

4.6K 978 806

After a terrible accident, Everly swore to never use her magic again. Buried and rejected for six years, her... Mehr

🌟🌜🌟Book Covers🌟🌜🌟
Diary Entry 1
Everly:CH1: The Beginning Part 1
Everly:CH1: The Beginning Part 2
Bastian:CH2: Imminent Part 1
Bastian:CH2: Imminent Part 2
Mara:CH3: Defiant
Everly:CH4: Haunted Part 1
Everly:CH5: Delusional Part 1
Everly:CH5: Delusional Part 2
Mara:CH6: Plan B
Everly:CH7: Round Two Part 1
Everly:CH7: Round Two Part 2
Bastian:CH8: Denial Part 1
Bastian:CH8: Denial Part 2
Mara:CH9: Take Two
Everly:CH10: Near-Death Part 1
Everly:CH10: Near-Death Part 2
Bastian:CH11: Biggest Mistake Part 1
Bastian:CH11: Biggest Mistake Part 2
Mara:CH12: Polly's Night
Everly:CH13: Fiendly Occurrence Part 1
Everly:CH13: Fiendly Occurrence Part 2
Bastian:CH 14: My Favourite Perfume Part 1
Bastian:CH 14: My Favourite Perfume Part 2
🌟🌜🌟Commission Covers🌟🌜🌟
Mara: CH15: Mordecai
Everly: CH16: Betrayed Part 1
Everly: CH16: Betrayed Part 2
Bastian:CH17: Celebration Part 1
Bastian: CH17: Celebration Part 2
Mara:CH18: Tested
🌟🌜🌟Author's Note🌟🌜🌟
Everly:CH19: Surrendering Part 1
Everly:CH19: Surrendering Part 2
Mara:CH20: The End
Everly:CH21: We Have a Problem

Everly:CH4: Haunted Part 2

99 27 24

Knock, knock . . . knock. 

"Hi, Everly," the constable steps into the room.

She's dressed in blue steel armor. The pieces are thin and lightweight yet full coverage and cover her light brown feathered body which looks more like fur because of how fine and soft the feathers are. Constable Reed is engraved onto the badge which sits against her chest. She's a wind elemental and comes from a prestigious lineage that physically mutated and evolved over many generations.

Constable Reed's dark brown wings are connected under her arms, she has human facial features, vibrant caramel hair- the braids reaching her waist, and human hands with fingers. Standing at six feet tall human legs meet with taloned feet.

"I'll be back," Doc says before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

"I know what you're going to ask but I didn't see who attacked me," I lie. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the disapproval all over Polly's light creamy face. It's his word against mine and I know he will have his housemaids lie for him, probably make up some shit about me crushing on him, Wesley rejecting me, and me "lying" in retaliation. He's a predictable man.

Constable Reed writes on her notepad, "Where were you attacked?"

"On the street."

Another lie.

"Do you remember who hit you? Or notice anybody following you?" she asks.

I shake my head, "No, he or she was completely covered up including their face."

"Why were you out in the storm?"

I shrug, "I didn't know the lightning was being erratic. I thought I'd be fine to make a quick trip to the market."

I should be concerned about how sincere I sound.

"Assault and possible robbery in broad daylight," she shakes her head and continues writing notes.

"Sorry I can't give you more."

"It's fine, thank you for your time, Everly," Constable Reed replies before leaving me and Polly alone.

My head is spinning so fast I feel nauseated. So much for my miracle cure. I was meant to go into my 30's leaving my self-sabotage and frozen heart behind me, but now I have to wait all over again.

"Why the heck would you lie for that bastard Eve!" Polly is on her feet.

"It's me versus him, Polly. I don't stand a chance."

"You have to at least try," Polly is pacing back and forth the few steps. Her hand rubbing her forehead.

"He has his housemaids he can bribe, one versus four, and that's if it even gets that far. Everyone has a price, and Constable Reed might already be Wesley's bitch."

"I hate this," her nostrils are flaring dramatically, hands clenched into fists by her sides.

Tell me about it.

Another knock sounds, the doctor is back already. Can't I get just a few minutes to breathe? The door opens to the last person I expect to see, ever again.

Are you fucking serious?

Wesley closes the door behind him. I grab onto Polly's hand and yank her back before she gets herself charged with assault. If anyone's going to do that, it's me.

"Please just listen. My mother, before you came along she refused to get out of bed, she was so much worse. She needs you. I'm sorry, I know I fucked up, it was the anniversary of Vernah's death. I know it's no excuse but I can give you more money, you know I'm good for it please," Wesley's word explodes from his mouth quickly.

The rage in me resurfaces. If it wasn't for Wesley, I wouldn't have been out in the rain. He's the reason I'm here, the reason I don't get my session with Dr. Kelly. He's the reason I'm probably never going to be able to open up my heart to Polly as she deserves. I free my hand from Polly's. Heat, and energy spikes within me. The magic reaching my fingertips, I see the glow in both my palms and before I can decide what I'm doing next, I direct the light and energy at Wesley.


He's thrown through the door and against the hallway wall, a large dent left behind as he slumps to the ground. The energy keeps building, the heat getting more intense. I don't know how to stop it. Come on just stop, uhh power off, umm magic stop. Light down.


"Get out of here Polly!" I yell.

"I'm not leaving you," Polly is standing too close for comfort while doc is standing in the doorway.

"I have a sedative, everything is going to be okay," he takes small steps towards me with a needle in hand.

"Stop, get away from her."

It sounds like . . . but it can't be. My eyes watch Doc being shoved back into the hallway, Aiden taking his place- the man from my dreams. I feel a laugh bubbling in my chest, but I manage to force it down. It just keeps getting more ridiculous and crazy. I feel like I am losing my mind, my sanity.

I can't do this. I squeeze my eyes tightly shut. I just need everything to stop, just for a minute so I can figure it out. This is all too much. Did the lightning fry my brain? Is any of this real? Am I just dreaming?

"Focus Everly," his voice guides me.

"You're not real. None of this is. I don't even know your name."

A hand grasps mine and he grunts quietly. His hand feels real against mine, but it's always been that way in my dreams. His touch, his scent, his lips on mine, all of it feeling so surreal, I wake up feeling slightly disappointed he's not by my side.

"I'm real Evelyn, I'm Bastian, now open your eyes," he demands.

"Eve, listen to him please," Polly begs.

Opening my eyes, I see him sitting in front of me on the edge of the bed. Polly is standing in the doorway being held back by a woman with rich brown hair.

I don't want to hurt Polly if this is real.

"I can explain later, right now you need to calm down, do you think you can do that?" he asks.

After the last ten minutes I've had, I don't know if that's possible, "I'm hurting you."

"I've had worse," he says behind gritted teeth.

"You need to get the shot from Doc, I can't stop it."

"That won't help, but I can."

His blue eye and red eye stare into mine as black smokey tendrils reach out from within him. They attach themselves to my head, and I can feel them reaching inside.

"What are you doing?"

"You're overwhelmed, your anger and desperation are controlling you. I'm just going to calm those raging emotions."

I'm still not convinced this isn't another dream, but I don't fight against it, against him. Part of me hopes he is real because I don't know that I can do this without him.

As if water is being poured over the fire raging inside me, the intense emotions begin to lessen. The hopelessness eases first until it's just its usual constant but dull hum. Anger is next, and it follows suit until I feel in control again, well as much control as usual anyway. My hands are back to normal, the energy, warmth, and glow gone.

"I don't understand what is happening, you're here, you're really here?"

The doubt is clear in my voice.

"Your magic reached out to mine, it's why we had the dreams, it was just magical interference butting in where it's not wanted," he moves his hand away from mine, his words cold.

Ouch. That stung.

Polly rushes into the room and wraps her arms around me. I hate scaring her, making her worry and now I've done it twice in less than 24 hours. I'm on a roll.

"I'm sorry Polly," I apologise as Bastian stands to his feet and joins the other woman's side. They're a magnificent pair. Her creamy complexion is practically glowing, her dark brown locks shining like her bright beautiful eyes. I can't measure up to that, not that I want to. I've got Polly.

"Don't be, that's less than he deserves, like I said before we'll figure this out together," she grabs hold of my hand.

That's not a good idea. I couldn't stop myself. I'm not safe to be around. I'm a ticking time bomb like in the dream. I really am a danger to everyone, unless I figure this thing out and gain control. It seems impossible at this point, but I have to try. There's no other choice.

"I don't want to hurt you, Polly."

"You won't."

If only I had the faith in me that she does. There would be no way that I could fail.

"We'll give you two some time," the lady says before she leaves the room and Bastian follows her out, shutting the door with a body shaped hole. Either Wesley got up and shook it off or doc got the asshole a bed.


Hours pass when Lunch is delivered but eating is the last thing I want to do, my stomach is still tied in knots. It's hard to believe, all of it; that I'm a light caster, the fact that I nearly died, and Bastian. The man who I thought was one hundred percent fiction conjured by my mind because of all the writing I've done lately for my novel.

I've never felt so flat or drained before. Lying in each other's arms dozing on and off is how we spent the rest of the morning. I don't want to get up.

"Nature calls," I groan, muscles aching with every movement I make. I need a walking cane.

Polly close to sleep again mumbles before I carefully maneuver myself out of her grip. I don't want to wake her. Knowing Polly she probably got all of five minutes sleep overnight while I was unconscious.

Thankfully there's a bathroom just next door. After emptying my bladder I'm caught staring in the mirror. It's as if a stranger is looking back at me. I don't recognise my eyes anymore even though the change isn't drastic, it feels like everything about me has changed overnight, and I don't know who I am anymore.

Despite the stern look on my face, my reflection is smirking. That's not right. Hands shoot out through the glass and wrap around my throat before pulling me towards it until my face is flat against the cold glass.

Terror has me frozen on the spot. This can't be really happening. I'm still asleep. The hands throw me backward, and I land on my ass, scurrying on my elbows is all I can do as I watch the naked bloody woman contort her body through the mirror.

I'm officially insane.

Her grin turns into a sinister smile before she closes the small distance between us. Dropping to my level she crawls over my useless, practically hyperventilating body. I thought I'd seen the last of this impersonator. Closing my eyes I silently pray to wake up or to stop hallucinating. Whatever the heck is happening right now.

I've had enough. I tap out, bow out, whatever fits this scenario. I can't live this horror show anymore. After this, I don't think I'll be reading horror anymore. I'm going to open my eyes and she will be gone. Dismay and disappointment mingle with the fear that shoots through me when green eyes that match mine hover in front of my face. When is this fucking delusion going to end?

"Never," a bloody hand runs down the side of my face.

"How did you-"

"Know what you were thinking? I know everything, my dear Evie."

She climbs onto my lap, sniffing at my neck. All I can think about is being on that gurney, my insides hanging out my body, being squished underneath her knees. The overwhelming iron tang is so fresh in my mind I can taste it on the back of my tongue.

She sighs happily, "Your fear is intoxicating."

Trying to move is a waste of time and energy. She has me stuck, exactly where she wants me. Playing with me as if I'm a butterfly and she is tearing off one wing at a time.

"What do-"

"I want you to suffer, my dear," she interrupts before I get the chance to finish asking my question. It shouldn't be surprising that she is in my head considering we're identical, but it's eerie and unsettling.

"Why? What did I-"

Tugging on my hair, ripping many strands out at the root she brings her face closer to mine, "You've made my life utterly miserable. Suffocated, drowning, crushing my soul day by day, I want you to know exactly how that feels."

One of her hands plunges through my chest as if it's putty, while the other wraps around my throat, again. The immediate pain is intense, like being winded but indescribably so much worse. Her hand crushing my throat is making it hard to scream. Is this what a heart attack feels like?

Yanking out my bloody heart, I watch it still beating in her hands. She's tossing it up in the air and catching it like my heart is a small ball. Yet her grip around my throat doesn't relent. This is the end. 


Author's Note: What did you think of Eve and Bas' first meeting in the waking world? What do you think is happening to Eve in the bathroom? 


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