the new year

By seashoredrift

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Two people meet. One with a job that's not so ordinary, the other with a name that's not so ordinary. He is n... More



49 21 19
By seashoredrift

F I V E :


Liked by harrisonstiles, joeseph.marrow and 421 others

oak_rivers playing the blues of kings, sure looks better now.

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harrisonstiles The Clash listener = legend
oak_rivers haha, someone with taste!
joeseph.marrow Death or glory, just another story
oak_rivers death or glory, just another story. yes lad haha
harper_daviesnok1 You're so pretty!
oak_rivers nawh stapp it

Harrison closed the Instagram app and stared out of his window, overlooking the foggy skies as he was yet again on his way to New York. He saw the picture of the blue-haired girl and longed for another conversation like he did with her. He wishes he could stay in contact with her and her band because he thoroughly enjoyed their music; they stood up for what they believed and weren't afraid to use their platform to do so.

"What's wrong with you, you've had a face like a smacked arse since we boarded?" Eoin's thick accent spoke to Harrison, the brunette turned to him and sighed.

"Nothing, I'm just tired." He said flatly, it was moderately the truth, he was tired, he'd been awake since three in the morning.

"I don't believe you fella. I've known you what? Six years, this isn't your tired attitude," Eoin said sternly, he worried for his client, he was such a down to earth guy, who would do anything for anyone, he hated seeing him upset.

"I just wish I didn't have to go back to work so soon, you know? I love it, but I miss my family and friends too much," He said to the blonde-haired man to his right in a jokey tone, although he was being exceptionally serious. His sister, Isabelle was seventeen and despite her being younger she was very overprotective of him; if she saw any hate being thrown his way in the media she'd have the final say.

"I understand kid, I miss my kids too but the quicker we get it done, the quicker it's over. . ." Eoin said sympathy lacing his tone, ever since he's known Harrison he's always been a very family orientated person so he understood completely how hard it was for him to be away from them for such extended periods.

"I know," Harrison responded slowly and looked back out of the window.

"Look on the bright side, by mid-March the filming will be done, probably even before that and then you have a full four months without the sodding cameras," Eoin told the truth then joked lightheartedly making Harrison smile a little. 

Don't be a wanker.

What've I done?

Getting upset

I haven't been getting upset

Harri, I've known you all my life, I know what you're like

It's not my fault

We're all gonna miss you so much and you know that but it's your life and I fucking know how much you love your job, don't let your cloudy eyes ruin your mood, you big baby.

Here's me thinking you were gonna be nice for once

As if, you're a bellend


I need to get back to class, lots of love and see you soon

Lol bye, don't be cheeky to them!

——— ••• ———

"We're so delighted to announce that our special guest is. . ."Summer paused trying to make the entrance of the celebrity dramatic. "Harrison Stiles!" She announced her words louder earning claps and cheers from the crowd as the tall brunette man stepped through the doors and made his way over to the sofa. Swiftly, Summer wrapped the man in her arms and pecked him on the cheek, smiled then sat down on the seat opposite him.

He hated to say it, but he was dreading this interview. Summer was a sweet lady she just didn't know how to keep her nose out of private lives, sure it was her job but everyone, no matter of status deserves a degree of privacy.

"Give it up for Harrison everyone!" She called and the audience cheered, Harrison smiled at the crowd and thanked them. "So, as we all know you've been back home in England for Christmas, did you have a good time?" She asked, starting off the interview with an easy question. Summer Wills was very well known for her questions that made every single celebrity crumble, which ultimately made her one of the most detested people in America.

"I did thank you. It was a lovely few weeks, how was your Christmas?" Harrison replied politely, earning some heart eyes from the audience. It wasn't uncommon for people to observe him in awe. He was the definition of tall dark and handsome.

"My Christmas was okay, didn't really do much. Anyway, back to you, you beautiful man," She let out a little giggle. Harrison would be lying if he said he didn't feel slightly uncomfortable but he had to suck it up. "So, you're back in the States to film the new season of self-indulgence, is that right?"

"I am, yes,"

"Have you got any tea for us this early?" She asked hopefully. Smirking as slyly as she could at the crowd, she had her way a lot of the time by acquiring the information she wasn't supposed to, good thing he was thoroughly media trained.

"Unfortunately, I don't. Er. . . I'm not even one-hundred-per-cent sure about what's next for the cast, I guess we'll all have to wait and see." He smiled gently, telling the truth, he'd read the script multiple times to fully try and capture the moods of Cameron this series but he was still pretty clueless.

"Okay. . . So, we also know that on New Year's Eve you went to an event and we're all dying to know if you hooked up with anyone that night," She winked seductively at the man in front of her, moving on as fast as she could, he really wished she didn't ask questions like this but it was part of the job.

"Haha," he let out a forced laugh that could be passed as a real one."I didn't take anyone home, no," he said as respectfully as he could despite the question being slightly inappropriate.

"Oh come on, your secrets safe with me," She winked again making Harrison uncomfortably chuckle.

"I'm being serious, I just brought in the new year with some friends," He smiled fondly at the memory of the New Year's Eve party he was at only weeks ago.

"Earlier on today there were a few tweets about you liking and commenting on this post by a girl named Oak Rivers and fans are desperate to know who she is," Summer smiled mischievously, trying her best to capture him up but there was nothing to tell other than the whole truth. "You commented, and I quote, the clash listener equals legend and. . . She replied with haha someone with taste. . ." She paused and looked at the man, hoping to get some gossip before anyone else did.

"Oak, oh, she's a member of one of my favourite bands The Blue, I met them at the New Year's party," Harrison smiled genuinely, he hated New Year's Eve but him spending time with The Blue and friends made it one of the most bearable ones.

"But you didn't hook up with her?"

"No, we're just friends I suppose, we've only met once," Harrison said candidly with a light shrug. What was her obsession with him 'hooking up' with someone, even if he had, which he hadn't, it was none of her sodding business.

"Okay. . . We believe you," She said unconvincingly with another wink. Summer just wanted to know what he got up to, she got rewarded more if she got the juice out of celebrities. "When does filming start for the next series?" She went back to talking about the show because it was apparent to her that she wasn't getting anywhere talking about his sex life.

"Erm. . . I'm pretty sure it starts precisely a week from now, but I could be wrong," Harrison shrugged lightly, he never really knew much coming up to the build-up of shooting, partly because the director liked naturalness.

"Sadly we've run out of time, thank you so much, Harrison, for coming on the show tonight, we all can't wait to see what's next for Cameron and friends!" Summer gushed whilst placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you for having me," Harrison said in return and the show went on a break, which was his cue to leave. He gave Summer a hug and said goodbye politely before he had to quickly leave.

His security guards, Christian, a massive well-built man who was six foot five and had musicales the width of cranes and Jaxon, who was as equally as muscly and well-built, guided the brunette man through the crowd that had formed outside.

"Oh my god, Harrison I love you so much!" One girl gushed at the sheer sight of the 'Greek God'.

"Love you too," he said back willingly with a smile, the girl's eyes bulged out of her head and she almost fainted, she's waited so long to meet him.

"Please can I get a photo?" She asked sweetly as Harrison was getting pulled through the crowd as swiftly as possible.

"Let me drive out, so there's more space for us all and I'll get some pictures with you all!" He announced to the group who were waiting for him since the show started, he would've usually stayed until the show had officially ended but there was apparently something that needed to be done. The girls squealed excitedly and stepped back, allowing him to get past and into his car. He would never pass up on an opportunity to meet people who support him because it was always so bittersweet, sure, he sometimes felt anxious by being surrounded by so many people but it was because of them that he is where he is.

Steadily, the car drove down out of the studios back entrance to a space that was more open, giving all the people someplace to breathe.

"Make sure you step back a bit!" Christian called out of the window and the people all complied happily, as long as they got to meet him, that's all that would make their day. The muscly man stepped out of the car and went around to the other side to open the door for Harrison. He could've done it himself, he performs his own stunts so opening the door was nothing, but he was told it was for 'health and safety'.

"To make this easier for Harrison, all form a line," Christian smiled at the group of people who were waiting. He loved working for Harrison because he was like a friend to him, he was so kind and down to earth that it was hard not to like the guy.

Jaxon walked Harrison over to the group of people who were queued up and they all cheered happily. They were in awe by his beauty. He looked perfect on-screen but he looked even better in person.

At the front of the line was a little girl with her big brother or so it looked like, she was, shook by who, was in front of her. Her brother walked her up to the man, and she wrapped her arms around his legs, she only appeared to be seven or eight, Harrison bent down and engulfed her in a proper hug.

"Hi," he said sweetly as her brother took photos of the hug.

"My sister loves you so much, but she couldn't make it," The little girl frowned, she was too young to watch the show but she was here mainly to tell her sister who she met.

"Have you got a phone to record a message, I'll say something for her if you want? Harrison smiled kindly.

"Would you?" The brother asked, he knew how much his sister adored self-indulgence.

"Of course," He smiled once more. "What's her name?" He asked.

"Leah," the little girl replied, the brother pulled out his phone then stuck his thumb up for him to go.

"Hi Leah, Harrison here, I hope you're having a great day, I just wanted to say thank you for loving the show so far, I hope you enjoy the next series, lots of love," he spoke sweetly whilst he held the little girl in his arms he blew a kiss at the camera and then it ended. Quickly, the brother thanked the actor and took his sister away to allow other people to get their share of photos. 

wrote; saturday 18th january 2020

edited; sunday 5th july 2020


A U T H O R S :

hello, hi if anybody's there. i hope you're enjoying this book so far, I wanted to thank you all for reading so far, I really do appreciate it. this is a long-ass book though so if you choose to go partway through, I understand. 

i hadn't intended on it being this bloody long but I'm writing chapter sodding 77--don't know how that happened and I don't know how I had the attention span for that long.

nevertheless, have a fantastic day/night

lots off love,

-seashoredrift x 

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