Rare Breed (Completed)

By cemetarywoman

104K 5.9K 832

Jungkook knew the minute his mate was born he could feel it in his heart, after two hundred years of waiting... More

A little info before we begin
Chapter 2: Frenzy
Chapter 3: The Past
Chapter 4: Alpha
Chapter 5: I'm what!!!!
Chapter 6: Arden
Chapter 8: The Middle of Nowhere
Chapter 9: The Pack
Chapter 10: Trust Know One
Chapter 11: Holding On
Chapter 12: All Alone
Chapter 13: The Plot Thickens
Chapter 14: Aaron
Chapter 15: Temptation
Chapter 16: Protector
Chapter 17: Full Moon
Chapter 18: War
👄Chapter19: Pleasure
👄Chapter 20: Mate

Chapter7: Handsome Stranger

4.9K 308 34
By cemetarywoman

  Jimin snatched the thirty-day notice off his door with tears in his eyes for a week he had almost forgotten how pathetic his life really was. The coffee shop paid decently, but he was robbed one night on his way home from work he had just cashed his check that morning they stole every penny he had he had no food but the baked goods from the bakery and couldn't pay rent, he tried to explain to his landlord but she had no sympathy for his plight she gave him a week to come up with the money. He had tried to find another job and even take out a small loan but came up short on both.

  When his heat had finally ended, he checked his phone only to discover a voicemail from his boss telling him he was fired for not coming into work. The thought of ending it all crossed his mind he was so tired of all the pain and humiliation that his life had brought him but Arden made his presence known "  Jimin, I understand your pain but death is never the answer if you die so do I and I have no desire to perish my only desire is to find our mate once we find them we will be happy so please think of them, our mate will take care of us just be strong  for a little longer" 

  Jimin unlocked the door and opened it and walked inside the barren apartment he owned no furniture he couldn't afford any and even if he did, he had no friends to help him move it. The weathered pale emerald carpet muffled his steps as he walked to the bundle on blankets in the corner. This is his bed, there is no bedroom just one large room and a tiny bathroom with a sink, shower, and toilet. A small counter stuck out from the far wall this is the kitchen it held a small fridge and stove both a hideous yellowish beige color a small patch of linoleum in almost the same color covered the small space.

  Jimin climbed under his blankets he simply wanted to sleep, his phone rang making him scramble to find it in his tangle of covers, finally he located it and saw on the screen Namjoon's name:

JM: hello

NJ: hey, so I called my old pack leader and told him your situation he is willing to take you in the pack and teach you our ways if you are willing to go

JM: I was fired from my job and have to be out of my apartment by tomorrow so I might as well go at least I will have a place to stay for a while

NJ: Jimin I will not let you be homeless so don't worry about that if anything you can stay at my apartment and I will stay with Jin, Jin is my true mate, and I finally claimed him so I won't be attracted to your scent any longer your heat may make me horny but I'm not going to attack you

JM: I'm happy you found your mate, I knew there was something between you I could sense it. He's human is that weird for your kind?

NJ: our kind Jimin, remember your a shifter too and no it's not odd it does happen. Alphas are very strong so I have to be careful with him during our mating but other than that there is no issue

JM: While I'm with your old pack I will keep my eye out for a job maybe I can find something in the area and save up some money while I'm there so then I will only have to stay at your apartment for a short time till I have enough saved up to get another place and find another job

NJ: Jimin, stay as long as you like actually I own the apartment building so once you get a job you can stay there for free I have a few people that have given notice so you can choose what you want

JM: I refuse to stay for free but I won't refuse a break on the rent

NJ: fine a hundred dollars a month

Jimin wanted to refuse but common sense told him to accept

JM: ok I can do that, so when do we leave?

NJ: tomorrow eight am so get some rest

they disconnected, Jimin made another call and ask Jin if he could store his meager belonging at his place. Jin showed up an hour later with a few boxes looking around his empty apartment Jin demanded that he come home with him " Jimin, I refused to let you sleep on the cold hard floor one more night when I have a perfectly good bed you can sleep in" Jimin being too exhausted to argue neatly folded his bedding and placed them in a box along with his cookware and dishes " I guess that's it" everything else is packed in a duffel bag that he is taking with him on the trip.

  Jin carried the boxes downstairs while Jimin carried his duffel bag he dropped his key off at the front desk and said goodbye to his home for the last two years. He held his tears back he didn't want to breakdown now he blinked his eyes rapidly not realizing until he slammed into someone that someone is standing in front of him, he falls hard landing on his back hitting his head pretty hard on the linoleum floor " I'm sorry, are you hurt?" Jimin vision is slightly blurry as his vision clears he sees a dark Angel hovering above him. His skin is as pale as snow, eyes as black as the very night itself, shoulder-length coal-black hair frame his small face, he reaches out a hand Jimin can't help but notice how pretty his hands are, long slim fingers hands that were made to play the piano.

  Jimin gripped the hand and is jerked to his feet the man's hands are ice cold, the man only stands and an inch or two above him, how is he so small but strong? Jimin realized the man had an odd smell like the air after a heavy rain Jimin found it pleasant one of his favorite scents was the air after heavy rain " you smell nice"  Jimin says with a smile, the man is taken aback shifters hate their scent and usually to them they smelled like a strong musk that burned their noses, but this one smelled like a field of roses. He knew just from his beauty that he was an Omega, never once in his thousand years on this Earth had he ever felt an attraction to a shifter but the beauty before him made him weak. Jimin gasped and jumped away from the man as his eyes turned white with quick reflexes he grabbed the Omega around his wrist " I'm sorry there is no need to be scared you beautiful and my body is reacting to your presence" Jimin blushes " are you a shifter?" he whispers.

  The man laughs " little Omega you have made me curious how you have no idea what I am, are you alone? Jimin shook his head " my friend is waiting outside for me, look I just found out I'm an Omega I don't know much about shifters so if you're not one what are you?" he studied the Omega he looked young but old enough to have shifted so why is he just finding out what he is? How is that even possible? " I am your sworn enemy a Vampire" tilting his head back to show his dainty fangs. Jimin is fascinated" your fangs are so small how do you bite people?" he chuckled " Omega never insult a Vampires fangs it's like telling them they have a small dick, my fangs are hidden right now but they lengthen when I feed or grow aroused also my eyes turn white" he whipped his head around as he heard the door open and footsteps heading their way. He pulled out his wallet and handed the Omega his card " I'm sure you have many questions running through your head call me tonight and I will answer all of them" Jimin is giddy with excitement he turns his head spotting Jin walking his way " thank...." he frowns glancing around he's gone he glances down at the card in his hand Yoongi Min owner and operator of the Min Art Museum Jimin gasps the Min Art Museum owns some of the rarest art in the world maybe Yoongi would give him a private tour he had always wanted to visit " Jimin I have been waiting forever did you get lost?" Jimin laughed " Jin, you are never going to guess what happened"

  In the car Jimin told Jin everything, Jin almost hit a car " you met a friendly Vampire? Jimin shifters and Vampires are enemies this makes no sense, I will ask Namjoon when we get home" thirty minutes later they are pulling up to Jin's house " he was really handsome" Jin shook his head " no, just no, he is your enemy" Jimin sighed and walked in the house.

  Namjoon shook his head " why is your scent different? You smell like roses and vanilla did you shift" Jimin nodded " it must be your wolf scent combined with yours it smells really nice"  Jin cleared his throat " excuse me are you flirting with him?" Namjoon eyes widened " of course not I was just complimenting him Omegas like to be complimented and tend to be vain so I was feeding his ego to keep him happy" Jimin laughed " I am not vain in the least I am aware of how homely I am, my hair is dry and brittle from poor nutrition and I'm too skinny I look like a skeleton I did gain a few pounds while I stayed here but I doubt anyone can tell" Jin walked over to him " Jimin, none of that is true well you are very thin but regular meals will help with that, you are exquisite Namjoon can attest to that even though he had found his mate he couldn't stay away from you" Namjoon cheeks flushed " all Omegas are beautiful but you are by far the prettiest I have ever seen, you don't hold a candle to my Jin but you are very pretty" Jin preened under the compliment earning Namjoon a kiss.

  Jimin rolled his eyes as the love birds got lost in each other, he headed upstairs to the room he had used before it still smelled strongly of lemon oil. He opened the window to air out the room " what did you think of the Vampire?" Jimin asks Arden " his scent was comforting and I felt no ill will towards us though I believe he wishes to mate with you"Jimin blushed "he was so handsome my goodness I thought I was going to faint the way he was looking at me" Arden chuckled " he is not our mate"Jimin sighed taking off his clothes and crawling into bed "  tell me more about our mate"  " he will be big and handsome and strong, he will protect us from harm, he will have eyes only for us and think we are the most beautiful and precious gift he has ever received. He will love us unconditionally, he will live only to make us happy, every night we will fall asleep in his strong arms and wake every morning to his kisses"a tear slid down Jimin's cheek as he listened to Arden tell a fairytale and that is all it would ever be because happiness is not something he would ever achieve in this lifetime. 

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