, he hated her.

"You don't have to speak to him," Louise countered, she understood why her daughter felt the way she did, he said some very questionable things in the past but there was no need to bring drama to the light.

"I had no intention to anyway," Oak sighed softly, she wasn't doing it for him, she was doing it for her mum and brothers because they were the ones who mattered to her.

Within minutes the four arrived at an overly priced Italian restaurant in the middle of town where only the people who had a large wage could go, why were they going?

Ah, classic David Rivers. He never went a day without announcing how wealthy he was and how many fifty pound notes he had in his back pocket--he was a wanker, not because of the money but because of what he did because of how he treated other behind closed doors.

Oak took a deep breath as she saw the devil reincarnation standing at the presence of his ex family. The tall slightly-greying man wrapped each person in a hug except from when he met his daughters ocean eyes.

"Oak," He smiled happily at the sight of his only daughter. Of course, it wasn't a real smile, that man could be an actor.

"Dad." She started coldly back but with a happy expression too, she dodged his hug and instead placed her ring-cladded hand out for him to shake.She could be an actor too if she wanted, she was good at hiding everything. He smiled with a light chuckle then resumed to sit back in his seat.

wrote; monday 20th january 2020

(partially) edited; wednesday 22nd july 2020

published; wednesday 22nd july 2020

A U T H O R 'S :

i swear i'm not gonna do a note every chapter BUT are any of you directioners?

how are you feeling, no, really?

also what's your favourite song right now?

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